Home Authors Posts by John Stewart

John Stewart

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Consulting Engineers Insurance is basically insurance policies designed for protecting the interests of consulting engineers. Consulting engineers work according to the requirements of a particular job/project. Their work is comprised of activities intended to finish tasks specific to particular designs, definition and requirements and to resolve various problems. The consulting engineers are concerned mainly of customer interests and represent it with other concerned parties involved in a particular project.

The hazards related to different fields vary and it is important not to misjudge both tangible and intangible benefits of Consulting Engineers Insurance. They assist in the tackling of unpleasant circumstances that may arise from daily rigors.

There are companies offering wide array of Engineering Consultant Insurance tailored to meet specific requirements of their clients. These insurance products are suitable for engineers in different areas like Building Engineers, Structural Engineers, Civil Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Aviation Engineers, Aircraft Engineers, Geotechnical engineers, Transport Engineers, Health and Safety Engineers, Field Engineers, Commissioning Engineers, Petrochemical Engineers, Oil/Gas Engineers, Field Engineers, Design Engineers, Test Engineers, CAD/CAE Engineers, Offshore Engineers, Project Managers, Draughtsmen and many more.

Different Consulting Engineers Insurance

It is possible to get insurance for professionals covering their various requirements like:

  • Professional Indemnity Policy
  • Business Combined Policy
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance
  • Personal Accident, Sickness and Travel Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Professional Liability Insurance

The Personal Accident Sickness and Travel Policy cover death by accident, permanent or temporary disability from accidents and if required, optional coverage for sickness extension and travel coverage for business and/or leisure travel can be obtained. The Business Combined Policy gives numerous options for covering movable equipments, office contents, business disruptions, offshore operations, manual operations, public charges and manual charges. Employment Practices Liability Insurance protects when there are allegations of violations in employment practices. Professional Liability Insurance gives coverage for cases requiring payment to third parties or clients for economic damages.

Source by Roberto Luongo

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While living in this state, you must have Michigan car insurance to drive a vehicle. Prior to getting the insurance that is required by law, you may want to consider getting some Michigan car insurance quotes to allow you to get a great price. You’ll be glad you have your Michigan auto insurance if you ever need it and are involved in any type of car accident.

If you are looking for Michigan automobile insurance, then you may want to consider checking around for a great company that can make sure you get the best coverage possible to meet all your needs for a cheap car insurance. By getting the best insurance to suit your individual needs you can really help put your mind at rest and feel confident that you are fully insured to the maximum you need to be for your situation.

Also, prior to getting a lot of auto insurance quotes in Michigan you may be interested in knowing some of the minimum requirements by law to get the best deal possible. When you are searching for your insurance you should remember that if you have good credit, it’s much more likely that you’ll be much more able to get a better insurance rate. This can really help save you money over time.

Michigan is a no fault state, each driver must carry two no-fault policies. Drivers are required to carry personal injury protection and property protection insurance. This is coverage in addition to standard liability coverage. The property protection coverage pays for property damage you cause in others that could go up to the sum of one million dollars.

Many states now also use credit as a rating tool and having good credit can mean a lower rate.

Michigan car insurance rates are determined by the driving habits of the drivers within a state by car insurance agents. The state’s liability minimums requirements are 20/40/10. That is $20,000 per individual for bodily injuries you cause to the other persons, and up to $40,000 for all, and $10,000 for damage you cause to the other party’s personal property. Michigan determines auto insurance rates based on driving record, age, area you live in, and the type of vehicle you drive.

It’s much better to have more coverage than too little coverage regardless if it does cost a little more it will be worth it in the event you ever have to use it. So many of us complain about paying a monthly insurance bill but if we ever have to use it, we’ll be so glad that we’re covered we won’t complain at all then.

So, even though the amount you need to be covered is legal, you may want to consider getting a little more coverage to give you the peace of mind that is required to feel good about the situation.

Source by Thoran

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Do you own a business organization?
If yes, why not ensure the good health of your employees with group health insurance policies? Whatever business you are in, safeguarding you and your employees’ health makes good sense.

Health is wealth. Everyone aspires for a sound health. But no one can predict when or how diseases will strike. Insurance is therefore a good way of preparing for what may come.

Group health insurance policies are those insurance policies where the employer provides for a comprehensive health insurance benefits to his employees and sometimes to his employees family. The cost of the insurance is allotted among the members of this group. The group enjoys a wide range of benefits of Group Health Insurance.

It can help to:
Reduce the number of persons who are absent for sickness
Show to the employees that you genuinely care for them
Increases the productivity level
Reduces liability.
Running a small business organization depends on team work. But what if, someone from that team falls ill. Won’t your whole organization be in danger? Therefore you should ensure that your employees are safe and sound with good and proper health. It can only be done through purchasing a small business health insurance plan for your employees.

Earlier small business health insurance plan was not so common because of the high rate of premium. But now many affordable insurance companies are available in the market.

Generally it is seen that in group health insurance policies, the premium is divided between the employer and the employees. But if it is a very big company, the employer or the owner provides for the whole premium. Even tax incentives are also provided with group health insurance policies. You can cover yourself in group insurance benefits as well

Group Health insurance is very vital for the efficient functioning of an organization. Everyone will agree that the cost of medical treatment has increased day by day. A simple visit can be a huge liability. Because of this, many a times it is seen that the employees try avoiding going to a doctor. Again his family’s health can also be a deterrent to his efficient functioning at office. With an adequate health insurance policy an employer can evade all these setbacks and ensure a healthy working environment.

Before investing in Group health insurance, an employer should read and re-read the quotes as available in the market. He should not buy any plan hastily. Today almost all insurance companies provide online facilities. Therefore search a little and invest in group health insurance for yourself and your employees.

Source by Jenny Black

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Basic home insurance provides coverage for disasters such as fire, hurricane damage, lightning and any others covered by your policy, but basic coverage might not protect from every potential loss. Most home insurance plans do offer a wide variety of optional coverage to help meet your home insurance needs.

Here are eight types of optional coverage you could purchase with your basic home insurance.

1) The first place to look for extra coverage is for any natural disaster left uncovered in your home insurance policy that is likely to befall your home. This includes flood insurance, earthquake insurance and wind insurance if you live in areas where this is not part of standard home insurance.
2) Guaranteed replacement cost is the most comprehensive home insurance you can purchase. To buy this level of home insurance you need to meet specific rules and conditions, and you will most likely pay premiums that increase with the cost of inflation.
3) To increase your level of theft protection, you can buy theft coverage protection endorsement. With this home insurance option possessions in your motor vehicle, trailer or watercraft have coverage even without proof of forcible entry.
4) You can add optional coverage to your home insurance to protect your money, securities, banking and credit cards. Increasing your limits on money and securities does just that – it increases the coverage on money, bank notes, deeds and other securities. Credit card forgery and depositors forgery coverage endorsement gives you protection against loss, theft and unauthorized use of your credit cards, as well as coverage for a banking forgery.

5) Inflation guard endorsement allows your home insurance provider to automatically increase your coverage to meet a rising cost of inflation. You will eventually pay a higher premium, but not until your policy is renewed.
6) If you have high dollar items such as furs, stamp or coin collections, guns, antiques or other items that might exceed your regular home insurance policy, you will want to take a scheduled personal property endorse – also known as a personal article floater – on these items.
7) If you own a vacation home or other secondary residence you will likely want to add a secondary residence premises endorsement to your basic home insurance.
8) Similar to the secondary residence endorsement, if you own a small sailboat or outboard motor boat you will want a watercraft endorsement added to your basic home insurance for the personal liability coverage this option provides.

Source by Barclay Win

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Home insurance; do you know when you’ll need it? Probably not. Unless you plan on getting involved in an insurance scam (which is not recommended), chances are you won’t know exactly when you will need home insurance until after the event has occurred. That’s because home insurance protects you against unforeseen events. But what are these unforeseen events that cause us to need home insurance? The fact of the matter is there are a number of different insurable events that come into play with your home insurance.

Below are a few events where having home insurance is a very positive thing. They are events that you can’t always plan for and when they occur, can throw you and your home into disorder.

Fire can destroy your home right before your eyes. All it takes is a spark from a faulty appliance or the lights on the Christmas tree to malfunction and before you know it, you’re home’s going up in flames, along with your personal belongings. Even if you’re very safe about ensuring the integrity of your electrical appliances and are diligent about turning off the oven, the bbq grill, and the coffee pot, fire can still strike. A stray firecracker or lit cigarette butt can land in your yard, ignite dry brush, and start a small fire that can quickly get out of control. In fact, many fires happen when residents aren’t even home; and when they come home, their home is destroyed.

If you have a homeowner’s insurance policy that covers fire damage, you’re protecting yourself when an unexpected fire breaks out.

Even if you don’t live near a body of water or in a flood zone, flood damage can affect your home. If a water main busts or the dishwasher malfunctions, you could end up with a house full of water and serious flood damage. Home insurance protects you when water takes over of your home and runs amok on your carpets, walls, and ceilings. If a main water line breaks when you’re not home, and it’s left to flood the house for hours, the damage can be significant. And if you live in an attached condo complex, the damage can seep over into the neighbor’s home. Having a home insurance policy that covers flooding will protect you, and your attached neighbors, against unexpected flood damage as a result of a broken water line, a malfunctioning dishwasher, or even a popped waterbed.

We all wish we could predict earthquakes. It would allow us time to secure items in our home that could be damaged when the shaking starts. But currently, earthquakes come unannounced. And when they do arrive, they often damage our homes and property. Even if the home is still standing after a significant quake, the structural damage to the home could be so great that it is red tagged and deemed uninhabitable. Having a home insurance policy that covers earthquake damage will save you the agony of being left with nothing after an earthquake.

Homeowners insurance is a must for all homeowners. Regardless of where you live and the types of natural disasters your area is prone to, you need to protect yourself from every angle and against any unforeseen events that could happen in the blink of an eye.

For more articles on Home Insurance visit: http://www.bills.com/reasons-home-insurance-article/

Source by justin narin

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Never Ever Become a Life Insurance Agent

But did you know that the career life agency is setting you up for failure. I will even bet you that you can’t make it four years even if you have some money you can get your hands on. How about I bet you that you only have a 10% chance of survival? Better yet, change that chance of success to 6%, I’m betting that 94 out of 100 newly recruited agents will not see their 4th insurance anniversary.
Don’t call me Dr Doom; I’ve done over 25 years of homework and intense analysis to be right. Now ask the insurance agent and the career insurance agency who is at fault for the failure. The agency will always blame it on the agent; the agent will blame the career insurance agency. Whose fault is it? 50% percent of the time it is the agency and the new insurance agent’s fault combined. The agent should not have applied for the position, and the recruiter should not have hired him. These new recruits are “order takers”, they can complete a sales application form, but this is a far distance from selling an recruiting skills.

The rest of the time, I would put the blame almost entirely on the career agency system. Good thing I’m no longer an insurance agent. Career agencies would like to gag me and hang me from the nearest tree for bringing to light the truth.

What really irks me? Almost all the career life insurance agencies use a similar plan with recruiting agents and handling them during their rookie years. How can any agent succeed with the statistics stacked so high against him, and the agency unwilling to take blame or make changes?

Let’s look first at the hiring system. Career agencies hire new agents two ways. The first is a good size ad in the local Sunday newspaper promising lots of income and plenty of benefits. The other is a recruiter hired by the career agency to attend job fairs and similar events to talk to college seniors. Chances are the college insurance recruiter may have never sold an insurance policy. With the agency running the classified ad, the sales manager is good at selling, but does not have a successful recruiting track record,

It does not matter much which way hooked you into responding, your chances are terrible. Does it really hurt the insurance company if you fail? You can get my opinion and analysis in an upcoming report “Agents stock the insurance company freezer”.

Source by Donald Yerke

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Life Insurance – the very word says it all. It is all about insuring your life. Life insurance shields your family against all financial odds in your absence. These policies are of great significance to us. As correctly pointed out by the CEO of an insurance industry giant, “Insurance is the best known form of financial protection to guard against major uncertainties or vagaries of nature. As a thumb rule, a person needs to have at least a basic cover to protect himself in the form of personal accident insurance — which is the cheapest cover for self protection…”

Lets face it. A country that is marked by income inequality where the top 20% of families earned 45.2% of all market income in 1998, against 3.1% for the bottom 20% – many of the Canadians shy away from investing in a life insurance. In such a scenario, an in-depth understanding of the different life insurance policies available in the market is of crucial importance. So, while settling with one make sure whether your life insurance provides the coverage of your funeral and burial, or whether it will pay for the bills charged by the doctors and hospitals during the illness or injury that led up to your death.

Peeping into the world of Life insurance, you will come across two types of insurance policies: Term” life insurance policy and “cash value”. The “term” life insurance can be bought for 1 year, up to 30 years, or for any specific time period and is a temporary insurance coverage. It provides a cash refund at the time of your death, provided you die within the term purchased. But the disadvantage that comes with term” life insurance is the rate of premium which goes higher with age. Moreover, you do not get back coverage value in cash. Such an insurance policy does not offer the guarantee of renewal after the expiry of the term.

Therefore, you are left with the second option of life insurance policy called “cash value.” also known as Universal Life or a Whole Life insurance policy. In this policy the rate of premium remains the same throughout the entire time period. It provides coverage to the policy owner for the entire life time. This insurance not only offers death benefits but it also provides a cash value that grows over the years The policy holder is able to draw upon the cash value before death. Moreover you can renew your policy even after your first term is over. “Cash value” policy help you to supplement your retirement income. But even this life insurance policy has its drawbacks. Difficulty in selecting investment funds and payment of investment fees can be pretty costly. This complex insurance policy calls forth a ratio of death benefit to cash value in order to remain in effect.

With a large number of private insurance companies cropping up in Canada like Insuremetoo.com, selecting a perfect life insurance has become quite simple. Do your home work, understand the terms involved, weigh the benefits and disadvantages of the life insurance policies, and then call up your insurance agent. You will surely strike the best deal of your life. All the best!

Source by Rick Jaitley

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A green slip is a Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance policy linked to a determined vehicle. The personal injury insurance will cover you or the person driving your vehicle if you or they are the driver at fault in an accident. Under certain circumstances a green slip will provide coverage regardless of which driver is at fault.

The Term “green slip” is a commonly used personal injury insurance, which is also sometimes referred to as a green slip, CTP slips, green slip insurance, CTP and CTP insurance.

Who needs a it?
CTP slips are a legal requirement to drive a vehicle in Australia, they cover persons that are injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident.
A green slip must be provided when registering any motor vehicle in your state. Each state in Australia implements different rules and regulations when it comes to vehicle registration which is also known as REGO.

A CTP slip will only provide insurance coverage if your vehicle is registered. If your vehicle is not registered you may be personally liable for any damages or injuries that you cause in a motor vehicle accident.

What does it cover?
Throughout Australia a green CTP slip provides personal injury insurance for the following:
-your passengers
-other users of the roads, including drivers, passengers, pillion passengers, cyclists, motor cyclists and pedestrians
-injuries or death caused by the use of a trailer

What a green slip does NOT cover?
-damage to other vehicles
-damage to property
-theft of a vehicle
-a driver that is 16 or older and is not seriously injured

When you purchase a CTP slip for your motor vehicle you are participating in two different programs or schemes; the Lifetime Care and Support scheme and the Third-party Insurance scheme. The Lifetime Care and Support scheme is regulated by the Motor Accidents Act 2006 and the Third-party Insurance scheme is regulated by the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999.

Who provides green slips?
There are several insurance companies within Australia that are licensed to provide CTP slips. The insurance companies are regulated by the Motor Accidents Authority of each state and must comply with the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999.

Rates for green slips are determined by a number of different factors and can vary in price and amount of coverage from one insurance company to another. It is suggested that you request quotes from several different insurance companies to determine which policy is best for you.

Ted Brumby wrote this article to explain in depth the importance of obtaining green slip CTP car insurance in Australia before driving on the highway.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ted_Brumby

Source by Ted Brumby

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Hands up all those who remember the old E111 medical forms you were supposed to have if you travelled in Europe? I can see all those blank faces!

Well, great news is that it doesn’t matter any more. The E111 form was replaced at the beginning of January 2006 by a new European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

This EHIC is valid for up to 5 years and entitles you to the same level of medical care in the country you’re travelling in, as would be enjoyed by the residents of that country. The card covers discounted and free medical care including emergency treatment, and applies to all the EEC countries plus Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. But be aware that the treatment you’re entitled to might not include all the treatments you get free of charge under the National Health Service here in Britain.

Nevertheless, we believe that it’s wise to carry a EHIC as it could save you time, money and a great deal of hassle if you’re unlucky enough to need medical attention. It can cut through some of the inevitable red tape you’d be faced with if you were relying just on the medical provisions of your travel insurance policy.

You should also be aware that in many areas of Europe, the best medical attention is still reserved for those with private insurance cover. Private insurance bypasses the long queues of local residents waiting patently in inhospitable corridors – after all who wants to spend days of their holiday not only ill, but queuing as well!

Another point is that nationalised health care is only available at nationalised hospitals which, in some countries, are hundreds of miles apart. They tend to be located where the local population work and live – not where you enjoy your holidays! Therefore, you may be a long way from the nearest nationalised hospital whereas private medical and dental clinics are to be found in many tourist areas catering primarily for holidaymakers. Their standard is usually good albeit in local terms, they’re expensive.

Whilst we’ve been discussing medical care, don’t forget that private travel insurance covers you for much more than just medical expenses. Most policies will even pay for you to be flown home to the UK if you’re really ill. Holiday cancellation (due to prior illness), holiday curtailment, loss of luggage or individual items are all aspects normally covered by the insurance.

To be as safe as possible, we recommend that all travellers get a European Health Insurance Card and comprehensive travel insurance. After all, you’ve saved up for ages for the holiday and if something goes wrong the last thing you want is to be worried about the financial implications.

As with most insurance, the best travel insurance bargains are to be found on the Internet. Search on your favourite search engine for “travel insurance”. The brokers usually provide the best value for money as they will have access to a wide range of insurance providers and can pick the best for you. You can try the sites run by the individual insurance companies but they’ll only offer you one option – their policy! A broker can offer you a range of solutions.

We say, no matter how you arrange it, get travel insurance and get peace of mind.

Information about the European Health Insurance Card

The European Health Insurance Card is free from any Post Office or by phoning the Department of Health on 0845 606 2030. You can also apply online at the web site run by the Department of Health. The web address is www.dh.gov.uk/travellers

Source by Michael Challiner

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There is a major effort to undertake health care reform going on at the moment. Reform is definitely needed because the cost of health insurance has gone through the roof the last two decades. Whether the current plan being offered is a good one or not is up for debate, but what is clear is it does not address one of the factors in rising health care costs – malpractice lawsuits.

There was a time when just about the last thing a doctor had to worry about was being sued for malpractice. Most doctors were tied into their community and new their patients on a very personal basis. When problems or mistakes occurred, an apology was issued and remedy was searched for. Those times are long gone. The health care industry has become, well, something of an industry. The personal relationship between doctor and patient is now a cold one in most cases. When mistakes inevitably occur, the patient tends to look to the courts for a remedy.

Medical malpractice lawsuits are on the rise in a big way and so are the premiums doctors pay for errors and omissions insurance. Still, what does this have to do with the cost of health insurance going up so dramatically? Well, there is a direct causal relationship. Doctors are paranoid about being sued. To limit their risk, they order just about every diagnostic test and treatment that could possibly tell them anything. Why? They don’t want a lawyer asking them why they didn’t do a certain test.

One can hardly blame doctors for taking this approach. Everybody guards against being sued if they can help it. The problem is this approach has a very practical effect of driving the costs of health care absolutely through the roof. Insurance companies will discount these costs to a certain extent, but sooner or later they have to pay a good chunk of them. Guess who the carrier is going to past the costs onto? Yes, the people paying the premiums on the insurance policies. That would be you and me.

I am not suggesting in any way that negligent doctors should be let off the hook when it comes to malpractice claims. The point of this article is simply to suggest that there are many reasons our health care system is out of control from a cost perspective and the possibility of fixing them with one health care reform act is not realistic.

Source by Mark Warner

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No doubt you will have heard of the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous); but, you may not have heard or have previously known about the AAA, the American Automobile Association.  The organization is a century old after launching in 1902 to provide insurance services not only to people who want to be covered when they go traveling around the country, but also when Americans are thinking of traveling abroad. Many years after its formation, the company decided that they wanted to venture out of just offering travel insurance policies to their customers and decided to offer life insurance coverage as they had such a distinctive and well-established credit rating that meant they were more stable than many other organizations offering similar products and services at the same point in time. If we were looking at the company from a strategy point of view, from formation until present day, then we would most certainly understand that they have come a long way since initial inception.

Is the AAA Life Insurance Company For You?

Like most people, heck probably everyone, your life will be unpredictable, and you will never know when the worst could happen, at anytime and it is most likely going to happen to you when you least expect it to. If you have something really bad happen in your life, then you will be safe in the knowledge that an insurance company such as AAA will be able to guide you on the road to recovery and enable you to build upon your current situation.

You shouldn’t mistaken this for a ‘praise the great company’, as, after all, this is an organization who trade and provide insurance policies to people – they may be an insurance company, but one with a difference to the rest of them out there. The customer service agents that you talk to and communicate with understand and continue on the theory of both the customer and company being in win-win situations, meaning that establishing a partnership between the two and building on this will bring about a better relationship, rather than adopting an ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality that so many other firms do.  This philosophy and ethos has helped the company become established over time and become well known for its caring attitude.

There are also other benefits from becoming a customer with AAA, you will receive information on competitive products and services that they are offering, and usually many other companies reserve these for new customer that are not currently with them.  I am sure you find this really frustrating and AAA understand this, so they have implemented a care culture which allows offers to be directed to current holders to ensure that they are offering and providing a tailor made package that suits all of your needs as an individual buyer.

Being Covered by AAA Life Insurance

You should be assured that AAA will ensure you are fully satisfied with their service and product, through advising you before they ask you to purchase anything from them – you won’t be charged any fees and nothing will be processed until you agree that it is the right decisions and policy for you; there is no pressure. The organization isn’t just one company on its own, but is made up from 5 other subsidiaries that all form together to offer an insurance organization that can pretty much outsmart many others.

Many Americans, well some 44 million of us, believe that the organization is worthy of our investment and that their service levels are good enough for us to buy products and services from them. In 2006, they were rated as the best insurance company of the year, which was mainly down to the long term strategic focus that the company has taken since its inception. So, if you are looking for an insurance policy, no matter what field it may be in, then you should consider AAA as a probable choice as they do have really great customer service that beats many others.

Source by Nick Sanders

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If you’re a renter trying to get ahead in life, it would be in your best interest to obtain a renters insurance policy. Here’s what you receive with a standard policy: personal possessions coverage, some liability coverage and external living expenses coverage for when your residence is damaged to the point where you have to relocate for a temporary period of time. But despite all of these goodies, the renters liability insurance coverage renters receive is limited and can create unnecessary headaches for when you have to file an insurance claim.

So who is held liable if an accident occurs on a rented property, the landlord or the tenant? If a tenant can prove that their landlord was responsible for the accident, he/she can be excused from paying for the damages. However, if you cause the accident, more likely than not you will find yourself filing a claim and dealing with raised insurance rates. The following are ways you can prove that your landlord was responsible for the accident:

  • There were ways to avoid the accident
  • The landlord was in full control of the event that caused the injury
  • The problem could have been easily fixed
  • The injury was caused by not fixing the problem that caused the injury
  • The landlord failed to take reasonable steps in avoiding the accident
  • The landlord’s negligence caused the accident that resulted in the injury

Play it Safe with Renters Liability Insurance

Regardless of who is responsible for the accident, somebody will have to pay. If you’re a renter, it’s in your best interest to invest in a policy that has an adequate amount of renters liability insurance. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so contact your insurance agent today to start comparing affordable renters insurance quotes and keep an eye out for an adequate amount of renters liability insurance.

Staff contribution: Rafael Onak

Source by Tom Lustina

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If you’re in the management consulting business, you probably have clients that require you to carry some level of insurance. Maybe you run a small firm with a few employees, or maybe you’re an independent freelancer. Either way, you might wonder if you’ll ever actually use all that coverage.

If your client says it’s necessary, you will need to obtain professional liability insurance if you want to secure the job. The good news is that getting the required insurance coverage can be both affordable and good for your business.

Typically, companies want their management consultants to carry some or all of the following three types of coverage:

General liability insurance

General liability insurance covers businesses in the event of an on-site injury or damage to company property. Management consultants often wonder whether they really need this type of coverage. After all, what’s the likelihood that someone giving a presentation or attending a meeting will damage a client’s property or hurt anyone? Is there really a risk of liability for management consultants?

The fact is, client companies often require all of their vendors who may come on-site – from electricians to delivery personnel to management consultants – to prove they carry general liability insurance. In some cases, the mandate comes from the client’s investors, who seek to reduce the company’s risk of financial losses from lawsuits. And of course, accidents do happen, so there is as much risk of liability for management consultants as for any other office visitor.

If you have your own management consulting office, general liability insurance will protect you in the event of an accident or injury on the premises. If a client visits your office on a rainy day and slips and falls in the entryway, your general liability insurance will cover any related medical or legal costs – and possibly save your client relationship. And that’s one invaluable reason why insurance for management consultants is good for your business.

Professional liability insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions or E&O insurance, is essentially malpractice insurance for management consultants. It covers you for errors and omissions that you or your employees make on the job. There’s a simple reason that clients require E&O insurance for management consultants: They know that people make mistakes.

Your client’s greatest risk in bringing you in as a management consultant is liability — the fact that your mistakes could spark a lawsuit or financial loss. For example, let’s say you have revamped a company’s budgeting process, but made a critical miscalculation in the new system that results in big problems when the budget is reconciled with actual expenses later in the year. Your client can claim that any resulting financial loss is due to a management consultant error or omission, and will expect you to compensate the company.

Having professional liability or E&O insurance for management consultants is a good idea. Without it, you could end up paying exorbitant legal defense costs if your client makes a claim against you. A misunderstanding is often all it takes to be served with a lawsuit. Once a client alleges that you were negligent and communication breaks down, your legal expenses start to grow. E&O insurance gives you peace of mind that should things go wrong, you’re covered.

Workers’ compensation insurance

Some states require workers’ compensation insurance, while others do not. If your client is based in a state that requires it, your management consulting firm will likely be asked to carry it, even if your own home state does not require it.

That’s because, in some states, if you’re injured while on the job, your client must cover you with its own workers’ compensation policy. Also, in some states, your client’s insurance carrier will require the client to cover all contractors that don’t have their own proof of coverage. Both scenarios increase your clients’ premiums, so they often require workers’ comp insurance of management consultants as well as other contractors.

Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical expenses as well as disability and compensation in the event of on-the-job injuries. If you’re a solo practitioner with your own health insurance, workers’ compensation insurance may not be necessary – but your client may still require it if you want to get the work.

If your management consulting business has employees, protecting them with workers’ compensation insurance just makes good business sense. From carpal tunnel syndrome to a slippery bathroom floor, even the smallest on-the-job hazards could result in an injury that could take them off the job. Workers’ compensation insurance ensures that your employees are taken care of and saves your company from paying for their ongoing care.

Source by James Cochran

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One of the most common New York auto insurance claims is for glass repair. Windshields, windows, and mirrors are broken in numerous ways. Thieves, projectiles, minor collisions all pose a risk to the health of your glass. Don’t just assume your insurance company has your back when it comes to going to a glass doctor because coverage differences between companies vary greatly.

Your vehicle’s glass is something that should never be neglected. You can live without a radio and you can survive without air conditioning, but cracked or broken glass is dangerous and should be repaired as soon as possible. Windshields tend to crack or spider and cause obstructed views. They do not fly out as shards like in the movies so don’t get all freaked out if you see a runner creeping across your windshield. The pane is actually two panes of glass adhered to each side of a piece of laminate. This laminate prevents glass shards that could result in serious injury or death.

Side and rear windows in older cars were made from safety glass. This glass breaks into squares when broken. This is called cubing by many EMT’s. Newer vehicles still have the safety glass, but it has laminate in between the panes also, thus holding the glass squares together and increasing the structural integrity of the vehicle during a crash.

Although in most cases it increases safety, there is one downfall to the newer glass. EMTs can no longer quickly access an injured patient simply by using a window punch. They must hope the door isn’t jammed shut, use hydraulic tools to open a door, or use a special tool to cut away the whole glass pane. After a crash, if you are conscious and can reach to roll the window down without moving you spine, it will greatly help the EMTs. If you are unconscious, (or unable to reach to roll it down without moving your body), don’t worry about it.

New York auto insurance companies handle glass repair and replacement differently. Some have a $50 deductible on all glass. Others lump glass repairs and replacements into the property damage category and it is subject to your chosen deductible. Some deductibles are per year and some are per incident. If you have a per incident deductible, and the glass is the only damage and it was caused by a projectile (like a rock) it often isn’t worth claiming with your insurance company because the glass repair will be less than the deductible. Cheap car insurance rates are often obtained by forfeiting certain luxuries like low deductibles and glass repair riders.

Always take care of your glass. Not only is it safer, but in some states it’s the law. Glass can be repaired if it is a small chip, but will need to be replaced if cracked or cubed. You may have forfeited a low glass deductible to obtain cheap car insurance or your New York auto insurance company could have a courtesy $50 glass deductible rider in place. To prevent visual obstructions, see to it that the glass gets fixed ASAP, even if you have to pay for the whole repair out of pocket.

Separate summary: Before buying your New York auto insurance policy, check the glass coverage limits. Some policies have separate glass repair riders. If glass repair is under your comprehensive coverage and you want cheap car insurance you can raise your deductible, but you will probably have to pay for any glass repairs that may arise.

Source by Mary Duares

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The cancellation or nullification of Flood Insurance Policy procedures can be found in detail at http://www.fema.gov/business/nfp/manual.shtm  –  and it contains some10 pages of detail.  This discussion does not cover all of the intricacies and details contained in the manual, but should give the agent guidance on what canceling or nullifying a policy can entail, what is needed, and how it can be explained to the client.


Refunds will be made by the insurance company for the current and one prior year.  If refund is requested for a period of more than 2 years, then the NFIP must process the request.  The request must consist of a policy cancellation request and the premium refund calculation for each year.  (A copy of the cancellation request form follows.)  The insurer must also include statistical records for each policy term and evidence of premium having been received—accounting details which should be expected.


Current Policy Number: In the upper right-hand corner of the form, enter the NFIP policy number.

Policy Term: Enter the policy term and the cancellation effective date.

Agent Information: Enter the complete name, mailing address, phone number and fax number of the agent/producer.

Insured Mail Address: Enter complete name, mailing address and phone number of the insured.  If insured has moved, enter the new mailing address.

First Mortgage: Enter the complete name, mailing address, phone number and fax number of the first mortgagee.

Other Parties Notified: Enter the complete name, mailing address of all other interested parties that should be notified, such as an additional insured, second mortgagee, loss payee, trustee, or disaster assistance agency.

Property Location: Enter the location of the insured property.

Cancellation Reason Code: Check the reason for cancellation of the policy and provide any additional information required.  (A list of cancellation codes follows.)

Refund: Check the appropriate box to indicate to whom the refund is to be made payable.

When the cancellation/nullification notice has been received and if it directs the NFIP to make a premium refund to the PAYOR, and the policy has been endorsed showing the PAYOR as a WYO company or agency, then

F            the NFIP will make the refund payable to the insured and mail the refund in care of the producer.

Check the appropriate box to indicate to whom the refund should be mailed.

Signature: The insured must sign and date the Cancellation/Nullification Request Form for all cancellation reason codes except for 5 and 6.  The producer must sign, date, and enter a Tax ID Number or Social Security number in every case.  After the form is completed, attach all supporting documents, and mail the original to the NFIP

The producer should retain the second copy; the third copy goes to the insured and the 4th copy to the mortgagee.

After this form has been processed, the NFIP will send the producer, mortgagee and insured a notice of cancellation.


The following reason codes for cancellation/nullification of NFIP policies is a summary of the reasons as most of them are self explanatory.  For more details, please refer to the Flood Insurance Manual.

1.  Building Sold or Removed.  Insured has no more insurable interest, or any other reason that the building is sold or removed.  If the building is sold, proof of sale is required.  Request must be received within 1 year of sale/removal, accompanied by Bill of Sale, settlement statement, or other such proof of removal or total loss.  Up to 2 years pro rata refund

2.  Contents Sold or Removed.  Insured no longer has an insurable interest or the property has been removed from the property.  Proof is needed, such as Bill of Sale, etc.  Pro rata refund.  Cancellation request must be received within 1 year of new policy effective date.

3. Policy Canceled and Rewritten to Establish a Common Expiration Date with Other insurance Coverage.  A “housekeeping” reason and new policy must be rewritten with the same company for the same or higher” amounts of coverage.  This should be accompanied by a Cancellation form for the previous policy.  One year refund maximum.

4.  Duplicate NFIP Policies.  Refund is pro rata.  Insured can choose which policy to keep, but only one policy will be effective.  Document by submitting copy of declaration page(s) and copy of force-placement letter from the mortgagee if applicable. Force-placement usually has been done by the lender, but if both policies are applicable, the WYO company will cancel the force-placed policy.

5.  Non-Payment.  If there has been an “insufficient funds” check used to pay the premiums, policy is then nullified, with bank’s notice attached to the form.  A full premium refund will be provided to the producer if the producer has sent his funds to the insurer.  If the WYO covers the premium for a prospective insured and then does not receive payment, the policy can be nullified.  Full refund.

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Source by edward hulse

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Everybody knows that a vehicle must be insured to drive in Ontario, Canada. Unfortunately what most people don’t know is that auto insurance policies don’t cover everything. Every situation is different, and some insurance needs must be treated differently. In this article I go over important endorsements that can be added to a policy to cover more unconventional needs. 

It is very important for you to clearly explain to your broker/agent about your needs when purchasing an auto insurance policy. The worst time to find out that you have the wrong auto insurance coverage is when you put in a claim.

What are Endorsements?

Auto Insurance endorsements are extensions made an insurance policy that add extra coverages. Reasons for adding an endorsement to your policy can vary, that is why it is important to contact your insurance broker if you;

-Start a new job that requires you to travel long distances
-Use your vehicle to transport uncommon items
-Purchase a new vehicle

List of Ontario Policy Change Form (OPCF)

OPCF 16: Agreement For Suspension of Coverage Endorsement- This coverage allows you remove Third Person Liability, Accident Benefits, Uninsured Motorist and Collision coverage while still maintaining your policy. This coverage is used when coverage is suspended for more than 45 days.

OPCF 3: Drive government vehicles- This endorsement allows protection while the insured is driving a government vehicle.

OPCF 5: Permission to rent or lease- This endorsement grants permission for a leasing company to rent or lease the automobile on a long term basis to a specific person.

OPCF 6a: Permission to carry passengers- This endorsement gives person for the insured to carry passengers for monetary compensation.

OPCF 9: Marine use excluded- This endorsement excludes loss or damage to a vehicle if it occurs on or in water.

OPCF 13c: The endorsement deletes glass & windshield damage unless it is covered by a specific peril.

OPCF 17: Reinstatement of Coverage Endorsement- This coverage will allow the insureds suspended coverage.

OPCF 19: Limitation of Amount Endorsement- This coverage will limit the amount that will be settled on a vehicle. This endorsement is used on policies where the premium can not be adjusted to reflect the actual cash value of a vehicle.

OPCF 19a: Valued Automobile Endorsement- This endorsement is designed to guarentee that a vehicle is insured past its actual cash value.

OPCF 20: Coverage for Transportation Replacement- This endorsement covers the costs of providing a replacement vehicle after a loss occurs. 

OPCF 23a: Lienholder Protection- This endorsement is added to a policy when a vehicle is financed or leased. 

OPCF 27: Legal Liability for damage to Non-Owned vehicle- This endorsement extends your policy coverage to other vehicles not insured under your policy. 

Source by bdwilliams

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In the recent past, the number of non-residents Indians has increased tremendously. Higher education and search for better career opportunities drives many citizens to move out of the country. A person moving out is torn between his love for family and the necessity of making a career. The decision of moving out obviously brings with itself certain responsibilities that a person has on its shoulders. A major one is the need to provide support and safety to their loved ones back home. Another concern is the safety of their assets in India, such as their ancestral property, the current home where their family is residing, their vehicles in India etc.

To share this concern, Indian insurance companies, both public and private, has come up with host of general insurance products- mediclaim health insurance, travel insurance, home insurance etc. specifically meant for the NRIs.

The moral duty of taking care and responsibility of your parents and family will not be left behind when you leave your Motherland. Even miles away, you can ensure total care for your aging parents. To address this concern, ICICI Lombard brings an assurance of good health and support you can gift your parents.

Rishtey, a comprehensive Health Insurance Package for your family that covers hospitalization and medical expenses is a two-year policy for a single premium that also covers pre-existing illness after the fourth year. With our Buy Online facility, you can gift the policy to your parents whenever you desire. Our round-the-clock cashless claim facility at over 4,500 hospitals across India is an added advantage.

The policy also endows tax benefits to your Indian income and a reimbursement of return air fee to the NRI in case he is required to visit his dependent (insured).

What would be the greatest happiness when your parent visits you abroad! To ensure they travel worry free, ICICI Lombard offers Parent’s Overseas Travel Insurance that covers unexpected and unplanned medical expenses when you are abroad. Besides medical expenses we offer plans that cover a host of non medical expenses. What sets us apart is our alliance with UnitedHealth Group, one of the largest health care companies in the US, offers exclusive service to its customers, providing access to 86% of acute care hospitals, more than 554,000 physicians, 4,800 medical facilities, OPD centers and 60,000 pharmacies throughout the US.

Because of skyrocketing cost of healthcare in the US, NRI students are recommended to buy Student Medical Insurance from ICICI Lombard and avail waiver from the university health plan simply because the insurance offers one-third price advantage. Covering medical expenses including sports related injuries, mental health, alcoholism and drug abuse, etc. the policy can be availed by students between 18 and 35 years and can be bought for a term of two years.

Available in four plans (Gold, Silver, Bronze and Plus), the student can purchase the policy online and settle claims by applying to the Third Party Administration who reimburses the amount in Indian rupees.

A fair number of NRIs consider their homeland a major destination for investment. Hence, properties owned by non-residents Indians has increased sharply. Being an NRI you can avail of Home Insurance by ICICI Lombard that protects the structure and contents of the home. The policy covers expenses arising due to natural & man-made calamities like fire, burglary, earthquake, etc.

For obtaining a policy an NRI has to undergo the same process as his fellow citizens, i.e. filling the proposal form, medical examination, moral hazard report and payment of premium.

Though nothing can be equaled to a parents love by one’s side, the warmth of your country and its environment, an NRI can still make considerable arrangements that fills up this gap. Choose ICICI Lombard for our NRI services and be rest assured that your world is no different, even when you are miles away!

Source by Laxmi Wadhwa

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It makes perfect sense to invest in a good car loan insurance that helps you protect your precious life against future uncertainties. With the increasing vehicular traffic and congestion, many people are becoming victims to road accidents and mishaps that occur at an alarming rate in the US and around the world. Good car loan insurance makes driving safer as well as affordable and guards the vehicle against thefts, accidents and other disasters.

You need to have a good car insurance coverage that provides financial security and covers against all the risks associated with your vehicle. Many states in the US have insurance providers who offer No Fault Insurance. Now, this type of insurance is more hassle free and quite cheap and affordable. In this case, you can save yourself from getting into long drawn legal battles as you can claim for the damages caused from your insurance company. This is regardless of who was at fault in causing the accident.

Apart from this, you have various other car loan insurance options that include Comprehensive insurance. This type of insurance provides a safe cover against all the damages caused to your vehicle including those caused by thefts, fire and other natural occurrences. You may find investing in Comprehensive insurance to be quite expensive. However, it saves you from spending heavily on fixing the damages caused to your vehicle.

You can also consider different kinds of insurance like Collision insurance, Medical insurance, Injury liability insurance among others. Though there are a number of insurance options offered by companies, ultimately it is for you to decide the best option that suits your requirement.

In these days, there is fierce competition among the companies that offer car loan insurance. So you can benefit from the various kinds of discounts offered by these companies and avail of cheaper car loan insurance. Most of these insurance companies consider different factors while offering discounts to the consumers.

If you have a proven track record of driving accident free, some insurance providers offer discounts. As new cars come with less liability, insurance providers offer discount on the premiums for new car owners. You can get special discounts if you own more than one policy with the same insurance provider.

Nevertheless, the most important factor is to choose the right insurance company that safeguards the interests of the consumer. A good way is to get references from friends and associates who have bought a car loan insurance. You can also check for the ratings of the car loan insurance companies that will give you an idea about their offerings and services. You can also find out if the customers are satisfied with the services provided by these insurance companies. So once, you decide on your needs and requirement it becomes easier to choose a good provider by following some of these useful tips.

Source by Mark Robinson

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Intrinsically, insurance is based on the principles of protecting a person or business from particular risks. This can include anything from natural disasters to theft to property damage. 

Yet, when it comes to business, the kinds of risk can be far more significant, as well as far more costly. Not only are you responsible for what happens to your own property and employees, but you’re also responsible to the people with whom your business comes in contact. General liability insurance covers these risks and protects your company from possible adverse financial situations. Professional liability insurance also covers those same risks, but is more specific to certain professional fields. (http://techinsurance.com/coverage/general_liability.aspx)

The Concern of Liability

Liability is a concern for businesses because a business is responsible not only for harm and damages done as a direct consequence of doing business, but also as an indirect consequence of doing business.

This, unfortunately, entails a wide selection of possibilities. A mistake made months or years ago by you or your employees could have caused harm to someone by a third party using your product or service. Regrettably, it’s nearly impossible to predict everything that may happen as a result of your business services or products.  Professional liability insurance and general liability insurance are thus critical in protecting your interests and the interests of your company. Otherwise, the risks of putting yourself and your business in serious financial jeopardy are limitless. (http://techinsurance.com/coverage/professional_liability.aspx)

The Differences

General liability insurance and professional liability insurance are like two sides of a coin. Whether it’s personal, business, or corporate insurance, insurance packages and providers envelop a range of different facets for individuals and groups of individuals. Though the boundary is sometimes blurred between the diverse insurance coverage provided by either general liability or professional liability insurance, there are surely differences between the two. (http://techinsurance.com/coverage/general_liability.aspx)

Ultimately, the differences between general liability insurance and professional liability insurance put them in different categories, which include business insurance, and general insurance. Knowing the disparities and acquiring the most suitable insurance is a critical move for your company. Insurance should always be an integral part of your business.

Policies considered general liability insurance typically address claims of bodily injury or property damage liability. Most companies are already familiar with general liability coverage including: injury, environmental impact, casualty, and more of the like.

Professional liability insurance differs in that it pertains to negligence associated with your professional services. The damage is typically financial, rather than physical. Accordingly, a professional such as an accountant would be expected to perform in a certain manner and abide by a set code of conduct. Violating those principles could hold the accountant responsible for harm or damages done to others. A management consultant may have a different set of professional expectations to abide by. Both professionals must stand by their particular professional standards, or could be subject to liability suits and resulting damages. (http://techinsurance.com/coverage/professional_liability.aspx) 

As with general liability insurance, professional liability insurance is crucial because it covers the indirect consequences of your conduct.  Even a phone conversation with a third party advising them on how to deal with one of their own clients can leave you liable for your conduct. Consequently, professionals always need to practice the utmost care when carrying out their duties. In order to be vigilantly careful, it’s important to have the appropriate general liability insurance, and the proper professional liability insurance that may save you from financial harm.

Source by James Cochran

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Vacant homeowner’s insurance (also known as vacant home insurance) is special insurance protection placed on a residence that is expected to be empty or unoccupied for over 60 to 90 days, or perhaps much longer. Every insurance policy offered by a property insurer is different and there are even variations from State to State, but no “regular” homeowners insurance policy is able to cover a house that is not being lived in.

Every year, thousands of homeowners leave their home empty or vacant without understanding the provisions of their homeowners policy, and risk everything. In some policies, coverage can be dropped, at least for certain lines like vandalism, in as little as 30 days. Many homeowners that leave their house unoccupied for over 90 days don’t understand they may have no coverage, or reduced coverage, in the event of a peril (like fire) that causes a serious loss.

What are the most common reasons policyholders leave their home empty? Some people own two homes and travel from a cold climate in the winter to a warm climate like Florida. Many people are employed by multinational companies, and they can be sent to work on long term and short term assignments abroad. The houses of aging parents become empty when the parent enters a long term care facility. It is not uncommon for the house to sit empty while the family decides what to do, or perhaps they are too busy to immediately list the house on the real estate market.

Of course, the number one reason a house loses insurance coverage by becoming empty or vacant is due to the house being put up for sale, and the sale does not occur quickly, leaving the house sitting empty. In all of these situations, an estimated 60% to 80% of the homeowners are not aware of the provisions of their existing homeowner’s insurance policy that would essentially end coverage, exposing the homeowner to catastrophic loss.

In order to properly protect the home, the existing policy needs to be cancelled and a special vacant home policy needs to be put in place. A new policy has to replace the old. The vacancy policy is not the same as the existing homeowners policy in most cases. The homeowner has to understand what the differences are, and also should expect to pay much more for a vacant homeowners policy.

Source by Nick DAlleva