Home Authors Posts by John Stewart

John Stewart

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For long we had always looked upon life insurance policy as an investment instrument. But with so many private insurance players in the market, people have become more educated about life insurance products. These policies are no more treated as investment instruments and that almost everyone knows its pros and cons today.

Life insurance can be established into a broad spectrum of coverage. Depending on your financial situation, life insurance can be used for a variety of purposes. If you can afford, you can opt for policies which offer money back facilities or even long term policies that provide retirement plans, etc. The main purpose of life insurance can be listed as below, such as:

  • An adequate amount offers a good cover to you.
  • It also takes good care of your dependents or beneficiaries.
  • Offers money back facilities which provide cash to the policy holders at different intervals of time.
  • If your life cover includes investment option, it will provide financial support on the long run.
  • Life insurance also offers pension plans.

Life insurance is also like auto insurance where you can buy a lot of it or not a lot at all. Life insurance differs from auto insurance depending on the type of policy you want to buy. You can pay a lot or very little for the same death benefit depending upon many factors. Though you should remember that the younger and healthier you are, the less you will have to pay for coverage. Life insurance companies love to have their policyholders hanging around for a long time.

So how much life insurance do you really need? It all depends. There are basically two kinds of life insurance, term and whole life. Term life only covers your life and is payable if a policy holder dies during the effect of the policy. Whereas whole life offers investment option to the policy holder. So what to buy also depends on your purchasing capacity you can afford for. One common benchmark to calculate how much insurance you need, your death benefit should be about six to eight times your annual earnings. But there are various other factors to consider otherwise like.

  • Other source of income adds to your lifestyle which means you should keep these sources in mind while calculating your death benefit.
  • The bigger the size of the family your death benefit has to be enough to be able to cover your whole family without problems.
  • Keep in mind whether your spouse works or not and also his or her earning capacity now and in the future. This will enable you make an accurate calculation of how much you need to cover.
  • Figure out the number of people who are financially dependent on you and for how long. This will help you decide how much coverage you need to buy. The more the number of dependents, the more expensive will be your insurance premium.
  • Figure out the death benefits your family will receive from your work place if any. As it is many companies offer covers to its employees, thus it can also be a source of coverage to your dependants.

All benefits of life insurance policy you can take at one place policybazar.com. Where you can compare and buy life insurance policy. If any help require regarding to insurance you can call to call center available such special offers at 0124 457 67 77 and also see website:


Source by Chavi Singal

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Apollo Dkv-Health Insurance:

Apollo DKV Insurance Company Ltd is a joint venture between Apollo Group of Hospitals and DKV, a  German based health insurance company. Apollo Group of Hospitals holds a 74% stakes in the joint venture and DKV holds remaining 26% stakes. The aim of the joint venture is capturing the booming health insurance market in India by providing quality health insurance services to the every customers.

Apollo is Asia’s largest group of hospitals and also leader in healthcare in India. The group successfully manages 42 large healthcare hospitals, 60 diagnostic clinics and extensive chain of over 600 pharmacies in India. In addition, there is also medical BPO and clinical research division and other health insurance services.

DKV is Europe’s largest health insurance company and one of the top world’s top five private health insurance company. DKV provides the insurance and health care services across Europe and in Asia.

Apollo DKV offers comprehensive range of innovative health insurance products to the citizens of India. The customer can choose the products that bests suits to his requirements. These products cover the insured for the services like consultation, hospitalization and post hospitalization. These products are offered for individuals as well as families.

List of comprehensive health insurance products offered from DKV health insurance-

  • Easy Health Insurance
  • Insure Health
  • Maxima

These products are offered for individuals as well as families. Apart from these, Apollo DKV also offers health insurance for corporate and groups.

Apollo DKV is specialized in health insurance products and also offers accidental insurance and travel insurance. The products and services offered are valid on a cashless basis in over 4000+ network hospitals (including 42 Apollo hospitals) across India and for the treatment in non network hospitals in India, on reimbursement basis. Buying online Apollo DKV health insurance is very easy and convenient.

Source by Habibulla Antule

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One of the most expensive things that we spend money on is good health insurance. It seems that each year our cost of health insurance keeps going up and it is crucial that you find a great place for you to get low cost insurance quotes. There are many people who do not have health insurance and there are many of them that feel like they are healthy enough that they do not need insurance. You never know when you will have something happen and will be in need of good health insurance coverage.

Find: Discount Health Insurance

It is important that you start with the place that you work because they may offer a low cost solution for you to get health insurance. There are also many programs from state to state that can offer health insurance if you are low income. Make sure that you check to see if your state has a program that can help you and your children the insurance coverage that you need.

Buy Cheap: Health Insurance

When searching online for low cost health insurance you need to make sure that you find an affordable low cost insurance. It is also very important that you get a policy that will give you the right amount of coverage in case that you need to go to the hospital. There are insurance policies that you can get that have very low rates but they may fall short in given you the coverage you must have in case you have an emergency situation.

Remember that when you are looking for good low cost health insurance there are many places that you can get great quotes from.

Source by Bryan Burbank

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A green slip for car provides compensation for people ( passengers, motorcyclists, cyclists, or  drivers of other vehicles ) killed or injured in an accident. But, it does not cover any theft of the vehicle, or damage to your and other person’s property. It is operated all over Australia, no matter where the accident involving your vehicle occurred. The aim of these policies is to protect all the road users. Every car owner should have this policy before registering the vehicle.

Many insurance companies provide green slips in Australia with different price quotes and services. So, make a little effort and devote some time to research carefully about the different firms, providing a green slip for car, truck, bus, or bike at an affordable price. You can also get it for your truck, motor bike, or bus. The prices of green slips depend on diverse factors, including driver’s past record, engine speed, type of vehicle etc. Those who drive rashly might have to pay extra money for these policies. So, improve your driving skills in order to pay reasonable rates for the green slips. You can purchase other insurance plans as well in addition to the green slip policy to save your money.
The green slip covers the personal injury claim against you, but it will not include any vehicle’s damage. Therefore, to get the automobile claim, you will need to purchase other plans. So, get the details of the reputed firms to know their complete range of work and services. Today, Internet is a great platform to gather information on any topic.. So, make the best use of it. Search thoroughly to accomplish your hunt of a reputed insurance firm. Shop around for the right level of insurance protection at the right price.

Visit the official websites of the service providers to get their complete details. Get in touch with them to know the details of their different packages. Before buying a green slip, make sure that you have made all the efforts and are sure about the service provider. Read all the details of the contract properly before signing it. The terms and policies of any firm should be read with full attention to avoid any convenience on the later stage. You show know what you are signing and how much it will cost you. Check whether the numbers are same as given in the quotes. Do not forget to read reviews of the people who have availed these services.

A green slip will cover only the medical expenses of the people who are injured because of your negligence. It will not cover any damage to your property or automobile. It is your responsibility to pay for the materialistic damage. So, save yourself from paying a hefty amount by investing in other schemes as well. Mis-happenings can happen anytime. It is important to take certain steps in advance  that can aid you well. Thus, make a little effort to know the renowned firm that can provide the cheapest green slips in Sydney.

Source by Declan Mickey

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Life is full of uncertainties. One never knows what goes wrong when. We have to take losses also. So how are these losses recovered? The answer is, through insurance. Insurance help us to bear the losses we work hard, invest our money, and take loans to start a business or own some property.  We spend our hard earned money to buy a home for us, where we can live safely and comfortably with our family. But sometimes there may be some accidents or damages at our property. There may be a fire at our place. Our shop or any other property may be burgled. Our belongings may be stolen. There may be many hazardous conditions. So we must get them insured. We can find such companies in California .To collect information about them one can use internet. After logging in to a reliable search engine just type Home Insurance California. Get information and get your house insured as early as possible to get covered against l various kinds of losses and get compensated for the losses.

Home insurance is a kind of insurance that that covers a private residence. It is an insurance policy that basically combines several personnel insurance protections which can comprise of losses occurring to one’s home and also its contents. Loss of use is also covered in it. It covers not only property but also other possessions of the home owner from theft fire and vandalism. It is liability insurance for accidents that may occur at the home or at the hands of home owner with in the policy territory. The owner of the private property is only responsible for insuring and not for any coverage against any losses or damages.  It is also very important to know that what kinds of losses are covered in the policy. There are three basic types of overages available i.e. loss of use, personal property and personal liability. So if you are a private property owner and want an insurance policy you must know about EIS Insurance and find out Home Insurance San Diego.

So if you are a private property owner and wants you to get some safety against losses then, you should take insurance policy as it is very beneficial and mandatory. The people who own any kind of private accommodation must purchase an insurance policy. They must also keep a complete data base about the expiration, cancellation and overages of the policy, and he or she must provide this information so as to be used to recover against losses. These policies are beneficial to, the owner of the property i.e. the home owner. The cost of home owners insurance depends on what it would cost to replace house & which extra endorsements or riders are basically attached to the policy. There some special overages also included at times like flood coverage or other natural calamities. It is a legal contact so if you are planning to buy any property at San Diego, then you must search out all information about Homeowner Insurance San Diego, then purchase a trusted policy. You must know about EIS Insurance.

Source by Ron Morgan

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If you want the cheapest car insurance possible, look no further. This article will show you exactly what to do, how to do it and where to do it. First, let me show you things to do if you want to get the cheapest car insurance available…

1) Go for the minimum required by law in your state. If you go for the minimum, you’ll be law-abiding and still mild on your purse. However, I assume you know the implications of going for the minimum. You don’t get the same coverage as someone who goes for something more extensive. But you know your needs better than I do.

2) Ask for higher deductibles. The higher your deductible, the lower your premium. But be aware that you’ll have to pay that amount first before your company does anything if you ever have to make a claim. Make your deductible only as high as makes sense in your circumstance — Something you can live with.

3) Make sure you pay all your bills promptly. Your credit rating will play a great role in determining if you can truly get a very cheap auto insurance rate possible.

4) Maintain a great driving record. Avoid “them” tickets. Like someone said, “They cost you much more than the fine you pay.” They affect your premium.

5) Go for a smaller non-sports cars and avoid foreign cars. If you want to use a big car, you won’t get the cheapest quote out there. They are simply more expensive to insure. The same goes for sports cars and foreign cars. The reasons for this is the subject of another discourse.

6) Drive less and use the public transport more. The lower your mileage, the lower your car insurance quote.

7) Get married. Sounds funny but it’s true. Married persons get lower car insurance rates than their unmarried counterparts.

While doing some or all of these, take time out to visit at least three quotes and comparison sites. Compare the insurance quotes they return and pick the lowest. In doing this, however, make sure you input the same information in all quotes sites visited. Doing otherwise will give you misleading results. This one is the sure way to get the cheapest quotes available on the planet.

Source by Chimezirim Chinecherem Odimba

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We have put together some tips for finding the best landlord house insurance based on some of the experiences and questions we have had over the years.

A classic insurance mistake…

Probably one of the classic situations is people who want to save money, and cut corners on telling the truth.

This is a big mistake! When buying your landlord insurance be aware that the whole basis of the insurance industry is based on “utmost good faith.” This means that whatever you choose to tell your landlord house insurance brokers will be taken at face value, which may seem fine at the time but not so good if you need to claim.

When it comes to a claim this is when the insurance company will come and assess the situation, very thoroughly, and if by any chance you have been in any way untruthful then the entire policy could become null and void.

What you really need to be aware of for your landlord house insurance…

As a landlord insurance policy you are really looking to insure the rebuild cost which needs to be based on an up to date evaluation. It is your responsibility to make sure that the property has adequate cover and it can be worthwhile to consider to get a chartered surveyor to provide a quote to ensure that adequate cover is taken out.

If you have a very recent evaluation report this is not necessary, but make sure to cover yourself as if it is undervalued you will only be paid on this undervaluation in the instance of a claim.

Consider in detail the overall policy not just the upfront cost….

Excesses can vary from policy to policy, and will affect the premium due. So you need to calculate in the event of a claim that you would be happy to pay the excess and even more so if you are taking out a policy for a block of apartments. Remember if you are new to landlord insurance that your tenants may not have the same careful habits as you do.

Take the time to get a few quotes….

So that you can carefully compare what appears to be like with like, and check the Key Facts document that is a legal requirement from the FSA. Doing it this way you will see what cover you get for your “real” price.

Should I choose a household name?

A lot of people feel more comfortable with a household name however the reality is that there are a variety of specialised landlord house insurance brokers who have excellent working relationships and have negotiated great deals with some of the household names.

Remember to check the Key Facts document, and if in doubt you can always check out a company on the FSA website.

There is also another website which is useful if you want to confirm and calculate your rebuild costs. This website if the Association of British Insurers which is www.abi.org.uk

Do remember that their calculator will not be suitable if you need to insure a block of flats or properties that are in some way unusual.

Source by Jackie De Burca

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We all know in order to insure a small or large concert it needs a lot of investment, however, why to make our money waste by taking wrong policy? When it comes to buy any policy, especially concert, it is very important to make this decision very carefully and after considering lots of things. Yes, it is highly important to do if you don’t want to get in touch with any kind of future troubles, mostly a big financial trouble.

So, before hiring insurance for your concert or any other event or any other sort of policy, it is highly necessary that you consider few important things in advance we are going to discuss over here.

Type and nature of policy

Surely, you know that there are various kinds of insurance policies available around us, thus, it is better to know more about all and pick up the best one. The very first thing which you must need to think about, what kind of policy you are looking for, why you are looking for, what are your expectations and various other things in advance to pick up something which must match to all your requirements.

Policy coverage

Coverage option is something which should think very carefully and after considering your complete requirements of Concert Insurance. You must know what are the possibility of challenges and risks your concert may face and accordingly you should plan up for buying the best insurance with the best policy coverage. Better think about these coverage options, like- general liability, event cancellation, weather coverage, property damage, bodily injury, theft, rented equipment insurance, general auto and various other things. To protect your event completely along with your efforts, time and money, you should buy the best policy after considering its coverage options.

Premium amount

Premium amount is something which should need full attention while picking up any insurance policy. As you may need to pay to the insurance company on a daily basis or whatever time deadline, you have received, make sure that it should be in your budget and you can pay up the same without facing any issues. Make sure not to go with over budgeted insurance plan as you can’t pay for them on time or may need to make various sacrifices to make this done.

Other rules and regulations

You should think about various terms and policies which your insurance company wants from you. It is better to study all of the terms and policies or formalities you need to do before buying their insurance policy or formalities need to be done when it comes to claim the compensation amount.

Aside this, there are various other things must think in advance so that you can get complete protection from all types of risks and you can organize your event without any worries.

Source by Joseph White

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Finding the best car insurance is not easy at all. But here are a few simple tips that can help you out and put you on the right path.

1.    Put teenager children on the same insurance policy.

2.    The cost of your insurance depends on the cost of your car. If your car is a cheap local model then it’s a good idea to buy only third party, fire and theft insurance.

3.    The more drivers you have the more you have to pay on your car insurance policy.

4.    Check the mileage of your car. If you are using the car only for small distances, then you are eligible for a substantial discount on your premiums.

5.    Actively think about taking temporary insurance for drivers who use your car infrequently.

6.    Apply for third party cover for those drivers who use your car infrequently and are younger in age like teenage drivers.

7.    Start accumulating a no-claims bonus as soon as possible and show it to your insurance company to ensure that you get a discount.

8.    Try for safety devices like automatic seat belts, airbags, anti-theft devices, anti-lock brake devices that offer a comprehensive discount with almost all car insurance companies.

9.    If you have more than one insurance policy with a single company, then you are liable for loyal or good customer discounts with the parent company.

10.    Good occupations like an engineer; doctors etc all get a great discount from insurance companies as they are considered high responsibility professions.

11.    If your employer has already signed you up for a group company policy with the company, you can sign up for a car insurance policy with the same company for a good discount.

12.    Choose an insurance company with which you already have a policy. Getting a policy with them will just decrease the amount of premium you have.

13.    Take on additional driver’s education classes or a driver improvement course.

14.    Another good way to find the best insurance policy for yourself is to log on to internet where you can get five free best car insurance quotes in a fraction of the time.

Source by Crex Sky

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Automated policy administration system leads to enhanced customer relationships helping insurers to retain customers for long.

If one goes by the trend legacy systems are passé, policy administration system (PAS) is on a consolidation phase. Votaries of PAS will say, PAS will effectively address issues like cost overruns and productivity. Also, there are inbuilt advantages like integrating distribution networks to enable agents to focus on sales than working with many interfaces. This will in turn increase the sales. Does this mean that switching to PAS is the only answer? This question needs to be addressed holistically.

Today the government is working in conjunction with the insurers for data system integration to make systems more compliant. States are integrating data systems and working with the private sector to facilitate the technology and systems needed for effective information exchange. The underlying intent here is information exchange makes regulatory compliance easier. Markets call for technology up gradation. Poor response time will lead to loss of interest among customers. Insurers have individual as well as group policies. Insurance carriers require a system of recording for them. PAS role is helping in executing processes like rating, issuing, binding, quoting, endorsements, and renewals. IT vendors are offering tailored PAS’s to address different policies.

Can IT Vendors Offer Flexible Solutions?

Now the important point to ponder is whether all insurers find switching to modern PAS easier? It has to be borne in mind that insurers need to invest an enormous amount of time and money for switching to modern cloud based systems. In such a scenario, what is the ideal solution without disrupting the daily business?

Today automation holds the key in policy administration system. We have already seen legacy systems are passé. Right from issuing a policy to settlement of claims software application automates the entire policy administration process against handling processes individually. PAS can be termed as the hub of the insurance process from the customer to the back office. Traditional legacy systems are not agile to respond to market and evolving customer preferences. Big data and the requirement to respond quickly needs to be addressed by process automation. PAS comes with modern tools for product management, underwriting, forms management, carrier management, agency management, user management etc. PAS app also handles policy issuance, documentation, risk assessment, tax and regulatory compliance, accounting and settlement, and reconciliation. And all these solutions are available by upgrading the legacy system with automated solutions.

We are entering into an era of automation where key processes are automated:

  • Quotes, Rates, Bindings
  • Policy Issues and Generations
  • Policy Servicing — Endorsements (In sequence/Out of sequence)
  • Renewals, Cancellations, Rewrites
  • Reinstatements
  • Underwriter Workflow Management

Some IT vendors are providing automated solutions by upgrading the legacy systems. This option is for insurers who don’t want to disrupt their daily activity. The insurer who opted for this service wants to avoid total data migration with a view to reduce costs. The same IT vendor also has the capability to offer entire data migration on cloud. Although this is time consuming this is a one time investment. Of course there is flexibility for the insurers to pick the right choice.

Billing system plays a key role in improving insurance process. Effective billing system helps insurance carriers to design payment and collection plans competitively. Automated billing process has the advantage of lower maintenance costs. Besides, it enables insurers to configure the workflows and business rules reducing errors and avoid bad transactions.

In sum, automated policy administration system, be it an upgrade of legacy system as saas or switching to cloud based solution, insurers are at an advantage of staying in line with the markets.

Source by Xemplar Telematics

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If you have been doing all of your research, just like you should if you are searching for insurance, you might have run into the phrase PPS insurance. This article aims to explain just what PPS insurance really is and who is eligible to apply.

PPS stands for The Professional Provident Society of South Africa. They primarily market their products to the graduates of our nation. One of their products is insurance, hence PPS insurance.

Let us examine what PPS stands for – Professional Provident Society.

Firstly, we’ve got professional. This means that in order to qualify, you must be a professional. Being a professional entails having at least four years of tertiary education, so basically the equivalent of an honours degree. This means that their client base is very exclusive and they will tend to have a higher chance of making a successful career.

Next, we’ve got provident. So essentially, PPS insurance offers insurance coverage intended for professionals.

Lastly we’ve got society. This would suggest an organisation of some type. A society usually looks out for the well being of a particular selected group of people, in this case professionals.

So, what PPS insurance amounts to, in layman’s terms, is actually a group of people which provide insurance and other financial and health care services for other individuals who have at least four years tertiary education and learning behind them.

Not too complicated is it?

PPS insurance can seem to be a bit more expensive than other kinds of insurance. This is because they are catering to a higher class of income earners. People who have a degree often earn more than those who do not have a degree. This means that they can often afford to pay a little more. Naturally, PPS insurance does offer more coverage and is often tailor made for the client, which means you are getting your money’s worth if you manage to be eligible for PPS insurance.

So, is PPS insurance a good idea?
Most definitely. You get a wider selection of cover suited to your needs, yes it costs a little more than regular insurance, however the certainty of getting what you pay for is worth that extra little bit.

How do you qualify for PPS insurance? You have a four year degree behind your name. This appears extreme, but all they’re doing is making sure that their customers are a cut above the rest and much more likely to be able to pay their premiums as soon as the time comes. This in turn means that a company which is affiliated to the Professional Provident Society of South Africa will probably be more financially secure than other insurance firms.

So if you are a professional and searching for a new insurance carrier, consider considering getting in contact with a PPS insurance company and really get what you are paying for with your insurance, it really is worthwhile.

Source by VeroniqueJackdaw

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Insurance claim delay tactics are the most common obstacles utilized by insurance companies to avoid payment of claims. 

Disreputable insurance claim delay tactics are based largely on the premise that that by forcing you to wait for settlement of your claim, you will eventually give up.  Giving up translates to less or no money for the claim payment and thus more money for the insurance company.  In furtherance of this endeavor, carriers will utilize a variety of tactics to delay your claim via a process dubbed “claim management”. 

Insurance consumers must arm themselves with sufficient knowledge to identify the difference between legitimate insurance claim investigations and illegitimate claim delays.

An insurance company has a right, a duty in fact, to conduct insurance claim investigations.  The key here is that the investigation must be reasonable and timely.

Insurance policies require that the insured must cooperate with the carrier in matters concerning a claim.  These conditions are generally included in the portion entitled “Duties”.
Accordingly, it is reasonable for your insurer to ask you for specific documents or items related to your claim.  By all means, comply with requests for relevant information and data. 

Likewise, cooperate with the request for your recorded statement and proof of loss documents or affidavits.  If you fail to comply with reasonable requests, you are putting yourself in jeopardy of a lengthy investigation and a probable claim denial.

If you have fully cooperated and your insurance claim remains unreasonably delayed, compare your circumstances with some of the following common delay tactics.

Confirmation of coverage.  Your adjuster has been taught to “confirm coverage” based on the terms of the insurance policy.  Flawed, faulty, or unfair policy interpretation is one of the more common examples of unfair tactics insurance companies will use to delay claims.  This process is frequently no more than a search for reasons not to pay claims.

Requirement for a follow-up recorded statement.  In your legitimate claim, follow up statements should not be necessary.

Ongoing investigation.  While the adjuster has the duty to properly investigate the claim, likewise the adjuster has the obligation to keep you abreast of the status of your insurance claim.  If your legitimate questions are met simply with “your claim remains under investigation”, assume that you have a problem.

Referral to the Special Investigations Unit (SIU).  SIU referrals are legitimately a means to investigate potential insurance fraud.  Illegitimate SIU referrals represent a process designed to avoid payment of insurance claims. 

Examination Under Oath (EUO).  The EUO is a formal proceeding taken under oath in front of a court reporter.  Used properly, an EUO is convened when the carrier legitimately requires additional detailed information from the policyholder in order to make a coverage decision.  Used illegitimately, EUO’s are set to unfairly target claims for denial.  In either event, if you are called for an EUO, there is a problem with your claim. 

Consider the following sampling of insurance claim solutions to unfair claim delays.

  • Continue to cooperate.  You want to assume the position that you have cooperated to the fullest extent possible.  This places additional burdens on the insurance company.  They cannot argue that their processes were delayed solely because you “failed” to cooperate.
  • Call the adjuster every few days – every day if necessary.  Always behave courteously.  Be prepared to ask specific questions about the progress of your claim.  Always offer to provide any additional information needed.
  • An insurance company’s failure to properly conclude your legitimate insurance claim suggests the essence of unfair claims handling.  Document all activities in anticipation of unfair settlement offers or an outright denial.  Your claim delay has qualified as a claim dispute.

Source by Jane Pytel

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When it comes to purchasing life insurance, there are many different things you have to consider.  The price of the policy, what it covers, and the type of coverage are all very important factors.  Another factor is critical illness insurance.  This is often an extra feature of some insurances that is optional, but is it a good option?  That’s the question.  There are some obvious benefits to adding critical illness insurance to your policy, but there are also some reasons you may want to pass on it.  Either way, you should make certain that you are completely informed about the insurance before making a decision.

Basically, critical illness insurance is a policy that comes into play if you come down with a life-threatening illness.  What constitutes a life-threatening illness is defined by the policy and is different for each insurance company.  Some have a very short list of illnesses, while others cover up to 30 diseases or more.  When you become unable to work due to one of these illnesses, the policy will pay out.  Some of these policies pay over a period of time, but many of them pay out a one-time lump sum that is generally tax-free.  You are free to use this lump sum to pay for medical procedures not covered by your medical insurance and to handle bills and financial obligations such as your house payment, utilities, etc.

The most obvious benefit is that you get an immediate payout.  This means you won’t have to worry about meeting your monthly financial obligations.  You may even be able to use the sum to pay off your mortgage or vehicle, thus removing a potential financial obligation from your surviving family members in the event of your death.  Your family will also have the finances to handle your funeral arrangements and the various expenses that come with death, something that can put a major financial strain on people.

On the downside, there is the fact that critical illness insurance is an additional cost.  If you already have high month-to-month living expenses, it may be difficult to add another type of coverage to your insurance.  It’s also possible that your premiums will increase at some point, especially if you start smoking or if you are determined to be overweight.  If you’re already in poor health, in fact, you may not be able to get critical illness insurance at all.

Another factor is that those who have a pre-existing medical condition may have that condition specifically excluded from their critical illness policy.  Others may have conditions excluded based on the fact that close family members suffer from that condition or the fact that their family has a medical history of the disease.  Some critical illness insurance policies have also started excluding certain diseases like basic cases of prostate cancer or some types of skin cancers.  This is why it is very important to read every condition and exclusion in the policy before you pay for it.  While critical illness insurance can be a life-saver in some situations, in others, it is simply another financial commitment that may not actually help you that much.

Source by Patrick G Huddlestone

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Liability car insurance is one of the most widespread automobile insurance policy coverage. It costs a lot less than other types of insurance policies. Liability insurance has lower premiums than full comprehensive coverage because you get less coverage.

Liability auto insurance covers harm to property and persons after an accident occurs. So consider getting this type of insurance right away, if you don’t have it. It is easy to qualify for this insurance. If your driving record is good your cost will be less. If your record has tickets or accidents your cost will be high.

In case of a car accident in which you are at fault, your liability car insurance covers the damage incurred on the other party’s property and bodily damages. If the aggrieved party files lawsuit against you, you are protected with your liability insurance in the sense that, you are not required to sell your home, stocks and vehicles to pay for damages.

There are two variations of liability insurance. There is property damage and bodily damage. Liability insurance covers the expenses for reparation of auto damages from an accident you cause or is cause by another driver.

However, if the repair expenses are higher than the value of the car, your liability insurance will cover the replacement of such a car. Besides the car, your liability car insurance policy will also cover the damages incurred to other properties.

For example, if a passenger was transporting a computer or monitor inside your car during an accident, and it was damaged, your insurance would cover to get them repaired or replaced.

However, in buying this insurance, you need to check with the insurance company if personal items are indeed covered. The coverage of liability insurance is widely varied. The property does not need to be in a car in order to be covered during an auto insurance claim.

If you have damaged the window or door of a store during an accident, of which you are at fault, then the expenses for its reparation are covered by your insurance. The liability car insurance for bodily damage covers the medical expenses for physical injury resulting to a car accident, of which you are at fault.

This insurance also covers the legal expenses in case you find yourself in a lawsuit related to your accident. If you or the victim are unable to work because of the accident, your insurance will cover for wages lost. Even damages for pain and suffering will be covered, once the court decides in favor of the opposite party.

Liability car insurance is not just good insurance coverage. In most States in North America, it is a requirement. It is an essential and integral part of car ownership. It is protection against financial risks and losses. These are among the primary reasons why you should have it.

Even when you are not at fault, liability car insurance is also helpful. If the other party does not have car insurance coverage or his policy amount is very minimal, your insurance will help cover your expenses.

Source by Rudy Silva

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A Travel Insurance gives you comprehensive coverage for you and your family when you globe-trot. A travel insurance policy must go beyond health insurance and provide you with a wide range of travel-related coverage to make your trip stress free.
A good travel insurance covers you for:
Medical expenses
The probability of a person suffering from a condition or disease is very high especially in these days of the epidemic of swine influenza hospitalization and so therefore will be necessary in most cases for a person who suffers from these evils. The plan must pay for outpatient care and hospitalization of the patient. It should provide a daily allowance for hospitalization.
Personal Accident
The same is true, there is a strong likelihood of an accident in a foreign country while traveling as it is not accustomed to the staff and surrounding areas. In the event of an accident, the plan should include travel compensation for death or permanent disability. The policy should also provide compensation for death or permanent disability due to an accident on a flight, boat or other carrier.

Personal Possession Contingencies
One of the most common grouse of a traveler in a foreign country is the loss of passport or baggage during the trip. The policy should provide coverage against loss of passport or luggage, reimbursing the cost of obtaining a new passport or twice.
Time Based Contingencies
It is also with the high density of air travel, there is much chance of flight delays etc especially during the seasons of rains or snowfall. The Journey to the policy to reimburse the additional costs incurred if the trip is postponed. In the case of travel to be canceled or interrupted, the compensation of a non-refundable payments or additional expenses should be paid.
Other Contingencies
In a foreign country, there are many opportunities for personal injuries that might unintentionally harm to another person. Thus, a travel policy should also cover you against liability to a third person accidentally caused by you or your family. Also the flight of foreign currency in a foreign country should also be covered.

Source by James Roy

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Believe it or not, your occupation can save you a lot in car insurance premium. On the other hand, it could also cost you so much. I’ll give examples from opposite ends of the spectrum and explain why this is so. Finally I will show you how you can make considerable savings even if your occupation is at the undesirable end of the spectrum.

Scientist pay the lowest car insurance rates. They pay as low as $870 on the average. Retired persons pay slightly more at an average of $920. Pilots and navigators also belong to the low car insurance rates bracket.

For those in the high car insurance brackets, you have the business owner as the most expensive to insure. They average around $1400 in car insurance premiums. Following closely is the executive with an average of $1,375. Attorneys, lawyers and judges average $1370.

These are the opposite extremes (Don’t worry if you fall into the expensive occupations. I’ll show you how to lower your rates considerably). Back to what we were saying…

Occupations that attract cheap auto insurance rates have some or all of the following in common…

1) They are usually low stress occupations.

2) The safety of others is paramount in their training. Sometimes their driving records can even determine if they’ll be allowed to practice at all.

3) Their occupation often makes them use public transport systems.

4) A number of them are generally considered to be very meticulous. This certainly affects their driving habits.

On the other hand, occupations that are expensive to insure have the following in common…

1) Their jobs are usually very stressful.

2) They often have to spend more time in their cars.

3) They tend to use their cell phones a lot more while driving than the average driver.

If you look at the different categories, it will become very obvious why certain occupations are expensive to insure while others aren’t.

Now, whichever group you belong to, you’ll make considerable savings by understanding the fundamentals that influence your car insurance rates. And since different insurers will have different weightings for the various factors, you can count on the fact that you will save much if you get and compare insurance quotes from reputable insurers.

Source by Chimezirim Chinecherem Odimba

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Is there anyone who can afford to predict a misfortune with any appreciable degree of accuracy? No? So, who doesn’t need insurance? No matter how you feel about the subject, let’s face it, we all need insurance. And in saying that, I’m not just echoing the sales pitch of an overzealous insurance agent eager to sell you a policy, but am only stating a fact and voicing my belief. Everyone needs to have some sort of an insurance cover. And photographers are no exception. Be it photographers risk insurance, or a liability insurance covering the professional from unforeseen circumstances associated with this profession, a photographers insurance is a must.  

Photography can be an expensive hobby if you choose it that way. And as a profession, it surely demands for expert understanding and finesse! Photographers are required to handle very expensive equipment in the course of their work. Even the most innocuous looking filter can cost a neat little fortune, let alone all the hi-tech cameras, digital SLRs, lens, lights, meters and other accessories. Handling all these hi-end, expensive stuffs would have been fine if photographers could keep themselves confined to their studios alone. However, nature photographers or sports photographers rarely get to enjoy that luxury. They are frequently required to take their equipment out in the open where there is little security. A simple insurance cover, under such circumstances, can easily save them from having to worry about all their costly tools of the trade from getting damaged, stolen or lost, and let them focus on the subject in hand.

However, more from the tools, it is the skill of the photographer that earns him repute. With increasing popularity, the involvement of the photographers, especially if the professional is working for free, also increases. And the more the involvement becomes the more gets the risk associated with delivering the service on time and as per the expectations of the client. Professional liability insurance for photographers lays the right support here. It covers the photographer professional from clients’ claim of financial equivalent to the loss suffered due to negligent act, error or omission committed while performing a duty.

And then, with career, ‘life’ could also be in danger for a photographer. Action photographers or aerial photographers need special photographers insurance to keep them covered against possible mishaps. There are special insurance policies and schemes available for those involved in aerial, marine, mast, glamour or press or motor, seasonal or sports photography. Most photographers’ insurance schemes also cover videographers who are required to shoot in various life-threatening locations.

To be simply put, if you are a professional photographer, photographers insurance lets you to enjoy working unhindered.

Source by Roberto Luongo

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With so many people considering switching themselves, or some, or all family members from their employer sponsored group health insurance plans to personal individual and family medical plans, there are some things that first need to be considered.

Understand that there are major advantages and disadvantages, even some risks inherent to both options the decision to take a family member off of group coverage should not be taken lightly.

The advantages are immediately obvious. The savings on premiums are often significant. The average monthly insurance cost (varies by Zip code – and has probably already increased before the metaphoric ink on this page dries) for a healthy Californian single person is $139/mo. Family premium is, on average, $357.

Typically, employers charge their workers hundreds of dollars more than that for their contributory share

Another advantage of leaving your group plan and choosing individual or family health insurance is that with the latter you have choices. You can opt to cover only what you choose, while saving money on options you consider unnecessary. With private insurance you can choose the deductible, the copay and eliminate anything anything from the plan which you consider superfluous, thus saving a good deal of money.

One other factor in favor of opting for a private plan is that your coverage is not dependent on where you work, or even if you have a job. The coverage is yours. A dissatisfied employee can leave his job any time and not worry about the loss of coverage for himself, or his family. Your employer can move his whole company over to a third world nation and you’ll still be covered, as long as the premium is paid on time. This is not the case with employer sponsored group coverage. There, when you leave an employer, you also leave your insurance behind.

If private, individual, or family health insurance sounds appealing, there are some major issues you need to be made aware of before making the decision. First and foremost, not everyone is accepted in private plans. Preexisting conditions may excluded from coverage and many conditions render a person “uninsurable” altogether to private companies.

Private companies also “rate” their coverage based on age. While coverage may be affordable when the policy is first issued, the age-based increases can render it beyond a persons means. You should review the costs annually.

Private health insurance may be less comprehensive than group health insurance. You are likely to find that some conditions and treatments (such as maternity) once covered are no longer and copays you had taken for granted with group are no where near the value of your group plan. Dollar for dollar your group plan may go farther, but you need to decide how far you need to go, what is important to you and what you can afford.

No matter what your priorities, your decision should not be made alone. You should enlist the help of a trained professional who can spotlight the advantages, disadvantages and potential risks of each path.

Source by Richard Bronstein

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Insurance—it’s everywhere. One can insure just about anything. Are tires an investment one needs to insure? Tire insurance, also called a road hazard policy, road hazard warranty, or tire reimbursement plan, is a rapidly growing industry in the automotive world.

Tire warranty plans pay in full or in part for the replacement or repair of damaged tires and/or rims from “road hazards.” Road hazards are defined as pot holes, debris, nails, wood, and other hazards found in the road. Curbs, sidewalks, and stone walls are not road hazards. This is an important distinction to consider when deciding if tire insurance is right for you (discussed further ahead).

Tire plans last for a specific period of time and tire wear tread-depth. Some plans last 2-3 years. Others can last 5 years or 60,000 miles. Several plans come with fixed amounts of coverage: $500 per year up to 4 years. Many contracts require three years of law school to comprehend. In terms of tread depth, a tire is usually considered worn out (and thus the plan null and void) at 2/32 to 3/32 of an inch.

Another important distinction is in the type of plan.

Tire reimbursement plans are just what they say. You, the plan holder, will be reimbursed after the claims process is finalized—usually 2-8 weeks. There is an out-of-pocket expense. These plans are often sold by new car dealerships. The prices can range from $300 to $600 dollars.

Road hazard policies operate similarly to reimbursement plans. However, some tire insurance providers, in partnership with the repair facility, may have a direct-pay relationship. Thus, there would be no out-of-pocket expense, except for applicable deductibles, and items not covered in part or in full. These plans are primarily sold by tire dealers and repairshops. The prices range from $10 to $30 per tire. They also can be based on a percentage of the cost of the tire: usually 12% to 15%.

Both types of plans have a number of variables, requiring a magnifying glass to read the fine print. Also, many are pro-rated warranties, covering only a percentage of the cost of the tire based on its wear.

Claims and Coverage:
Depending on the plan, claims are initiated by the repair shop. The process is fairly smooth, although there can be a significant delay from the provider for authorization. This delay may be an hour or an entire weekend. This means that you’ll have to “ok” the tire replacement, and then hope it’s authorized for the full amount, or drive on your spare.

Some plans offer national coverage either among their service facilities or from other repair centers. Claims procedures will vary. Others only provide local coverage, or coverage at the selling facility.

Tire insurance does not mean that everything is covered. Pro-rated warranties are based on the wear and tear of the tire. You may get 75%, 50%, or only 10% coverage depending on the tread-depth. You’ll pay the remainder. While there are plans that offer full coverage, even these have limitations, or they may conflict with a repair shop’s policies.

For example, many plans allow for a maximum of $30 to mount and balance one tire, and a maximum of $15 to repair a tire. However, sport tires often have significantly higher mounting and balancing fees—upwards of $50 per tire—and tire repair prices can exceed $90. There are also discrepancies on the tire and rim prices themselves, which in the end, may have to be supplemented by the service customer.

Although there usually is not an issue with the latter given the competitive market, the service center’s price mark up may be unacceptable to the plan provider. In this case, the service center needs to lower the price or you, the service customer, need to pay the difference—or go somewhere else. This does happen!

Rim Prices and Repairs:
Rim replacement is becoming less frequent. With the high cost of aluminum wheels and sport wheel packages, tire insurers have opted to have them repaired. Repair will only be done if the rim does not hold air. What this means is that even if the rim is warped—enough to cause a vibration and even premature tire wear—they won’t replace it. Rather, they will send it out to be straightened and repaired.

Rims are replaced only if the damage is so extensive that the new tire, when mounted on the rim, won’t hold air. However, even in this case, especially if it’s an expensive sport wheel, they may still attempt to repair it.

Repairing rims is a bad option. While some rim repair is acceptable, badly warped or damaged rims will in no way ever be the same.

If a car hits a road hazard hard enough, such as a pot hole, it’s wise to have the alignment checked. Road hazard policies and tire reimbursement plans do not cover alignments. The service customer will have to pay for this procedure.

Road Hazard Protection Positives:
Some plans include tire rotations, wheel balancing, and nationwide coverage.


1) “Can I pop all 4 tires and get a new set of tires?”

You can try. But this type of claim will trigger a number of red flags with the insurer. The policy holder will likely send out adjusters and/or require photographs. You will also have a difficult time explaining how a “road hazard” caused all 4 tire pop.

2) “New tires come with a road hazard warranty.”

New tires do come with a warranty by the tire manufacturer. However, it only covers defects in workmanship. New tire warranties do not cover punctures or damages from external sources. This is why “road hazard” protection is being pushed.

New tires are rarely defective. If there is a problem, it’s usually noticed when balancing the tire. Or, there is a drivability concern such as vibration or noise. If there’s a defect it’s generally caught right away, and the tire swapped out.

3) “It’s so cheap; it’s a no-brainer, right?”

Actually, the experts don’t agree with this statement.

The Economics of Tire Warranties:
An article from the Washington Post by Terence O’Hara explains the economics of extended warranties and purchase protection plans in general. It is quite fitting for road hazard warranties. He writes:

“The decision to buy an extended warranty…defies the recommendations of economists, consumer advocates and product quality experts, who all warn that the plans rarely benefit consumers and are nearly always a waste of money.

‘[Extended warranties or purchase protection plans] make no rational sense,’ Harvard economist David Cutler said. ‘The implied probability [of having an issue with the product] has to be substantially greater than the risk that you can’t afford to fix it or replace it. If you’re buying a $400 item, for the overwhelming number of consumers that level of spending is not a risk you need to insure under any circumstances.'”

In short, road hazard warranties are a waste of money. Don’t insure that which you can afford to replace.

Numbers Game and Slim Chances:
Like all insurance, tire insurance plans are a numbers game. However, this is a game you have a 98% chance of losing. Insider statistics show that the percentage of claims paid out by providers is as low a 2%.

Another interesting note is that a lot of tire damage is caused by curbs. Curb damage is not covered under most road hazard policies. High granite curbs with sharp edges slice through tens of thousands of tires per year.

You Won’t Notice:
Many people don’t even notice tire damage. Other than to see if the tires are holding air, who “really” looks at tires? Tires are subject to a whole host of external influences which cause bubbles, slices and gouges.

Despite the potential dangers of damaged tires, the damage very often does not translate into any noticeable drivability issue. The point is that if you don’t notice any tire damage you can’t benefit from the coverage.

Research Shows:
Those raving about the benefits of a road hazard policy are the actual folks in the industry who stand to benefit from the sale. They’ll argue that it’s so cheap—only $10 to $20 per tire. Even so, for four tires, that’s $80 based on the “possibility,” the “chance,” of damaging a tire that meets the repair/replacement requirement protocols.

Auto Insurance:
If a rim and tire has incurred significant damage, it’s quite likely that other problems have resulted as well. The first is that the vehicle may have been jarred out of alignment. Secondly, hub bearings, front end components: tie rods, spindles, ball joints, and a variety of other components may have sustained damage. In this case, auto insurance, which you are already paying for, will pay for everything—brand new.

Free Road Hazard Warranties:
Many tires come with road hazard warranties FREE. In other words, in an effort to secure retailers, many tire distributors provide service centers FREE road hazard insurance. Some shops pass this on to their tire customers, others sell them. Ask if the tire “comes” with a road hazard protection policy. If not, request that one be provided at no additional charge. It’s worth a shot.

Also, some car manufacturers provide road hazard warranties FREE of charge for 12 months or 12,000 miles. If you’re buying a new car or even used, ask that the dealer provide a complimentary road hazard policy (after all the wheeling and dealing is done, of course), and just before you commit.

“What’s the best road hazard policy?”
Money in “your” bank account.

Source by Theodore Olson

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The high risk life insurance market place has been an underserved market for many years. Most insurance carriers prefer to insure low risk clients for obvious reasons. There are several life insurance carriers that are very aggresive in the final expense market place. The primary objective in obtaining life insurance is to indemnify your loved one upon death. The severity of your condition matters only to most traditional insurance carriers that do not serve the high risk life insurance market place. If you have a terminal illness, or were recently diagnosed with a medical condition, you may also have news from your current life insurance carrier that you do not qualify to renew your current policy. If you need burial coverage, which almost everyone at a minimum needs, you need to speak with an agent that has your best interest in mind. Often times agents will tell you “your uninurable” or try and sell a higher priced policy then you actually need. If someone told you that your uninsurable you need to get away from that agent and work with someone that is willing to work with you to find you the coverage you need. There really is no such thing as uninsurable. There is always a carrier that is willing to write your case. Finding the right agent and right policy is like finding the proverbial “needle in a hey stack”.

The reality is most agents dont want to be bothered writing a $10,000-$25,000 policy because its not profitable for the agent. There are plenty of companies that are willing to write your case, you just need to find one, and get on the phone with that agent/agency as soon as possible. Life insurance is not a commidity, it is a neccesity for all families regardless of income. The other issue we see clients having is a past criminal history. While its true most carriers will not issue a policy to someone on probabtion. A true guaranteed issue life insurance product will issue a policy regarless of criminal history. The underwriting guidlines for each life insurance carrier is different. Call an experienced, high risk life insurance agent to help navigate the complexities of your case.

Source by Life Carrier Direct