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Electrical Contractors’ Insurance creates new Affinity Division and integrates management for its insurance companies

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Following the acquisition of BrandRisks Group Ltd (the holding company of BrandRisks Ltd and PropertyRisks) in September 2008, Electrical Contractors’ Insurance Services today announced that the BrandRisks businesses are now being integrated into ECIS and will become the basis for the formation of a new Affinity Group division within the ECIS business with effect from January 2011.

The new PropertyRisks customer service base in Eastleigh will become the centre of excellence for all ECIS customer service and business development. As part of this development, Nigel Atkinson takes responsibility for the management of existing PropertyRisks operations and is tasked with expanding the product portfolio during 2011. Nigel was previously National Business Development Manager for PropertyRisks.

Miles Ritchie continues to act as a consultant to this business and across the wider ECInsurance.

Roger Brown, Managing Director of Electrical Contractors’ Insurance, commented:  “PropertyRisks has a highly successful business model with a broad range of affinity products and services. We intend to leverage their expertise in creating and managing affinity products to build a wider Affinity Group division across our Group.  We are also proud of the fact that PropertyRisks have developed a very strong customer service team at Eastleigh in Hampshire, and we are keen to develop this as a centre of excellence for all the ECI Group clients.”

Source : ECIAS Press Release

