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John Stewart

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Property insurance is there to keep you financially whole soon after a loss. This pertains to the investments that you kept, properties you raised from the time you start working to the present day that you are retiring.

You may have one home which is empty while the other one is for lease. While you are busy investing on these properties throughout your life, did you ever think of covering them with certain protection?

Flood, burglary, fire, typhoon, earthquake are the threats that could swept away all your properties and its contents in a snap. But with property insurance in place, all your perspiration and tears will be removed during times that these threats attacked you in the most unexpected time.

Every home is an investment as well as its contents. The money you spent for having them are hard earned money so you might as well protect them from any bad elements that can happen.

All those pieces of appliances and furniture in your abode are especially placed there to make your dwelling attractive, modernised and improved, but what if one day you came home and all your important appliances, LED, washing machine, new car, and refrigerator are gone?

How would you face life when nothing is left? How would you start life back again? This is how property insurance plays a very significant role. Monthly premiums are cheaper compared to the thousand to million pounds of properties you have. Why would you place yourself and your family at risk?

House Insurance covers majority of risks from catastrophic elements to threatening burglars and terrorist attacks. When you have home policy, you don’t have to be stressed on whatever condition will be happening to your dwelling.

Of course, when you protect your house, you also need to protect its contents. Contents plan guarantees that you will have financial shield and peace of mind against risks such as loss or damage to the contents of your shelter.

Protecting your valuables and belongings are one of the best decisions you will have. Contents Insurance covers all your precious electronics, appliances, jewelries and furniture. Although you can protect your home with safety locks and CTV camera, nothing can beat when you shield it against overall threats.

From the time you enrolled in the plan, you can have sound sleep every night and you don’t have to worry even when you are out-of-town or in vacation when you have the right property policy. Don’t take risk, be an informed, wise and responsible owner to your home.

Source by theproperty insurer

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Insurance is necessary for everything, whether it is for our life, property, assets or even if you are in the profession of music. Yes, being a music teacher or professional, you should think about taking the best insurance plan which can protect you from all the unexpected problems.

Not only this, you also need to think about your instrument insurance, which will protect your valuable instruments from all sorts of risks and troubles. Yes, most of the professionals face problems, like- misplace of instruments, stolen, malfunctioned, broken and various other things, which will definitely create a huge financial burden on anybody. Thus, in order to eliminate all these risks, it is very important to buy very reliable insurance plan which can easily remove the burden of money completely. Not only this, if you are running your studio or teaching students in your house or any other place of yours, you should need to insure the same place too to avoid the risks.

Make sure, whether it is a Music Teacher Insurance or any other sorts of insurance, you should think about hiring very trustable company as due to the same only you can expect to get highly valuable and trustable plan. Not only this, such sort of reliable company can help you up at the time of claim so that you can easily get the claim amount and you can get back to your teaching work as soon as possible. In order to get complete peace of mind being a music teacher only insurance can help you up, thus, better think about the same as you may really need this in the future.

As we all know, tutoring the students may be a tedious task and sometimes may create unexpected incidents which as a music teacher you could be responsible for that. For instance, if a student gets hurt in your presence or any other sorts of incidents happen over there, you can trap in a great trouble which will hurt you physically, mentally and financially. Do you know, if any student gets hurt, their parents can ask for a huge compensation amount from you, thus, in that point of time, if you have the best insurance plan with you, your every trouble will automatically remove.

Picking up right company will help you to pick up the policy for you that has been created for fulfilling the needs of the music teachers as well as their budget. However, better think about the best one after considering everything. Apart from this, you can also think to move on with- Music teacher public liability insurance, music teacher tools insurance, music teacher employers’ liability insurance and various others which will assure you to give you complete protection and amazing peace of mind.

So, what are you waiting for? Just get in touch with the best service provider and do your job in the best possible manner.

Source by Joseph White

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The state of Florida has 67 county school districts. Some school boards purchase student accident insurance to cover the entire school district student population. Many private schools choose to cover their student body using this same method. This type of policy is referred to as blanket or mandatory.

Several school boards choose to have a plan known as voluntary coverage. This allows the parents to select and purchase medical or accident insurance voluntarily for their child. This method of providing student accident insurance saves the school board a large expense in their budget.

Most of the county school districts select and contract with a plan administrator which offers both mandatory and voluntary plans. The plan premiums usually start at $10- $12 annually for school time coverage. Sports premiums are higher.The voluntary plans have a schedule of benefits with specific limits for each accident. For example, $2,000 per day in the hospital, $500 for X-rays and imaging, etc. These plans usually carry a maximum limit of $25,000 with no deductible.

Some school districts require any student involved in extracurricular activities to purchase one of these plans from the contracted administrator. Other school districts only require proof of insurance either from their parents or otherwise.

The school district requirement for students to purchase the student accident insurance plan is important. A student signs up for football showing only proof of his parents group insurance. He would be allowed to play, which is happening in some county school districts.

However, two weeks later, unknown to the coach and the school officials, his father loses his job and group insurance. That student would no longer be covered and would continue to play football. The parent will not normally inform the school district or coach of the loss of insurance. This scenario would place the school board at risk of a lawsuit in the event of an injury.

If a student has medical insurance and purchases the student accident plan it will pay most of the out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles and co-pays. For the low premium, it is a valuable policy when a claim occurs.

Our company, School Insurance Agency, contracts with 33 county school districts in Florida for student accident insurance. We provide all of the principles and coaches with password access to our student database online. So the principals or coaches can monitor who has student accident insurance and who can participate in school events.

The Florida High School Activities Association requires a catastrophic sports accident plan of at least $1 million with a $25,000 deductible. This is usually referred to as a Cat plan and the premium is usually paid by the school board. The mandatory or voluntary plans previously mentioned usually have a $25,000 maximum limit that will normally satisfy this deductible. Here again is another good reason to purchase voluntary student accident insurance.

Source by Robert Fowinkle

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If you are in the market for live insurance, you may be pondering on the benefits of term vs whole life insurance. Both types have their own good and bad points, but what it comes down to is how long you want the coverage for and how much you are willing to spend on premiums per month.Term insurance is just as the name suggests: life insurance for a specific term. Some may wonder the benefits of getting life insurance that lasts only through a previously specified duration and not until the actual time that the holder of the policy passes away, but there really are some.The biggest reason that anyone gets term as opposed to whole is simply because the price is generally much lower — in some cases a full 40% lower. For most families who do not have a high amount of disposable income, term is the preferred choice just to be safe. But it is worth noting that the turn in rate for term is only 1% — simply not many people cash out the policy because they don’t pass away within the time span of the policy. However; if the policy is taken out before a planned risky trip or medical procedure, it can actually make a difference.Whole life insurance lasts from the time the policy is taken out until the time that the policy holder passes away, but guaranteed coverage does not come without a price. The rates for whole insurance are much higher than most people seeking insurance would like to pay unless they are certain they are going to need it. But the convenience of not having to extend coverage is a selling point for many.Term vs. whole life insurance is purely a matter of personal preference and financial stability. More times than not, those who can afford whole insurance will purchase it, while those who cannot will choose term. The concept of having a life insurance policy that eventually runs out is a turn off for many, even if it is all they can afford.No matter which type of coverage you decide on, be certain that now is the time to do it and shop among agencies carefully. Many insurance agencies offer both types of coverage, so it is all a matter of getting past the underwriting process. There is no “versus” in term vs whole life insurance — it all depends on what you’re looking for and what you can handle.

Source by Bill Gatton

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Many people wonder if the cost of their prescription glasses is covered by their insurance plan. The answer is that it varies tremendously from plan to plan. Before you pay out of your own pocket for prescription glasses, take a look at your plan to determine whether or not you have vision coverage.

What Most Insurance Plans Cover

Most medical insurance plans cover losses of vision and finances due to eye injury or disease. In other words, if your eye is damaged in a car accident and you require the services of an eye doctor, it will be covered. Most medical insurance plans do not cover typical “wellness” care for your eyes, such as prescription glasses and routine eye exams, unless the plan has a vision insurance policy attached to it.

Adding Vision Insurance

If you are part of a group insurance plan, you may have the option to add vision insurance to your policy. This is usually considered a value-added benefit that is attached to a traditional health insurance structure. Whether you have indemnity health insurance, an HMO, or a PPO, you may have the opportunity to add vision insurance. By adding this coverage, you will be able to access a network of eye care providers and specialists, as well as coverage and discounts on your routine eye care. This usually includes the cost of prescription glasses.

Paying for Vision Insurance

Adding a vision benefits package to your health insurance adds an annual premium amount. You may also have a deductible that you have to meet before the insurance will cover your eye care. Typically, the premium will be an amount up to $144 a year, and the maximum deductible is typically under $40. Each plan is different, so be sure to read the fine print, but you will pay more for this coverage if you pay for your own health insurance. Some companies provide this as part of their overall healthcare benefits, so read your policy to see if you are covered.

In general, those with vision insurance will receive:

– A yearly eye exam
– Eyeglass lenses and frames
– Contacts
– LASIK discounts

Some providers will put limits on their coverage, such as only allowing the insured to get new glasses or contacts every other year. They also may put a limit on the amount they will pay for frames, which means you will pay a little out of your pocket if you want designer frames.

Tips for Using Vision Insurance

Before you schedule an appointment, check with your benefits information packet to see what doctors are covered. Remember, you will need to use a doctor in your network if you want to be covered. If you need to see a doctor who is not in your network, you may still be able to have your prescription glasses covered by filling your prescription elsewhere, but you will have to pay out of pocket for your exam.

When it is time for your eye exam, make sure you talk to your optometrist about your insurance. Most policies require the doctor to seek pre-authorization before they treat you if you are going to be covered. If this is necessary, have the doctor make the necessary calls before your appointment.

When you arrive for your appointment, present your vision insurance card. You will be asked to pay any deductibles or co-pays associated with the coverage you have. After your exam, the doctor or his staff will help you choose frames. If you have limits on the amount you can spend for frames, make sure you are looking at covered options.

If you are lucky enough to have prescription glasses coverage, make sure you take advantage of it as often as you are allowed. This will ensure that you have updated glasses as often as you need them, helping you see the world around you clearly.

Source by Amy Nutt

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Not only is the insurance coverage offered to take care of medical costs, but the lost wages are also paid through this insurance, making it useful in two ways for employees who are injured on the job.

There are many variations in this type of insurance protection from one plan to the next, but basically, this is what is covered by almost every plan:

– Wage replacement
– Medical cost reimbursement
– Economic loss coverage
– Damages for pain and suffering (possibly)
– Settlements to family members of those who are fatally injured on the job

Workers compensation insurance is generally known to be a part of union companies but it can also be offered by companies that aren’t part of a union. Any company who appreciates its employees and wants to protect them and their business should have workers compensation insurance that they offer to anyone who works in their workplace. There is no limit to the peace of mind that you will give people by offering worker’s compensation insurance. Of course, there is a lot of abuse of the system in some cases, which is why there are such stiff guidelines and regulations in place. These fines and penalties are set forth to protect the company as well as the employee in the event of a misuse of the insurance product.

Too many people think that insurance protection like this is optional. They feel like they do not have to offer it to employees, but the reality of the situation is that anyone without workers compensation protection is putting their company at risk for big trouble. With so many different things to think about, it can be helpful to have a professional independent insurance agent on your side to discuss the matters of workers compensation insurance in detail so that you are prepared for anything that might arise. When it comes to a subject as important as insurance, you can never be too careful in making sure that you get all the information that you need. Your business can’t really live without workers compensation protection. One bad accident and you’ll be buried in lawsuits and facing bankruptcy in no time. If you pay for the coverage, you’ll save your business a world of trouble.

Source by Dan Williams

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Can you get auto insurance without drivers license? Car insurance is a way to safeguard yourself against unexpected accidents on the road. Upon signing the agreement, you and the insurance company jointly assume the risk of unexpected car accidents.

A major reason why you should insure your car is that most states require the automobile to be insured in order to be validly registered. Therefore, having an insured vehicle will save you from the hassle of having to reinstate registration when you have obtained a driving license.

The insurance company will assess the risk associated with your vehicle based on the kind of the car and the driver. The company then offer you a premium which you have to pay monthly. It is very important that you get auto insurance whether you have a license or not.

There are many people who own a car but don’t have any license. It is therefore against the law to drive on the road. However, they should obtain insurance to cover the cost of damage when there is an incident.

You should also obtain insurance if you are about to get a license. This is to insure yourself from the high costs you will have to pay when there is some ugly things happen on the road.

To obtain insurance without a license, it is important that you do lots of research. There are many companies which do not offer insurance to drivers who do not have a license. These companies need the driver’s driving record to evaluate the risk. Without a driving license, these companies cannot evaluate the risk and therefore, cannot assign a premium. However, there are several companies that offer insurance for unlicensed drivers.

You can call the local agent to speak up your case and ask for help. You should have the following information at hand before contacting the agent: the vehicle identification number, the license plate number, the model and make of the car, the year it was manufactured.

Another very important piece of information is the motor vehicle report. This report will tell the reader the number of incidents the car has caused.

When you apply for coverage, it is your responsibility to fully disclose your situation and other information regarding why they are not licensed. Failure to do so may result in the insurance company ‘s termination of the contract.

Auto insurance without drivers license is a bit more difficult to get than normally licensed drivers. However, you should not be discouraged and go without insurance. Auto insurance is very important to the safety of yourself and your vehicle. You should do decent research and work diligently with your local agent in order to find the perfect insurance company for your case. You will need to be selective and read their custom agreement carefully to know what you are getting into. Once signed, you will be obliged to execute the contract and there is no chance to turn back and do it again. Auto insurance may be expensive but very necessary in keeping you on the safe side. You don’t have to worry about the cost of physical damage to your car when there is an accident any more.

Source by Jim Bassett

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Finding healthcare coverage for older adults can be challenging, and even if you’ve found a plan that works for you, the premiums may be prohibitively expensive.  Rest assured, affordable healthcare for seniors does exist! It’s up to you to make financially sound decisions by buying coverage that meets your needs and doesn’t charge you for services you won’t be using.  For seniors living on a tight budget, researching your available options is essential to finding the most affordable health care plan. Here are a few things you should consider while weighing your options:


Health insurance for seniors is much more regulated and standardized than health insurance for other adults or children.  Seniors in the United States are eligible for government-sponsored healthcare coverage, called Medicare, which often offers more affordable and beneficial packages than private individual health insurance plans. Medicare is available to anyone who has worked for at least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment, is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and is at least 65 years old. To find more information or to enroll in Medicare, visit the government’s website: www.medicare.gov.

To add or not to add? Additional expenses…

While Medicare will help pay for some healthcare costs, it won’t cover all of your medical expenses or some long-term care options.  If you have Medicare but need additional services, you’ll want to explore private options or enroll in a privately managed healthcare plan (with extra benefits) under Medicare Advantage. If you are already enrolled in a private healthcare plan, make sure your plan covers all of the services you’ll need. But make sure that you know what you’re paying for; don’t buy services that you don’t need or won’t use.

Other Resources

In addition to Medicare, your state may offer supplemental insurance that will help low-income individuals pay for medical expenses not covered by the base Medicare plans.  California’s public health insurance plan, Medi-Cal, pays for “medically necessary” healthcare, and it may also cover some Medicare costs. Contact your state’s health insurance assistance department for more information. Knowing what resources are available to you is a key to maximizing your benefits.

The following resources may help get you on your way to affordable healthcare coverage:

California Health Insurance Counseling: www.aging.ca.gov

California Department of Health Insurance: www.insurance.ca.gov

California Department of Health Care Services: www.dhcs.ca.gov

California Health Advocates: www.cahealthadvocate.org

Optional or on Profile: For more information on Medicares and medical insurance for seniors, or to get advice on whether this type of health insurance plan is right for you, visit www.enetinsurance.com and talk to one of our licensed health insurance agents.

Source by Julie

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Most of the people are not able to pay for the dental insurance because they can’t able to purchase the dental insurance individually.

The dental insurance for the individual person is merely not possible because it requires paying lot of premium and people do not able to pay an individual dental insurance.

1. The main reason is people are not able to afford more finance for the individual dental insurance. The dental treatment is very much expensive so many people get the coverage under the traditional insurance to save money on high premium of dental insurance.

2. The dental treatment is so costly so people are preferred to cover the checkup cost with the dental insurance coverage. Some time people are not able to get the treatment because they can’t be able to get the treatment of the dental insurance.

3. People normally facing the dental problem such as tooth and gum problems. In USA right from child, adult and old age people are facing the gum and tooth diseases are getting worst and many people are facing the problems of tooth decay due to lack of knowledge of the dental care.

4. Due to problems in tooth decay and teeth problems they are not able to afford the dental care services. Many people facing the gum infection and if it is not treated on time than it causes the decay and incase the bacteria enter into the blood steam than leads to a serious problems.

5. People who get the low income are not able to pay for the dental insurance. They usually prefer to take help from the mobile dental clinic and get help from the charity organization too.

Source by Gary Zivkovich

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Buying your first moped is the most exciting thing you could do. This is your first experience on a vehicle and a step into independence for many young people. Often some people may find that they rely heavily on their parents to give them a lift to places, which can be a problem when you find most of your friends are finding their own way of transportation. However, having a moped requires a lot of responsibility, which includes paying for moped insurance.

Buying moped insurance for the first can be both confusing and daunting. Where do you start with finding the right one? How do you know which one to select? What can you get from your insurance policy? Do you need an insurance policy? Why do you need insurance? Finally, why are they so expensive?

These are the questions you are going to ask yourself, considering you have never experienced the joys of paying for insurance and are not going to be able to rely upon your parents. This is a big step into the adult world I am afraid, but instead of moaning and groaning about the prospect of having to spend of your allowance or wages on insurance, why not see this as a way of protecting yourself from unpredictable crises.

Whether you like it or not, moped insurance is extremely important and is a legal requirement. You need to be able to ensure that you have cover, in case of any problems that may cause harm to you, the other party or your vehicle. Your first insurance quote will be steep, but that is only because you may not be familiar with is entailed with some insurance policies.

There are different types of insurance policy. Third, party insurance covers for third party damages and that’s it. Although this may not necessarily be directed for you, but there may be a possibility that your mate will borrow the moped so you will need to cover all corners before you let them, because if you are both caught without insurance you will be fined heavily. It is better to lose some money on insurance than losing more over a fine and face losing your license.

Third party fire and theft protection are exactly what they say they are. This will give you complete cover for the more devastating incidences but it will also cost you slightly more. Be prepared to pay for what you get, as the price of insurance is nothing compared to the price of fines and court fines.

Fully comprehensive insurance covers for all of the above but also for loss and theft as well damages. This is more for top of the range bikers and is indeed expensive; however, it is worth the money and is well worth looking into for the future. For a first time moped users this is not necessary and going for a basic insurance policy will suffice.

One final note is to approach insurance brokers, ask as many questions as you can they will point you to the right direction. Try not to be too inundated by insurance offers and quotes, but do try to get a clear idea of how much to spend and finding the right policy for you.

Source by highposition

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With all of the upcoming changes happening in health care, health insurance companies must stay competitive. Aetna Health Insurance will need to pay close attention to all of the changes in order to compete with government health care. There have been many rumors along the lines of health insurance companies being obsolete when the health system is socialized. This of course is false. Other factors might even increase the business of health insurance companies. None is sure what will happen with abortion coverage and Medicare changes. A company can take advantage of the uncertainty around those issues and offer what the government cannot.

Aetna Health Insurance is in absolutely no danger of the United States choosing socialized medicine. This is a terrible rumor that has been spread recently in the upcoming debates on health care. The government does need to step in and help the country with the current system however. There are many hospitals that are not as good as other hospitals. There are also people who because of preexisting illness cannot get health insurance at all. These are huge issues that must be addressed. What is actually being proposed is that the government is going to heavily regulate the health care system. It is exactly the same way that the government regulates the airlines. Aetna Health Insurance under the new plan would just need to follow the new regulations, and would not be threatened in any way.

Another worry that people have is around abortion rights. Conservatives are worried that taxpayer money will go towards abortions and feminists are worried that the government will be deciding things about a woman’s body. This issue however has not been decided on at all yet. Aetna Health Insurance though can decide a lot easier as to what the company’s policies are. If they want more of the conservative market then they can refuse to cover any abortions. If they want a more liberal market, then they can choose to cover all abortions. They could even have some plans with abortion coverage and some plans without. Aetna Health Insurance will have a much easier time deciding policy than the government ever will on abortion.

Another hot issue right now is around what will happen with Medicare. There is a rumor that Medicare will be cut in the new bill. This is completely wrong. What is happening is that it is being reviewed. It has been found that certain programs that Medicare offers are worthless and expensive. These are the things that are being cut. People are worried also that maybe something they absolutely need, will be cut. This is where an insurance company, like Aetna Health Insurance, can come in. Aetna Health Insurance can then offer those programs that were cut.

Source by Ronnie Hamilton

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MetLife Dental Insurance provides customers with dental insurance services that protect them and their families. The dental insurance helps protect customers from various oral and dental ailments. The company has proven experience, expertise and insight in the provision of dental benefits. Presently the company has more than 21 million customers who use the company’ resources and tools to make informed choices regarding dental and oral health. MetLife gives access to the most updated and best-in-class information compiled by the MetLife Dental Advisory Council. The council is a highly respected group of dentists and academicians.

MetLife compiles all relevant details that you may require to ascertain your dental health. This information tells you the risk that your teeth are subjected to, with respect to your health and life style. The resources and tools provided by MetLife give comprehensive and detailed information about pertinent issues such as “Aging and Oral Health”, “Children’s Oral Health”, “Dental Sealants”, Diabetes”, “Multi-Language Health History Forms”, “Oral Cancer”, “Orthodontics (braces)”, “Periodontal (gum) Disease”, “Tooth Decay” and “Women’s Oral Health”. Each of the topics has been elaborated in simple and user friendly terms and consists of quizzes and interactive applications to increase awareness amongst our esteemed clients. The FAQ’s incorporated in each of the topics cover a whole gamut of issues that are of concern to clients and provide solutions, remedies and valuable insights. The topics have been designed and presented using an interactive and enjoyable format.

Many employers have a contract with MetLife to provide dental insurance to their employees. Employees can easily log in to the MetLife website to see and manage their dental benefits using online tools and applications. Relevant forms are easily available for employees and customers to download and fill up after understanding the benefits of the specific plan. MetLife provides companies with the option of choosing from a wide array of value added and cost effective benefit plans. MetLife is an innovative company. They are always trying to integrate clinical researches with present industry trends to offer the best possible products that suit the client’s requirements.

MetLife Dental Insurance floated the very popular Group Dental HMO Plans for California, Florida and Texas that comprises a wide range of cost effective plans, delivered by SafeGuard DHMO networks, which is a Metlife company. The DHMO option offers very attractive features covering more than 340 procedures including general anesthesia, IV sedation, white fillings and veneers, 25% deduction in the dental fees for procedures not listed, co-payment of oral cancer screening procedures and brush biopsies. It also covers predefined fees for services and materials pertaining to bridges and crowns and continual coverage for orthodontic care at the initial group enrollment value.

MetLife provides very lucrative and beneficial plans called Group Dental PPO Plans–the MetLife Preferred Dentist Program (PDP) is the base upon which we have developed a host of products. The features that make the plan special include freedom of choice, savings on plans, MetLife’s Quality Initiatives Program (QIP) that promotes high quality of service and the trademark MetLife operational excellence.

The goal of MetLife Dental Insurance is to provide a dental plan for everyone.

Source by Thunder Shark

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If you are self-employed or there is no group medical benefit offered by your employer you will want to look for a health plan for individuals. You can select a plan to cover only you and either or both of your spouse and children.

There are diverse health covers now available from providers to match different customers’ needs, but selecting a satisfactory plan for you and your family at a reasonable price poses some difficulty. We can take a look at the main health insurance plans that are available today.

  • Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) – PPO health plans have are quite popular as they include a network of providers of medical services that help to control costs, but still do allow their clients to get service outside the network on some instances if they are willing to receive reduced cover. In emergency situations you do get full network coverage even when seeking medical attention from outside the network.

Where a particular service is not available within the network, you may still get the need covered at network rates. However, to get such service, prior authorization for the service must be obtained.

  • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) – An HMO has what is called managed care. The health insurance provider manages costs by covering health care through a network. They will of course make exceptions in cases of emergency or where the service needed is not available within the selected network.
  • Health Savings Account (HSA) – The HSA plan comes in two sections. One is a medical plan with a high deductible and a savings account for the second part. Within limits, you may be able to deduct these contributions from the tax liability and the savings can accrue interest and the balance at year-end can be rolled. To control costs, the high deductible plan can be allied with a PPO network.
  • Indemnity Health Insurance – This is the old style insurance health plan that just provides health insurance cover for amounts based on the deductible and up to the maximum allowed for that policy.
  • Mini Med Plan or Specified Benefit Plan – For each medical service that is covered, the plan specifies the benefit amounts payable. The premium due on each policy is in general lower than that for major plans, but equally, the maximum benefits payable also tend to be much lower than for the majors.

Which plan then will suit your needs? You need to assess your needs, budget and expectations. There is no point in taking out a health insurance plan you can not afford.

You may decide on a higher premium or settle for higher cost sharing than you want to reduce premiums. For an individual, the type of covers available differ considerably from those provided through an employer.

You may find that an HMO network near you can provide you with the health care at an affordable cost. You may however prefer the flexibility provided by a PPO which does not require that all medical care is availed through a medical provider network. For the good savers, the HSA plan may fit them better as it gives them control over the management of costs.

Source by Jack Adams

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Many nonprofits are scared off by the high premiums that come with nonprofit liability insurance. Some nonprofits consider foregoing purchasing nonprofit liability insurance as a way to cut costs. Nowadays, nonprofit boards are very likely to be the target of litigation, and must protect themselves at all costs.

Employee Claims Statistics

According to statistics compiled by the Nonprofits Alliance of California, 98% of nonprofit EPLI claims are employee related, and 80% of those cases are related to wrongful termination.

Employee-related claims are on the climb, and nonprofits need to take notice. These claims can seriously damage nonprofit organizations, and can even totally annihilate them. Here, it’s easy to see the importance of nonprofit insurance.

Chubb Insurance has noted a dramatic increase in the number of employee related claims in the past five years. Chubb has noted that roughly 65% of its claims are employee practice liability claims.

D&O claims include membership issues, misallocation of funds, mismanagement, and fraud.

Protecting Your Nonprofit with a D&O Policy

An Executive Liability policy can group together coverages like D&O and EPLI to indemnify the directors and officers of nonprofit organizations from damages or losses that arise from claims when there organization cannot indemnify. An Employment practices liability policy can cover such claims as wrongful termination, discrimination, and sexual harassment.

Insurance for Non-Profits has a lower rate when it comes to D&O insurance for publicly traded or for profit companies. This is due to the fact that nonprofits have much less liability exposure than for-profit corporations.

Different providers offer different D&O policies with varying coverage. The majority of D&O policies exclusively cover the directors and officers of the organization, but some policies extend coverage to protect employees, consultants, and volunteers.

The EEOC has noted a significant increase in claims in recent years. A slow economy is partially to blame, as people who find themselves out of work often file lawsuits to recover funds lost to unemployment.  This is why EPLI insurance is important all types of organizations with employees.

Take Preventative Measures

Robert Hartwig, the chief economist and vice president at the Insurance Information Institute, has stated that “leaders of for-profit and nonprofit companies are at the crosshairs of a lawsuit today.”

There are a few ways that nonprofits can structure their protocols to prevent lawsuits. Here are a few tips:

  • Detail and establish a firm consensus for procedural issues such as timing of content, notices, access of records, record-keeping, frequency of meetings, scheduling meetings, etc.
  • All board members need to stay up to date regarding the management of the nonprofit organization. Board meetings should contain comprehensive presentations and documentation that pertains to the issues at hand.
  • Delegation of responsibility will help alleviate the decision-making traffic jams. Building strong committees can help the board with the decision-making process.
  • Always consult outside legal advice before making any employment decision.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest within the board.

Even if a nonprofit follows all of these tips, a lawsuit can threaten the very existence of the organization. As such, it’s especially important to purchase a D&O and EPLI policy that will cover expenses incurred through such litigation.

Evaluate the policies that are available on the market. An executive risk policy can combine D&O, EPLI, Crime, Kidnap & Ransom, Fiduciary Liability, and some Miscellaneous E&O coverage.

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Source by Russ Birch

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A 69 year old widow has been left in shock after a life insurance company wrote to her husband asking him if he would be interested in taking out a policy.

The man in question passed away over four years ago, just two weeks after being diagnosed with terminal cancer.

When the letter from Sun Life Direct dropped onto her mat addressed to her late husband, the Haverhill woman was intrigued and opened it.

She was shocked to find that it was a letter attempting to persuade her husband to take out a life insurance policy ‘to protect those you love.’

She found the timing of the letter especially poignant as had her husband still been alive they would have been approaching their Golden wedding anniversary, celebrating 50 years of marriage.

The letter in question was addressed to her husband and read: “Could you spare 23p a day for those you love?” before going into the details and benefits of various life insurance policies.

The widow who opened the offending letter addressed to her dead husband said that the letter caused her extreme distress.

“At the time when I got the letter it upset me. I sat down and cried my eyes out,” she said.

“I can’t understand how it came to here because he’s never lived in Suffolk. He was from London,” she added.

Her daughter, who also lives in Haverhill was equally distraught by the life insurance company’s insensitive mistake and decided to tackle them over the phone.

To her shock and surprise, instead of issuing a heartfelt apology, she was greeted rudely and the company were very abrupt with her when she phoned up.

“I said ‘how stupid can people be? You have offended so many people with this letter’, and they put the phone down on me,” she said.

To add insult to injury, following the mistake and the unsatisfactory phone call, Sun Life Direct went on to send the family a survey asking how they felt their complaint was dealt with.

“What got me with the Sun Life letter was that they also had a survey asking us how we felt how they dealt with it, which was quite disgusting,” said the daughter of the deceased man.”

The widow’s daughter in law also complained to Sun Life Direct and her approach resulted in a slightly more satisfactory outcome.

Following her complaint, Sun Life Direct sent the distressed widow a letter of apology and a bunch of flowers to show their regret at the unfortunate incident.

A second company, SAV Credit, who had supplied the incorrect details to Sun Life Direct, also wrote a letter of apology.

Having received the apology the family are satisfied that the company has made up for their mistake and they now wish to put the incident behind them and move on from this stressful event.

Sun Life Direct will no doubt be keeping a closer eye on their mailing lists from now on to avoid further upset and embarrassment for them and their potential customers.

Source by Carys Robshaw

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As the name intimates, the Shiprepairer’s Legal Liability (SRLL) policy covers only what the Shipyard is legally liable for. This usually implies negligence. Simply put, this policy looks to protect the Yard if the Yard would be found to be legally liable for damage while a vessel is under the care, custody and control of the Yard.

Since this policy will respond ONLY when the Yard is negligent, typically, the Yard would rely on this policy when the Owner is maintaining his Hull & Machinery (H&M) and his Protection & Indemnity (P&I) covers and naming and waiving the Yard / Yard’s Contractors / Affiliates of the Yard / Yard’s Parent Company, etc. on to its H&M and P&I policies.

For the SRLL policy to respond, the Shipyard is responsible for showing Underwriters how the yard was negligent.

The type of insurance that the Yard has in place does not determine liability. The Yard’s liability is grounded in the terms and conditions of the ship repair contract.

However, SRLL Underwriters will not respond to a contractual provision that does not fall under their SRLL policy.

For any project, the most important thing to consider is that there are no gaps in coverage. The SRLL policy is designed to protect the Yard if it is negligent. Any other situation should fall under the Owner’s H&M or P&I policy where the Shipyard (and its affiliates, subcontractors, etc.) should be named as an assured and the underwriters should specifically waive subrogation against the Shipyard.

Generally, in order for there to be a claim under a SRLL Policy, the loss will have to be traced back to the Yard’s negligence when the vessel was in the care, custody and control of the Yard.

In the event of a SRLL claim the following procedure should be followed:

• Report loss promptly to your insurance broker.

• Act prudently, e.g., take pictures, mitigate and assess the damage, begin collecting documents.

• Review Claims Clause of the Policy.

• If Underwriters can prove that their rights of recovery were prejudiced, then they can either deny coverage or reduce the claim amount by the amount of recovery that they would have been able to receive, had their rights not been prejudiced.

• If potential that repair or replacement amounts will breach deductible, a surveyor on behalf of Underwriters should be appointed. The cost for the surveyor is borne by the Underwriter.

Source by Scott Darragh And Garret Akerson

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It is a mystery for some motorists, what the factors are that make their car insurance rates expensive. Few motorists may know some factors or even all the factors that affect their car insurance rates, but they may not know or understand how these factors make their car insurance expensive. And so on this article, some factors that affect the rates of car insurance will be discussed. It will explain how they affect how expensive or how cheap car insurance rate will be.

Factors like driver’s or motorist’s age, driving history of the driver, and the type of vehicle or car the motorist has, are some of the many factors that affect a driver’s or motorist’s car insurance rate.

Driver’s Age is a major factor that affects the price of car insurance. Why? Because companies that offer car insurance policies have a belief that there is a certain age where in a motorist or a driver can be a good risk driver or a bad risk driver.

A good risk driver is a driver that is considered to get involved only in a few or minimal accidents, or even none at all. While a bad risk driver is one who is considered by car insurance companies to be more likely to be an accident magnet.

Being a good risk driver and a bad risk driver is associated in one’s age. For example ages 16 years old to 23 years old, typically students and teens, are considered bad risks for they are still young and considered not yet responsible due to lack of maturity. Also ages 60 years old and above are also considered bad risk because they maybe that matured enough, but their senses and reflexes have already deteriorated. And thus the age group of 40 years old to 50 years old is considered the good risk drivers, for they are matured and still physically able.

The next factor considered by car insurance companies that if understood properly, may result in cheap auto insurance is the Driving History. The driving history affects rates of car insurance because of the simple fact that people who most likely do things most of the time may most likely be the one who will repeat that same thing over and over again.

The same goes with driving history, if a driver’s driving history shows that he/she has a lot of traffic tickets and other traffic violations and accidents he/she may most likely do it again. So he/she is a bad risk driver.

The last factor that may help avoid an expensive car insurance rate if understood carefully properly is the Driver’s Vehicle. The driver’s vehicle, meaning the type of car the motorists will insure, is a factor that gives an increase or decrease on the rates of car insurance because cars also are considered prone to theft according to the group or type they are in.

Thus the simple tip when it comes to vehicle type is to avoid fast, expensive cars, and luxury cars for they make auto insurance rates high. While minivans or vehicles that are now so easy to maneuver and not so fast are good cars that make rates lower.

It is only a simple task to have cheap car insurance. It is just how you understand and maximize to your advantage the factors that are making your car insurance rate low.

Source by Patricia Gabbett

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What do I need to think about when looking for motorhome insurance?

Consider exactly what your circumstances are likely to be over the coming year. Details like how much you will be using your vehicle and how many miles you will do will need to be thought about. Companies will often give you an additional discount based on limited mileage agreements.

Decide where you are likely to go.  You can get a Green Card included in your policy – some for the year, some for 90 days in any one trip

Think about where you are going to keep your motorhome – discounts are given for keeping it under your own watchful eye at home or at a CASSOA site.

Decide whether you need to make sure your policy covers personal effects and accessories that will be in the motorhome – and extras like awnings. Some large awnings, for example, can be expensive to replace. Specialists pick up on these little things when you’re discussing your requirements, where £5000 personal effects cover and £2000 for awnings are included for no extra cost at all.

Be clear about your No Claims Discounts (NCD). Many insurers will mirror the NCD you’ve accrued while driving your car.

Understand the difference between the types of cover available – fully comprehensive (the broadest cover), third-party fire and theft (a mid-range), and third party (the most basic).

A simple immobiliser or a tracking device can save money in insurance every year and increase resale when you come to sell on your motorhome or RV.

What else should I be aware of?

Be honest when providing details to your insurance provider. Being economical with the truth is never economical in the long run as you may end up with no cover at the time when you need it most if you don’t disclose everything when asked.

Ask if there are discounts available depending on the length of time you’ve owned your motorhome, or if you’re a member of a club or association. Many specialist motorhome insurers reward experience with better premiums.

Use insurance providers that are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. And do consider using specialist motorhome insurers. In some instances, particularly with household names, motorhome cover is just an add-on to a larger insurance business. Specialist companies typically spend time training staff in their own training academy in the intricacies of motorhome ownership and identifying policies to make them as attractive as possible to motorhome owners.

Don’t assume your Ford Ka; Smart car or little Fiat will be covered simply because it’s attached to your Winnebago or Bessacar. Some policies automatically give you third-party cover but in other cases you might need to take out full-comprehensive insurance too. Always check.

Finally, think carefully before making a claim for minor accidents. Small accidents (known as ‘losses’ to an insurer) to another person’s vehicle like a broken wing mirror are often best dealt with without involving your insurer. By paying for the repair yourself, you can protect your No Claims Discounts and ensure you continue to pay low premiums.  There should be no secrets.

Source by Steven Greenwood

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Las Vegas Health Insurance, save money

Are you looking for some inside information on Insurance? Here’s an up-to-date report from Insurance experts who should know.

Hopefully the information presented so far has been applicable. You might also want to consider the following:

Las Vegas Health Insurance might be puzzling when seeking at all the options. Let’s focus on the fundamental. When reference is made to a carrier, it is referring to a Nevada Health Insurance company that actually issues and administers the health insurance plan. For example, a Las Vegas health insurance agency may offer you an insurance plan coming from a Nevada Health Insurance carrier, for instance Aetna, Humana, United Health Insurance and many more.

What makes one Nevada health plan carrier jump out from another; it’s not necessarily just the terms of the plans, like co-pay, coinsurance or general coverage. An important component to Las Vegas health insurance will be the contracted rate.

Contracted rate is the mutual decided price that an insurance company are going to pay a doctor or hospital for services rendered. This tends to be the most critical benefit especially in a higher deductable plan.

The contract rate paid to your medical doctor, medical facility, pharmacy, or lab is a portion of what you can pay if using the service and paying cash. The price ranges paid for Las Vegas health care can fluctuate tremendously from carrier to carrier. The good part of contracted rates is if you pay for services and your health insurance plan hasn’t yet started paying for benefits, you are extended the contracted rates. Let’s say that you had a procedure done that cost you $4K dollars when you failed to have insurance. Nevertheless, you have insurance and your deductible is $5K.

Having contracted rates you could possibly be charged as little as $1K for the identical procedure that another person who’s going to be paying cash just paid $4K. Since your Las Vegas or Nevada health insurance has not started to pay for services (due to a $5K deductable), this is a giant savings and helps keep money in your pocket. Anything that the insurance company doesn’t pay is written off-no breaking your bank, taking your lifetime savings.

Your Las Vegas health insurance carrier has negotiated with area medical doctors, hospitals, surgeons and other healthcare providers to make the network of medical experts that each accept your insurance plan and charge the contracted rates. If you visit your network of Nevada health insurance providers that is in-network, this would mean that you will be staying inside of this network of specialists and they all agreed to the contracted rates. In the event you visit a healthcare provider that’s not in the health insurance plans network then you are going out-of-network and will not have the advantages of contracted rates. Always check your health care providers do accept your insurance. Most Nevada health insurance plans offer an online directory. The most beneficial place to purchase insurance is from your local Nevada health insurance agency representing all the key carriers. We suggest The Insurance Center when you are evaluating insurance in Nevada. They are located in Las Vegas, NV.

The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you’ll be glad you took the time to learn more about Insurance.

Source by Sydney Jennings

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Professional Liability 101 – Part 2

Common Questions & Answers


The following information is offered as general information, it is not intended nor does it replace a thorough understanding of your owncoverage or supersede the actual language of any insurance policy. Also keep in mind that Professional Liability policies are not standard, every onevaries. The terms and definitions presented here can be different from what exactly iscontained ina specific policy.

How much is enough insurance?

You have to look at your practice and determine your greatest probable loss. Most of this will depend onthe sort of business you conduct or the sort ofpeople that you work with. There may also be a requirement either from a regulatory agency or a business whichyou are doing business with that you obtain insurance with specific limits.

Consider thelikelihood of having multiple losses in one year. Depending on your practice you may have frequency as well as severity issues to cover. If you feel thatthere exists a high likelihood of having multiple claims in a year, ensure that your aggregate limit is high enough to cover these multiple occurrences.

What insurance deductible should I purchase?

First look at what you can afford to come up with suddenly. In general the higher the deductible you purchase the lower the insurance cost. Butdue to how insurance carriers give deductible credits, you might find out that going to the next highest deductible just isn’t a financially sound decision. Take the difference in deductibles and divide by the difference in the cost of the deductibles. This will determine your deductible payback.

Here is an example:

Liability Limit Deductible Premium

$100/$300 $5,000 $3,000

$100/$300 $10,000 $2,000

Difference is deductibles: 10,000-5,000=5000

Difference in premium: 3,000-2,000=1000

5000/1000 = 5 Year pay back for deducible

If you think that probability of having a claim in under 5 years is high purchase the lower deductible. If you think maybethat it’s low, purchase the higher deductible.

What are these other (Add-ons) Coverages?

What about Claims Expenses Outside the limits? Typically the reason that you want to obtain claims expenses beyond the limits is to prevent the “Burning” of your liability limit. Professional Liability Insurance defense costs are usuallyincluded in the liability limit, so the more it costs to defend a claim; the less is left to settle the claim. While you are being defended you “burn” through your liability limit.

Understand that Claims Expenses Outside the Limits isn’t an unlimited coverage. It is typicallyrestricted to either your limit of liability or some other sort of lower sub-limit. Commonly Claims Expenses Outside the Limits is capped ata maximum of $1,000,000. In the present insurance market environment this coverage is morechallenging to get. If you areworried about this and do notbelieve your underlying coverage is sufficient, the other option to Claims Expenses Outside the Limits is to buya higher per claim liability limit. What about 1st Dollar Defense or a Loss Only Deductible? Two years ago, companies were giving this coverage away almost free of charge, but now it is getting increasingly difficult to obtainthis particular coverage. This only helps if there are claims expenses (defense costs) only and no indemnity payments. If there is an indemnity payment made you are still liable for the deducible. It typically makes more sense to seeif you’re able to get this coverage if you are carrying a high deducible. Otherwise, if you areuncomfortable with the deductible being carried, see what the cost ofgetting a lower deductible would be.

Source by Danial Cain