You can locate plenty of clientele contacting them by telephone. Telemarketing insurance leads can provide a source of reliable and profitable business. You can spend the time to make calls on a regular basis and you can also find a telemarketing company to help you reach your goals.
Hiring a Telemarketing Firm
You can hire a telemarketing firm that specializes in securing qualified life insurance leads. They have the expertise on how to reach your potential clients and the staff to take the time making the calls. They have access to various types of lists and can create a list based on the criteria you’re looking for, such as new homeowners or those who have refinanced their homes in the past few months.
While they are working on connecting with potential clients for your business, you can spend more time making personal contacts, writing policies and following up with your existing clients. The firm you hire can also set appointments for you, and all you’ll have to do is show up at the locations of your potential clients.
Outbound Calls
Utilizing a professional telemarketing firm to make your calls for you will save you time as they can reach out to several people at once. Your telemarketing campaign can be conducted by a team of callers as opposed to you calling on only one person at a time.
Not only can they make multiple calls during the day, they can pre-qualify the telemarketing leads for you. You will only get the names of the people who are in the market to purchase insurance, and they can gather all pertinent information from them so you know ahead of time what their needs are. Because you’ll know what products would fit their circumstances, you can have an illustration already prepared when you arrive at the appointment.
Inbound Calls
Your telemarketing company can prepare a direct mail appeal that will grab prospects’ attention and make them want to call for more information. Obviously, if they mail out to hundreds of people at a time you will need to be available to take calls as they come in. The telemarketing firm can be trained to effectively answer questions and then direct the caller to you for even more information.
They can provide a toll-free number for people to call as well as flexible hours of assistance. People can call regarding your mailing at any time during the day or evening and receive the assistance they want without having to leave a message or wait for you to call back. While you are sitting with a client and completing their application for insurance, a telemarketer could be on a call with a potential client setting up your next appointment.
Even in the age where people are communicating through emails and text messages, the telephone can still provide a valuable source of telemarketing insurance leads. You can pick and choose the types of services they provide for you as well as determine the amount of money you want to spend on your telemarketing campaigns.