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In the UK & Ireland, underlying earnings increased by 2% from £183 million in H1 2008 to £186 million in H1 2009 – the...

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Swiss Re reports improvement in excess capital at the AA level to CHF 4.5 billion - Net loss of CHF 381 million for the...

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American International Group, Inc. (AIG) today announced that its Board of Directors has elected Robert H. Benmosche President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Benmosche...

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Robert Benmosche, the former chairman and chief executive of MetLife Inc., has been selected to be the new CEO of American International Group Inc.,...

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Real Madrid have protected themselves in the event of Cristiano Ronaldo suffering a serious injury by insuring the Portuguese superstars’ legs for the grandiose...

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The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) has been named Trade Association of the Year at the prestigious Trade Association Forum Best Practice Awards. BIBA...

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Lord Levene, Lloyd's Chairman during a meeting in Dublin did a speech to the Insurance Institute of Ireland. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen....

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A third of small and medium-sized (SME) retailers and almost a fifth of large retailers have experienced a reduction in bank lending in the...

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With more homes unoccupied during the holiday season, don't forget to better protect their homes against burglars. Despite latest Government figures showing falls in...

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The Government is encouraging businesses to further adjust their work practices to reduce illness and disability in the workplace, yet nearly 20% of businesses...

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"The financial crisis is hitting companies with great ferocity". Interview with Dr. Gerd-Uwe Baden, CEO of Euler Hermes Kreditverischerungs AG (Germany), member of Euler...

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Michael Jackson's children may miss out on a US$20 million (HK$156 million) life insurance payout because an aide allowed the policy to lapse. The King...

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The natural catastrophe figures for the first six months of 2009 were marked by heavy losses due to severe weather in areas with a...

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Fraud is at the top of the general insurance industry’s agenda in 2009 as economic pressures created by a turbulent economy provide an increase...

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Report shows importance of insurance to the economy – recommendations must be implemented in full Responding to publication today of the Insurance Industry Working Group,...

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In his weekly address, President Barack Obama called on Congress to seize this opportunity – one that may not come again for decades –...

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The Chubb Corporation today reported that net income in the second quarter of 2009 was $551 million or $1.54 per share, compared to $469...

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The government has launched the National Pandemic Flu Service. This will help take the pressure off front-line health services and give people access to...

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If you think you have swine flu If you are in England and think you may have swine flu, check your symptoms online by visiting...

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The National Pandemic Flu Service has been launched in England. Find out more about swine flu, how you can protect yourself, and what the government is doing