Home International Greece : list of Greek debt held by large European banks and...

Greece : list of Greek debt held by large European banks and insurers

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Leading European banks and insurance companies  hold the following amounts of Greek debt. The data, provided by the institutions thermselves, was valid at the end of  September, except where indicated with an asterisk.   

A large amount of the Greek bonds covered by an expected partial write-off  of the debt 200 billion euros held by private investors is in the hands of  private Greek bondholders.


NBG                         8.7 billion euros

Piraeus Bank                7.7 billion euros

Eurobank                    6.9 billion euros

Alpha Bank                  3.1 billion euros



BNP Paribas**                1.6 billion euros

Societe Generale             800 million euros

BPCE                         535 million euros

Credit Agricole**            173 million euros

Groupama*                    540 million euros

Covea*                       520 million euros

AXA*                         300 million euros

CNP Assurances*               62 million euros

Macif*                        58 million euros



Commerzbank                  1.4 billion euros

Deutsche Bank****            448 million euros

Allianz                      500 million euros

Munich Re****                400 million euros



Dexia                       1.3 billion euros



Intesa Sanpaolo             586 million euros

UniCredit                   221 million euros

Mediobanca                  200 million euros

Generali Group              200 million euros

Fondiaria-Sai                34.7 million euros

Unipol                       17 million euros




RBS****                     822 million euros

HSBC****                    371 million euros

Barclays****                 45 million euros

Aviva***                    120 million euros



ING****                     300 million euros



OVAG (Volksbank)             60 million euros

Erste Group**                13.1 million euros

Uniqa                       174 million euros

Vienna Insurance Group****   9.7 million euros



Credit Suisse                 83 million euros

UBS                           53 million euros

(* End of June 2011    ** End of October 2011    *** Beginning of November 2011    **** End of December 2011)

Paris, Feb 14, 2012 (AFP)

