What happens when you happen to drop your cell phone into a trough of water? This incident would mean the end of the road for many cell phone owners but not those who might have been smart or lucky enough to have taken a cell phone insurance cover from go-tronics.
Even most full time cell phone repairers dread the thought of repairing water damaged cell phone due to the difficulty of the task. To the cell phone owner, there is always more to the cell phone than just the value of the cell phone at the time of purchase. For starters, too much information may be stored in the apparently dead cell phone and retrieving the data could be the most worrying task for the client depending on the importance of the data. Getting a cell phone insurance cover that can help you recover such data even when the cell phone has been water damaged is the most brilliant idea to any water damaged cell phone owner.
The importance of data cannot by any standards be underestimated and most cell phone insurance companies do not include data recovery in their cell phone insurance packages. For a person who has been transacting some business with a cell phone for some time, in many cases, the cell phone acts as a diary as well as mail and information bank from where you have the latest contact list in addition to shortcuts and names of frequently contacted people. Loosing the information simply for the reason that the cell phone insurance company that covers your cell phone does not include the data recovery in their cell phone insurance cover would be a major blow and such misgivings must be avoided at all costs.
The cell phone insurance cover from go-tronics includes the water damaged phones as well as the data recovery giving any cell phone insurance the confidence that your contacts and latest details stored in the cell phone will not disappear and leave you making frantic efforts to retrace your contacts and their latest transactions. This important move could save the cell phone insurance cover holder from go-tronics a lot of trouble that other cell phone insurance cover holders from other companies will have to go through after loosing their cell phone to water damage.
The cost that you could incur trying to recover the lost data manually by either contacting the sources from where you got it or reconstructing them incase they are documents not to mention pictures and videos that may have been captured at some specific occasions cannot be estimated. In reality, some of the data cannot be retraced unless by recovering the data from the damaged phone. It is very much advisable to get a cell phone insurance cover that will include the data recovery even if it means an extra cost in premiums.