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John Stewart

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The cost of the health insurances in Florida has surged up tremendously over the past few years. Still health insurance for kids is mandatory. Not due to any kinds of governmental clause but because kids are really accidental prone and fall ill frequently due to their tender age and intelligence. So, to avoid the unforeseen it is essential that you take up health insurance for your kids as soon as possible. Florida health insurance companies have come up with several schemes through which your kid will be fully covered if he/she has to visit hospital for un-favourable reasons.

What should you expect when applying for Kids Health Insurance Plan in Florida?

Kids are taken to the hospital, periodically at times, for routine check up, or may be if they fall ill. Kids are vulnerable to the several grave diseases due to yet to be completely developed immunity system in their body. Kids’ health insurance plans of Florida cover up mostly- doctor visits, surgeries, emergencies, regular check–ups regarding vision check, hearing and dental care. Health insurance of kids covers entire cost of preventive care to prescriptions. Most of the plans work up for less than 19 age group kids and teenagers. For your kids you are advised to select the best fitting insurance plan only. As, not all cover all aspects and if you want more clauses to be included you need to pay more premiums accordingly.

Where will you find one?

Florida government- understanding the need of health care policy, has come up with the clause that no matter what be your source of buying a health care policy, you will pay the same premium for same scheme at all places. So that means you need not take extra trouble to save your bucks. There is no extra cost or hidden tags to be paid for same policy. So you can sit at home and apply for policy online. There are many online agents running for your convenience at no extra cost. All you have to do is visit the respective website and compare the quotes and clauses of the policy of your desire of several companies all at one place and apply accordingly at the click of a button! And you are done- without paying a penny extra! Simply search the net to find out the websites of the online agents providing health insurance for kids and give your kid a happy and secure life.

Source by Article Manager

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Let us accept it for once and ever. Every other day we are exposed to various risks wherefrom a few could prove to be fatal or should I say (god forbid!) final clouting. No, I am neither a pessimist, nor a cynic. This is pragmatism and the most recommended way to deal with those unwanted situations is to confront them rather than shirking away. This is not an attempt to preach or scare you by threatening your existence; rather I am voicing my concerns over human life which can be shielded well with a back-up plan in case of a deadly mishap or anything that’s capable of affecting the normal way of life. Yes! We are about to broach up the topic of Life Insurance.

Life Insurance in the UK is a blooming industry. It takes pride in calling itself the largest in Europe and the third largest in the world. Quite a feat in itself! If this sounded a little less impressive, Life Insurance industry in UK controls 17% of investment in the London stock market. The fact that it pays out almost £156 million per day in pension and life insurance benefits confirms its ever growing stature.

What makes Life Insurance sector in the UK such a colossal hit? Who have contributed to the amazing pace at which this industry is blossoming? Is it the fear factor that works in favour of these Life insurance companies or an insignia of awareness? These are the few questions which would answer your belief in this sector.

The most striking feature which propels the cause of Life Insurance sector in the UK is flexibility owing to the highest degree of competition. As in other cases, it worked in favour of consumers which further strengthened the belief of consumers in the capabilities of these companies. Feasible Life Insurance Quotes, universal Life Insurance, favourable Life Insurance policies and cheap Life Insurance rates are the few factors contributing to its overall growth.

Source by Adam Jaylin

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Today’s job market is very saturated.  Many people don’t have jobs.  Even citizens from first world countries have a hard time getting employed.  In this world of high unemployment rates and low-paying jobs, there is still a ray of light.  If you want to find a new job or just want to add to your income, you might want to try insurance transcription.  So what is insurance transcription?  This is basically the act of transcribing insurance-related audio recordings.  In short, all you have to do is to listen to a piece of audio and convert it into text by typing.  Transcription is actually very simple to learn.  You just have to develop sharper ears and practice typing all the time.  This is so that you could get used to typing for long periods of time, and also build up your typing speed.  But what is required specifically for this type of job?

Insurance transcription actually requires very little from you.  All that is needed from you are good ears and a minimum typing speed of 45 words per minute.  Of course, have a little on top won’t hurt either.  If you want to cinch an insurance transcription job, you might want to brush up on your financial terms a little more.  Business graduates and those who have financial experience have a better chance at getting an insurance transcription job.  Of course, not everyone has had the privilege to go to college.  If you don’t have a degree, you can still get in.  But you would have to brush up on financial terms.  Financial terms will often come up in insurance recordings.  Now if you know nothing about them, then you will have a hard time transcribing the audio.  So how do you brush up on terms?

If you want to get used to insurance and other financial terms, there are a few things you could do.  First, you can read more financial documents.  For this, all you have to do is go to the local library.  You can try to read on financial books there.  If you want something more current, pick up the library’s latest copy of business magazines like BusinessWeek.  If you’re not the reading type, there is something else you could do.  Just tune in to financial channels like MSBNBC or Bloomberg.  This is actually better than reading because you get to hear how the terms are actually said, as opposed to just reading them off a piece of paper.  The best way to go about is to both read and listen.  This way, you’d know how a term is pronounced and how to write it down.

In insurance transcription, the most important thing you have to remember is this: Confidentiality.  Since you are dealing with insurance related things, most likely, these are confidential.  If you value your job, you would always stick to the rules.  And when it comes to insurance, the cardinal rule is confidentiality.  With these in mind, you’ll surely succeed in insurance transcription.

Source by Leva Duell

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There are all kinds of clauses involved with life insurance policies. It’s a veritable attorney’s dream (or nightmare) reading through the typical life policy. One very important clause that bares further explanation is the contestability clause. Let’s go through this clause and understand its impact on you as the policy holder as it can be pretty significant. It’s also important to discuss ways to avoid triggering this clause all together during the underwriting and application process. Let’s look a little closer at contestability clauses found in life insurance.

First, a definition of the contestability clause in simple language. Essentially, if the applicant of a life insurance policy misleads, misrepresents, or withholds material information to the life insurance company during the application process, the life insurance company may not have to pay benefits in the event of the insured passing away.  The key word there is material. Material basically means that the information is important to the consideration of your application to the life insurance company. A hangnail probably doesn’t apply but elevated cholesterol does. Our recommendation is to list everything and answer each question thoroughly and honestly so you can avoid any issues involved with the contestability clause when applying for life insurance. Life insurance application tend to be less involved than average health insurance apps since both types of insurance plans differ in what they view as important. Life insurance is more concerned with issues that affect mortality while health insurance is more concerned with issues that affect morbidity.

There are two ways that the the contestability usually becomes an issue. The first is that the applicant simply forgets information. You want to make sure not to do this with larger issues. Even if you honestly forgot a more serious issue, it can still come back to bite you via the contestability clause. The life insurance application is a contract after all. Even if honestly forgotten, material information left off the application can jeopardize the validity of the contract and potentially void the contract (and your ability of your life beneficiaries to receive life benefits).

The other way is that a person is concerned about qualifying for life insurance and/or the rate and health class that will be offered based on pre-existing condition which leads them to conceal or misrepresent this information. Don’t do it. It doesn’t make sense to jeopardize your life insurance benefits by concealing information. It defeats the purpose of buying life insurance altogether by doing this. Life insurance is all or none…there’s no 50% payout. By jeopardizing your life insurance contract, your beneficiaries may end up with nothing.

There’s a timetable that constrains the life insurance contestability clause. The life insurance company has 2 years to use the contestability clause if evidence of misrepresentation, concealment, or material fraud occurs. After this period of time, the carrier is unable to use this particular clause in such situations. There are other options now if you have a health issue such as no medical life insurance. We can also try to re-apply in the future to replace life insurance which is issued on a higher tier. Some issues can be remedied with more time away from them such as driving record issues. If you are concerned about your chances of qualifying, please contact us with your situation so can we avoid any issues with the contestability clause.

Source by Dennis Jarvis

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After reading our article, you can impress your friends with the amazing amount of knowledge you have gained on this subject.

present tale about acreage fatality assurance crowd is not forever the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately, this tale includes the newest acreage fatality assurance crowd tale open.

To shield your rights, you must an insurance document. acreage casualty insurance especially is something that each musts. Not only does this enter of document proposal shieldion, it is also an undersymbols requirement when you employ for a finance.

Below is a property casualty insurance company record that you might must when youre looking for the right document to shield your losses.

Keep reading further to learn how this topic can benefit you, as the rest of this article will supply you will the needed information.

Accredited warranty & fatality acreage fatality assurance crowd

This property casualty insurance company is rated A brilliant by A.M. Best crowd. Specializing in symbols non-develop deposit binds, this property casualty insurance company is approved to do sphere in 49 US states. Accredited property casualty insurance company proposals bind crop such as payment binds, baby keeping binds, loyalty and deposit binds, and Florida attorney binds.

Ace, narrow acreage fatality assurance crowd

See how greatly you can learn about acreage fatality assurance crowd when you take a little time to read a well-researched item? Don’t escape out on the lean of this great talermation.

Based in Lafayette mount, PA, Ace property casualty insurance company is an accredited affiliate of the International Association of Conference Centers (IACC). This property casualty insurance company provides a diverse limit of crop and navy that answers to all enters of clients. Ace property casualty insurance company proposals sphere/corporate insurance to shield accident and vigor, personnel compensation and aerospace to energy, caged programs and jeopardy management. For their delicate/consumer property casualty insurance, Ace shields vigor and life to vehicle and home insurance.

apart from that, Ace property casualty insurance also provides shieldage for reinsurance, non-traditional insurance, and other navy, such as property engineering and more.

American International Underwriters (AIU) acreage fatality assurance crowd

AIU property casualty insurance company is a affiliate of the pleanigious AIG companies. present a broad limit of professional insurance crop, this property casualty insurance company is one of the leaders in the insurance business. For their sphere clients, this property casualty insurance company proposals policies shielding principal casualty, surfeit casualty, directors & officers, environmental shieldage, life insurance, and more. Moreover, this property casualty insurance company also proposals shieldage for personnel compensation and other pecuniary navy like allowance, mutual money, and retirement navy.

American resident acreage & fatality (ANPAC) acreage fatality assurance crowd

ANPAC is a property casualty insurance company that proposals insurance policies for families. A affiliate of the American resident Family of Companies, ANPAC property casualty insurance company provides affordable insurance crop and navy. The ANPAC property casualty insurance company agents can proposal shieldage that includes vehicle, home, umbrella, recreational vehicles, and boats. Also in suitcases of flood, this property casualty insurance company has a flood insurance document that is ornate after the resident Flood list. ANPAC property casualty insurance company also has insurance policies for sphere owners and payment owners.

Of course, it’s impossible to put everything about acreage fatality assurance crowd into just one item. But you can’t deny that you’ve just added to your understanding about acreage fatality assurance crowd , and that’s time well useless.

When we learn, we continue on a path of growth. Therefore, learning about this subject has already helped you more than you know.

Source by meeinter

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Heart attacks and cheap life insurance do not usually go together. If you believe (as many people do) that once an insurance company finds out about your heart attack you will never again have a chance at getting cheap life insurance, then listen up. You may be surprised to learn that nowadays, such a scenario is not always true.

An insurance company will take into consideration the details of the heart attack as well as any lifestyle changes you have made to improve the situation. If the company is satisfied with your progress and prognosis, your life insurance premium might be cheaper than you expect.

It’s true that having a heart attack means you won’t be categorized as “preferred.” But times have changed and you definitely are not the first person to suffer from this condition. Lots of people, young and old, suffer heart attacks and coronary disease and life insurance underwriters have plenty of experience determining how much risk is involved in your situation.

What’s particularly interesting about individuals who have suffered heart attacks is how similar and how predictable their situations are. When underwriters are able to make accurate predictions, they’re often able to offer more favorable rates.

Use time to your advantage

One of the best things you can do after suffering a heart attack is wait about a year before applying. At first glance, this advice doesn’t seem to make much sense. A heart attack is serious and although you may have survived this one, another might be just around the corner.

It seems to make more sense to get life insurance right away. You can try, but forget about getting cheap life insurance. If you’re able to get any at all, you will pay quite a bit for the privilege. You might even be charged an extra fee (in addition to your already high premium) at least for a few years after your heart trouble.

Insurance companies consider those first couple of years after a heart problem to be high-risk years. By charging a lot of money for your premium, the insurance company won’t suffer as big a financial blow should you die as a result of your heart trouble.

But if you wait at least a year afterwards, better yet, a couple of years if possible, you’ll have time to improve your health. Making lifestyle changes such as lowering your weight, your cholesterol levels, and your blood pressure, getting more exercise and quitting your tobacco habit can sometimes reverse even the worst of situations.

If you make these changes and your doctor keeps a record of your progress, this positive information will be available to the insurance company when you do apply. Underwriters will see that you’ve had trouble with your heart, but they will also see that you’re taking steps to improve your health.

That is how waiting a year or so to apply will improve your chances of getting cheaper life insurance, especially if you take time to shop around.

Source by Darren Yates

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If you, or your spouse, are presently serving your country in the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Army Reserve or National Guard, there is a chance that you may be eligible for a discount on your auto insurance, depending on the company who provides your policy. Anyone who is currently on active duty should find out from their insurance agent if they have any kind of discount program in place for men and women who are in the military. Many automobile insurance companies will offer discounts to anyone who is military personnel, whether active or retired.

There are some insurance companies who will agree to let you drop all of the coverage you have and just keep the comprehensive if you find out you have to go overseas with the military and you will be storing your car, which means no one will be using it while you are gone. In addition, if you will be shipped to a country where the government gives you hostile fire pay, occasionally an insurance company will discount the amount you must pay for your comprehensive policy by as much as 25% as long as it stays in storage.

Each Company has it’s own rates for each risk. Simply ask your insurance agent for special discounts for Military Personnel.

Buchanan Insurance can help with questions about Military discounts. For more information, contact us at http://www.buchananinsurance.net/contact.aspx

Copyright 2009  Buchanan Insurance Services, Inc.

May be reproduced and redistributed provided it is maintained in its entirety including all hyperlinks.

Source by Rachel Buchanan

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When you have your own business in Ohio, employees are counting on you to do the right thing by them so in turn are expecting the same when it comes to looking for health insurance benefits.  This alone would probably be the biggest reason to sit down and talk with an independent health insurance agent.  They would be able to hear and understand the situation and the needs of your employees as you speak.

They would also be able to explain in detail the various health insurance plans available to you in Ohio.  Independent health insurance agents through years of experience are able to explain the benefits of offering individual plans and family plans.  You would also be able to ask and address the benefits of getting a single plan versus a group plan where you are able to have multiple people sign on since you are a company.

Some people believe that because you can buy something in bulk it is the best way to go.  Normally, this may be the case but you should always hear the differences outlined in case there are some draw backs to a group plan.  An experienced agent would be able to assess your health insurance needs in Ohio based on your company’s size and payroll, but they would also be able to put together a package which would be tailored to fit your needs.

There are other options available to an employee by the employer regarding health care.  A company may offer a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) which is solely funded by the employer and subtracted from the employee’s gross pay.  The credit can be rolled over from year to year at the employer’s discretion.  The employer reimburses medical expenses paid by the employees, which in turn gives the employer a tax advantage to help offset the company’s health care expenses.

For some, this is a good way to go but for others that are highly compensated participants there may be limitations.  This type of plan would not be applicable to you if you were self employed.  Another type of program available to the employee is a Health Savings Account (HSA) which is owned by the individual.  The funds contributed to the account are not subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit and roll over from year to year.  Get information before you decide what is best for you and your company.

Source by Tracy B. McManamon

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If you’re an independent systems integrator or custom programmer, you’ve probably heard about errors and omissions (E&O) coverage. It’s one of the most important types of insurance for any small business, and it’s often required by client contracts. But many IT professionals may not understand exactly what it covers or how it’s different from other kinds of business insurance.

Systems integrators and programmers are always asking for more information about E&O insurance. Here are the answers to some of the more common questions:

Is there a difference between professional liability and errors and omissions insurance?

“Professional liability insurance,” “errors and omissions insurance” and even “E&O insurance” are essentially the same thing. These are simply different terms used to describe insurance that protects your programming or systems integration business if a client should allege that you or one of your employees made an error while providing IT services, causing the client a financial loss.

What’s the difference between E&O insurance and general liability insurance?

E&O insurance, which you’ll also hear called “professional liability insurance,” covers you for mistakes you may make while performing your professional services. General liability insurance, on the other hand, covers only claims of bodily injury or property damage.

Often, clients will require that you carry general liability insurance, just in case an accident does happen while you’re doing your job. For example, general liability would cover you if the client should come to your office on a rainy day and slip on a wet floor, or if you hurt someone at the client’s location.

A Business Owner’s Policy, also called a BOP, includes both general liability insurance and property insurance, and can be a cost-effective choice for many independent systems integrators and custom programmers. A BOP’s property coverage protects your programming or systems integration business’ property, whether it’s at your own office or a client site, against physical loss or damage. For example, property that is stolen or damaged in a fire would be covered. Although in most cases, data are not considered property, some IT-specific property insurance policies do cover the costs of restoring lost data as well.

Interestingly, damage you might cause to your client’s property while installing, configuring or repairing hardware is actually not covered under the liability portion of a general liability policy, but is covered under your own property coverage. When you are working on a client’s equipment, it is considered to be in your “care, custody or control,” and is covered just as if it were your own property.

Your client may specify in your contract that you carry both E&O and general liability coverage. In such cases, you’ll need at least two separate policies: professional liability and general liability. As long you’re buying general liability coverage, it makes sense to get a quote for a BOP as well, since you’ll get the added benefit of property insurance without paying much more in premiums.

Doesn’t general liability insurance include errors and omissions coverage?

No, the two are separate. Only a professional liability insurance policy (also known as E&O insurance) will protect your company if a client should sue you for an error you make while doing your work. General liability covers bodily injury and property damage claims, but generally, there are exclusions for claims involving professional negligence or failure to perform your professional duties.

Exactly what kind of risk does E&O insurance cover?

For systems integrators and software programmers, E&O coverage is triggered when a client claims that you’re responsible for loss due to an error on the part of you or one of your employees. Examples might include losses caused by the failure of a backup strategy or firewall, or business interruption caused by overloading a circuit and knocking the client’s servers offline for a period of time.

For systems integrators, risk may also arise if you fail to correctly install one of the components for a working system, or if your project doesn’t launch on time due to your own delays, and that error or timeline delay affects the client’s ability to serve its customers or generate revenue.

Should you face a claim, keep in mind that errors and omissions liability insurance will pay only for your legal defense and any legitimate client demands for monetary compensation – not for your own costs to correct the problem.

There are some business disputes for which you simply can’t insure yourself, and for these, you may need legal contracts. These may include, for example, claims that you’ve stolen one of the client’s customers or stuck the client with a bill you didn’t pay. Be sure to ask your agent if you’re not clear on what your E&O policy covers.

I don’t expect to make any mistakes that will get me sued. Do I really need E&O coverage?

Many systems integrators or computer programmers will never face a lawsuit. But at some point, most business owners choose peace of mind and decide that carrying that much risk just isn’t worth the small price of an annual premium. The fact is, if your signature is on the contract, you’re the one who will be held accountable if something goes wrong – even if that something is beyond your control.

It only takes one sour client relationship to get sued. Whether you actually are at fault for a problem or not, your client can easily claim that you are. And regardless of whether the client’s suit has merit, you’ll be stuck with the cost of a legal defense. If you’re like most small-business owners, you don’t have deep pockets or a built-in budget for taking on corporate lawyers.

How much does E&O insurance cost?

Several variables affect the cost of E&O insurance, including your company’s location and revenues, along with the limits of liability and deductible you elect. For most one- or two-person outfits, $1 million in E&O insurance costs about $1,000 annually. That’s less than 1 percent of gross revenue for many independent systems integrators or computer programmers – a small investment for a lot of peace of mind.

If you’re undecided about whether to protect your technology business with E&O insurance, talk to an insurance broker to learn about all the options before you make up your mind. It costs nothing to contact a technology insurance agent for a specialized quote.

Source by James Cochran

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You need to make room in your busy schedule to think about health insurance. United Health Care Insurance is definitely a name you can trust. If you’re in need of medical insurance and you’re not sure where to begin with your life, you need to make sure that there is a greater good out there to help you. Simply put, you need medical insurance and if you don’t get coverage from where you work, you need to make sure that you are getting the coverage you need with the benefits that are owed to you at a price you can afford.

There is no major region why anyone should go broke with coverage from United Health Care Insurance. That’s right, there is no reason why you should spend an arm and a leg in regards to helping yourself stay focused on the important things. You need to make sure that you’re covered no matter what you decide to do in your life. Whether you are a healthy life changing adventurous person, or a homebody, you need to be covered.

You probably have heard that a lot of people are concerned with health care reform. Well until there is a free option or something that you might be able to get, you should definitely get yourself covered, you don’t want to be left behind out there with no parachute, so be in safe hands if you fall, and go for the gold. There is no doubt that you’re going to need services sooner than later, at least once a year.

Source by Allen Jesson

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Businesses large or small who rent space at a very favorable per square foot price may purchase coverage for the cancellation of that favorable lease contract. This is commonly called “Leasehold Interest Coverage”. Cancellation of the lease must be caused by the direct physical loss or damage to the real property being leased. Example: A business has a 10 year lease on a 5000 per square foot building at $15.00 per square foot and the property is destroyed after 5 years. The owner decides not to rebuild and terminates the lease. The business must find a new location. The best lease that can be obtained is now $20. per square foot. This is $25,000 per year increase over the previous contract. Since there was 5 years remaining the total increase would equal $125,000. “Lease hold interest” insurance would pay the business $125,000 less any deductibles. Other coverages include any prepaid rent. Prepaid rent is sometimes paid because of favorable discounts offered by the landlord. Rent bonuses are also covered under this policy. Rent bonuses are paid to landlords to keep other potential renters from grabbing up a favorable lease. Also insured is the “Use Interest” of improvements, such as fixtures, alterations, walls, counter tops and improved offices which were installed and paid for by the tenant. This type of coverage must be carefully structured by your licensed agent or risk manager to be accurate before added to your business policy. Some business owners policies include this coverage. See your agent for assistance or contact us for help.

Source by Robert Fowinkle

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CIGNA Government Services today announced it has again achieved the prestigious International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 certification, an internationally accepted quality management system. Certification includes all CGS Part B and Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor (DME MAC) Program Management functions under contract with The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

ISO 9001:2008 certification requires organizations to develop and adhere to stringent quality management standards and to have controls and mechanisms in place to comply with all regulatory requirements. The ISO 9001:2008 certification also requires processes that enhance customer satisfaction and ensure continual improvements. Companies are required to pass an exhaustive audit of all quality management processes prior to receiving certification.

“This award recognizes CIGNA’s dedication to continuous quality improvement. Achieving this level of certification underscores the commitment we’ve made to our customers to continually raise the bar on performance,” said Jean Rush, president of CIGNA Government Services. “We take very seriously our responsibility as a Medicare contractor and the positive impact we can have on the lives of millions of Medicare beneficiaries, providers of durable medical equipment and health care professionals. I am proud of our employees’ continued commitment to quality and performance excellence demonstrated by this certification.”

CIGNA Government Services has provided services to Medicare since 1991. In June 2007, CIGNA was awarded the largest of four DME MAC contracts to provide claims processing, customer service and administrative services to over 55,000 durable medical equipment, prosthetics, and orthotics suppliers in 15 states, including: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia as well as the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. CIGNA also holds federal Medicare Part B contracts for North Carolina and Idaho.

Source by Rick Lewis

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If you are going to store your belongings in a self-storage unit, you are probably wondering whether or not they are insured. After all, the unit could catch on fire, be broken into, or be otherwise damaged, leaving your valuable property at risk. The good news is that most self-storage companies offer insurance, but before you purchase it, make sure you really need it.

Insurance Is Not Automatic

The first thing to understand about self storage insurance policies is the fact that they are not automatically applied to your belongings. Some companies have policies already in place, and if they do, the cost of your rental will cover the insurance premium. However, this is rare. Most companies are competing to get your business by having the lowest possible rate, and as such they do not build insurance into the cost. This will only cause them to lose business to companies advertising lower rates. However, you can usually get insurance if you want it, but you will have to pay for it.

Of course, some items are covered under the insurance policy the building’s owner has. For instance, fire is typically covered under the owner’s insurance policy. Theft and weather damage, such as the damage that may occur if there is a tornado or windstorm, is not necessarily part of this coverage.

You May Not Need It

If you own your own home and have a homeowner’s insurance policy, you may not need insurance on your items in storage. Before you sign up for the insurance policy offered by the storage company, check with your current insurance provider. Your insurance policy likely covers your possessions, and this may include possessions store off of your property. Most insurance policies cover all of the property of the homeowner no matter where it is in the world. Of course, your deductible and any exclusions that apply to the homeowner’s policy also apply to the items you are storing, so if you feel that your belongings will not be adequately insured, be sure to purchase the policy.

Of course, if you are using the storage unit to store a vehicle, this will not be covered under your homeowner’s policy. Almost all homeowner’s policies exclude the vehicles that the property owner has. This makes the need for automotive insurance more real. If the car is not insured, then purchasing the additional insurance policy is a good idea.

Most renters’ insurance policies work in a similar way. Since they insure the ‘contents’ of the rental home, they also protect the belongings you put in storage. Again, check with your current insurance provider to determine what coverage you already have before you purchase the coverage offered by the rental unit.

What if You Are Not Covered?

If you do not have an existing insurance policy that will cover your belongings while in storage, you will have to decide whether or not the cost of the rental unit insurance is worthwhile. The only way to do this is to determine how valuable the items you will be storing are, how upset you will be if you lose them, and then choosing whether or not the cost of the policy make sense in light of the value of your belongings.

Keep in mind that you are not protected, even if the rental unit’s owner allows you to rent without insurance. Even the best security measures can be overcome, and no one can protect your belongings from a natural disaster. If something happens to the building, your belongings will be lost, and you will be left with nothing. If you do not want to see this happen, consider purchasing insurance for the items you place in self storage.

Source by Amy Nutt

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Every year, thousands of people get involved in multiple motor vehicle accidents and with every accident comes in insurance claims of various kinds. Be it a collision involving major damage of property or injury, or a small fender bender, an accident is most likely to entail a claim for the damages made from the insurance company. While all the auto accidents Youngstown might not me similar there are some common methods which are included in order to ensure that all the compensations are achieved duly.

The process initiates with the inspection at the scene of the accident. First and foremost, it is essential to check the safety of the passengers and all the individuals who are associated in the accident. At times injuries occur even in the minor accidents and so the paramedics need to be called to check the intensity of the injuries. Apart from the health reasons, it is important to call the paramedics to assure that the accident victims can successfully claim for the medical damages promptly. Regardless of the injury, it is essential for an police officer to be present at the scene of accident to ascertain which driver is at fault.

Most of the people fail to recognize how many of these car injury claims actually ends in a settlement. The fact is, a vast majority of injury lawsuits settle much before they run into a trial. Since, there are lot of legal complications, the personal attorneys try to resolve most of the insurance claims through settlement without the lawsuit being filed even. Now being a victim of an auto accidents Canfield, the mental state already remains disturbed and it is not possible to determine whether filing a case to the court or settling it up will be beneficial. Obviously, there are pros and cons for both, and only a professional attorney for auto accidents Canfield can guide the victims with the best option.

Most of the people prefer to settle for a car accident rather than going for a trial, because that allows them to receive the compensation much faster, avoid the high fee rate of the attorneys, and finally an unpredictable decision of the jury after a prolonged trial session of several months. The core question being whether the risk of losing a trial and receiving no compensation outweighs the difference between the value of the settlement and the actual claim value that might be retained. While some of the auto accidents Boardman are so severe and beyond the scope of the settlement, the last resort left to the victims is filing the lawsuit at court.

The very first process in filing a suit in the court is drafting a formal legal complaint by the personal attorney who has been hired. Even a complaint must be served against the other driver by using a process server. Until and unless he puts up defendant for him, the proceedings of the court never starts. Next turns up the discovery process, which includes interrogations and cross checks. The preparation and representation in the trial can be time consuming and expensive procedure as well. Dealing with insurance companies turn out to be tough, especially after the car accidents. An experienced personal injury attorney will come up as a savior under such circumstances easing the burden of trial and settling the claim.

Source by Elizabeth Bernard

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Fraud has increasing become an issue of concern for most people, but they usually think of credit card fraud or identity fraud and few people realize the growing problem with health insurance fraud. Sadly, you have to be on the lookout for fraud whenever you deal with giving people your personal information, like buying health insurance in Texas over the internet. It is vital that you use common sense whenever you make a purchase online and especially one that involves divulging a lot of personal information.

It is all too easy for anybody to set up a reputable looking insurance website on the internet and con you into giving them your personal information and your money. If you are shopping online for health insurance in Texas, you must keep this in mind and keep your wits about you. Remember the old adage that says, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” and this is true with health insurance as well.

So how can you recognize a fraud when it comes to buying health insurance in Texas over the internet? There are several health insurance related scams being peddled on the internet these days. One of these is the age old “pyramid” scheme. This deal claims to be health insurance, but then advertises that you can make money by getting more people to sign up under you. While the basic idea may sound like a bona fide network marketing business, beware the telltale signs of the “pyramid scheme”. In a scam like this, if you read the fine print you will realize that you aren’t actually getting anything for your money, other than a “membership” and a chance to make money. It isn’t real health insurance. They may tell you that you will qualify for “discounts” on medical services, but you will be hard pressed to ever recoup any of your investment with these so-called discounts.

The only way to make your money back is to sell these same valueless memberships to other unsuspecting people. Health insurance in Texas is a big industry and there are plenty of unscrupulous people looking to take advantage of others in order to make a quick buck.

Another popular scam leads you to believe you are purchasing a regular health insurance plan in Texas. They advertise the lowest rates around and draw you in with false promises. As soon as you try to submit a claim you find out that you don’t have any insurance at all.

Some of these internet health insurance scams in Texas even target the health insurance agents and companies themselves. It can be difficult to know who to trust anymore when it comes to buying health insurance in Texas, especially online, but with a little careful investigation you should be able to tell the real deal from the scams out there.

Another one of the major frauds regarding health insurance in Texas is when unlicensed agents attempt to sell you health insurance. The laws in Texas require both the insurance company and the agent to be licensed in order to sell you health insurance. This protects the consumer and makes sure that an agent knows what they are doing before they sell a product like health insurance in Texas that has a huge impact on a person’s life and well-being. If you find suspicious activity that may be fraudulent, you should report it to the better business bureau and any other local or state agency that deals with fraud.

Source by Jordan FeRoss

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With a spate of extreme weather – well it seems extreme because the country seems not to be able to cope with a bit of snow – over the past few months, property owners could be forgiven for wondering why they cannot get the same sort of emergency insurance as owner occupiers can. The answer to this is, perhaps surprising, they can!

For a relatively modest cost, property owners can purchase insurance that protects them against most forms of unforeseen emergency in the same way as owner occupiers. This is particularly important, because they cannot always be on the spot to deal with matters personally, and tenants will expect issues to be dealt with quickly and efficiently. After all, that is what they pay their rent for.

Home emergency insurance is not the same as property owners insurance – it is an add-on rather than a substitute. If, for example, you have a blocked toilet which results in damage to decorations, fixtures and any contents you have in the property, this is a matter for ordinary buildings and contents insurance.

By the same token, however, that insurance will not pay for the actual repair to the toilet – that is a maintenance matter and not covered by conventional policies. However, home emergency insurance is designed to provide emergency support to you 24 hours a day 365 days a year. This includes not just finding someone to do essential work for you quickly, but also covers the cost, usually up to a limit of about £1,000.

Cover is quite broad and includes such events as: – Burst water pipes – perhaps in the thaw after a freeze – or the failure of guttering and down pipes; – Failure of domestic electricity, gas or water supply; – The total breakdown of a heating system; – Failure of the only toilet in the property; and other events – even pest infestations.

Importantly, there is also usually a level of cover for alternative temporary accommodation, so that tenants can get a good night’s sleep while things are being sorted out.

There are of course some exclusions depending on the type of landlord insurance – such as general maintenance, events within the first 28 days of the insurance and longer term work – once the emergency has been resolved. If there were not, the insurance would have to be much more expensive than it is!

It is therefore important that you seek independent professional advice before making any decision about your property owners insurance. You should always ask your insurance advisers what experience they have of dealing with residential and/or commercial rental property insurance.

Source by Paul Buchanan

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Whether you’re headed to Haiti as a volunteer helping to restore the earthquake-ravaged country, or to Iraq as an employee rebuilding its infrastructure, or even off the shores of Somalia as ship crewmember and scuba diving adventurist, you or your boss will most likely be looking at higher premiums — if you can get life insurance at all.

All three countries are included on the U.S. State Department’s travel warning list, which is updated constantly, and which insurance brokers say is used to determine how much you will be charged for a new or updated life policy — or if you will be offered a policy altogether.

According to the Web site, travel warnings are issued to describe long-term, protracted conditions that make a country dangerous or unstable, or when a U.S. embassy or consulate closes, restricting government aid to its citizens there.

The list includes war-torn countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, Chad and Sudan with their rebel violence and Mexico with its violence among drug cartels. In each case, the chances of being kidnapped and held for ransom, or injured or killed in the crossfire, are real.

“The more unstable and dangerous a country is and the more likely something bad will happen, the less likely you are to get insurance, not even from Lloyd’s of London, which provides specialty insurance if you can pay the price,” says Ryan Pinney, a high-risk specialist with Pinney Insurance Center, Inc. in Roseville, Calif.

Members of the military going into war zones have coverage through the government-provided Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance, which Pinney says costs about $24 a month for $400,000 coverage. In addition, many private insurance companies cover all military members at no extra cost,” says Michael Tessler, president of Brokerage Unlimited in St. Louis, Mo.

However, most companies won’t insure you if you are going to a war zone as a contractor or working on an oil rig off the coast of Nigeria.

Iaian Donald, with Control Risks, an independent specialty risk consultancy, says some companies that send workers to dangerous places will pay for their employees’ life insurance as part of their accident policy. Huge corporations like Haliburton, have global policies to cover any destination. “The price can be nominal if the company is big enough,” Donald says. Companies that send employees to a particularly dangerous place, including foreign journalists, can buy a policy from a high-risk specialist such as Lloyd’s of London for a certain number of staff and the underwriter will come up with a price, Donald says.

Pinney says if you’re just flying into Afghanistan’s main airport, which is a green zone, and don’t leave the area, and can document that, insurance companies will insure you.

If you’re doing long-term missionary work in a dangerous country with no easy access to good medical care, few insurance companies will insure you, Tessler says.

If you’re a member of the American Red Cross or the Peace Corp., Pinney says you will need to have your own life insurance as neither agency provides it for their volunteers. He says you would probably be limited to standard health class if embarking on a two-week trip to help a dangerous country like Haiti, which means you’ll have a mid-rating if you are relatively healthy. He says underwriters will look at where you’re going, what you’ll be doing while there and how long you’ll be gone, to determine a price.

“It could cost you as much as 25 to 50 percent more for a policy because of the danger,” Pinney says.

If you plan on indulging in extreme sport activity — such as scuba diving or rock climbing —during your off-work hours, expect to pay even more. Pinney says you are rated up two times for each sport you do. “You could pay 50 cents per $1,000. Multiply 50 cents by a $100,000 policy and it gets expensive. If you buy the cheapest 10-year term insurance you would pay $160 to $180 a year for a $500,000 policy if you’re rated preferred best, and $310 to $360 a year for a standard policy if you do these sports,” Pinney says.

<b>Top 10 Most dangerous countries</b>

Following is a list of the top 10 most dangerous countries in the world right now, according to Control Risks. The company advises and assists corporations, government and non-government entities to help reduce their and their employees’ risks. Some countries are just dangerous in specific areas, as listed, not necessarily the country as a whole.

For example, if there is a high risk for travel, foreign visitors from the U.S. may find themselves in a situation where there is a chance of being kidnapped when traveling by foot or land, or they may be unable to get a flight out of the country if civil or political unreast erupts. Also, some countries are so dangerous for foreign travelers that there is a high probability that if something were to happen to them, the embassy in that region would not be able to help.

The countries are listed in alphabetical order; all are extremely dangerous in terms of security, most in terms of travel, and all are on the U.S. State Department travel warning list.

1. Afghanistan: With the war on terror having shifted from Iraq to Afghanistan, and the risk of terrorism high, the country as a whole is considered extremely risky for travel, according to Donald. Control Risks rates it extremely risky when it comes to operating a business in various regions of the country. For instance, there are risks that would impact a business logistically in addition to fraud and corruption which often includes exposure to officials seeking bribes. Also, there are high security risks, a great potential for terrorism and extreme political unrest.

2. Chad, Sudanese border: The two countries have been engaged in hostile relations for years, with each supporting rebel groups in the other country. The battles have left many dead, particularly in the Darfur region of Sudan. Control Risks rates it extreme for security, high for political unrest, travel and business ventures and low for terrorism.

3. Congo (North Kivu province): Militia violence against the government in this African country has placed it high on the warning list, Donald said. It received extreme ratings for security and travel, political unrest and business operations and low for terrorism.

4. Iraq: U.S. troops still are primarily in this country now to keep peace between the Arabs and Kurds, but hostile relations between the two sides continue. It is still rated extremely dangerous for security, terrorism and travel, high for politics and business operations, Donald said.

5. Pakistan: The threat of terrorism and the security factor against the government have placed the entire country on high security alert, Donald said, with the Federally Administered Tribal Areas the only area in the world to receive extreme risk ratings across the board from Control Risks. The military has been especially active in this Afghan Taliban and al Qaeda stronghold.

6. Palestinian Territories, Gaza Strip: Ongoing fighting between Palestinians and Israelis over this portion of land has consistently placed this area on the travel danger list. Control Risks rates it extremely dangerous for political, security and travel reasons, high for business operations and low for terrorism.

7. Somalia: With no working government, law enforcement or institutions, and with pirates attacking ships on the water, this country has been labeled dangerous both on land and water, Donald said. It has been given extremely dangerous ratings in all areas but terrorism, where it was given a high rating for danger by Control Risks.

8. Sri Lanka: Fighting government factions have resulted in one of the longest and bloodiest wars in Asia. The northern province is particularly dangerous, according to Donald, receiving extreme ratings for political, business operations and security reasons and high ratings for terrorism and travel.

9. Sudan, Darfur: Decades of civil war have included genocidal violence, rapes and mass displacement against civilians, many of whom are left in refugee camps. It received extremely risky ratings in security and travel, high in political unrest and business operations and low in terrorism.

10. Yemen, Saada Province: Fighting between the Yemeni army and rebels in this Northern Province has left many dead and buildings destroyed. And it has left the Saada region with an extreme rating for security and travel, and a high rating for political unrest, business operations and terrorism.

This article was originally published at Life Quotes, Inc.

Source by Life Quotes, Inc

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What is a State Disability Insurance? Also known as SDI, it is a partial wage for workers. This is mandated by the State and is funded by the deductions from the employee’s payroll. SDI offers short-term benefits that are affordable to eligible workers who are going through a loss of wages because they cannot work.

Their reasons for their not being able to work can be non-work related illnesses or they are injured. They can also be pregnant or have just given birth.

Employees are covered by the State Disability Insurance. But there are some employees that are exempted from these. Examples are the railroad employees.  In fact, the non-profit agencies’ employees claim religious exemptions.

There are five states that offer disability insurance programs. These are California, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Hawaii. One commonwealth also provide the same benefits. This is Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Each state has their own operations of the programs.

Generally, here are the benefits of State Disability Insurance

1. It covers the travels of the employees. However the coverage is not dependent when the employee is sticking with a particular employer.

2. This is mandatory for most of the workers in the specific state.

3. It is non-exclusionary. Anyone who is eligible cannot have his coverage be denied or canceled due to health risk factors, hazardous employment, or pre-existing conditions.

4. State Disability Insurance may reach up to 52 weeks of benefits. It has a waiting period of seven days.

5. The payroll deduction for all the employees who are covered are based on a single contribution rate.

Here are the SDI Plans.

1. State plan. Majority of employers have this plan. Most of the information that is provided on the insurance is patterned to the policies of the state.

2. Voluntary Plan. This is a private plan that has been approved by the EDD. It may be a substitute for the State Plan. Employee groups as well as the employers can make their own voluntary plans if they both agree to do.

3. Elective coverage. Employers and self-employed people, even those general partners, may apply for coverage. However, the calculation of the benefits they’d get and how much coverage they would acquire is similar to those of the employees whose benefits and coverage have been mandated by the State Plan.

The cost of participating can be calculated at the EDD Employment Tax Office. In this particular plan, the cost is different from one employee to the next. It depends on the payroll.

Source by Ricky Lim

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If you are lucky enough to have received a diamond ring for engagement or just a gift or are considering purchasing one for someone then it is worth looking into insuring such a precious stone.

Many people forget the importance of insuring a diamond ring, what can be worse than falling in love with a ring and something happening to it, whether it is lost or damaged if the ring is not insured then the costs will have to be forfeited by the owner, if the diamond ring was expensive then you may find your self in a situation where you simply can not afford to replace or repair the ring.

Insurance is not as simple as you may think, most insurance companies will not just cover the item on your normal policy, some may cover jewelry for theft but not for other circumstances where by the diamond band has become lost or damaged.

Most insurance companies will allow you to purchase additional insurance for fine jewelry and your diamond band however there are a few questions you should ask before taking out this addition to your existing policy.

1st and most importantly you will want to know how much the insurance will cost. It is also wise to ask how this will affect your policy should you need to make a claim for your diamond ring.

2nd ask if an appraisal needed to cover your diamond ring and if so would these need to be provided by yourself by specific appraiser or will your insurance company take care of this for you.

3rd ask if the diamond ring be covered for its full value or replacement cost and will this be in the form of a cash sum where by you would purchase the replacement ring yourself or will the insurance company replace the diamond ring themselves and send to you.

4th check if the diamond ring be covered wherever the damage or loss takes place, some insurance companies will only cover loss or damage within your own company so additional travel insurance may be needed if you were to go abroad.

5th will the insurance cover all repairs on the diamond ring and who will make any repair to the ring, some insurance companies have their own tradesmen who would make any repairs needed other insurance companies will ask for several estimates provided by yourself before you can go ahead and get it repaired.

6th always ask about excess, this is a sum of money you will pay before anything is repaired or replaced, this is normally ascertained by the value of the ring, it is a very important aspect of insurance, you may find small repairs can be done without going through your insurance, some cases will show that it simply is not worth paying the excess to replace or repair your diamond ring depending on the excess figure.

insurance may sound daunting but it need not be, knowing what to ask and knowing the facts always helps.

Source by Vicki Churchill

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Money talks, they say. Maybe! For most of the time it’s true knowing that we are living in a material world. People do anything that they can to save money, because obviously, you cannot have it in just a snap of the finger.

For most people, car insurance is the single largest Insurance expense after health insurance. It seems that its rates are high and are forever climbing. So if you want to save money, here are some tips to lower your car insurance.

It pays to shop and compare. Regulatory changes at the state level may have encouraged new companies to jump into the market, thereby increasing competition and reducing rates per consumers.

Another way to reduce the rates is to increase your deductibles. A 200-dollar deductible sounds wise until you learn that the cost for having a deductible at this threshold can drive your rates through the roof. Considering a deductible of $1000 to save on premiums, you can fix minor mishaps on your own.

Consider dropping collision if your automobile is worth less than two or three thousand dollars. if your car is totaled, you assure that you will get nothing from your insurer. But the savings you realize by dropping collision coverage can be used as a down payment for your nest car.

Most companies give discounts if your car has safety features like airbags and anti-theft immobilizers. Older cars, for the most part, do not have airbags, but if you have a model that has airbags, you will save money on your insurance.

If you drive your car for business, a portion of your insurance costs may be deductible. On the other way around, you rates may be increased if your insurer knows that you use car more for business than pleasure.

Another one is to combine policies. Purchase your homeowners, auto and life insurance policies from the same broker and you may save on your premiums. Sam insurance companies reward policy holder if they “one shop” purchase all of their insurance needs through one company.

Consider the car before you buy it. Maybe a less sporty model car would be ideal than a Porsche Boxster that could sharply raise your insurance rates.

Driver’s Education course is also a factor in determining you premium. Let your insurance company know that you are a safe driver.

If you had moving violations that were reported to you insurance company, make sure that your insurer adjusts your premium downward if several years have gone by since the occurrence. You could be paying a higher premium that you actually don’t deserve.

It is also a must to check you policy if the insurer has the wrong address, town or zip code on your policy, you could find yourself paying more than you should.

Reducing your car insurance costs should not be an impossible feat. These few tips can help you realize how much savings you can get the next time your policy comes up for review.

Source by Roxel Pudol