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The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) has set out its Budget priorities to recognise the importance of risk management and insurance protection to assist...

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Aon Risk Solutions has entered into an exclusive arrangement with AXA Commercial Lines to provide professional indemnity insurance for Independent Financial Advisers in the...

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The US Treasury announced it would seek to raise $6 billion by selling off a chunk of its holdings in American International Group, the...

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A global body for contracts used as insurance against sovereign defaults, the ISDA, will say on Thursday if a deal to cut Greek debt...

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British insurer Prudential said Monday that it was considering switching its headquarters out of London to avoid new European capital requirement regulations for the...

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Aon Affinity, the consumer, association and group program business of Aon Risk Solutions, the global risk management business of Aon Corporation announced today it...

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QuestGates warnes the insurance sector could be facing a significant year for subsidence claims in 2012. Ross Macpherson, Director at QuestGates, says: “The latest data...

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A new London-based broking operation, Q360, was launched today. The new entity will be led by David Merry as CEO, with Tawa providing the...

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Lloyds Banking Group announced it would claw back some executive bonuses after the state-rescued British lender was forced to pay out billions of pounds...

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Research by MoneySupermarket has revealed that nearly half of Brits (47 per cent) have stopped or reduced the amount they save in the last...

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Risk Management Solutions (RMS) has announced that it has conducted a mortality risk analysis of the Dutch population to help capital markets investors quantify...

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At a time when investors are facing some of the most testing market conditions in living memory, insurers are overwhelmingly concerned about meeting the...

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New research from the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) and the Cabinet Office has revealed that the business continuity plans are likely to stop...

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RBS Insurance, owner of the Direct Line and Churchill brands, has rebranded as Direct Line Group. The new logo is a rainbow coloured 'D' beside...

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Amlin Insurance has joined the growing group of insurers raising their prices, as the flow on effect from last years natural disasters begins to...

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To mark the centenary of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) gaining its Royal Charter, on 5 February 1912, the Institute is undertaking a major...

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The PPI remediation guidelines that have been issued by the FSA will be impossible for UK insurers and other financial institutions to achieve without...

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Around 100 homes have been evacuated in Essex after a bust water main caused flooding. Emergency services were alerted to water flowing through homes at...

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A growing number of Brits are exagerating their home insurance claims, according to AXA Insurance. Research from the company suggest that the number of people...

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The second of April 2012 has been outlined as a major milestone date in the regulatory reform programme for the Financial Services Authority (FSA)....