Home Sponsored Fish and chip Shop: Buying Insurance

Fish and chip Shop: Buying Insurance

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As the owner of a restaurant, it is up to that individual to take responsibilty for the well-being of his or her facility, and to purchase insurance to protect the property and the goods stored within it. In today’s economy, insurance is almost a necessity. if your business goes up in flames, then it is likely that the funds won’t be there for the repairs and restocking of the food that was contained within the property. Fish and chip shop insurance is even more necessary than for other food joints, because there are several more deep fat fryer and heating elements.

In today’s rough economy, many people are looking to food for comfort, and what better comfort food than the deep fried british staple fish and chips. With an increase in customers, fish and chip shops are producing more heat and electricity than ever before, a huge fire risk, and also are having to stock for food to meet the demand, but what does this mean for the uninsured owner? It means that if no insurance is present at the time of a disaster, then not only will you lose money with the destruction on the property, but also with the loss of the food stores, and any food in transit, because it will not have a place to be stored.

Luckily, many professional associations within the food industry have recognized this rising risk, and have begun to offer personalized business insurance plans for large, small, and cart dealers alike. To name a major food insurance company that has specialized fish and chip shop insurance, The Nationwode Caterers Association offers a great price for all fish and chip shops, with smaller shops having to pay as little as a hundred euros.

Another advantage, and small expense, of purchasing fish and chip shop insurance, is that the owner must have the ductwork and extraction canopies regularly cleaned, to prevent build up and thus lowering the risk of fire or mechanical failure. It has been shown that if the owner pays for regular maintenance, rather than waiting until something breaks, or even worse, a fire occurs, he or she will save more money.

With fish and chip shops on the rise again, putting more money in the restaurants revenue, it makes a lot of sense to purchase this new specialized insurance. What the insurance saves you is invaluable, for very little you can potentially save yourself from bankruptcy, and who doesn’t want peace of mind. Even if you don’t think you need it because you believe it can’t happen to you, then it would be worth it for the cleaning of the facilities machines, which is done by an independent contractor.

Some might think that specialized insurance for a local fish and chip shop is extreme, but one can never be too safe, especially when protecting one’s livelyhood. If that wasn’t incentive enough, the low prices for the smaller dealers warrants noone with an excuse for not getting insured. The side effects of being uninsured are too great to incur for such an affordable insurance program. As of now, fish and chip shops are on the rise, and with the way to economy is going, they will continue to rise in popularity. There might come a day when these shops are forgotten or become less popular, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t take advantage of this new insurance program while it is available.

Source by Nasreen Haque

