Home Industry News Swiftcover.com : motorists risk lives to save a few pounds

Swiftcover.com : motorists risk lives to save a few pounds

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Almost two thirds (61 per cent) of UK motorists are actively looking to save money on their motoring costs this year, according to online insurer swiftcover.com. Most significantly, more than 750,000 car owners are skipping their annual service in a bid to save money, potentially putting themselves, their passengers and those around them in danger.

The findings also revealed that of those looking to cut back on motor costs (61 per cent), a third (33 per cent) will simply drive less. The highest proportion of those driving less are between 35 and 44 years old – an age at which people are likely to rely on transport for their children or work. Furthermore, 1.5 million motorists are resorting to buying six month tax discs rather than 12, a false economy potentially costing the nation millions of pounds.

It’s not just younger drivers who have to find ways to reduce the cost of living through their driving habits. Pensioners are taking advantage of their free bus passes and leaving their cars at home in a bid to save money on motoring. According to the research by swiftcover.com, one in five (20 per cent) admitted to ditching their car in favour of public transport as part of a saving push being forced on today’s over 65 year olds.

Other ways of reducing the cost of motoring, revealed by swiftcover.com’s research:

– One in five (19 per cent) male drivers will sacrifice speed in a bid to gain better fuel economy and therefore help mitigate the rising prices of petrol

– Three per cent of car owners are washing their cars less often to save a few pounds

– Nine per cent will switch their car insurance to help cut the cost of motoring

Robin Reames, claims director at swiftcover.com, explained: “A well serviced car is less likely to go wrong, so it should go without saying that motorists should ensure that their car is properly serviced. In the long-term, servicing your car is likely to save you money by keeping it running smoothly – no-one wants to hear that their expensive car problems could have been prevented by shelling out a few pounds for a service.

“It’s encouraging to see people are at least trying to service their cars themselves rather than not service their cars at all; however, if it’s the first time you’ve done it, it’s recommended that you get help from someone who is experienced in doing such a task themselves.”

Source : Swiftcover.com

