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Insurance premiums are set to climb throughout 2012 as insurers seek to claw back the staggering costs of today’s compensation culture without losing the...

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XL Group’s insurance operations has announced that its Political Risk and Trade Credit (PRTC) business has received approval from Lloyd’s to write Political Risk...

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A recent Which? report highlighted the practice of holiday companies automatically opting their customers in to the purchase of travel insurance while booking their...

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Varying constraints continue to pin back the financial profiles of many global multiline insurers (GMIs), said Standard & Poor's Ratings Services' in a recent...

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Fitch Ratings says that Generali Espana, S.A. de Seguros Y Reaseguros (Generali Espana) and Reale Seguros Generales' (Reale Seguros) ratings are not affected by...

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A Code of Good Practice on Incentivised Transfer Exercises (ITE) was today published by the Industry Working Group on Incentive Exercises.  Developed by a...

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Fitch Ratings has affirmed Luxemburg-based ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A.'s (ATL) Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating at 'BBB', Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'BBB-' and...

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AXA Commercial Lines has added a new learning facility to its range of professional development training services for brokers. The ‘Local Training Clubs’ will...

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A key representative of the private Greek debt holders who agreed to erase part of the country's huge debt called Wednesday on other countries...

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RSA Group has agreed to acquire L’Union Canadienne for £94 million. This operation will more than double the company’s presence in the Quebec market. "Our...

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After years of declining employee engagement levels around the world, a new analysis released by Aon Hewitt, the global human resource solutions business of...

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Fitch Ratings has published Amlin AG's Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating of 'A+'. Fitch has also published Amlin plc's Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR)...

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Aon Affinity, the consumer, association and group program business of Aon Risk Solutions, has announced it completed on May 31 its acquisition of Access...

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QBE has announced changes to the structure of its regional UK & Ireland operations.  This follows the successful acquisition by QBE of the renewal...

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The Law Society has published its 2012 PII Buyers’ Guide, which provides detailed guidance to all solicitors in choosing brokers and insurers when renewing...

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One-in-five travellers ventured abroad uninsured in 2011 although sales of annual travel insurance policies have increased during the past 12 months with 30% of...

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The specialist property adjusters Carmichaels, which has been part of the Parabis Group since 2010, becomes Argent Property Adjusters with effect from 1st June....

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Louise Ellman welcomes OfT decision to refer the car insurance market for investigation by the Competition Commission. Responding to publication by the Office of...

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Swiss Re announces the sale of its US Admin Re business (REALIC) to Jackson National Life Insurance, subject to regulatory approval. Admin Re expects...

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In the market ARAG is known for providing a high standard of service to both the intermediaries and their customers. With this reputation backed...