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Private Health Insurance – a Matter of Need not Cost

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It’s an unfortunate fact of life that at some point in our lives some of us may become ill or injure ourselves, whether it is the result of an accident, lifestyle choice or natural causes. It is not until we are faced with this situation that we begin to take real notice of the health care system and demand the very best treatment or service possible.

Receiving treatment on the NHS can take time and for many people this is one of the reasons they take out private health insurance. Private healthcare ensures that policy holders can be seen and treated quickly at a time and place convenient to them.

For some the cost of private health insurance is regarded as too expensive however, by choosing a flexible plan with a menu of cover options you may be pleasantly surprised at how affordable cover can be.

There are many ways to adjust your premium to suit your budget, such as opting for a voluntary excess or choosing a co-payment option. By selecting an excess and agreeing to pay a set figure towards the cost of your treatment per person each year, you’ll receive a discount off your premium. A co-payment option shares the cost of treatment between you and your insurer, up to an agreed financial limit.

Private health insurance is also about choice, with many insurance providers giving you the opportunity to choose where and when you want to be treated. However, this will depend on the type of healthcare policy you choose. The premium you pay for your health insurance will depend entirely upon your circumstances as premiums can vary across age groups, the number of people covered and the health of those concerned.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive health insurance then you would expect to pay a higher premium in the same way that you would pay more for a first class train ticket. It is also worth considering that the amount you pay for your premium is likely to rise each year due to age related increases and rises in medical cost inflation.

When thinking about health insurance, it is not just about the costs but about whether or not you want to receive the very best care for you and your loved ones. The NHS is a wonderful institution however, waiting times can be unpredictable. There are healthcare plans available which offers flexible and comprehensive levels of cover with low-cost premiums.

Source by Phil Young

