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John Stewart

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When considering health insurance plans, often you are faced with multiple decisions including premiums, co-pays, co-insurance, stop limits and much more. All of which can be very confusing, however, none of which are nearly as misunderstand as the infamous HMO vs. PPO mystery. In my experience, most customers seeking individual health insurance plans, or any other plan, find this the most difficult and confusing element. So I am hoping this little article can help clear things up:

5 Essential Facts: HMO & PPO Health Plans

HMO Health Insurance Plans

Fact 1
HMO stands for Health Maintenance Organization, and thus, puts an emphasis on maintaining your health by ensuring you visit the doctor on regular basis, which ultimately lowers the cost for the insurance providers.

Fact 2
HMO health plans tend to be less expensive verse its rival the PPO. This includes premiums and co-payments. Sometimes, co-payments are even free.

Fact 3
HMO plans tend to be more restrictive. Almost always, there will be a “Gatekeeper” or doctor you must see before seeing any kind of specialist.

Fact 4
Doctors, including your “Gatekeeper” or primary care physician will have to part of the HMO network. You are not allowed to go outside of the HMO network. Often this means you will have to switch doctors.

Fact 5
Often times, HMO networks tend to get overcrowded and appointments with doctors can be difficult to obtain.

PPO Health Insurance Plans

Fact 1
PPO stands for Preferred Provider Organization. As the word “preferred” would suggest, participants have more flexibility and options associated with the plan, making it preferred.

Fact 2
PPO plans as “preferred” again, would suggest, tend to be much more expensive than HMO plans. Often, PPO plans will include higher premiums higher co-payments and often co-insurance tacked on as well.

Fact 3
PPO plans offer the insured the least amount of restriction, if none at all, in picking their physician and seeing specialists. Many people prefer this due to the flexibility associated with it.

Fact 4
PPO plans still work within networks, similar to a PPO. However, PPO networks tend to me much larger than their HMO counterpart. Also, most HMO plans will allow participants to go outside of the network for a slightly increased co-payment.

Fact 5
PPO plans generally are more expensive than HMO plans. However, due to the pooling of people in a PPO network, fees associated with health care will be lower for participants. In other words, you will pay far less for services if you are in a PPO plan vs. not having insurance at all.

Source by Brad Miller

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InventoryAre you a public adjuster interested in outsourcing your claims documentation services? Consider these advantages.

In today’s economy it is important for business owners to improve profitability by leveraging their core competencies, while outsourcing other activities to less expensive and more innovative providers.   Over the years, insurance carriers have begun outsourcing in the areas of IT, HR and claims services.  Firms specializing in claim documentation and valuation have become increasingly popular, as these businesses aim to minimize overhead by reducing staff and employ outside claim valuation experts to aid in their “cost reduction” efforts.  One major advantage of outsourcing claims for insurance carriers is the ability to settle claims quickly while keeping office labor cost low, thus ensuring that future premiums are not inflated.  Due to the nature of the claims business, in which work loads go up and down, outsourcing allows business owners to maintain more of an “on call” staff.  





B.P.O.-business process outsourcing is here to stay.

      Public adjusters have begun to notice the positive effects of B.P.O. (business process outsourcing) by the results shown in the legal, medical claims and insurance industries and have started to follow suit.  In regards to the work load variance, many public adjusters get stuck doing the “busy work” themselves instead of outsourcing these tasks.  The valuable time that is lost could be spent retaining new losses, meeting with attorneys, brokers, and dealing with complex issues from current claims.

Alternatively, many public adjusters are forced to rely on the insured to document their own claims. Obviously, as most homeowners are not experienced with personal property claims, policy terms and conditions, and valuation of contents, they are at a huge disadvantage when submitting their own claim to the carrier.  When their inexperience is coupled with the emotional aspect of losing their home, there is almost no way they can document their damages, and accurately appraise their loss in a time manner                                                                                                                                                                                                             


Future trends of the claims process.

paper to digital




 As the public adjuster’s industry gains publicity and more home owners see the advantages of hiring an advocate to represent them, much growth is expected over the next 5 years. With this growth, adjusters must embrace today’s technology to not only compete with other adjusters and counter act the efforts of the carrier to reduce claim settlements, but also to demonstrate to their clients that they are utilizing all aspects of claims technology. Remember, selecting a claim documentation service should allow you to focus on the core aspects of your business and save you time and money, while maximizing the insured’s settlement amount.

Source by Thomas Di Sieno

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We are all familiar with the concept of health insurance and most people have it in some form or another, but have you ever stopped to wonder how it all began? The idea of paying monthly or annual fees to cover the cost of our health issues seems to be a modern one, but the truth is that there is a long history behind it.

Centuries Old

The original idea of health insurance was brought into being by Hugh Chamberlen in 1694. By the time the 1800`s rolled around, people were able to buy accident insurance, which worked to help those who were injured in an accident or who ended up disabled.

The very first health plans only offered compensation if the victim was injured due to an accident on a steamboat or train. While not terribly useful, since there were more injuries related to other circumstances at the time, it did prepare people for the more comprehensive types of plans that would be developed later on by insurance companies.

In 1847, the Massachusetts Health Insurance of Boston offered the very first group insurance policy with comprehensive benefits. By the 1890`s, insurance companies were starting to issue individual policies that covered everything from injuries and accidents to sickness and disease.

Health Insurance During the War

Group insurance plans as we know them today didn`t start until 1929 when a group of teachers decided to create their own plan. They worked a deal with the Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas where they would pay a monthly fee in exchange for medical attention and recovery care whenever needed, for any member of the group.

The idea went over so well that it wasn`t long before Blue Cross health plans were designed. These were health plans that were negotiated specifically with the local hospitals or even specific doctors. Discounts were given to the plan holders and the entire process worked very well.

By the 1940`s, it was evident that more than these very basic types of health insurance was necessary. Some people couldn’t afford the monthly fees, but were still in need of the protection afforded by having insurance. This is when employee health insurance became common. Employers would negotiate a deal for their workers and while you worked in a specific workplace, you were covered by their health plan.

During the Second World War, there was a wage freeze. No one was allowed to offer higher wages, which made it virtually impossible to lure the best worker to your company. With so many men away from the country fighting, getting the remaining workers available because a war in and of itself. Health benefits became the new lure and before the war ended in 1945, hundreds of businesses were offering comprehensive health packages in exchange for working for them.

Modern Times, Modern Plans

In the 50`s and 60`s, the government began to take an interest in health care and social security began to include disability insurance in 1954. Medicare and Medicaid were both created in the mid-60`s and by the 90`s, most Americans were enrolled in a managed care health insurance program. While minor changes have been made in the years since then, the basic premise has remained intact.

Health insurance has come a long way since the days of steamboats and rail cars, but it`s even more important now with health care costs on the rise. Built on decades of practical application, modern health insurance allows people to enjoy proper health care and emergency care without having to worry about paying huge amounts of money to a hospital or doctor.

Source by A. Nutt

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Seniors find diabetes can be expensive. Most Medicare supplement plans in Georgia cover diabetic tests and supplies, but there is no guarantee YOUR plan will.

Diabetics generally have a shorter lifespan and a much higher risk of death due to heart disease, stroke or circulatory problems.

Diabetes can be a painful and debilitating disease that robs seniors in their sunset years. When you are a diabetic, you may not enjoy life to the fullest. Treating the illness can be expensive but it does not have to be that way, especially if you find the right Medigap plan that fits your needs.

Joe has a Medicare Advantage Plan and Diabetes

At age 67, Joe was a semi-retired real estate agent. His passion was showing houses. Living in the same sleepy little Georgia town his whole life, everyone knew Joe and he knew them. People trusted him to do right by them. Things moved at a slower pace than they did in the big city of Atlanta. Here, no one locked their doors and they even left their keys in the car while shopping.

No one knew Joe was a diabetic, but one day he noticed a foot infection and his world was about to come crashing down. He called his primary care physician for a referral to a specialist.

Only then did he realize his problem was worse than just a sore foot.

The podiatrist didn’t accept Advantage patients but would see him as a new patient on a “cash only” basis but only at the end of the month. Little did he know, but postponing his care would be a life changing event.

While waiting for his appointment, the infection got worse and he had to go to the hospital. Instead of high quality care, Joe had his foot amputated.

Now he sits in a wheelchair. Instead of doing what he loves he now only wishes he could sell houses rather than sitting at home.

Joe Had the Wrong Plan and the Wrong Care

Living in a small town, most doctors willingly treat Medicare patients but very few accept Advantage plan patients. Had Joe opted for original Medicare and a supplement plan the outcome might have been different.

Since 1986 Congress decides how much your doctor can be paid to treat you if you are covered by Medicare. When Advantage plans came on the scene in 2008 and doctors saw further reductions in fee schedules many decided to continue accepting assignment for traditional Medicare patients but would not accept Advantage patients.

Original Medicare plus the right gap plan offers GA seniors the widest choice of physicians and lowest out of pocket for medical procedures.

No Cost Diabetic Testing and Supplies

Seniors with diabetes are entitled to free diabetic screening under Medicare Part B. You can have 2 screenings per year if you are predisposed toward diabetes but have not yet tested positive and 1 test per year if you have been previously tested but not diagnosed with diabetes.

Part B covers many diabetic meters, test strips and lancets, subject to a deductible, coinsurance and monthly limits. Currently you can receive up to 100 test strips and lancets per month. If you have Medigap plan F you should not incur any out of pocket costs.

You may qualify for more than the allowed limit, but only if your doctor submits documentation indicating it would benefit your overall health if you were tested more often.

If you are not insulin dependent you may still qualify for test strips but the current limit is 100 every two months.

Pharmacies and other suppliers that accept Medicare assignment will file your claim for you and should be able to tell you how much your share of the cost would be.

To learn more about what is covered by Medicare, request CMS Publication 11022.

Many Medicare supplement plans in Georgia will cover your Part B deductible as well as the 20% coinsurance that is not paid by Medicare. Choosing the right gap plan for your needs and budget can be the difference in living month to month or living life to the fullest.

Source by Bob Vineyard

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With its reputation as a harbor for some of the worst tropical storms each year, Florida is not the ideal haven if you are looking to purchase a home and insure it with private Florida homeowners insurance. The majority of private insurance carriers are hiking their current policyholders’ premiums as much as 10%, canceling policies, and some carriers are pulling out of Florida altogether by no longer offering Floridians private Florida homeowners insurance.

It is important to know that although attaining affordable private Florida homeowners insurance can be difficult, it is not impossible. If you know the right steps to take you can find affordable homeowners insurance in any state no matter how bleak its economy or unpredictable its weather. You can do this by using the Internet to search for multiple insurance quotes from reliable home insurance agents to be sure you are getting the most bang for your buck for your private Florida homeowners insurance.

It is no doubt that Florida isn’t the most affordable state to obtain homeowners insurance in but if you take the following steps, you can rest assured that your home will be covered in the most cost effective manner possible with private Florida homeowners insurance.

  • Know the ways your insurability is affected. The proximity of your home to the coast, the age of your home, and the stability of your home are just a few of the factors that go into how insurable you are to providers. Knowledge is power and knowing how insurable you are is the first step in giving yourself the upper hand when choosing a private Florida homeowners insurance policy.
  • Invest in quality hurricane shutters. This is a no-brainer for any Floridian seeking private Florida homeowners insurance. Most carriers won’t even consider you eligible for their insurance if you don’t take the proper steps to protect your home from the stormy elements that go with living in the Sunshine State.
  • Look to the Internet for quotes. As with any kind of insurance, you won’t find the best price available for your needs unless you take the time to compare multiple quotes from different carriers. The Internet is the easiest and most efficient way to accomplish this.

Get Started With Your Private Florida Homeowners Insurance Today

Although it is difficult to lock down affordable homeowners insurance with the crumbling economy and other factors, living in Florida and locking down affordable homeowners insurance is an even greater challenge. But if you know the steps to take to educate and equip yourself, you can find affordable private Florida homeowners insurance today.

Source by Tom Lustina

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Disability Insurance is an important means of protection against huge financial losses due to illness or injury. Whether you’re a professional, business owner or an employee, you pay into this disability protection every month in the event something happens to prevent you from making a living. Ironically, when you do become disabled, many insurance companies have a hard time making good on the claims, and all too often, deserving individuals are denied benefits.

Whether it is a percentage of income or a set amount, most disabled men and women will have to fight to get all the money they need and deserve. Cutting through the red tape can be time consuming and difficult. Contacting an experienced disability insurance claims lawyer can save you time, money and headaches and help alleviate unfair insurance practices. Bringing a law suit against insurance companies who deny rightful disability claims can be a necessary step in improving or maintaining quality of life for you and your family. The lawyers at David Share Associates will fight to get you the money you need when you need it.

If the insurance company does make you a monetary offer, and you suspect you may be entitled to a greater amount, it is always a good idea to have an experienced lawyer look over your policy.
When a disability claim is denied, the insurance company may be held
responsible for breach of contract or bad faith .

Breach of Contract

When a breach of contract suit is filed, the disabled plaintiff claims that the insurance company is not following through with contractual duties. Policyholders may collect benefits due plus incidental damages. In order to win a breach of contract claim, the disability lawyer must demonstrate to the court that his client is in fact disabled under the stipulations of the policy, and also that the insurance company wrongly denied benefits. Because the contract language can be elaborate and convoluted, it is important to have an experienced disability insurance litigator on your side.

Bad Faith

A bad faith claim against an insurance company states that the insurance company failed to “act in good faith” when evaluating the clients disability claim. By law, insurance companies must demonstrate good faith through fair and comprehensive attention and evaluation of each claim. A disabled client’s lawyer must prove to the court that the insurance company denied the benefits claim, or paid out an inadequate amount, for unfounded reasons. A bad faith lawsuit can result in payment of denied benefits, interest, damages and lawyer’s fees.

Infliction of Emotional Distress and Fraud

After a disability lawyer effectively shows the insurance company acted in bad faith, he or she may then make a claim that the client suffered emotional distress due to the insurance companies denial of the claim. With an emotional distress claim, a disabled policyholder may ask for punitive or exemplary damages above and beyond the disability award.

Statutes of Limitation

Your rights to fight against a denial of benefits may expire after a certain period of time. If you believe that an insurance company has wrongfully denied your disability insurance claim you should contact David Share Associates as soon as possible.

At David Share Associates, we represent a large number of clients who have been denied benefits under either a group disability insurance policy or a private (own / occupation) policy. In disability law It is important that you keep organized medical records of your illness or injury for review by your lawyer for successful evaluation of your entitled benefits. Our disability lawyers have a thorough understanding of the legal and medical issues involved in the complex field of disability insurance law.

Source by Jacob Solomon

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If you own an older Florida home, if can be challenging for you to find affordable Florida home insurance coverage. Your older home might be more likely to have hurricane damage depending on the building code that was in effect when your home was built. If the electrical, plumbing, and heating systems are outdated, your older home might be more likely to sustain damage from fire, water, or other perils. Finally, the type of roof you have and the condition it is in could result in a larger claim after a Florida hurricane hits your older home.

With all of that said, it is still possible for many owners of older Florida homes to find private homeowners insurance in Florida – and at an affordable price.

As Florida home insurance companies consider the age of a home, they generally group homes into the following categories:

Built 2004 and prior

Built 1994 and prior

20, 30, or 40 years old or newer

Up to 75 years old

The first two categories take into consideration the Florida Building Code modifications of the early 2000’s and the mid 1990’s. Homes built after each of the building code updates are considered to be more resistant to damage, especially from hurricanes.

The third group above varies by insurance company, but the main theme is this: As homes reach 20, 30, or 40 years old, a 4 point inspection is generally required by home insurance companies prior to issuing coverage. These inspections look at the age and condition of the roof, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems. Depending on the results of these inspections, you may be required to update one or more of these areas.

Finally, 75 years of age is the cutoff beyond which Florida home insurance companies rarely agree to offer coverage – regardless of the outcome of the inspections and home upgrades that are present.

Before taking into consideration how close your Florida home is to the coast, the following statements are generally accurate regarding how insurance companies look at the age of your home:

Homes built 1995 and later are among the easiest to insure and you will have more companies to choose from.

As your home hits the age of 20, 30, and 40 years old, you will have fewer company options to choose from as each of these milestones is reached.

If your home is 75 years old or older, the chances that it will be covered by a private Florida home insurance company are slim.

Here are some actions you can take to have the best chance at obtaining low cost Florida insurance on your older Florida home:

Get a wind mitigation inspection done at your own expense.

Take immediate corrective action on the deficiencies identified in the wind inspection report. There might be improvements that can be made wall roof connectors that don’t require a new roof or other lower cost steps that you can take.

Find out the age of your roof, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems. Find out how much it will cost to address each of these items and make the improvements that you can afford to make now.

Some improvements might be eligible for Federal energy tax credits or credits from the utility companies for improved efficiency. See if either of these sources might offer you some financial assistance.

Let your local Florida legislators know about your situation and encourage them to extend the My Safe Florida Home program – and to increase the number of homes that are eligible for matching grants to harden Florida homes.

Finally, when it comes to shopping for Florida home insurance, it is essential that you work with more than one independent insurance agent – not just one. Why? Because at this point in time, there are about 40 Florida home insurance companies still writing new business. However, as the age of your home increases, many of these companies won’t cover your home. Working with more than one agent will give you the best chance to get quotes from all of the Florida insurance companies that are still covering older homes. If you miss even one of these companies you could end up paying thousands more for Florida home insurance.

Don’t rely on misinformation or word of mouth when it comes to finding affordable Florida home insurance on an older home. Follow these steps to give you the most options for insuring your older Florida home.

Source by Michael Letcher

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Auto insurance is required to drive legally in Mississippi, but getting a cheap Mississippi auto insurance policy can be a daunting task. On the other hand there are people out there to help; they are called insurance agents. Contact local car insurance agents when you are ready to get a cheap Mississippi auto insurance quote or just want to find out information on your current policy. Be intelligent about your cheap Mississippi car insurance policy, for example avoid high risk vehicles, and always carry the state minimum liability auto insurance to save extra money if you choose.

Although people would like a cheap Mississippi auto insurance policy, people tend to stick to the company that they are familiar with rather than shop around for the lowest price for auto insurance. This can cost consumers hundreds of dollars a year, however there are a number of ways to get cheap auto insurance. The first is to shop around, than select a high insurance deductible, and reduce coverage on older vehicles are the best ways to save money on insurance. Shopping around for auto insurance coverage and getting cheap Mississippi auto insurance quotes can help to decide which company is right for you. Always remember that a cheap Mississippi car insurance policy will always have the same limit of liability. The states of Mississippi’s limits of liability are as follows, $25,000 for injury or death per person with a total of $50,000 being paid for any accident or collision that you are found at fault. Minimum liability insurance for property damage is $25,000. Always keep in mind that these are the lowest liability limit you can have on your policy in this state.

Some example that would reduce the cost of your cheap car insurance policy would be to stay away from sports cars, high performance vehicles, and high theft vehicles. You might also want to pay for damages to small accidents so your rates wouldn’t go up. Remember before reporting in a claim because a little accident, thoroughly check the damages done and decide if you can afford to pay out of pocket yourself. So while carrying insurance is mandatory, you can see there are several ways you can avoid increasing the average Mississippi auto insurance rates.

Purchasing a cheap Mississippi auto insurance policy in this state doesn’t have to be a stressful thing, because with insurance everyone needs it, but no one wants to pay for it. What is not known by many consumers is that there’s no such thing as the single cheapest Mississippi auto insurance policy because consumers is that there’s no such thing as the single cheapest Mississippi auto insurance policy because it may vary for each driver. For example, you may have been referred to a certain carrier because a friend of yours had a good rate; however, you called them only to find out that their insurance rates were not as expected. Determining the right amount of auto insurance coverage you need for your vehicle can be a great thing because now you have coverage for when accidents happens.

Source by Thoran

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Car insurance premiums for young drivers are as high as you can get in terms of paying for car insurance. Unfortunately, there is no is no magic bullet to make these expensive premiums go away. Teenage drivers are some of the most riskiest drivers. In fact, car accidents are the #1 killer of this age group. Insurance companies pass on this risk to you in the form of higher premiums. Although there are safe young drivers out there, as a group, they are risky. Insurance companies can’t individually monitor each teen any give some a lower premium and some net. Despite these high costs, there are ways to alleviate the costs and make them much more manageable…

Putting your son or daughter on the same policy as your own can lower the total costs.

Try to see how much you can save on your premium if you increase your deductible. Although this is good advice for lowering your car insurance costs in general, it can really help when you have to insure your son or daughter.

Some insurance companies will give discounts for your young driver if they take part in a driver’s ed.

Try to see if your insurance company can assign your teen to the least expensive car in your household.

Your car insurance company may give your teen discounts if they drive around with event data recorders, which can gather things such as how fast your teen was driving or their whereabouts.

Some insurance companies specialize in insuring young drivers. Consider switching your insurance to them.

Insurance companies can give young drivers discounts if they keep their grades up.

Source by biz123

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Everyone wants to get the very best deal that they can when they are buying auto insurance. Taking the lowest online price you can find seems like a good idea but it isn’t always so if you are after cheaper car Insurance for new drivers.

There are other things to think about too so that you can ensure that you are getting a policy from a reliable supplier. It’s no use buying insurance that you think meets your needs and then, when it really matters, finding out that it is not what you thought it was.

You need to make sure that the company you deal with is financial stable because the last thing you want to happen is to file a claim and then discover that the company was unable to pay the claim.

You could find yourself liable for the damages, even though you were insured. It is not easy to do this but a bit of digging around on the internet will reveal comments on websites and forums that might just give you a clue.

Ask around and see what other people have to say about insurance companies that you might be interested in dealing with. There are websites that will assess insurance companies for you and give you information on price, coverage, and even the way the company handles its customers. You will also find free online forums which will let you know first hand what people think abut getting cheaper Car Insurance for new drivers .

Most US states also have a department of insurance site online and you can go there and get information about companies operating in your particular state. It will also tell you if the company you are considering using abides by the law in your state.

Price is not the only factor to consider and it is essential to check out the company you want to deal with but it is often a major concern. Select a few possibilities and check their financial health as far as you can, find the best coverage choices and ensure that they do have a good reputation for customer services and then, once you have done this, go for the lowest price.

if you are looking for cheaper Car Insurance for new drivers click here now.

Source by Brian Bannon

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By Michelle Matlock, Life Quotes, Inc.

When you apply for life insurance, you will most likely have to take a medical exam.

Individual life insurance companies have a number of tools at their disposal when it comes to rating policies, and one of those tools is medical underwriting. Since the basis of insurance involves assessing risk, health status plays a critical role in the underwriting process.

What to expect

Paramedical examiners are licensed health professionals that insurance companies hire to perform medical examinations on potential policyholders. When you apply for life insurance you will be required to answer a series of medical questions, or if you apply for a policy at an insurance website, you can fill out a questionnaire online. The second part of the application is a medical form that is completed by your examiner. Examinations are generally performed in the privacy of your home or place of business.

Most paramedical exams require examiners to collect a urine sample and blood draw. You will also be asked to provide your driver’s license and social security number. Typically an examiner will accept alternative forms of identification such as a military ID, passport or state issue identification cards with a photo ID. This information will be used to fill out the lab ticket. The lab uses your complete blood count (CBC), to rule out a number of conditions such as leukemia, cancer or HIV. You may also be required to take a liver function test, or a Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) test, which is used to rule out alcoholism, cirrhosis and other liver diseases. Lab technicians also check your cholesterol level, which will be used to evaluate your risk for heart attack or stroke.

In addition to urine and blood samples, examiners will check your blood pressure, pulse rate, and measure your height and weight. In some cases, you might be required to take an X-ray or treadmill test. Some exams might require checking your “timed vital capacity” (TVC). This is a breathing test that determines how well your lungs are functioning. They may also require some applicants who smoke or have a history of heart disease to have an electrocardiogram (EKG), a test that records electrical changes in the heart.

Questions your examiner will ask you include:

1. Name and address of personal physician?

2. Date and reason last consulted?

3. What treatment was given or medication prescribed?

What you should do

While some folks find paramedical examinations a little daunting, the extent of a paramedical exam varies by insurance company.

Also, some companies require less information than others and have a shortened version of a paramedical exam. But be warned— if you are a smoker, your mortality rate is often higher than nonsmokers, and insurance companies usually require a more thorough medical examination for tobacco users.

“If your agent isn’t prepping you for your exam then they are not doing the right thing,” says Ryan Pinney, a brokerage director and insurance risk specialist for Pinney Insurance Center, Inc. in Roseville, Calif. “There are so many things that can mess up your lab results that people don’t consider.”

Pinney offers some sage advice that will help increase your odds of doing well on an examination.

1. Don’t consume alcohol for 72 hours prior to your exam.

2. Don’t take your exam if you are dehydrated.

3. Don’t take ibuprofen or aspirin because this will create elevated liver function.

4. If you exercise or work out regularly, take a break for a day or two prior to the exam. “When you work out your muscles breakdown and that can tweak the outcome of your lab,” says Pinney.

5. Don’t eat fatty foods for at least two days before your examination. “If you have an exam coming up and you must choose between a triple cheeseburger or salad, go with the salad. Even if you don’t have high cholesterol, fatty foods will temporarily heighten your cholesterol levels,” notes Pinney.

6. Take your exam first thing in the morning don’t wait until later in the evening. “Your blood pressure is lower in the morning because you’ve been sleeping for 6 to 8 hours. It’s never a good idea to get stressed out at work, fight rush hour traffic and then take your exam,” Pinney recommends. In addition, Pinney says when you sleep your back compresses, so you are also a little taller in the morning. “This can help you when it comes to measuring your height and weight.”

7. Wear your tennis shoes. “When your height and weight is measured you don’t have to take off your clothes or shoes. But I discourage wearing steel-toed boots or a tool belt because depending on the item this could make you 35 pounds heavier. The examiner is not required to tell you to remove those items,” says Pinney. Pinney adds that you are also not allowed to keep your high heels on at a paramedical examination.

8. Never volunteer information. “Let the examiner ask the questions,” says Pinney. “When an examiner asks you if you’ve been diagnosed with heart disease this is not a good time to tell him you haven’t and then mention you’ve had chest pains lately. If the insurance company wants to know more details, the underwriter will contact you.”

9. When the examiner asks you a question, don’t lie. “Do not try to outsmart the insurance company,” says Pinney. “Any misrepresentations can be considered insurance fraud on a more serious level. If you omit information or lie, once the insurance company finds out, you will be denied coverage and your application will be rescinded.”

This article was originally published at Life Quotes, Inc.

Source by Life Quotes, Inc

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Is the windshield in your car broken, cracked, or busted and you are unsure if your insurance company will pay for the repair or not? Most windshield repairs will start out at about $300 in most glass company repair shops, and they increase depending on the types of window and the labor involved to repair it.

The truth is that most broken windshields are covered by most insurance policies. Any type of broken windshield that is caused by vandalism or other road hazards should be covered by the comprehensive section of your insurance policy. Most auto glass damage that is caused in automobile accidents and collisions are covered by the collision section of most insurance policies. In most cases, all of the glass in the automobile is covered by the policies, not just the windshield.

In cases involving a broken windshield, it is wise to consult with your auto insurance company and examine your policy to see what exactly is covered and how much they will pay. Your rates may or may not increase if you file a claim to repair your broken windshield or other broken glass in your vehicle.

It is a good idea to talk to your insurance company representative about your comprehensive coverage; however, your rates should not increase because you had your broken windshield repaired. Most insurance companies waive the deductible for windshield repair. This varies from company to company, so it is a good idea to check with your insurance company about the deductible waiver.

Whenever you contact your insurance company about auto glass claims, it is essential that you know and understand what you are doing. Did you know that many companies will give you the name and number of the person who will handle your broken windshield. However, what they fail to tell you is that they are not transferring you to another person in the insurance company; they are actually connecting you will an auto glass net work. Knowing this will help you talk about the claim with a little more confidence.

Windshield repair is something does not need to be difficult. As the matter of fact, most insurance companies will encourage the repair because they uphold safety first. Therefore, you should be familiar with your insurance policy offers in regards to windshield repair. Your insurance company may also recommend an auto glass company that would be good to repair your broken windshield. However, that does not mean that you have to use the recommended auto glass company.

You can choose which auto glass company you want to fix your broken windshield. The choice is yours, but you should always inform your insurance company of which auto glass company you choose to complete your repair. Remember one thing: your insurance company may require you to pay out of pocket if you use an auto glass company that is not recommended by them, but they will reimburse you some or all of what you paid.

They may also tell you that if you go to a shop that that is not recommended by them or on their list, there may not be any warranty. Good communication between you, the insurance company, and the auto glass company is essential. Be sure you know what your insurance company’s policy is on choosing company to complete your repairs.

Before you decide on a particular auto glass company, you may want to get a couple of estimates on your windshield. Chances are, you insurance company will do an estimate on your damages, but you will want to get a couple of different estimates so that you can compare and contrast prices. Sometimes, your insurance will guide you towards the cheapest way to repair your broken windshield. You work hard to have your car, so you should not just settle with anything. It is good to take the time to shop around and actually see what is available for you and your car.

In conclusion, when you are need of a new windshield or other auto glass, you need to be fully aware of what your insurance policy offers in regards to repairs and replacements. Each insurance policy is different and many offer different things, so before you decide on repairing your broken windshield you should contact your insurance company and see what exactly is offered on your policy and how you should proceed with getting the glass repaired.

Remember that auto accidents are covered in collision coverage and vandalism and damage from road hazards are covered under comprehensive coverage. Make sure that the damage is properly documented and remember, your rates should not increase because you used your insurance to fund the windshield repair.

Source by David Warren

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With low taxes, Michigan is currently one of the hot spots as seniors decide on where to retire. With that, insurance choices have never been more important. Michigan currently has numerous choices for consumers eligible for Medicare.

Obviously these choices are based on a consumer having Part A and Part B of Medicare. While Medicare does have decent benefits, their is currently no stop gap. This means your bills can go on basically forever if you do not have a supplemental policy on top of your current benefits.

To supplement your Michigan Medicare coverage, a Medicare supplement policy is the first choice. While numerous plans do exist, only a couple of plans stick out. Nationally, Medicare supplement Plan F is the most comprehensive and very popular. Another supplement that was introduced June 2010 is a Medicare supplement Plan N, which is proving to be wildly popular due to its lower cost. The big difference between the two is that you will have a co-pay with Plan N with doctor visits.

Another choice includes a Michigan Medicare advantage plan. When considering an advantage plan, be ready to be marketed to death by the insurance companies. As far as Medicare plans for 2011 go, Medicare Advantage plans generate the most questions and often confusion.  Medicare Advantage plans are annual plans that can change yearly or even not renew for the following year.

One of the major differences between a supplement and an advantage plan is that with an advantage you receive your benefits from an insurance carrier. Other strong points with a advantage plan is somewhat lower premiums, fixed co-pays which includes doctor visits, x-rays, etc. Also sometimes, a Michigan Part D coverage is included for prescriptions.

Another major difference between the two plans includes choices of doctors. With a supplement, you can see any doctor that accepts Medicare. Usually with an advantage plan, there is a network that is involved.

Michigan consumers have many respectable choices to supplement with their Medicare. If you are comparing Medicare plans for 2011, you should take a look at these plans to determine if they would be a good fit for you.

Source by Randy Palmer

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UnitedHealthcare and Health Net, Inc announced that UnitedHealthcare has completed its previously announced acquisition of Health Net of the Northeast’s licensed subsidiaries and has obtained rights to continue providing service under the HealthNet’s brand in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey.

The acquisition gives United another solid foothold into the managed care market. The deal closed just ahead of planned Congressional health care reforms that are widely expected to make managed care plans more attractive to consumers than traditional PPOs. United already manages more than one half of all FORTUNE 500 corporate benefits plans and provides health benefits to about 25 million people under its GoldenRule / UnitedOne brands, according to published reports.

HealthNet and its subsidiaries provide health benefits to approximately 6.6 million individuals through group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE and Veterans Affairs programs. Health Net’s behavioral health subsidiary provides mental health benefits to approximately 6.5 million individuals in the United States.

As part of the HealthNet buy-out, United has also asked regulators in New Jersey for permission to obtain the rights to HealthNet’s Medicaid business. Regardless of the state’s decision, United said it would not assume servicing of any HealthNet policies until they are due for renewal.

The U.S. Congress is expected to pass affordable healthcare legislation in 2010 that will, among other changes, provide subsidies to low-income Americans who cannot obtain health insurance. The subsidy program was applauded on Wall Street, where traders focused heavily on healthcare-related stocks to drive its accumulated value more than 10 percent above average trading in December. Industry watchers believe the subsidies will bring more individuals into the private health insurance market, thus increasing revenues for the major insurers.

When announcing the deal, United CEO Jeff Alter said his company is well prepared to handle the infusion of new customers in spite of uncertain business projections that the pending healthcare reform bill will create.

“UnitedHealthcare has a long, successful history of providing people in the Northeast with affordable, quality health care options,” said Alter in a prepared statement. “We look forward to serving the health and well-being needs of Health Net’s Northeast members as they renew with UnitedHealthcare,”

BullMarket, a leading stock analysis service covering the insurance sector, believes that United, Aetna and other large individual insurance and employee benefits providers will continue to consolidate and acquire new lines of business in the first few months of 2010 as a strategic move against possible reforms.

“Considerable uncertainty, nonetheless, will remain over healthcare stocks until the differences between the House and Senate versions (of the health insurance reform bill) are resolved sometime next year, with the main obstacle being the ‘public option’ that is in the House version but not the Senate’s.”

Source by Michael Brewer

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Term life insurance is the most simplest and original form of life insurance, it has the cheapest premium because it provides no cash value to the buyer, and there will be no saving or refund of premium. This is fair enough because this policy is designed solely for life protection, and very inexpensive premium is required.

As the name implies, term life insurance insures the buyer a specific term of his or her life only, once that term is expired; the buyer has the option to renew the policy at an increased premium or discontinue or purchase a new policy. This is much recommended to those who can’t afford expensive premium but need big coverage, especially a bread-winner with many children to support and those who find expensive premium is a burden.

Annual renewable term life insurance

The word annual means one year, thus explains the meaning of the policy. The term of an annual renewable term life insurance is one year, the death benefit is payable to the beneficiary if the insured dies within the one year period, there will be no compensation if the insured dies even one day after the expiration of the policy.

In reality very few people will purchase this policy because a person who purchased it will die in the period of one year is rare case. Anyone bought this policy contracted a critical illness during the term but survives until the end of the expiration, he will receive no compensation, but because of the illness he will be considered as uninsurable and unable to renew the policy.

So term life insurance policies has solution for this problem, they have included a condition called re-insurability, as well as the buyer included this feature in his term life policy, he will be able to renew his insurance for as long as he wishes, without the necessity of providing proof of insurability. So the buyers need not worry they purchased an annual renewable term life insurance but the policy will be terminated upon expiration.

If any buyer contracted a critical illness he is considered uninsurable, but if he has re-insurability included to his Annual Renewable Term he is able to continue the policy. Annual Renewable Term has the similarity as the one year term life insurance, and the policy will be able to continue each year for a given period of time, from 10 years to 30 years or more.

Anyone who purchased this type of policy can renew the policy but at a higher premium, as long as he keeps on paying premiums to keep his policy in force, the death benefit would still remain.   

Anyone who is interested to purchase this type of policy is advised to find out the calculation of the increased premium each year, and consider whether if the policy is suitable for him. So log on to annual renewable term life or affordable life insurance policy, please visit us at http://www.indianapolislifeinsurance.net/index.html 

Source by vincent yeong

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It is no secret to those Insurance agencies who are already successfully selling to Hispanics that it is quickly becoming beneficial and lucrative to target this market. There is new data available that backs the spending power and growth of this group. So why, then, isn’t every agency successful at marketing to this ever-evolving Hispanic population?

Here are 5 key tips you must know when marketing Insurance products to Hispanics.

#1 Know your target audience.

There are very specific groups within the Hispanic population, and each is very dynamic from the next. There are cultural differences, language differences, even generational differences. And you need to decide which will be your primary focus. The one good thing about Insurance; is though it is universal, meaning anybody, anywhere can sell it or buy it, people will only travel so far for the services you offer. So determining your niche within the Hispanic culture will be slightly easier when you look at your local demographics. Are you in Miami, San Diego or Corpus Christi for example, where there are strong cultural influences? Or are you in places like Orlando, Chicago or San Francisco where the generation of Hispanic (meaning 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation) plays a larger role over culture? What the independent Agent has as an advantage over the larger corporate agencies is the ability to tailor their practice specifically to the dominating Hispanic culture in their area.

#2 Use images that represent the Hispanic person you are targeting.

This again involves knowing your target audience within the Hispanic community. In your less culturally influenced cities, the generation of the person you are targeting becomes important. Someone who was born and raised in Mexico or Puerto Rico, for example, will not be as subject to the “American lifestyle” as one who was born and raised with the Americanized ideals. Your second and third generation Hispanics are blending more and more to the images of today’s American standards. Though they are still heavily influenced by “family” and ‘family images”, they are also influenced by images of personal growth and wealth.

The more culturally influenced Hispanics in places like Miami or Houston do better with images relating to their specific cultures. Not just providing for their immediate families, but to their extended as well. To show images that do not include old and young people together will not appeal to these heavily cultural dominated areas. This does not mean you should include sombreros or cigars in your advertising campaigns, however, vibrant colors and images of modest homes and families have proven to be successful.

#3 Accurate translations.

The best advice anyone can give when marketing to Hispanics, regardless of your target audience, is NEVER use slang. If a Dominican, for instance, is engaged in a conversation with another Dominican, then the use of slang may be appropriate. But it has no place in print or online marketing. A slang phrase in one culture could be completely offensive to another and may cause more damage than good.

In addition, if you are going to offer translated services and documents, make sure they are prepared and translated by a professional; someone who knows the language formally. Translation is not just simply exchanging Spanish words from English ones as the entire format and sentence structure needs to be changed to make sense.

#4 Offer bilingual services.

Catering to Spanish only is just as profit prohibitive as catering to English only. To truly expand into both markets, you need to offer services in both languages. Recognizing that there are differences not only from culture to culture, but also from family member to family member. A parent’s preferred language may be Spanish, and they will be more attracted and comfortable with Spanish terminology and forms. Their son or daughter, having been educated and raised in the States; may be more attracted to the services you have outlined in English. However, since you took the time to cater to their parents’ language barrier, you will gain the loyalty of both.

This step may also include the expansion of your staff. Whether you advertise your services in print form or on online, you will ultimately need someone to pick up the phone and communicate with anyone who calls in. Having at least one person in your staff, who can communicate effectively in English and in Spanish, will only set you further apart from the competition within your community.

#5 Network your agency in both languages.

This is different than simply offering bilingual services. For this you will actually be advertising your insurance agency using both English and Spanish networks. Print advertising is the easiest to explain, you simply provide your brochures and pamphlets in both languages.

To effectively market a website is trickier. Make sure whoever you choose for your website optimization provides you with both English and Spanish SEO (search engine optimization). Finally, that your page titles and meta-tags are written in both languages as well.

To be successful with one specific market may be easier. But to transcend into a multicultural agency could ultimately double your profits. Knowledge is the key element when marketing to Hispanics in your local area. The more you know, the more you will set yourself apart as the trusted and respected advisor.

Source by Christee Fontanez

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 California health insurance plans by Blue Shield offer different options in health care coverage for you and your family. The company offers both HMO and PPO plans. There are plans where health savings accounts work well. The best way to see if a plan will work for you is to look at each one and decide.

HMO California health insurance plans by Blue Shield offer advantages. HMO stands for health management organization. If you want a plan that has predictable costs, an HMO is a good plan for you. These plans cover just about every type of medical coverage you need from preventative to catastrophic. You have fixed co-pay that comes out of pocket when you visit your primary physician or a specialist. Genetic drugs are also a low price with one of these plans. You have a primary care physician who monitors and manages your health care utilization. You have a couple of plan options with an HMO through Blue Shield. One is the Access+ Value HMO and the other is the Access+ HMO package. The biggest difference is in co-pays and deductibles.

PPO California health insurance plans by Blue Shield brings other advantages. Unlike an HMO, you do not need a referral to see a specialist with a PPO plan. You can see physicians inside or outside the network. You will get better coverage with in-network providers, but there are no restrictions. Blue Shield offers a number of plans in this framework. You might consider the Vital Shield plan. It is a lower-cost plan that offers some preventative care and genetic drug coverage. For something a bit more comprehensive, you can move up to the Shield Spectrum PPO plans. These plans provide a higher deductible, but offers doctor visits with co-pay and full preventative checkups before deductible. It also comes with prescription coverage. Once you meet the annual deductible, there is comprehensive coverage on most health care needs.

Some of the PPO California health insurance plans by Blue Shield are compatible with health savings accounts. There is an out-of-pocket maximum on these plans. That is the highest amount you can pay in a given year. Preventative care is included with these plans. You have a higher deductible, but you can cover them with money in your HSA. These plans also offer prescription coverage as well as coverage for most other health care events. Those are just some of the features of these plans.

Source by Adam Sepulveda

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Filing a successful home insurance claim is not always an easy task to accomplish. There are plenty of hoops to jump through when filing such a claim, and if you aren’t sure how your insurance company and adjuster calculate depreciation for your home and property, you can risk losing thousands. In order to get the most out of your home insurance, when you need it most, it is important to understand how to file your claim successfully.

Before filing a home insurance claim, you should know its main purpose. Homeowners insurance provides protection for you, as a homeowner. This type of insurance can help save you the financial loss experienced with the damage or loss of your home, and often, the contents within it. There is a wide array of home insurance plans available and many vary in your particular region.

If you are planning on filing a home insurance claim, it is important to know and understand what type of claim you will be filing. The approach homeowners should take when filing a home insurance claim will depend on what type of loss you have experienced; theft, damage to the property, or a combination of losses. The type of claim will also differ if the loss was caused by a natural disaster. Some home insurance plans also cover injuries that have taken place on the premises.

When you have experienced a theft or damage to property at your home, you must first and foremost inform the law enforcement authorities. This is very important, even if expensive items are not stolen or damaged. Always be sure to keep several copies of the claim for your records and the insurance company. Before heading to the police, be sure to make a complete list of the damaged and stolen items so that all are included on the claim. Only the items on the police claim will be covered. Once you have made the police claim, contact your home insurance company and always ask if there are any special steps you need to take to ensure that the process moves smoothly.

For filing home insurance claims involving injuries, you must ensure that prompt and proper treatment be administered. Injuries that are covered by home insurance usually include sudden falls or injuries caused by tools. Always be sure to keep a copy of any medical receipts and prescriptions for the insurance company.

Natural disasters are also covered by home insurance policies, although you will want to make sure before making a claim that you have coverage. Some home insurance policies offer natural disaster coverage automatically, whilst others only offer it as an extra. Once you have experienced a natural disaster, contact both the insurance company and your local government to ensure quick and immediate assistance. Always cooperate with authorities and follow all policies and don’t forget to fill out the necessary claim forms, otherwise your claim will be denied.

Overall, making sure that you have plenty of documentation and backup is essential to filing a home insurance claim successfully. It is a great idea to keep a camera handy and take pictures of any damage, injuries, or items within the home, as this will help your claim go a little more smoothly. Also, it is important to keep a calm head and be patient when working with the police and insurance adjusters.

Source by Derek Rogers

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Just when you’re ready to relax and enjoy retirement, you realize that medical insurance has become even more complicated. You’re presented with Medicare Advantage Insurance, Medicare Part A, B, and D, and Medicare Supplement Insurance (also called Medigap Insurance). What’s it all mean?

Let’s Start at the Beginning

Medicare is divided into four parts. Part A deals with home health care, hospice, hospital, and skilled nursing care. Part B handles doctors’ services, other medical services, and supplies not covered by Part A. Part C allows you to receive Medicare benefits through private health insurance (Medicare Advantage Insurance) in place of Parts A and B. Part D provides prescription drug coverage.

What Is Medicare Advantage Insurance?

With a Medicare Advantage Plan, generally all of your Medicare-covered health care is provided through that plan, which can include prescription drug coverage. These plans may offer more benefits, and lower co-payments than Medicare Part A and B.

Medicare Advantage Plans include Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), private Fee-for-Service Plans, and Medicare Special Needs Plans.

Private Fee-For-Service plans are offered by state-licensed risk-bearing entities with yearly contracts to provide Medicare benefits. They may also offer additional benefits, and do not usually require you to use a network of providers.

Special Needs Plans focus on certain vulnerable groups, such as those who are institutionalized, are dual-eligible, and/or have severe or disabling chronic conditions.

What Are HMOs?

Doctors, hospitals, and insurers participate in HMOs, which provide medical treatment on a prepaid basis. HMO members pay a fixed monthly fee regardless of how much care is needed in a given month. Most HMOs provide a wide variety of services, but members must usually obtain medical treatment from in-network facilities and physicians.

With HMOs, you must see a primary care physician before you can see a specialist. Rather than paying a percentage of the bill every time you receive medical care, you pay a fixed monthly fee, and HMOs often have nominal co-payments rather than deductibles. HMOs generally do not limit lifetime benefits, but will not pay for non-emergency care from a non-HMO physician.

What Are PPOs?

PPOs are made up of doctors and/or hospitals that provide medical services only to a specific group or association at discounted rates. PPO members pay for services as they are rendered, and are generally reimbursed for treatment costs minus co-payment percentages. Physicians may submit bills directly to insurance companies so members pay only a co-payment.

PPO members are not required to seek care from PPO physicians, but members may receive 90-percent reimbursement for in-network care as opposed to 60 percent for non-network treatment. PPOs may also require a deductible. You may have to fill out paperwork for reimbursement, and most PPOs have larger co-payments than HMOs.

You must have Medicare Part A and B to join a Medicare Advantage Plan. You’ll have to pay a monthly Part B premium, and may also have a monthly premium for the Medicare Advantage Plan for the extra benefits it offers.

When you join a Medicare Advantage Plan, your Medicare Supplement Insurance or Medigap Insurance won’t pay co-payments, deductibles, or other cost sharing under your Medicare Health Plan.

What Is Medigap Insurance?

If you don’t have a Medicare Advantage Plan, Medigap Insurance can cover expenses that Medicare doesn’t. When you have Medicare and a Medigap policy, both pay their share of covered health care costs.

Medigap policies must have standardized benefits, but costs can vary. You may be able to choose up to 12 different Medigap policies (Plans A through L), which have different sets of basic and extra benefits. The benefits of any Medigap Plan (A through L) are the same for every insurance company, and companies choose which policies to offer.

Generally, you must have Medicare Part A and B to buy Medigap Insurance. You’ll pay a monthly Part B premium, and a premium for the Medigap policy. Medigap Insurance won’t cover your spouse, so you both need separate policies.

With some basic insight into how Medicare works, you can select the Medicare Advantage Insurance or Medicare Supplement Insurance that best fits your needs. Expert advisors with years of experience working with these plans can answer your questions, and show you how to compare plans to get the most for your money. Begin ensuring that your retirement will be secure now so you’ll have the right coverage when you need it!

Source by Wiley Long

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Understanding the terminology used in health insurance can be a tricky challenge, with the terms co-payment and deductible being especially confusing. These two terms are indeed related, yet there are a number of differences that need to be understood about them if you want to receive better benefits from your health insurance.

Co-payments explained

A co-payment is like a point of service payment that you pay to doctors and other health workers. It is part of your bill payment and something you should take along at when you go to get the service you require. Co-payments will vary according to the kind of service that is received and the kind of insurance a person has.

Deductibles explained

In contrast, deductibles are the amount that you are liable to pay before you can claim for coverage. Again, this amount will vary depending on the kind of insurance a person has, with deductibles usually being worked out on an annual basis. Each year, as an insurance policy is renewed, the amount paid towards deductibles is reset and starts afresh.

Let’s look at an example. Say that your deductible is $500. What this means is that before your insurance company pays anything for medical services, you will have to pay $500 by yourself. If you need to have an expensive operation, then the first $500 will be charged to you, and you will need to pay this before the insurance company will cover the rest. Most deductibles are much higher than this amount, often several thousand dollars.


This is where many people get confused about co-payments and deductibles. In the majority of cases, the insurance provider will cover their share of things like visits to the doctor before the deductible limit is reached. This means that when a new insurance year begins, you are only responsible for co-payments, and not the deductibles.

If you require a major operation however, then you would need to pay the deductible fee before the insurance company will reimburse the remainder of the expenses. Also, co-payments are often not counted by most companies as being part of the deductible expenses you have to pay.

Taking again the example of a new insurance year, it might be that you need to meet a $1,000 deductible, and pay a percentage of the remainder of a service charge as well, which is called a co-payment. If you require an operation costing $26,000, then you will have to pay the first $1,000 out of your own pocket. With the remaining $25,000, you might also owe a percentage of this as well, say 10%. Therefore, the total of your bill would be $1,000, plus $2,500, equaling a total of $3,500.

Some insurance policies also contain a maximum amount that you will need to pay by yourself each year, in order to cover against huge, unforeseen medical expenses. This amount may well be the same as your deductible. Therefore, if you need to stay in the hospital for a lengthy period of time, your insurer will only require you to pay this maximum amount.

Source by Wojciech Albert Ciszewski