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Bean sprouts from the German state  of Lower-Saxony are suspected of being the source of the deadly E. coli  outbreak which has killed 22...

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The aerospace sector weathered the global financial crisis relatively well, but confidence is still in short supply, with passenger and revenue forecasts still relatively...

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Small explosions occurred in Ikea stores in Belgium, France, and Netherlands.  The explosives were concealed in alarm clocks. The explosions in stores in the...

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Another volcano eruption in Iceland, a repeat of last year’s major disruption to air traffic?  Even if the island shut its main airport, experts...

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The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) has revealed it has had its busiest year ever, which shows that the relationship between banks and their customers...

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The new Continuous Insurance Enforcement regulations create a new offence for keeping a vehicle without insurance. From Spring 2011, an additional enforcement scheme is being...

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The United States is burning through its  health care and retirement fund pools faster than planned, with the Medicare  trust fund to be exhausted...

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Britain's banks are allocating billions of  pounds to compensate clients who were mis-sold credit insurance, in a fresh  blow to a sector seeking to...

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Stop, look and listen: the three words that used to be drilled in to children every time they cross the road are now ignored...

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Financial Fraud Action UK (FFA UK) has been made aware that out of the 70 million Sony PlayStation accounts compromised worldwide in the Sony...

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French reinsurer will pay USD 913 million for a major stake in Aegon’s Transamerica Reinsurance operations. This should allow Scor to become America’s second...

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The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) has warned that the regulatory burden imposed by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) on the insurance broking sector...

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For several decades, business and economic pundits have exoticized Japan's economy. The supposed lost decades since 1990 have only heightened perceptions of a country...

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Rare event, French general agent unions from ten insurance companies have gathered to assign to court their company. News Assurances, the leading online media dedicated...

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British Prime Minister David Cameron on  Wednesday warned that overhauling the state-funded National Health Service  (NHS) was "essential" as he launched a fightback against...

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The global cost of natural and man-made  disasters more than tripled in 2010 to $218 billion (154 billion euros),  reinsurer Swiss Re said Tuesday,...

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Government is being asked to reduce escalating threat from Somali pirates. These are becoming extremely more audacious in attacking ships and are choking supply...

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Fitch Ratings says in a newly-published report examining the insurance industry's possible exposure to the 11 March earthquake in Japan that it does not...

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Fearing a nuclear meltdown in quake-hit  Japan, Canadians living on the Pacific Coast are ignoring health authorities  and emptying pharmacies of anti-radiation medicines, media...

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Based on currently available information, catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide estimates that insured property losses from the Mw9.1 earthquake that struck Japan on Friday...