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France / Justice : insurance agents gather and assign their company to court

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Rare event, French general agent unions from ten insurance companies have gathered to assign to court their company.

News Assurances, the leading online media dedicated to the French insurance sector, has consulted a specific document indicating that the motion lead by AGEA (National Federation of Insurance General Agents) concerning commissions on the Universal Medical Coverage (CMU) contributions on health insurance contracts.

According to the information gathered, unions have assigned their companies to court in February of this year.

The consulted document, the subpoena was made by the general agents’ union to the company : Réussir against Axa, Triangl’ against Generali, Mag3 against Allianz, Suisssaga against Swiss Life France, Snagan against le Gan, Convergences against Areas, Sagamm against MMA, Snaga against Aviva, Agtion against the Mutuelle de Poitiers Assurance and Réunir against Thélem Assurance.

The general agents accuse their companies to not have included the CMU contribution, which became a tax in 2011, in the commissioning of health insurance contracts.

The complaint focuses on the previous two years (2009 and 2010) according to AGEAS.

According to the CMU official figures, the above named companies would have contributed up to EUR260 million to the CMU fund, in 2009 (latest available figures).

