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For long we had always looked upon life insurance policy as an investment instrument. But with so many private insurance players in the market,...

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Apollo Dkv-Health Insurance: Apollo DKV Insurance Company Ltd is a joint venture between Apollo Group of Hospitals and DKV, a  German based health insurance...

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One of the most expensive things that we spend money on is good health insurance. It seems that each year our cost of health...

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A green slip for car provides compensation for people ( passengers, motorcyclists, cyclists, or  drivers of other vehicles ) killed or injured in an...

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Life is full of uncertainties. One never knows what goes wrong when. We have to take losses also. So how are these losses recovered?...

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If you want the cheapest car insurance possible, look no further. This article will show you exactly what to do, how to do it...

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We have put together some tips for finding the best landlord house insurance based on some of the experiences and questions we have had...

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We all know in order to insure a small or large concert it needs a lot of investment, however, why to make our money...

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Finding the best car insurance is not easy at all. But here are a few simple tips that can help you out and put...

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Automated policy administration system leads to enhanced customer relationships helping insurers to retain customers for long. If one goes by the trend legacy systems are...

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If you have been doing all of your research, just like you should if you are searching for insurance, you might have run into...

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Insurance claim delay tactics are the most common obstacles utilized by insurance companies to avoid payment of claims.  Disreputable insurance claim delay tactics...

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When it comes to purchasing life insurance, there are many different things you have to consider.  The price of the policy, what it covers,...

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Liability car insurance is one of the most widespread automobile insurance policy coverage. It costs a lot less than other types of insurance policies....

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A Travel Insurance gives you comprehensive coverage for you and your family when you globe-trot. A travel insurance policy must go beyond health insurance...

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Believe it or not, your occupation can save you a lot in car insurance premium. On the other hand, it could also cost you...

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Is there anyone who can afford to predict a misfortune with any appreciable degree of accuracy? No? So, who doesn't need insurance? No matter...

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With so many people considering switching themselves, or some, or all family members from their employer sponsored group health insurance plans to personal individual...

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Insurance—it's everywhere. One can insure just about anything. Are tires an investment one needs to insure? Tire insurance, also called a road hazard policy,...

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The high risk life insurance market place has been an underserved market for many years. Most insurance carriers prefer to insure low risk clients...