Home Financial News TD Direct Investing : world’s largest survey into investor confidence

TD Direct Investing : world’s largest survey into investor confidence

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TD Direct Investing has launched the Global Investor Confidence Study. This is the biggest investor confidence survey that takes the pulse of thousands of retail and expat investors across the globe.

TD has been indexing investor confidence for the past six years and, from today, retail investors across the globe can take part in the survey to share their confidence in investing, the markets, the economy and even pop stars and sportsmen. The survey can be accessed here www.investorconfidencesurvey.com/ and the results will be announced in the New Year.

New CEO of TD Direct Investing, Stuart Welch commented: “The economic crisis has rumbled on for a number of years now and its effects can be felt by investors across the globe. Previous years’ findings show that optimism certainly slumped during the credit crisis, but did not descend into distrust. Indeed the past five years have seen retail investors’ optimism steadily grow in the UK economy.

“But, with ongoing Eurozone issues and worldwide market volatility will investors shift their confidence from Europe and America to the Asian markets? Or is there any difference between the way men and women invest?  And how secure do we feel in the current economic climate across the globe? These are some of the questions we will be looking at this year.”

Research findings from surveys taken between 2006 and 2010 have been mapped out here www.investorconfidencesurvey.com/infographic/ which includes an indication of how investor confidence in the UK stock market has evolved and fluctuated over the years. Surprisingly investors were at their most confident last year: with 45% very confident, higher than investor confidence in the pre-crisis days of 2006 (at 42%) and despite the sharp drops to 29% in 2007 and 14% in 2008.

Source : TD Direct Investing

