Home Uncategorized U.S. : New Year 2011 Brings Benefits Of Obama Affordable Care Act

U.S. : New Year 2011 Brings Benefits Of Obama Affordable Care Act

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The year 2011 is upon us and with the new year now here, health care is set to change thanks to President Obama and his Affordable Health Care Act.

The Affordable Health Care Act was signed back on March 23, 2010, and within it there were yearly changes put in place which would alter health care and how it is administered in the years to come.

Now that the year 2011 is here, some of these benefits and changes are kicking into gear.

The first phase of the Affordable Care Act was set to be activated come January 1, 2011, and indeed it did.

There are going to be changes to medical insurance plans, insurance benefits, etc.

The first and biggest change is the fact that parents can now keep their adult children on their health insurance until the age of 26.

Previously, once kids turned 19 or graduated college, they would be dumped from their parents health insurance plan.

This is a big change that should help more kids remain protected under health insurance for quite some time.

Many kids who get into their 20′s still do not have jobs and thus cannot afford their own health insurance. They live without any, putting them at risk of problems later down the road.

The other change is that all health care insurance plans must cover kids under the age of 19, no matter what pre-existing conditions exist. This should greatly help kids who are ill and have parents who are worried they will not be picked up on their health insurance plan.

These changes and more are going a long way to showcase the benefits of the Affordable Care Act.

Source : Smart About Health

