Home Authors Posts by John Stewart

John Stewart

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Life insurance coverage is so important, most people think where they take life insurance policy. Several options are available while purchasing a policy. An individual can get there coverage life insurance companies desired via local brokers, or online from the web.

To find out the best deals and rates requires a great deal of research. Become an insurance representative and help people decide what policy would work best for them. Customers can now purchase insurance by contacting a salesperson personally, or via email or telephone.

World Wide Web or Internet is the greatest source of all the needed information. The simplest, and most reliable, and best means of finding and buying good life insurance is online. Premium information can be found online with accurate quotes. There are many businesses that are listed in the online industry directories. These can also help you to find best insurance policy for you.

There are many sites online that provide searches for life insurance policy. Here are the website that gives policy information of the major companies. The organizations listed here provide life coverage policies and have similar fundamentals; they all meet the needs of customers.

Some famous internet insurance company are: Life Insurance India(LIC),Max New York Life,Tata AIG, ICICI Lombard.

These all insurance companies quotes you can compare only one insurance aggregator site that is policybazaar.com. Where you can compare and buy best life insurance policy. Dependable applications and worry-not management of policies are some unique things that Metropolitan Life Insurance Company presents. For monitory planning their solution and services are the best.

Term Life Insurance, whole Life Insurance, and universal life insurance policies are available at great rates. Other online companies who offer cheaper rates for coverage are Met life and Bajaj Alliang.

And at PolicyBazaar, you can find the right all type insurance plan at most competitive rates. You can also find special offers going on from time to time. If any help require regarding to insurance you can call to call center to available such special offers at 0124 457 67 77 and also see website:


Source by Chavi Singal

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To combat fraud, many insurance companies are getting tougher on claims submitted by consumers.

But while some insurers delay payment to raise justifiable questions about claims, others drag their feet or deny payment for no apparent reason.

Here are the most common excuses insurance companies give when limiting or denying auto, home and health insurance claims – and the best ways to fight back…


*”Your car isn’t worth as much as you say it is.” Insurance companies base their car-value assumptions on industry data that is similar to the information found in Kelly Blue Book. Keep in mind that Kelly Blue Book provides only average values of vehicles and that individual cars can be worth significantly more or less, depending on their condition and included extras.

Examples: Your car may have been garaged … have low mileage … or have expensive options, such as a sunroof or a V8 engine.

To support your claim for higher reimbursement: Check the classified ads in your local paper. If you find a half dozen cars that are similar to yours selling for more than the value listed in Kelly Blue Book, collect as much data as you can and send it to your insurer. Your insurer may relent.

*”Your car can be repaired for a lot less.” Some insurers set out to reduce all claims payments by a set percentage, even when the amounts are legitimate. Of course, most insurers won’t say this openly. Instead, the company might say that the $3,500 estimate you received is too high and that your car can be repaired for only $2,500.

Helpful: Don’t be intimidated. If you visit three repair shops, and the lowest bid was $3,500, insist that your insurer pay the claim in full. And don’t be pushed into using a cheap repair shop chosen by the insurer. I’ve never seen a policy that requires policyholders to go to a particular repair shop.

If your insurer still balks, say you’ll turn the matter over to your attorney. This may make the insurer pay up. If the difference between you and your insurer is a few thousand dollars, it will cost the company more to hire a lawyer than to pay you off.


*”The problem cited in the claim is due to previous damage or normal wear and tear.” This is a favorite ploy of insurers that want to avoid paying up.

Solution: Challenge the company to prove that it does not cover these claims. Ask where in the policy it says so. Also, ask for proof it was “wear and tear” or previous damage. Insurance policies are written by the insurance company. If the language they rely upon is vague or ambiguous, you can collect – courts hold that ambiguity is always against the insurance company.

Example: A couple from Texas had their roof and window air conditioner damaged by a hailstorm. The company’s adjuster acknowledged that the air conditioner had been hurt by hail but insisted the hail hadn’t damaged the already old roof.

The couple canvassed their neighbors and found that other families’ insurers had paid for new roofs. The couple called the insurer with the information. The insurer then reversed itself, knowing that its policy language was the same as that of the other insurance companies that paid.

Under the typical homeowner’s policy, you are entitled to the full cost of repairing or replacing a damaged roof, even if the roof is old.

*”You may fix or replace the damage for less than you claim.” Some insurers will use this line as a trial balloon to see how low it can cut a claims payout before you complain. As long as you have a replacement policy and can show that it is impossible to replace an item for the amount the insurer is offering, stick to your guns.

*”We’re delaying payment because the cause of the claim is suspicious.” It’s bad enough your house was damaged by fire, but now the insurer is holding up payment because it has questions about the fire’s cause.

It’s one thing if payment is temporarily delayed because of an investigation to rule out arson. But if arson is suspected, the fire department usually conducts its own inquiry.

If the fire department hasn’t found it necessary to check the origin of the fire, ask the company directly if it is accusing you of arson.

If the answer is no, tell the insurer you expect the money to be forthcoming promptly or you will refer the matter to your attorney. If the answer is yes, call your lawyer immediately.

Important: Don’t worry if you inadvertently caused the fire. People cause fires every year by falling asleep in bed while they’re smoking, and many companies pay up anyway.

*”No receipts, no coverage”. Ideally, it’s best to have a written inventory of everything in your house.

But if you neglected to follow through on this chore, don’t despair. Homeowner’s policies don’t require that you have receipts for damaged or stolen items, only that you show some proof of what you owned.

Helpful: Go through family photos, looking for pictures that show the items. You can also ask relatives and friends to check their photos for pictures that show people grouped around specific furniture and paintings.

Also, get sworn statements from friends and relatives and from merchants who sold you the items, attesting to the existence of those items.


*”We won’t pay because this treatment isn’t medically necessary.” This is particularly troublesome with certain HMOs, which can be very tightfisted about what procedures they will cover.

Helpful: Put pressure on the insurer, starting with your doctor. Also, contact your employer’s benefits department, and then call the insurer. If this doesn’t work, say you’ll contact your state insurance department or the media.

*”This treatment isn’t covered because it’s experimental.” The problem is that policies can be ambiguous about which treatments are considered experimental and which are considered standard.

Helpful: Enlist the help of your physician in defending treatments.

Example: One insurer recently refused to pay for a migraine sufferer’s stay at the Mayo Clinic because it said the treatment she was given was experimental.

Her doctor referred to his medical school textbooks, which described the treatment he ordered as “classic.” He also found that in 49 other states, the treatment was considered routine.

The insurer reversed its decision.

*”We’re not paying the entire bill because your doctor charges too much.” Insurers balk at paying bills that exceed the “usual and customary” fees for the service in an area. The problem is determining what is usual and customary in your region because insurers are notoriously closemouthed about this.

Helpful: Call your doctor’s office, and ask the billing manager how much other insurance companies have paid for the same procedure.

Also find out whether your doctor did multiple procedures but billed you as if it was just a single one. Clarifying the bill can often lead to a larger payment from the insurance company.

Source by Ranju Kumar

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Purchasing a new house is always a challenge and it is a deciding factor which depends upon the insurance. The reality is that there are numerous possible routes, and which will verify most gratifying for you is a very own matter. Nevertheless present are a few fundamental main beliefs you can be valid.

If you are purchase a home through a advance loan the source of your loan, known as the mortgagor, is almost certain to require that you take out homeowners insurance to a sufficient degree to at least make it certain that in the occurrence of hurt or destruction you will be able to pay off the press forward.

A loan that is not backed by an actual property should be a cause for concern for lending institutions. There are a few instances in which the mortgagor will waive the need for homeowners insurance, but regularly only when the primary lot/acreage is valuable enough to equalize the value of the finance. Since in most instances a construction is importance more than the land it is built on, this incident seldom apply

The price for replacing a building should be included in a plan. This is not the similar worth as the real value of the structure. Sometimes repairs can be more costly than the selling price of a building itself due additional money needed for materials and labor.

We need some specific modifications of the contrast but if you are comfortable in restricting your insurance to a simple value and it is possible. The same rule applies if you cover for specific risks, the more traditional form of coverage, as well as in the most common case of broad coverage, that covers most events.

After deciding on the basic coverage, next consider any ancillary coverage you may want. If there are outbuildings, sheds, barns, workshops, detached garages, boathouses and the like, you will require to position for their reporting too. Make sure you provide any information for property if that’s something that you want included.

Additional insurance can be allocated to cover the cost of renting a residence during the time you are deprived of the use of your own property, and to insure the income you might otherwise have complete if you were rent some segment of your property out.

These issues are of vital significance. If your house is of self-effacing worth, but you own a Stradivarius violin, and the house burns down, the loss of the home may be of wholly minor importance compare to the value of the violin.

Having strong-minded the worth of your possessions and the price of substitution, you demand to observe the convention to establish what exclusion the cover companionship is trying to claim, and what remedy you can take if you are scratchy with those exclusions.

Average exclusions address diverse natural problems like the earth or fundamentals shifting, or tribulations caused by overlook. Secondary policies can cover for excluded subjects, as was done in California for earthquake insurance.

Based on the issues, quotes and policy comparison you can determine your homeoweners insurance.

Source by Ian Wright

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Arizona auto insurance rates can be absolutely astronomical. I should know. I live there. But there are ways to get a cheap Arizona auto insurance quote. Here’s how …

Arizona Auto Insurance Requirements

In order to license your car in the state of Arizona you’re only required to have liability insurance.

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance pays for property damage and physical injury claims made against you from an accident that’s your fault.

The minimum bodily injury liability coverage you must carry in Arizona is $15,000 per person with a $30,000 maximum per accident. The minimum property damage coverage is $10,000.

If you don’t have a lot of assets to lose from a lawsuit, this minimum coverage, expressed as 15/30/10, may be all you need. But if you do have a lot of assets, you should get enough coverage to protect yourself from personal injury lawsuits.

Personal Injury Protection

Personal injury protection (PIP) pays for reasonable and necessary medical expenses for you and your passengers when you’re involved in an accident. Though the sate of Arizona does not require that you carry this coverage, it’s a good idea to carry at least the minimum coverage, especially if you don’t have medical insurance.

Uninsured Motorist Protection

This pays you and your passenger’s medical expenses and property damage expenses caused by an uninsured driver, an underinsured driver, or a hit-and-run driver. I highly recommend you purchase this protection because one-quarter of the residents in Arizona are driving without auto insurance.

Comprehensive and Collision Insurance

Comprehensive insurance pays for damages to you car from theft, fire, vandalism, hail, etc. Collision insurance pays for damages to your car when you’re involved an accident no matter who was at fault.

To save money on comprehensive and collision insurance get the highest deductible (what you pay before your insurance kicks in) you can afford to pay.

How to Get the Best Rate

Getting the best auto insurance rate in Arizona is simply a matter of comparison shopping at a insurance comparison website. In a matter of minutes you can get quotes from a number of companies and choose the cheapest rate. Some Arizonans have saved as much as $1,000 on their insurance by comparison shopping.

Visit http://www.LowerRateQuotes.com or click on the following link to get Arizona auto insurance quotes from top-rated companies in your area and see how much you can save. You can get more car insurance tips by checking out their “Articles” section.

Source by ryan@thesatellitetvguide.com

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There are several types of auto insurance coverage. Before you begin your quest for auto insurance quotes, it is important to know what the kinds of insurance are.

When you begin shopping for auto car insurance, this involves much more than just calling up an agent and requesting a quote. To get the most from your auto insurance company, and, therefore, your auto insurance dollar, decide on what kind of risk you want covered and how to shift the risk around using the various insurable options available to you.

What follows are short descriptions of each of the main kinds of automobile insurance coverage available. This article only provides the basics. To learn much more, refer to your policy.

The first kind of coverage you will need is collision. If you are in a crash, this is the part of the policy that provides payment for the damage to your vehicle, without penalty regardless of responsibility. Online auto insurance or insurance the old-fashioned way provides adequate coverage when it comes to collision. Auto insurance rates can vary widely and they can depend on how much collision coverage you decide on. If you drive an old clunker, you may want to keep the collision low.

What happens if the other party is responsible for the damage? Then your carrier will go after the other party on your behalf and collect the payment for damages. Collision amounts depend on the depreciated worth of your vehicle. Collision coverage is usually mandatory if the car is leased or financed.

Auto insurance agents will recommend that a portion of your coverage include "comprehensive." This is the part of the policy that covers damages caused by non-crash events including vandalism, storms, theft, acts of God, and hitting an animal.

Another portion of your coverage should include "medical." Medical covers the cost of initial medical bills for you, your family or additional passengers, if you are a passenger, or if you are a pedestrian hit by an auto. What happens if the cost exceeds the limit on your medical coverage? Then you can get more compensation from your liability coverage. You may also need to use any other medical coverage you may have. Automobile insurance agents can help you decide how much coverage to get.

Online auto insurance quotes include liability coverage and this covers property damage and bodily injury that you, as the driver, may become responsible for. Liability will cover any other drivers listed on your policy and drivers driving with your permission, if they have caused injury or property damage. Liability doesn’t cover injuries your family may experience as this will be covered by the medical portion of your policy.

An automobile insurance quote also includes your "uninsured motorist" portion. This is the section of your coverage that covers you for personal injury and property damage if you are hit by an uninsured motorist. The clause also covers you in the event of a hit and run. An automobile insurance company can explain all of these clauses to you.

The last main clause is for "underinsured motorist," which is just what it sounds like. It covers you if the other party’s liability limits outweigh your costs for damages and personal injury.

While there is no such thing as free auto insurance, FreeAutoRater.com can provide you with free auto insurance quotes and help you find cheap auto insurance, or, at least, the best possible price on your auto insurance.



Source by Angel Rosilla

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Geico insurance quotes are straightforward to obtain. An world wide web search is a good method to discover fast info, and even a quote. Instead of waiting for hours to speak with an agent, you can go to the internet site and get a quote really quickly.

Certainly, just because Geico makes it simple to find a quote, this does not necessarily make it the suitable organization for your needs. We are happy to supply some suggestions and info to support you with the decision-making process.

Geico is well-known as one of many most affordable, common vehicle insurance policies organizations around today. Having insured millions successfully for years, they’re one of the largest insurance businesses inside the US. Once offered only to government agents, they have swiftly gained popularity among the general public.

By putting multiple vehicles in your policy, you’ll be able to conserve a great deal of income with Geico. By giving you a repeat customer discount, they’ll make it possible for you to conserve plenty of money.

Needless to say, several insurance policy firms offer this feature, so it does not necessarily set Geico apart. How can you tell if Geico is usually a very good alternative for you?

Always keep an eye on the satisfaction rate when looking at vehicle insurance policy. The purchaser satisfaction rate with Geico is 97% — you definitely can’t do a lot better than that. They are the rare insurance plan corporation to supply excellent buyer service.

Even though Geico vehicle insurance policy is a good alternative for some, it is not appropriate for everybody. If you are pleased with your present provider for insurance, then it likely just isn’t worth switching.

Needless to say, it all depends in your particular situation. Geico automobile insurance coverage quotes are readily available on their website or over the phone.

Source by wpsleep

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A green slip is a compulsory third party insurance, designed to cover the injuries or death of the people in a vehicle accident due to your negligence. When you happen to be legally responsible for another person’s injuries, the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) greenslips give third party coverage.

The name greenslip is derived from the color of the paper on which the form is printed. It is mandatory for every vehicle owner to have this policy, before registering his vehicle. It will not cover any damage to the property or automobile, involved in a mishap. For that, you have to purchase other insurance policies. Get car, truck, bus, or motor bike greenslips Sydney with a renowned company. Their prices depend upon several factors, including type of vehicle, driving skills etc. Also, every firm has its own prices, and you will have to make efforts to find the best prices. Below are some of the ways to get the best green slip prices:

* The best ways to get green slip insurance is to surf the different websites to get quotes from the service providers by providing some basic information. Save your time, efforts,a nd money by making a thorough check on the web.

* You may also approach the professionals through telephones and get the information about their packages and coverage available. This is a time consuming process, but you can get the best and affordable results.

* When you seriously try to improve your driving habits, you can actually get a far lower green slip price. The rates of these policies depend on the driving skills of the individual.

* Quotes provide all the details properly. You will easily come to know the coverage, and how much premiums you will need to pay.

* Before signing for insurance, it is very important to carefully check all the terms of the contract and the prices being charged. Make sure that the amounts stated in the contracts match the quotes given to you.

There are excessive variations in the prices of the policies, provided by different firms. When you want to get the best and lowest prices, you will have to make a thorough research of your options. Usually, the agencies registered to provide green slip adopt transparent work, and aid the clients in the best possible way. So, visit a renowned insurance company to get the policy at the best prices. You can also ask the professionals to provide other insurance plans, which can cover the damages to the vehicle as well.

Generally, the insurance companies use a formula to evaluate the policy premiums based on certain past statistics like age and corresponding experience, past accident records, the type of vehicle you own, etc.

In Australia, green slips are compulsory and many insurers are authorized to handover them. Devote some time to get the quotes from all of the agencies. Compare the quotes to make a decision. Get the policy at the best price.

Source by Declan Mickey

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Don’t hesitate to look us up when it comes to car insurance Allentown Pennsylvania. Call us at 1-800-392-5621 and you’ll get the rates from at least 10 of the top Pennsylvania auto insurance companies to compare with.

If you’ve bought car insurance for yourself a teenage driver or a senior, you know the rates seem to go up a tiny bit at every renewal. There are a few ways to retaliate against these rising rates and having a knowledgeable agent who cares is the always the best route. Having an agent who only represents one insurance company is a sure way of only giving yourself “one” option. Unfortunately, these “one company” agents have no choice but to be loyal to the company that pays their bills. You deserve to see options from several different companies to see if what you have now is a competitive plan.

Several things you should be aware of when you get a rate from Williams Agency or any other agent that may affect your benefits.

  1. Accident forgiveness- Many companies provide a benefit to long term clients that will allow them to avoid any surcharge when they have an at-fault accident.Our one company, Erie Insurance has a feature fifteen that forgives “all” future accident surcharges. You need to be sure of what you may be sacrificing when you decide to switch companies.
  1. Senior auto insurance discounts are becoming a bigger feature than other common discounts because of the growth in the senior population. Some of our companies offer substantial discounts for the 55 alive course as well as just being age 55 and over. We find that many clients were eligible for senior auto insurance discounts but were not getting them because the agent overlooked it. Again, there’s an argument for the agent who takes good care of all clients.
  1. Pennsylvania teenage driver rates have skyrocketed in the past few years. Several of our companies are offering loyalty rewards to young drivers in Pennsylvania by discounting the rates based on how long the parents have had their insurance with the company. Be sure you’re getting the discount you deserve for your teenage driver.
  1. Rate protection is brand new so it’s doubtful you’ll lose this benefit. Actually, it is a benefit that allows you to lock in your current rate forever(with certain restrictions) so you will never experience a rate increase again. You may want to call or sign up for a rate quote with us just to see how that will “price out” for your family.  

Remember to research your current policy before you jump into a new policy and lose discounts that it took years to earn. On the flip side, I’ve seen many alleged discounts disappear when a client makes a change to their policy with many companies. We’ll be glad to help you find the discounts you deserve on your Pennsylvania car insurance and you’ll have the secure feeling that comes with using a trusted professional.

Source by Dan Williams

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Peter Best Insurance Services Ltd is a specialist insurance broker with over 21 years experience in the collectable cars, motorbikes and commercial vehicles markets.

From a single club scheme launched in 1985, they have grown to become one of the largest and most trusted names in Collectors Car Insurance. In addition, their general insurance office provides competitive premiums from leading insurers for your private motor, household, travel and commercial insurance needs.

The company is now able to provide you with on-line quotes and purchases for Classic Cars, (including club schemes for Mercedes Benz and MG), Classic Motorcycles and Classic 4×4 vehicles. You can get an instant quote using our BEST WebQuote system and purchase the policy online by registering your details with them.

With their interest in the classic motor insurance market, they have strong connections with many of the car clubs such as the Mercedes Benz Club and the MG Car Club. This enables them to offer discounted premiums to existing club members, providing they can supply their membership number.

Although Peter Best Insurance Services Ltd specialises in the classic vehicle field, they do not neglect their clients other insurance requirements, such as private motor, household, travel, etc.

As a specialist classic motor insurance market, Peter Best Insurance Services Ltd have bespoke schemes for those with good driving records, in particular:-

© Best Driver – a quality comprehensive policy with unlimited mileage with own business use. Europe-wide cover and DAS Legal Expense insurance included.

10 Plus – a second car policy allowing up to 5,000 miles per year, comprehensive cover for family-type vehicles over 10 years old (excluding convertible models). They also provide Europewide cover including roadside assistance and recovery. No Claims Bonus is not used on this vehicle and is therefore free to keep on your everyday vehicle. There is no agreed value. The Policy is based on their successful Classic Car schemes.

Source by Steve Ashby

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It is concerning, that with the different accidents and injuries both at work, and whilst trravelling to and from work, that so many people do not have a life insurance policy. Life insurance is similar to car and auto insurance, should you get into difficulty or pass away, then the policy will pay out – as well as if you become seriously ill; it covers you for eventualities that all of us hope don’t happen, in essence it protects us.  Today, however, many people still view having a life insurance policy as a luxury commodity and look over the fact that such a policy will pay out an amount of money to your partner or family, meaning that they are not burdened with any funeral costs or other bills that may become payable on your death. Additionally, you should remember that the average cost of a funeral bill, for a single person, will be in the region of $6,000, and will generally be a lot higher in more affluent areas – would you want your family to be burdened with this cost on your death?

With a huge amount of families left to foot the bill of burial and the actual ceremony of a loved one, you would be surprised that many more Americans have not opted to take out such a policy.  Also, with such policies being as low as $20 per month for a $10,000 amount coverage it is a little unbelievable.  This ten thousand will be paid out for a whole host of reasons, and most definitely on your death.  With the current economic climate being unstable it seems a little irresponsible of some that do not want to protect their family’s future financial needs through ‘putting away’ a few dollars a month – after all, it would be cutting out that trip to burger king on a Thursday that would pay for the cover.  Now, your finances may be in need of a real pick me up right now, but that shouldn’t prevent or put you off taking out a policy today, as you should be including the cost in your monthly outgoings just as you would for your house, car and electricity payments.

Where Can You Get A Policy

There are many different places where you can get a life insurance policy for yourself.  There are thousands of companies who are offering such policies and who are standing by ready to provide you with a quote for such a policy; wanting to cover you from day one. No doubt you have spoken with an insurance company whilst  buying car insurance and they may have offered to provide you with a quote and information on life insurance.  When you take two policies such as these with one company you can usually get a discounted rate on the total monthly amount payable – therefore having just one fixed monthly payment being taken out of your account. The only way to find out whether you can get a cheaper quote for your life insurance policy, from your current car insurance company, is to get in contact with them, either over the phone or though email.

When you call your insurance company and they can’t provide you with a quote you can also go onto the Internet typing in ‘life insurance quotes’ to find out which types of insurance companies out there are offering a quote for a policy, and more importantly to see which is the cheapest – there are more and more comparison web sites appearing each year, so the availability for you to compare different quotes alongside each other will be simpler.

Source by Ray Devine

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Looking for homeowners liability insurance? Here’s how to get the best rate.

Homeowners Insurance Coverage

Homeowners insurance provides four separate ares of coverage:

1. Structural coverage pays to repair or rebuild your home when its damaged by fire, vandalism, or acts of nature.

2. Personal property coverage pays to repair or replace your personal belongings when they’re damaged or destroyed.

3. Additional living expenses coverage pays for your living expenses while your home is being repaired due to damage from fire or other insured disasters.

4. Liability insurance pays for damages to other people caused by you, your family members, or your pets.

Homeowners Liability Insurance Coverage

Liability insurance covers you against lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage when you, your family, or your pets are responsible. It pays for the other person’s medical expenses, property damage expenses, and any legal fees you may incur.

You should purchase enough liability insurance to protect you assets in the event a lawsuit is filed against you. Most standard homeowners insurance policies provide $100,000 worth of liability coverage. However, due to the increasing number of personal liability lawsuits, its recommended that you purchase at least $250,000 to $500,000 worth of liability insurance coverage.

If you have property, investments, and savings that are worth more than the liability limits in your homeowners policy, you can purchase additional liability coverage in the form of an umbrella policy. This is a separate policy that pays after you use up the liability coverage in your homeowners policy. It also protects you against lawsuits not covered by your homeowners liability insurance such as libel, slander, and invasion of privacy.

Liability coverage is one of the most important types of insurance you can have. Without it, you could be sued and lose everything your own. With it, you’re assets are protected. Take an inventory of all your assets and purchase enough liability to cover them.

Cheap Homeowners Liability Insurance

Visit http://www.LowerRateQuotes.com/homeowners-insurance.html or click on the following link to get homeowners liability insurance quotes from top insurance companies and see how much you can save. You can get more insurance tips in their Articles section.

Source by ryan@thesatellitetvguide.com

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Health insurance plans are a lot like people. While some may appear intimidating, others may give off a more welcoming vibe. Yet, in the end, the internal makeup is essentially the same and the only thing that matters is which type of person, or health insurance plan, fits you the best.

However, it may not be prudent to try out various health insurance plans for the right fit, which means research is needed to understand the different types of managed care in the U.S. and what they exactly offer the consumer.

Fee-for-Service Plans

This is also called indemnity insurance and is the typical kind of coverage where people pay for the health service when they need it. Under this plan, customers are required to pay a low premium every month as well as a co-pay for services and an annual deductible.

Each year, the enrollee is required to pay a certain amount for various services, which is called a deductible, which could be split 80 percent to the insurance providers and 20 percent to you. The amount you pay is called a “coinsurance.” The catch is that not all healthcare bills fall under one’s deducible.

These plans may have a cap of what a consumer will pay for medical services in one year. This means when your deducible and coinsurance reach a certain amount, the health insurance provider will begin to pay your bill in full. The cap can range from $1,000 to $5,000 a year.

There are two types of fee-for-service coverage: basic and major medical. Basic covers the costs of a hospital visit and the care you receive while there as well as doctor visits. Major medical covers the cost of high-cost illnesses with expensive treatments and injuries.

Some policies may combine both into one type of coverage called a comprehensive plan. Again, be sure to check the reach of your coverage. While this type is good for people who may needed immediate medical treatment, it may not be financially sound for those looking to get regular checkups.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

For a monthly premium, these prepaid health insurance plans give enrollees comprehensive plans for you and your family and includes doctor visits, surgery, lab tests and therapy.

There are certain doctors and hospitals included under an HMO plan, which may limit one’s choices in terms of healthcare. Each doctor or hospital visit may come with a small co-pay, which can range from $5 to $20.

Under this plan, your healthcare costs have the potential to be lower. People under this plan are urged to get preventative care such as immunizations, checkups and physicals. Enrollees must pick a primary care doctor and cannot see a specialist unless they are recommended to by their doctor.

During a visit, people are required to present a card instead of filling out various forms. However, people with an HMO may have a longer wait for an appointment when compared to those under a fee-for-service plan.

Point-of-Service Plans (POS)

This is an option under some HMO plans that allow members to refer themselves to a doctor or a specialist outside of an HMO plan and still be covered. If a doctor makes a referral out of the HMO network, the health insurance covers all or most of the bill. If the enrollee refers themselves to a doctor out of the network (and the type of service is covered in their plan), they will have to pay the coinsurance.

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)

This kind of plan may be ideal for a person who has a certain doctor they are already familiar with. Like an HMO, a PPO has a certain network of healthcare providers to choose from and when they are used, the patient’s medical bills are mostly covered. Patients are also given a card to use during their visits and not required to fill out any paper work.

However, enrollees are also able to use out-of-network doctors and still be covered under a PPO. They may have to pay a larger portion of the bill, as well as fill out claims forms, but they will be able to stick with a family or preferred doctor who may not be in the PPO’s network.

Source by Sandra Cohen

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Having an Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) means that the medical service providers you will receive care from should have signed up an agreement with the insurance company to allow offering you these services. This way EPO plans are somewhat similar to PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans, meaning that the person having such a plan can obtain inexpensive medical services at a facility that makes part of the EPO network. Still, if you choose to receive your medical care at a facility outside the network, a PPO plan will still cover your costs, only to a smaller extent. With most EPO plans, you won’t receive any insurance coverage when visiting a specialist outside the network. When you choose an EPO plan, you will instantly notice that the fees you are charged with by the medical service providers that have accepted to join your insurance company’s network are significantly lower than those normally charged. So when you receive your health benefits within the EPO network, you can rest assured that the rates you will be charged for the services will be very advantageous and your insurance provider will pay for all the services you receive. However, if you have a condition that none of the specialists making part of the EPO network can help you with and you are forced to seek medical attention outside of the network, make sure you have enough money because you will pay for the service to the full extent. This is because EPO plans do not include any services provided outside the selection of facilities and specialists that have an agreement with the insurance carrier. Moreover, in contrast with PPO and HMO plans that have fairly large networks of health service providers, EPO plans usually have a much smaller number of specialists and facilities being part of their network. This means that you have fewer professionals to choose from when you need medical attention. In what concerns health service providers, their advantage in joining an EPO network is in the increased number of patients they work with. So instead of charging higher rates to a smaller number of patients, they charge lower rates for a much higher number of people and get more revenue as a result. This is especially useful to those providers who target themselves at a certain geographical area and want to get more people through group health insurance coverage plans. The insurance companies, which choose to provide EPO plans charge their customers with monthly premiums and act as mediators between the customers and the medical service providers. As a conclusion, EPO plans would definitely be appealing to those looking for cheap health insurance and having no special medical needs such as pre-existing conditions. The group of people who will probably benefit the most from such plans are young healthy workers with no serious health risks. And those who will find EPO plans quite uncomfortable are older people with complicated conditions that need regular and special care from certain specialist, who may be outside the network. Think well before you purchase such a plan and make sure to shop around to get the best rates. Use health insurance quotes online or contact your agent to see what local providers can offer and start from there.

Source by David Mayer

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Similar to many other industries that are offering services and products, there are many different life insurance companies, in fact many thousands, who can offer you a product or service that will suit the needs that you have, should you be looking for life insurance cover. One organization will not doubt run very differently than the next, but they will all offer the two types of different policies that are offered in the market. The two basic policies that are on offer in the industry to consumers are term and whole – each having their individual pros and cons and offering policy holders different features and guarantees – should you be looking at the differences between these two, then you should be able to find such information on any of the top five industry leaders, who are named below.

Similar to other large organizations in other sectors and service industries, the top five insurance firms have teams of highly qualified and trained customer service agents who are knowledgeable about the products and services on offer and will help you become more informed about such offerings, as well as help you through the buying process of such policies. When you communicate with them, they should be able to answer any questions or queries that you have, should you be a current policy holder, or one that is wanting to join them. However, on many occasions, and as such has become a bad feeling towards larger organizations, many do not understand the importance of delivering great customer service to you and so will generally lose a lot of business through others who know how to treat their customers.  The others that provide excellent customer service and interest in customers and the industry will succeed as a life insurance organization and will grow to be one of the industry leaders, to be recognized and regarded highly by others. Here is a list of the top 5 life insurance companies:

* ARP Life Insurance
* Primerica Life Insurance Company
* Prudential Life Insurance
* New York Life Insurance
* California Life Insurance

Where Are They Located?

As mentioned previously, there are thousands of life insurance companies throughout the whole of America. You will find these firms located anywhere and everywhere, so long as there is a town big enough to warrant them being there.  You will probably not be able to go about your daily life without seeing an advert on a bus or on the tv – they regard their business as competitive and to be honest the amount that the industry is worth I am not surprised. Many have therefore chosen to opt for a more online base to attract, retain and inform people about their company, insurance policies and services, as well as reducing costs that are associated with so many brick and mortar companies throughout America. Some of these organizations who have considered this move to be a little too quick and not in their interests have paid the price, and thus do not appear in the five companies above – something that some have been regretting ever since.

If you are not really a person who goes onto a computer, let alone the Internet, then you will most likely want to buy from an organization via the phone or in person.  You will be able to look through your phone book for a local insurance firm and you should also speak to colleagues and friends, enquiring which one that they have chosen and why. Additionally, if you are able to use the Internet, then more directories and search pages are becoming increasingly accessible via an Internet browser when you load up a web page; generally, you will find an up-to-date set of address and contact details for the companies that you select. However, you should keep ion mind that whilst you will want to find a policy with the best value for money, keeping your costs low, you shouldn’t sacrifice this with poor customer service experience.

Source by Ray Devine

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Thanks to increasing accident rates and rising repair costs, auto insurance costs are going through the roof. But you can still get affordable auto insurance from a reputable company. Here’s how …

Comparison Shop

Because insurance rates vary so much between companies, comparison shopping can save you hundred of dollars a year on your insurance premium.

The first thing you need to do on your quest for affordable auto insurance is to visit an insurance comparison website. There you can get auto insurance quotes from multiple top-rated companies.

All you have to do at these sites is fill out a simple questionnaire with your insurance information and the amount of insurance you want, wait for your quotes, then choose the company with the most affordable quote.

If you’re confused about auto insurance, or need some answers, the best insurance comparison sites allow you to talk with an insurance expert through an online chat service or by telephone. (See link below.)

Consolidate Your Policies

Most insurance companies will give you a 10 to 15 percent discount if you place your homeowners or renters insurance and your auto insurance with them.

Raise Your Deductible

Raising your deductible (the amount you pay on a claim before your insurance company will pay) can drastically reduce your insurance premium. For example, raising it from $250 to $1,000 can decrease you insurance premium by up to 50 percent.

Get All the Discounts You Can

Insurance companies offer all kinds of discounts. These include:

* Good driver discount for being accident free for 3 to 5 years.

* Safe auto discount for have safety features such as auto alarms, anti-theft devices, air bags, and anti-lock brakes.

* Senior discount for drivers over the age of 50.

* Low mileage discount if you drive less than the average driver.

* Drivers training discount if you take a drivers education or defensive driving course.

* Good student discount if you’re a student and maintain a high grade average.

* Occupational discounts to professionals such as engineers, scientists, teachers, police officers, and military personnel.

* Internet discount if you purchase your auto insurance policy online.

Be sure to ask your insurance provider about all the discounts that are available to you and include them in your policy.

Visit http://www.LowerRateQuotes.com or click on the following link to get affordable auto insurance rate quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more insurance tips in their Articles section.

Source by ryan@thesatellitetvguide.com

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Buying auto insurance can seem like an overwhelming task. There are many things to consider that can potentially save or cost you a lot of money and stress over the years. Here are three car accident insurance tips that can make this task much easier.

Tip #1: Drive A Low Profile Vehicle

Some cars carry high insurance costs based upon the perceived risks associated with those cars. For example, if you drive a sports car, most insurance companies will presume there is a higher inherent risk and assign a higher rate on your insurance policy. For much lower rates, drive a low-profile vehicle that does not raise any red flags with your insurance carrier.

Tip #2: Keep Your Credit Report Clean

Your credit report is often used by the insurance carrier to determine the amount of risk they assume to offer you a policy. Though most insurance carriers won’t proactively tell you that your credit report is used to determine your car insurance rates, there is a strong correlation between a person’s credit rating and the risk an insurance carrier assumes in offering that person a policy. Pay your bills on time and review your credit reports annually to ensure they are clean of errors.

Tip #3: Install A Car Alarm Or Anti-Theft System

Often, you can save money on your car insurance rates if you install a anti-theft device. Your rates are largely a result of the perceived risk that a car insurance company assumes in carrying your policy. Installing a car alarm in your vehicle lowers this perceived risk. As a result, your rates may be lowered.

The car accident insurance buying tips you have discovered above should save you some time and money in the near future. One other thing you should always do is shop around. Try to get quotes from as many car insurance companies as you possibly can before you choose your insurance policy.

Source by Munya Chinongoza

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When it comes to family, we all go to great lengths to protect them. And if you don’t compromise on their happiness, then it would be normal to say that you won’t compromise on their safety too. While a good quality of life is of utmost importance, you also need to ensure that they get the proper cover they deserve. A term insurance is something that can secure your financial worries. In the term insurance policy, the benefits are provided if in an unfortunate incident, the policy holder passes away.

The term period can be chosen by you from 5 to 30 years. Among the various Compare term insurance plans online websites provide, you need to look for the one that suits your budget and needs.

There are certain questions you need to ask yourself before making the leap and going for a term insurance plan. The fundamental question is whether you need a risk cover or not? If you have a family which is reliable on you for their survival and monetary needs and you don’t have enough savings to provide for them for the rest of your life, then you need to buy a term insurance plan.

The purpose of the plan is to provide your family the same standard of living in the unfortunate incident of your death.

When it comes to the risk cover, you need to choose a cover that will provide your family the same standard of living which they are pursuing right now. The premium will go up depending on the risk cover you go for.

Among the many term insurance plans online sites will provide you, it becomes important that you choose the best one. To do so, you need to be aware of the benefits of a term insurance plan. This policy is better and cheaper when compared to the alternate insurance product like the unit linked insurance policy (ULIP) and endowment policies.

In the term insurance plans online, you get the pure vanilla cover which helps you obtain a large cover for a small sum of premium. Apart from enjoying tax benefits, you need to think about any additional cover that you might need along with the term insurance plans. These additional covers or riders differ from company to company and you need to Compare By Term Insurance Premium Calculator them before buying a cover. If these riders enhance your cover and give you more advantages, then you might want to consider adding them.

Source by Rimita Desai

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You can never be denied auto insurance based on your gender, race, or ethnicity. In most circumstances, a company cannot refuse to sell you insurance based on where you live as long as you meet the company’s acceptance criteria. If you are denied auto insurance coverage, the agent or company must state a reason. Common reasons include:
• You do not meet any of the company’s acceptance criteria*.
• The insurer is a “membership company” that only covers certain categories of drivers.
• The Department of Banking and Insurance has permitted the insurer to stop writing new policies.

You have the right to cancel or change insurance:

You can shop for cheaper auto insurance at any time – not just when your policy is up for renewal. If you find a better price, you can cancel your old policy and seek a refund of your unused premium. However, never cancel your old policy until a new one is in effect. A lapse in coverage will result in higher rates in the future.

You have the right to change your coverages and policy limits at any time, even if you are not near your renewal date. If you select lower policy limits or cancel nonmandatory coverages to save money, you have a right to a refund of your unused premium within 60 days.

You have the right to choices:
Agents, brokers and companies must inform you of your coverage options when applying for a new policy, or at any time upon your request if you are already insured. You have the right to know how each choice may affect what you pay and what your benefits would be in the event of an accident. You always have the right to ask about additional options.

You have the right to a timely response:
You have the right to a timely response when seeking an appointment or application from an agent, broker or company. Appointments should be scheduled so that you can obtain coverage before your current policy expires. Please note that under current insurance regulations a voluntary insurance company has five (5) business days from the date it receives a completed application to either issue or deny coverage to the applicant. However, an application is not considered complete until the company has obtained all pertinent information, including a copy of the applicant’s driving record from the Motor Vehicle Commission and verification of any previous coverage. Therefore, the overall application process can take up to two weeks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to shop for coverage.

You have the right to the prompt and fair handling of claims:
You have the right to ask about any payments made to others by your company and charged to your policy. If you file a claim, it should be handled promptly and fairly. If a claim is denied, you must receive a written explanation for the denial.

Your obligations as a New Jersey driver:

New Jersey state law requires that any registered vehicle be covered by an insurance policy. Failure to maintain coverage can lead to higher prices for new policies, placement in the “assigned risk” pool, suspension or revocation of your driver’s license or registration and additional fines and penalties. Maintaining your auto insurance coverage requires that you:

• Always make payments for your policy on time or a lapse in coverage may result. A driver who incurs a lapse will end up paying far more for coverage.
• Always provide any information your company seeks. Auto Insurance companies have the right to seek information about all licensed drivers in the household.
• If you receive a non-renewal notice, do not wait to shop for alternate coverage. Policies can be prepared in advance to become effective on a date several days or weeks after the application.

A driver who mails a renewal payment before the due date cannot lose coverage. However, insurers can charge the driver a late fee if the payment is postmarked On time, but arrives after the payment due date.

Source by Henry Funk

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Manufacturers insurance is emerging as a new trend in the insurance market where buyers get financial coverage from the manufacturers itself on the purchased goods.

Some of the most alluring features of manufacturers insurance include:

  • It provides monetary coverage against accidental damages on the purchased goods, including business contents, vehicles, stock, fittings and fixtures.
  • Manufacturers provide full reimbursement to the buyers in case the purchased good gets damaged while shipping.
  • Manufacturers insurance includes adjustable public liability insurance coverage on the purchased good.
  • Manufacturers provide interesting discounts on products bought under manufacturers insurance.

With manufacturers insurance, one can get the defected goods repaired with manufacturer’s original parts. This kind of insurance also includes auto manufacture insurance where you can get auto parts repaired with original brand parts. All the goods purchased with Manufacturers insurance are repaired at the prime repair centers of the manufacturing company. If the repair cost of the newly purchased good exceeds about 60% of the list price then manufacturers insurance helps to get it replaced with brand new product.

If the buyer incurs business losses due to the inefficiency of the purchased good then manufacturers insurance provides reimbursement for the business loss. For instance, if you are in fleet business and purchased a brand new car covered with manufacturers insurance then you can get reimbursement for the monetary losses incurred in case of the inefficiency of the vehicle.

Manufacturers provide competent and fairly priced manufacturers insurance coverage so as to build reputation among the potential customers and increase clientele. The customers can be assured of the monetary coverage against damages or defaults of the purchased good as manufacturers take sole responsibility and provide reimbursement for inefficient parts at interesting discounts.

With the increasing demand of manufacturers insurance, now there are discounted manufacturer’s insurance schemes available online. The customer care officials of the online manufacturer’s insurance company are readily available 24×7 to solve the queries of customers regarding manufacturers insurance.

Source by Roberto Luongo

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Shopping around for getting the credible automobile insurance is something a kind of ritual for getting the easiest and convenient form of auto insurance service. For getting your auto insurance quotes, you would do your home work well and with a lot of time to meet your needs. Thanks to increased use of internet, the auto insurance quotes are available very conveniently to meet the odds. Find a list of credible websites to fulfill all your needs within a single window. You can find websites that gives you remarkable services faster and without any monetary loss. Before buying the right services, it would be easier for you to get the right quotes from more than five companies for you to make the right final decision.

The best way to find the right auto insurance needs is to work o all your requirement details of your website in a proper manner. While visiting the right websites, you need to get the quotes that you can easily pay every month. Also, it will depend on the number of things that is mentioned below:

-The model of your car, the year of its purchase and the number of years of car use are largely responsible for meeting all your needs. Also, the number of miles a car has been used is crucial to enquire before getting the insurance quote.

-Some companies may require you to provide details in terms of number of traffic tickets, involvement in accidents and many other minute details that can be remembered easily.

Source by Jacob Martin