Traditional insurers are launching offers “full web” quick and easy access but they take the risk of becoming less loyal customers.
Direct sales on digital channels remains for the time still very low in France, around 5% of total sales. But she is a strong potential, especially for the new generation Y and for simple insurance products. Thus, Allianz and Axa already offer express quote and subscriptions fully online self or by HRM through electronic signature. “We had to respond to a request of the population to the changing uses,” says Delphine Asseraf on digital marketing manager at Allianz.
But, with the possibility of buying a click is the question of loyalty. Including how to respond to a particularly volatile Generation Y? Especially as the Hamon law and comparators ramping should reinforce this trend.
First, digital customers will be more sensitive and faithful to modular offerings, to subscribe closer to the needs, think Alain Burtin, director market & customer intelligence service within the unit and Digital Market Management at Allianz. Internet must allow this customized. Allianz and Axa, leaders in digital, also favor a value-added approach to retain the customer. “If the digital boils down to a low-cost approach, the customer may go elsewhere easily. On the contrary, it allows a rewarding experience with differentiating services on a wide modular range, it is possible to build customer loyalty, “said Alain Burtin at Allianz. “We believe customer loyalty online by enriching our offering new services that are not found elsewhere,” adds Thierry Fabing, deputy director of digital Axa France.
In sum, the customer must say, “I this service here and not elsewhere.” But in this context, the comparison is made difficult by conventional comparators and insurers and are trying to develop each their own internal comparison tool.