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John Stewart

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It is very important to compare quotes if you are looking to buy auto insurance any time in the near future.  You might ask Why? You want to get the best deal and the lowest cost. How do you go about doing that? all meeting your requirements and the state’s, the next step is to get quotes.

In North Carolina, it is  essential for one to maintain 30/60/25 minimum auto insurance for anyone that live in the state and owns a car.  $60,000 injury insurance for individuals in an accident and an additional $25,000 for other damages. Although in North Carolina, you do not have to carry additional PIP coverage PIP accidents far less likely to cause financial devastation regardless of who was at fault, or if no one was at fault.

Importance of insurance cannot be undermined. The monetary safety net provide by distributing costs over a demographic unit allows our culture to cope with the inevitable harms of risk, and allows persons some degree of safety in the face of events that might otherwise be extremely more damaging financially.

In spite of the insurance, some may have sad and costly experience, but then there is some consolation that insurance pays some portion of the expense. Based on the records of National Highway Traffic Safety Association, about 37,313 died due to car accidents in the United States for the year 2009. The good news is that, when compared to other times in US since 1961, this is much better. However,this is still a bad total, and for each life that was lost, there were damages. Moreover, the damages and the injuries that had happened from a non-fatal accidents were not included in the count.

Both you as well as your state would prefer you to take insurance which would be sensible. The way to get the best deal is through research and comparison shopping. In the past, you would have had at most a couple of providers to choose from, but these days you can be a more cautious and demanding consumer.

By giving the small quantity of time needed to search out company, compare policies, enter variables into quote services, you can get back in order that might have taken you months or even years in times before the internet became the ordinary man’s engine of empowerment.

Whether you are look for a plan for a striking new car, or inadequate to provide for the safety of a beautiful teenage daughter with a brand new authorize and an itch for the car keys; whether you have a few accidents on your documentation and need to plan carefully and cautiously when you choose a policy, the ability to research plans and get a North Carolina auto insurance quote online means that you can ensure that the search you make is methodical, and weighted in your favor, not in the favor of a company agent’s commission.

A good agent seeking appropriate return for his work is not to blame. The internet can be the answer to all of your problems because you are not always able to provide everything. Do not rush and choose the first policy you find.  Instead do some research and find a North Carolina auto insurance quote online.

Source by Ian Wright

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Annuity settlement options can be puzzling. Many people have purchased annuities of all types for the tax deferral feature. For many retirees the time has come to make the shift from accumulation to payout. Here are some considerations to help determine what’s best for you.

The most popular annuity settlement option is annuitization to take payments over a time frame that you select, which may include the rest of your life. When you annuitize, you receive payments (monthly, semi-annually, annually) in exchange for surrendering your annuity to the annuity insurance company. Your annuitization options usually include:

Lifetime Income

Period Certain

Period Certain Plus Life

Here is how Lifetime Income works. Let’s say you have $100,000 in an annuity and the insurance company calculates that, due to your age and gender, it will pay you $1,500 a month for as long as you live. You collect $1,500 the first month, $1,500 the next month, and $1,500 the following month. Then you get run over by a truck and die. You bet the insurance company you would outlive your $100,000 and you lost. $4,500 is all you get; they keep the rest. This is maybe not such a good deal.

Your second option is called Period Certain. This means you can take your money out over a period of 5, 10, 15, or 20 years. The insurance company guarantees to pay out all your money (plus interest) over that period. If you do not live to the end of the period, your beneficiary gets the remaining money in your annuity over the balance of the period. Live or die, you or somebody else gets back all your money.

The third option is Period Certain Plus Life. Here the insurance company guarantees to pay you a check each month for a certain period of time, plus, if you live beyond that period (even if you live to be 150 years old) you’ll receive monthly income that you cannot outlive.

The choices are not so simple. A monk in a monastery, for example, may well expect to live to a ripe old age and do better with a Lifetime Income (Although I wonder what he would spend the money on). Someone with a terminal illness may want to take a lump-sum settlement or a 5-year Period Certain. Take a close look at factors such as your health and spouse’s health, your age and spouse’s age, other sources of income, and your tax bracket.

For more flexibility you could opt for Systematic Withdrawals. In this case, you would receive a fixed percentage of the account value or a fixed monthly amount. You could stop this arrangement at any time and simply withdraw your remaining balance.

Although Systematic Withdrawals appear to have advantages over annuitization, note these two differences: With annuitization as your annuity settlement option, you can lock in a guaranteed monthly income regardless of the performance of your annuity. In addition, annuitization lengthens the tax deferral period since only part of each payment is taxed. The IRS considers the other part of your payments a return of principal.

Finally, you may want to just keep the annuity growing and not take payments at all. Some annuities, however, do not allow this and force withdrawals by a certain age. One option for you is a tax-free exchange to another annuity that may have more liberal withdrawal requirements, but watch out for surrender charges on your existing policy.

You probably never thought getting a check could be so complicated. It’s really not as messy as it sounds. In fact, I have annuity agents all across America who specialize in solving such problems. There is no charge or obligation. To have your choices compared, we would be happy to review any type of annuity settlement option and figure the most appropriate withdrawal option for you. Just click on Professional Review and fill out the form.

Source by Gary Le Mon

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28ltlcx.jpgMany doctors lament the fact that they spend almost as much time on paperwork than on caring for patients. The healthcare industry involves many different providers, and healthcare reform will not change that.

A recent study found that, on average, physicians spend up to one-third of their working days on documentation and billing. Even with assistants tasked with the bulk of administrative duties, doctors themselves are still responsible for filling out charts and other duties.

How do health insurance companies contribute to this issue? Often times, each insurer has its own set of procedures that must be followed. In order to have a claim fulfilled, the doctor’s office must not make any errors. Otherwise, the corporate bureaucracy can use those errors as an excuse to deny the patient’s claim. In those instances, doctors are not paid for their services.

On the one hand, it’s perfectly understandable that a health insurance plan wants to avoid fraud. Unfortunately, it puts undue pressure on honest doctors and prevents them from paying the the best attention to their patients. As a result, they may have worse health outcomes.

Instead of spending more time with a patient, doctors may take shortcuts by reading notes from previous doctors. Sometimes, those notes are input into patient records incorrectly or fail to be transferred. Therefore, they may undergo unnecessary or even harmful treatments, which are expensive to reverse. Indeed, as health insurance costs have risen, medical residents have doubled the proportion of time spent on billing. There may be a connection.

Source by Yamileth Medina

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Whole life insurance is the plan of choice for many people. There are many variations to this plan. It may be a good thing to look at some of them. We will begin by examining the basic whole life policy.

Whole Life Insurance

What is a whole life policy all about? If you want a policy that you can keep for as long as you live and that will pay the face amount to your beneficiaries then this may be the plan for you. There is, however, a lot more to this policy. There are two types of whole life policies…participating and non participating. Participating whole life has cash values and earn dividends if the life insurance company performs efficiently. Dividends are not guaranteed. Non participating policies have cash values but pay no dividend. The premiums are level throughout for both types and so are the death benefits. There are many modifications to these policies.

Graded Premium Life

With this policy the premium begins much lower that the normal cost and increases each year for a specified period then it levels off and remains level for the rest of the life of the policy. The ultimate premium is usually a little more the it would have been had a normal whole life policy been taken out at the outset. The premiums increase for 5 or 10 years depending on the particular companies idea as to how the policy should work. This type of policy is purchased by one who likes the idea of whole life insurance but doesn’t want to put out the full premium at the outset.

Limited Payment Whole Life

This policy is designed that you pay only for a specific period of time but you still own your policy for your entire life. What the life insurance companies are doing here is packing the cost of the policy in the first 5, 10 or 20 years for example. You don’t pay after these periods but you still own your policy. You still have your cash values and you still earn dividends. Keep in mind that the cost for such policies are more than those of regular whole life insurance policies.

Single Premium Whole Life Insurance

The idea here is that you pay only once and the policy remains in force for as long as you live. The policy has cash values from very early and, if a participating policy, accumulates dividends.

There are other variations to the whole life policy. They are usually referred to as modified life policies. Some have a lower level premium for 5 or 10 years and a higher level premium thereafter. There are a few others that have a more complex premium structure but with a lower premium throughout. This premium is based on whether or not the company pays a dividend. As a result the owner of the policy may end up with a lower death benefit than anticipated, if the company doesn’t perform. The older and stronger companies, however, usually are able to keep the death benefit at the original level.

Source by Donald Lusan

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Although the House vote to repeal health care reform is symbolic only (given the Democratic Senate and White House), it is a necessary first step leading to committee by committee action over the coming months on discrete provisions of health care. One such item, medical malpractice liability reform, got a hearing last week before the House Judiciary Committee as Republicans paraded several witnesses before the committee to showcase the need for legislation from the physicians’ perspective. Since it is very unlikely that the American Medical Association’s wish list would ever become law, the best result from the committee process would be a bill that skirts the more controversial items (e.g., cap on damages) and focuses on attainable and meaningful reforms, such as health courts, stronger pre-trial evaluation and settlement pathways.  This would be a path Aetna would strongly support.


ARIZONA: Governor Jan Brewer has announced that she will request a waiver from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services so that the state can set Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) eligibility below levels mandated by the PPACA. In March 2010, Governor Brewer signed a fiscal year 2011 budget that stripped funding for the state’s Children’s Health Insurance program (KidsCare) and cut $385 million from AHCCCS, effectively repealing an expansion of AHCCCS to childless adults approved by voters in 2000. However, following enactment of the PPACA, the state rescinded the scheduled cuts to comply with the law’s “maintenance of efforts” (MOE) requirement. The MOE requirement prohibits a state from having eligibility standards, methodologies, or procedures for adults that are more restrictive than those in effect on March 23, 2010, until a health insurance exchange in the state is fully operational, and for all children in Medicaid and CHIP through September 30, 2019. The MOE requirement provides an exception for non-pregnant, non-disabled adults earning more than 133 percent of the federal poverty level if a state is projected to have a budget deficit. Arizona faces a mid-year budget deficit estimated at $825 million. A $1.4 billion shortfall is projected for the 2012 fiscal year.

CALIFORNIA: The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review whether health care providers and patients have the right to sue California over budget reductions made to Medi-Cal reimbursements. The high court will review three legal challenges to California’s proposed and adopted reimbursement cuts. The Supreme Court’s ruling on the case could have major implications for efforts to address California’s budget deficit. Last week, Gov. Jerry Brown (D) released a budget proposal that would reduce Medi-Cal payments to health care providers by 10 percent to cut program spending by about $719 million in fiscal year 2011-2012. In addition, the case could have implications for other states seeking to address budget deficits by cutting Medicaid payments. With federal courts in California blocking the cuts, 22 states have joined California in appealing the issue to the Supreme Court.  The court is expected to hear oral arguments in the case next fall. A decision is expected in late 2011 or early 2012.

CONNECTICUT: Speaker Chris Donovan, members of the Public Health and Insurance Committees and a variety of advocates held a press conference last week to announce the Public Health Committee has raised the SustiNet bill based on the recent recommendations of the SustiNet Board. Few details were provided, but the original report recommends that SustiNet become a licensed insurance plan. “We don’t need health insurance anymore, we need to move towards health assurance — health care that will be there for us, and the SustiNet plan will do that,” Donovan said. Lawmakers will face a $3.7 billion budget deficit by July 1. Rep. Betsy Ritter, D-Waterford, co-chairwoman of the Public Health Committee, said the plan will have to go before multiple legislative committees, with the actual bill some weeks away. A financial analysis on upfront costs is not yet available. Aetna is working with the Connecticut Association of Health Plans (CTAHP) and AHIP to secure an objective fiscal analysis of SustiNet’s, as a public option, true cost to the state, and of the strong, positive impact health insurers have on the state’s economy.

DELAWARE: In his State of the State speech, Governor Jack Markell emphasized the need for state government to spend more efficiently.  He specifically noted that the demands state employee health insurance and pensions are putting on the state budget are unsustainable. The Governor specifically stated he is open to any and all good ideas for addressing this budget issue. In other news, a joint meeting of the Senate Health Committee and the House Economic Development, Banking, Insurance, and Commerce  Committee was convened for an update on the state’s effort to implement health care reform. Rita Landgraf, Secretary of Health and Social Services, along with Bettina Riveros, Health Care Commission Chair, advised legislators the commission will spend the next six to eight weeks holding stakeholder meetings across the state seeking input on establishing a state health insurance exchange.

GEORGIAThe Exchange Workgroup formed by former Governor Sonny Perdue had its final meeting last week and will submit a list of issues for Governor Deal’s administration to review before deciding how to proceed on the issue of instituting an exchange in Georgia. As the head of this workgroup for Governor Perdue is continuing under Governor Deal’s administration, it is likely that there will be some enabling legislation during the 2011 session, though it is unclear what that will be. The legislative session began January 11, 2011 and continues for 40 legislative days.

IOWA: The General Assembly convened in Des Moines on January 10 and is expected to adjourn on April 29, 2011  In the November elections, Republicans took control of the House and gained a few seats in the Senate, narrowing the Democrats’ majority there. Republican Terry Branstad was sworn in as governor for the second time. Having served in the post from 1983 to 1999, Branstad is the longest-serving governor in Iowa’s history. The state’s budget deficit is projected to be more than $785 million for fiscal year 2012 and will dominate legislative discussions. House Speaker Kraig Paulsen has vowed to remedy the deficit through spending cuts rather than tax increases. The Governor’s proposal to revise the state’s annual budget to a two-year cycle will also be debated. Bills of interest so far include several challenging PPACA’s individual mandate, a prohibition on abortion coverage, creation of mandate-lite policies, a mandate for coverage of smoking cessation programs, a rate review bill that would require a public hearing for any increase over 10 percent in the individual market, and a bill establishing $100 as the minimum required payment for state employees.

INDIANA: Governor Mitch Daniels has issued an executive order  establishing the Indiana Health Benefit Exchange. In his order he directs the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (IFSSA) to cooperate with appropriate state agencies, including the Department of Insurance (IDOI), to establish and operate the exchange. The IFSSA Secretary or the secretary’s designee will serve as the incorporator of the Exchange. If, after careful analysis, the state deems it appropriate to proceed with creation of the exchange, a board of directors will be selected. The board will include representatives of state agencies and the Indiana General Assembly. Standing Committees will be appointed that have stakeholder representation. In addition, Governor Daniels submitted a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius requesting approval of a state plan amendment to extend the Healthy Indiana Program (HIP) beyond its expiration date. HIP, the state’s consumer-directed program for covering the uninsured population, is scheduled to expire in 2012. Daniels notes he has received communication from HHS staff indicating the state plan amendment will be rejected due to HIP’s required level of contribution from participants.  The Governor said the state intends to utilize the program for the newly eligible Medicaid population pursuant to PPACA. Daniels cautioned that Indiana does not have the time and financial resources necessary to complete new rigorous requirements for applying for a waiver extension if the amendment is rejected. The current 45,000 enrollees in the program would have to be transitioned into traditional Medicaid.

MISSOURI: The 96th General Assembly convened on January 5 and is expected to adjourn on May 30, 2011. With 106 members to the Democrats’ 57, the GOP has the largest number of seats it has ever held in the House and is just three members short of being veto-proof.  Given the large Republican majorities in the General Assembly and 70 percent voter support for Proposition C — an effort to turn back health care reform, the legislature will be under pressure to do nothing to move Missouri closer to enactment of federal health reform.

Significant health care bills filed this session include a resolution calling on the Attorney General to file a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the PPACA, a bill requiring statutory authorization by the General Assembly to implement PPACA, a bill expanding the autism mandate, an MLR bill for large carriers requiring a 90 percent MLR for Missouri-associated revenues and 85 percent for smaller carriers, a bill requiring the state employee health plan to offer a minimum of three high-deductible options with differing annual deductibles and annual out-of-pocket expenses, a bill prohibiting “Most Favored Nation” clauses, legislation creating transparency and publication of carriers’ fee schedules and requiring carriers to contract with providers willing to meet certain provider participation terms and conditions, and creation of a uniform group application for insurance.

NEBRASKA: The 102nd unicameral legislature has convened in Lincoln where it is expected to spend much of the session grappling with a budget deficit approaching $985 million for the 2011-2013 biennium. Implementation of the PPACA is expected to receive serious attention as well, with six bills relating to implementation or rejection of PPACA introduced to date. Bills of interest include legislation creating an Exchange Task Force, an interim committee for PPACA study, and several bills challenging the individual mandate, prohibition of abortion coverage, and a cochlear implant mandate. In addition, a bill banning discretionary clauses in health and disability income insurance contracts has been introduced.  The legislature began its work on January 6 and is tentatively scheduled to adjourn on May 26, 2011.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: The legislature convened on January 5, 2011, and is scheduled to adjourn on June 30, 2011. Governor John Lynch will continue as the state Executive; however, Republicans have gained control of both chambers in the legislature. In addition to the state’s budget deficit, implementation of federal health care reform will continue to be a priority for the governor and the legislature. Given the Republican majority and anticipated revenue shortfalls, there will be limited, if any, activity on health insurance issues. The legislature will, however, be paying close attention to federal health reform implementation issues and activities. In addition, there have been discussions about eliminating certain state mandates if they are not included in the essential benefits required under the PPACA. In 2010, the state enacted legislation granting certain powers to the commissioner with respect to implementation of PPACA.  This legislation also created a legislative oversight committee, to which the Department of Insurance (DOI) must report monthly. This month the DOI submitted a request for a waiver of the 80 percent minimum loss ratio (MLR) requirement for individual health insurance market policies until 2014.

NEW YORK: In a new report, the United Hospital Fund (UHF) looks at how New York might set up health insurance exchanges. One option is to let HHS run the state’s exchange, While that could save money, it would also mean ceding key operational and regulatory issues to the feds. It might also jeopardize existing consumer protections in Medicaid that are unique to New York. If the state sets up its own exchange, it must decide whether to join a multi-state exchange, a statewide entity, or small local ones. UHF noted that New York might consider following the leads of Massachusetts and California by creating an independent public authority to run an exchange. Former Governor David Paterson created a 35-member Exchange Committee that met only twice and did not make any recommendations. Governor Andrew Cuomo has not indicated his plans for establishing an insurance exchange in New York.

PENNSYLVANIA: Governor Tom Corbett has announced his intention to nominate Michael Consedine as the next Insurance Commissioner. Consedine is a partner at the law firm of Saul Ewing, where he serves as Vice Chair of its Insurance Practice Group.  Prior to joining Saul Ewing 12 years ago, Consedine served as state Insurance Department Counsel.

The Corbett transition team has announced that adultBasic, Pennsylvania’s health insurance program for low-income adults, is expected to expire on February 28 due to lack of funding.  The announcement, unusual in that it comes from an incoming  administration, was necessitated by the need to provide advance notice to enrollees and to inform them of alternative coverage options. Originally started by former Governor Tom Ridge and funded through the state’s allocation of Tobacco Settlement dollars, the program was later funded through the 2005 Community Health Reinvestment Agreement (CHRA).  While that agreement between the Rendell Administration and the state’s four Blue Cross plans expired on Dec. 31, 2010, additional funding was later provided by the plans pursuant to the CHRA’s formula.  It now appears those additional funds will be exhausted by the end of next month.

TENNESSEEA new Commissioner of Insurance appointed by Governor Bill Haslam took office last week. Julie McPeak is an attorney at the Nashville firm of Burr and Forman and the former Commissioner of Insurance in Kentucky.  Aetna is scheduling a meeting with the new Commissioner within the next several weeks.

Source by Health Insurance

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The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America or IIABA revealed in one of their reports that the average cost of Renters Insurance is about $240 a year, $12 a month or $3 per week. The average cost is for an insured policy with a content replacement or property coverage of $30,000 and liability coverage that amounts to $100,000. The computation of your premium rate actually depends on a lot of factors: age of your house (the older your house is the higher your premium cost); the area or location where you live (the high-risk area and the higher cost of living means higher premium rate); how much you are willing to pay for your deductible (the higher the deductible the lower the premium rate), and lastly is your insurance company.

Do you belong to the 2/3 of those who are renting an apartment or house and yet do not carry a renters insurance? Statistics were drawn out from IIABA’s consumer survey and was conducted by a third party through a national consumer telephone survey. Out of the 1,000 people whom they’ve asked, 64.4 percent answered “no” to having a renters insurance policy even when the average cost of renters insurance is not that really expensive because this is the top reason and misconception of these individuals. There were at least 2.2 percent who answered “don’t know” which means that they are not aware that there exist an insurance policy designed for those who are renting.

To erase the misconception of an expensive premium cost for insurance policy of rental properties, here is the data about the average cost per state. The figures are based on the 2006 data of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The US countrywide cost is $189. The state that has the highest average cost of renters insurance is Texas with $261 and the state that has the lowest average cost of renters insurance is North Dakota with only $119 and somewhere in the middle is Washington with $170.

Other states (arranged from highest to lowest) is as follows: After Texas, Mississippi follows with $252 as its average cost of renters insurance. Next in line are Louisiana ($245), California ($244), Oklahoma ($230), Alabama/Massachusetts ($223), New York ($220), Arkansas ($217), Georgia ($215), Hawaii ($213), Tennessee ($208), Arizona ($207), Nevada ($205), Florida ($201), New Mexico ($200).

These are the states that the average cost are below $200 – Connecticut ($197), Rhode Island ($189), South Carolina ($189), District of Columbia ($185), Alaska ($182), New Jersey ($179), West Virginia ($177), Indiana ($173), Kansas ($170), Colorado ($169), Illinois ($168), Missouri ($166), Michigan ($164), Ohio ($163), Oregon ($162), Kentucky ($161), Maryland/Montana/Vermont ($160), Delaware ($159), New Hampshire ($157), Wyoming ($155), Idaho ($153), Nebraska/Pennsylvania ($148), Virginia ($147), Maine ($145), North Carolina ($144), Minnesota/Utah ($139), Iowa ($132), Wisconsin ($122), and finally South Dakota ($120).

Now that you are aware of the average cost per state, you can more or less calculate how much you would have to save whether it is daily, weekly or monthly. After you make your computation, you would realize then that it is not really that expensive.

Source by Jason Fadien

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Many employed Canadians are covered for disability through their employer’s group benefits program.

I. Group Plans
The contract is between the insurer and the employer and the employer is referred to as the insured. Disability coverage generally terminates when the employee not longer working for the company.

The types of disability coverage available covered under employer’s group benefits are
1. Short Term Disability pay benefits:
a) from the first day due to accident.
b) after a short elimination period for sickness, usually 15 days.

Benefit periods for STD benefits generally range from3 months to 2 years.The benefit amount is based on weekly income rather than on monthly income. There is a wide variation in the percentage of income paid, the most common being 66 2/3%.

2. Long term disability pay benefits:

Long term disability begins when the short term disability coverage end. The benefit period for long term disability is usually paid to age 65, although there are shorter periods available. The long term disability benefit amount is based on the person’s monthly income.The most common amount of the benefit is 66 2/3%.

II. Associate plans

As with this group plans, the relationship is between the association, as the insured, and the insurer and coverage terminates when the individual ceases to be a member of the association. Premiums are usually less that premium for individual plans, because of restrictive nature of the coverage such as lack of flexibility and restrictive definitions.

Typically Association Plans often have schedule rate increase every 5 to 10 years These plans will normally have lower rates for younger participants.

I hope this information will help. If you need for information of the above subject, please visit my home page at:

Kyle J. Norton
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact.

Source by Kyle J. Norton

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There are essentially three types of health insurance: indemnity plans, managed care plans, and government-sponsored health insurance. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages based on the type of health insurance you are looking for.

Indemnity plans, also known as fee-for-service plans, require their policyholders to pay for their medical care as they go and are reimbursed by their healthcare provider either partially or in full. An indemnity plan does not restrict a patient’s choice of doctors or institutions. This is the best choice for someone who does not get sick much and needs a “basic and essential” health plan or someone who travels a lot and cannot always choose their doctors or institutions.

Managed care plans offer comprehensive health care in exchange for a regular premium. Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), point-of-service (POS), and preferred provider organizations (PPOs) are all types of managed care plans. Typically, these plans have a defined group of health service providers and if you do not receive treatment from these providers, it may not be covered. Managed care plans are the best choice for people who want a comprehensive health care plan that is typically provided through employers.

Government-sponsored health insurance is generally available to retirees, seniors, and people who cannot necessarily afford other health insurance plans. The most common forms of government-sponsored health insurance are Medicaid, Medicare, State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), Military Health Care, Indian Health Services, and State-specific Plans. If this sounds like the best option for you, check into each of them to see if you qualify.

There is a health insurance plan for everyone. Make sure to do lots of research before you come to a final decision on what type of plan is best for you.

Source by Nick Tart

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Many of us have this thought of finding cheap car insurance, but they don’t know how and thought it is impossible to get. Therefore, they resort to signing up for expensive ones. Actually, there are many cheap car insurance polices available in the market if we know the right ways to get them.

Many of us do not go for those so-called cheap insurance because we are worried that they are parts of scams or they have hidden charges in them. No doubt there are insurance companies promising affordable policies but we ended up paying more than what we thought because of the hidden charges. Therefore, we should always do some detailed research before making decision of signing up with any company. Use the Internet to obtain information by doing research to ensure that we get cheap car insurance from a reliable company. Compare the rates to ensure that we get the best deal among all.

Besides doing research, try to look for discounts or other fringe benefits offered as well. There are many insurance companies nowadays offering discounts for different groups of people. Some have discounts for students who are studying in colleges whereas some have other benefits for senior citizens. All we have to do is just present relevant documents and details to get the additional discounts or benefits. This might be time consuming for some people, but this helps a lot when we are trying to get cheap car insurance.

In addition, we will also be offered with cheap car insurance if we are being regarded as safe drivers. This is because we will have fewer chances to make insurance claims if we drive safely. To ensure that we are driving safely, we can always take defensive driving courses to upgrade our driving skills to a better stage. We can also try preventing ourselves from involving in accidents and breaking the rules to have good driving records.

The type of cars that we drive also plays a big role on how cheap a car insurance we can get. For example, if we are driving expensive cars like sports cars or luxury cars, our cars are more likely to be stolen and prone to vandalism. Repairing expensive cars will also incur high costs and this will contribute to expensive coverage on our cars. If we want to reduce our insurance costs, we can consider getting a more sensible car cost-friendly car.

Finally, we can also place some anti-thefts and safety equipments in our cars to avoid thefts and damages on our cars. Placing alarms, airbags and steering locks can help to give us a peace of mind that our cars are more protected from any sorts of mishaps. Besides that, insurance companies will also consider our applications for cheap car insurance if we have cars secured from all kinds of misfortunes.

Source by Crex Sky

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Every state in the US has its own insurance laws. Maryland, in particular, requires each insurance company that they license to carry malpractice insurance in order to protect the welfare of the citizens. The average person will associate malpractice insurance with doctors and the medical field and only with that. However, this is simply not the case. Any company or individual that is licensed as a business can be sued for malpractice. Every once in a while, we all make mistakes, and malpractice insurance ensures that we are protected from them. Consumers, especially, are protected from financial or physical harm from inappropriate services or care.For example, let us examine a married couple under the age of forty. In seeking out a health insurance policy, a responsible agent will offer the option of maternity coverage. The pair may or may not choose to pay for this maternity coverage, but it would be seen as malpractice if the insurance agent did not address the matter. If the salesman had sold them a policy without mentioning the lack of maternity benefits, the couple could have a baby later on, assuming that their child would be covered. The company and agent could be sued for malpractice because they did not inform the couple of future enrollments in their policy, because of the age of the couple. Therefore, all insurance companies in Maryland must be licensed with malpractice insurance themselves.

Homeowner’s insurance would be another key example. If a company sells an insurance policy to someone who lives in a known legal flood zone, but does not include flood insurance on the policy, bad things could happen. Unless the agent discussed and addressed the flood zone with the homeowner, and the homeowner declined to buy the coverage, the company can be taken to court for malpractice. However, if the company has proof that the homeowner declined (a signature, a witness), then they are safe from malpractice. A responsible company would not issue an insurance policy to a homeowner who lived in such an area without covering them for flood damages. In the case of getting a mortgage, the issuing company would require the homeowner to produce the flood insurance before carrying out the approval of the mortgage.

No matter what type of insurance company it is, the state of Maryland requires that they have malpractice coverage. This will pay for any and all lawsuits the company is charged with for malpractice. Because these rulings often deal with large sums of money, the state can not allow the company to provide insurance for itself.

Although there is much more that comes into play in the  practical application of the law, the principles remain the same. Each case has many aspects that come into play. Many lawsuits boil down to a case of “he said, she said,” and can become quite hairy. Because insurance companies have to carry malpractice insurance, the price of insurance in general skyrockets, but it ends in general protection for the greater good.

Source by Renee Walker

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If you are considering pet insurance or rental insurance you may have a lot of unanswered questions. Is rental or pet insurance worth the cost? What do they cover? Or is it even necessary? Because pet insurance is not quite as well known as its human health insurance counterpart, you may have a lot of questions. The same may be true for rental insurance, whereas the necessities of home insurance are obvious, rental insurance isn’t. We will take a look at both.

Pet insurance, as the name implies is health insurance for your pet. With the costs of veterinary care, rising as quickly as human health care, pet insurance makes a lot of sense. Essentially, pet insurance provides protection for your pet against accidents or emergencies, and illnesses. The cost of pet insurance can vary widely depending on the type of plan you choose. Just like health insurance, if you have a higher deductible, and a less comprehensive policy, you can save some money. In all actuality, when compared to human health insurance, pet insurance is rather affordable. For as little as $30 a month you can have a rather decent pet insurance policy.

When it comes to utilizing your pet insurance policy it is quite a bit easier than the health insurance you’re probably used to. You don’t have to choose your pet’s doctor off of an approved list. This allows you to stay with the veterinarian that you are comfortable with. After services are rendered, you pay for treatment, and then the pet insurer reimburses you. What your pet insurance covers is based on how much insurance you have in place. If you have a comprehensive plan that covers everything from routine office visits to medications, you’ll probably pay a bit more. So it’s important to determine how much pet insurance you not only need but how much insurance you can afford.

Pet insurance does have some issues that you should consider before purchasing. Some insurers will provide limited coverage, which means you may be capped out at a particular amount. You may be restricted when it comes to seeing expensive specialists. Some dog breeds may be more expensive than others. If your dog’s breed is more prone to a particular disease or problem, you’ll pay more. If your pet is older, pet insurance will be more costly, for obvious reasons.

When buying pet insurance you will want to choose a quality insurer. Insurance companies are notorious for finding loopholes to get out of claims, when they are needed most. Not only do you want an insurer that will be around for you when you need them, but also you’ll want them to cover what’s needed. Saving a few bucks by going with the cheapest insurer just isn’t worth the headaches.

To touch on rental insurance briefly, we’ll cover a few basics. Rental insurance is much like homeowners insurance, in that it protects you when renting an apartment or a house. Many individuals go without rental insurance, thinking that it’s their landlord’s responsibility. This is not a very good approach. Yes, the buildings structure is insured for your landlords benefit, but not your belongings. Rental insurance protects your belongings from theft, fire and other natural disasters. And much like homeowners insurance, rental insurance also protects in the form of liability protection. This means that if a guest as an accident at your apartment or home, you won’t be held responsible. For this reason, many landlords are now making rental insurance mandatory. This provides them with the liability protection that they are looking for.

Much like pet insurance, rental insurance is very affordable. We have seen rental insurance for as low as $15 a month. Now, this is for a basic policy, but in many cases, it gets the job done. Things like your deductible, whether you own a pet, and how much coverage, will affect your premium. Make sure to take an inventory prior to getting rental insurance, this will help with any ambiguity with the insurer, if you need to make a claim. Also, the importance of understanding or policies features is a must. Have your agent or insurer explain any policy features or drawbacks that you may have questions about. And go with a decent insurance company that you can rely on.

Source by Timothy Simmons

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It is important for all businesses small or large know about Workers Compensation Liability Insurance. This insurance is important to ensure that the business is covered as well as all of their employees so that the books are clean and clear.

With every business comes risk and concern. You are taking a risk that you can make back the money that you put down, as well as make a profit. This is an extremely hard task for businesses when they first start out, and will determine if they will succeed or crash and burn. For some employees the stress of opening a business can be too much. For other businesses that are hands on the risk of injury is always present. This can cause a big problem for the business if they’re not insured properly. That is why it is very important to pay attention and know what your options are.

There are a variety of different types of small business insurance that you can look into. Some of these types are Professional Liability Insurance (PLI,) Workers Compensation Insurance (WCI,) Umbrella Liability Insurance (ULI,) and Business Liability Insurance Package Policy (BLIPP.) All of these have a various amount of different disadvantages as well as advantages.

PLI can be filed by a client if he/she feels that because of your negligence or lack of prompt and/or professional service they have suffered a financial loss.

WCI is insurance that is required in almost every single state in the US as well as Puerto Rico. This states that if you or any other employee is harmed while on the premises working, or off the premises but clocked in that the business pay. That means that if you work for a factory and get caught in the machine while working, the company has to have insurance to cover your medical bills, loss of wages or other things. That can even be recovery or rehabilitation for the injury.

Business Liability Insurance Package Policy is for clients who get hurt while on the premises of a business. It also covers if you or an employer or employee damages anything at a client’s property or anything like that.

Last but not least is ULI which are basically for any claims that seem to exceed the amount of your General Liability policy. This means your coverage isn’t enough to cover the claims.

The most important of these four however is workers compensation liability insurance because it happens more frequently than the rest, however all are important.

Source by Bill Gatton

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A homeowner is practical when he insures his home and the content. One must know whether the area he is residing in is high-risk, moderate-risk, or low-risk. The rates depend on the risk and the flood insurance coverage is also determined. The insurance premium covered by the company depends on these factors.

Flood insurance coverage varies from one homeowner to the next. But first, they must be eligible for the coverage at the rate that they prefer and the rate that the insurance can offer them.

Preferred Risk Policy premiums are said to be really low if it is made available through the NFIP. The building and the contents of the flood insurance coverage is reasonable. As a matter of fact, it starts at only $100 per year.

If the homeowner fails to qualify for the Preferred Risk Policy, he can check the standard rated policy that is made available to him. This is $25 of all federal claims for those residing in moderate-to-low risk areas.

However, is the homeowner resides in a high-risk area, flood insurance coverage from insurance companies are also made available to him. There is a separate content and buildings coverage which is more reasonable when it comes to the flood insurance rates.

One can check the form that is provided by the insurance companies. The General Property Form that a customer fills up requires the information that the insurance company needs in order to determine the rate and whether the client is eligible because he is within the flood insurance coverage.

The calculation of the premiums depends on the following factors. There are the years of the construction of the building and the years the occupant has been staying there. If it is a condominium, the number of floors is also a factor.

The location, as said in a previous paragraph is a crucial indicator whether the client is still within the flood insurance coverage, as well as the flood risks. If the customer is in a flood zone, there are still companies that can provide them with the flood insurance that they need but at a higher price.

Also, the federal law requires the homeowner to purchase a flood insurance policy especially when the area he is residing is high-risk.

By learning one’s risk and estimating the premiums by checking the flood insurance coverage, and finding an agent one can speak with regarding concerns, the homeowner can sleep better at night.

Source by Ricky Lim

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Homeowners insurance in North Carolina costs more every year, especially for homeowners who live on the coast. Here’s how to find cheap homeowners insurance in North Carolina with a reliable company.

What Affects the Cost of Homeowners Insurance?

Several factors affect the cost of your North Carolina homeowners insurance. If you have already purchased a home, you have no control over some of these factors, such as the:

* Construction type

* Age of home

* Location of home

However, you do have control over other factors that affect your premium, including:

* Your claims history. Insurance companies look at how many claims you have made in the past and for what amount. If you make a lot of claims, your premium can go up.

* Your deductible. The deductible is the amount you pay toward a claim before the insurance company begins to pay. The higher you set your deductible, the lower your premium will be.

* The amount of coverage you select. You want enough coverage to rebuild your home and replace your property, but no more. Be sure that you do not include the value of the land itself when you’re determining how much insurance to buy.

* Protective devices, such as deadbolts, fire extinguishers, burglar alarms, and sprinkler systems. Installing protective devices can help you get discounts on your homeowners insurance.

Shop Around for Insurance

The best way to keep your insurance costs down is to comparison shop. Insurance rates can vary dramatically from company to company, so shopping around will help you make sure you’re getting the best rate.

The best way to comparison shop is to go to an insurance comparison website where you’ll spend a few minutes typing in your insurance information. Multiple A-rated insurance companies will then send you quotes to review and compare.

On the best insurance comparison websites, you can even talk with insurance experts about more ways to save on your homeowners insurance, and get answers to any insurance questions you may have (see link below).

Visit http://www.LowerRateQuotes.com/homeowners-insurance.html or click on the following link to get Illinois homeowners insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can also get more insurance tips there.

Source by ryan@thesatellitetvguide.com

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If you are a homeowner who has taken out insurance on your home, you will find that your thoughts often turn to the worst. In the event of a fire or a disaster, you will feel quite fortunate to have the insurance that you have been paying off to step in and set you back on your feet, but you might find that you are a little bit nervous about what you can expect. By now, you have heard plenty of horror stories about some people whose insurance have taken a long time to pay out, but you have also heard about people who have had insurance pay outs in no time at all.

What can you expect and what can you count on?

When you are looking at homeowner’s insurance, you will find that this can depend on many things.

* The first point that you should be aware of is the amount of time that an insurance company has to pay a claim, this is something that is determined by your state insurance laws. With this in mind, make sure that you head to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners website and find out what your state mandates and what they need to adhere to. Insurance companies don’t like to give you an exact date as to when your claim will be settled; most likely, you will just get a response saying that it will be as quickly as possible.

* If you are filing a homeowner’s insurance claim, you will find that there are a few things that you can do to speed the process along. When you have been faced with a disaster, make sure that you file your claim as quickly as possible, particularly if there has been some sort of natural disaster in the area. Insurance claims are not a matter of first come, first served, but you will find that getting the process going will have your claim settled faster.

* When you are in the process of making a homeowner’s insurance claim, you will find that you can speed things along by staying in contact with your claims adjuster. Call them regularly and ask for updates. Be polite and make sure that they are on top of things. This lets them know that you are waiting as well and you will find that if you can stay fresh in their memory that you will stay on top of their ‘to-do’ pile as well.

* If necessary, make some noise. You will find that this is definitely an industry where the squeaky wheel gets the grease and you will also realise that if you can’t get good answers out of your adjuster that you should go on to their supervisor. If necessary, you might need to go through the company’s legal department as well.

Take the time to make sure that you know what is going on with your homeowner’s insurance claim. This can make all the difference to how well you and your family will cope when it comes to dealing with disaster and misfortune, so make it a high priority.

Source by Derek Rogers

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To buy or not to buy… that is the question on most homeowners’ minds when it comes to appliance insurance cover.

If you are debating over whether or not it is worth buying insurance for your household appliances, here are 5 compelling factors in favour of getting that insurance.

  • Provides Protection In The Event Of An Unexpected Breakdown

No home appliances, however expensive, is 100% infallible. Unexpected circumstances can cause mechanical or electrical breakdowns, often at the most inconvenient time. While replacing smaller appliances is easy and affordable the breakdown of big ticket items such as a fridge, freezer or expensive Smart TV and entertainment systems can be more challenging and will also hurt your bank balance considerably.

  • Provides Protection In The Event Of Accidental Damage

Accidents can and do happen all the time, no matter how careful we are. The accidental damage clause covers your household appliances if they get damaged beyond repair because of an accident. Here an accident is defined as ‘an unexpected, unintentional external action that damaged your appliance or its contents’. For example, if you accidently knocked over the television and the screen cracked, you would be covered by your appliance breakdown insurance. Did your teenagers accidently smash the washing machine door while practicing cricket in the basement? That would be covered too.  

  • Helps You Get Your Repairs Done With One Phone Call

When you have appliance breakdown insurance, you only have to make one phone call to your insurance company to get the appropriate engineer to come over and get your appliance repaired. No need to spend hours searching online for a good repair company or making several phone calls in search of an affordable repair service.     

  • Helps You Get On With Life Uninterrupted

Time is precious. Spending time trying to fix broken household appliances can leave you with less time to spend on more enjoyable activities. Letting the insurance company take care of the repairs means you do not have to sacrifice valuable time trying to resolve the issue.     

  • You Do Not Have To Deal With Unqualified, Inexperienced Repairmen

Insurance companies take great care to ensure that they appoint qualified, experienced repair engineers. You make one phone call to the insurance provider and you know they will put the best person on the job. When you find someone through Google or a local directory, it is impossible to determine their credentials or know that they are trustworthy. The right insurance policy will remove any of these doubts.

Are you looking for low cost appliance insurance? Why not give Smart Cover Direct a try. We have a range of impressive, smart policies that are tailored to your lifestyle.  

Source by smartcover

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In Florida, the car insurance requirements are as follows: $10,000 for personal injury protection, also known as PIP, and $10,000 for property damage liability, also known as PDL.

Floridians are not alone when it comes to having state-imposed car insurance requirements. All states in America require minimum car insurance requirement. While some people choose to satisfy these car insurance requirements by purchasing their policy through an insurance company, other people choose to be “self-insured,” or to put down a bond that will cover the amount of the car insurance requirements. How you choose to show proof that you have met your state’s car insurance requirements is up to the state.

In Florida, these car insurance requirements must be met by every driver or vehicle owner who wishes to register and purchase tags for his vehicle. No one can opt not to purchase the car insurance requirements by rationalizing he just will not register and tag his vehicle. Vehicles must be registered and tagged in order for the car to operate legally on the roads. The minimum car insurance requirements also apply even if you are not driving your car in Florida, or if your car is not operative. If your car is registered and tagged in Florida, you must have the Florida’s minimum car insurance requirements.

Sometimes drivers are required to purchase bodily injury protection, too; these cases usually fall into the hands of drivers who have been in an accident or drivers who have been convicted of an offense such as driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI).

Before you begin your search for a policy that meets Florida’s car insurance requirements, make sure you are eligible to have that minimum coverage – not all drivers are. If you have borrowed money to purchase your new car, your lender will undoubtedly require you to purchase more than Florida’s minimum car insurance requirements until the debt is paid.

Source by Elizabeth Newberry

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Public Liability Insurance is something that is being spoken about more and more these days especially with the current climate of people holding other people liable for things like injury or property damage. This insurance isn’t like car insurance that is required by law but it is still something that most people that work on other peoples properties will have to either get or think about at some point.

Public Liability Insurance for a roofer is something that not every insurance company will undertake for obvious reason. Many see that it is such a high risk trade that they don’t want to cover it at all or if they do offer a quotation then it may run into thousands of pounds for a years cover. This is not true with all insurers and it obviously differs as to whether or not you use heat as part of your work but for a roofer without using any heat can be from about £140 for one million pounds worth of cover.

The obvious thing that you would get Public Liability Insurance for is for example if you were entering a persons property to do some work and you accidentally knocked a priceless ornament over and you were held liable to replace or repair it or if whilst you were up on the roof you dropped one of the tools you were using off and it landed on a car below then you would be held responsible and this is where your insurance would come in to play.

Although as stated earlier you don’t have to have this insurance by law to undertake your work many more people are insisting that anyone who enters their property to do any type of work be fully covered so they know that if something was to happen or go wrong then they would be able to get the tradesman to use his insurance if he was liable for the fault..

As with most insurance types there are generally different levels of cover that you can get and with Public Liability Insurance this is no different as you can get quotes for either one, two or five millions pounds worth of cover although obviously the price will increase as the amount of cover increases but it’s up to the individual how much cover they have although some people will insist on a specific amount before any work is undertaken.

Source by Nathan De Bond

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More home insurance questions please visit : InsuranceFreeFAQ.com

Source by insurancefaq

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Are people over 50 too old for life insurance? After all, most consumers assume that large term life insurance policies work best when they cover younger people who still have a mortgage to cover and kids to support. We are all sold term life insurance at some point with the thought that after the contract expires, our kids will be off, and our homes will be all paid off. At that point, in a perfect world, we would have savings so that any future needs and obligations could be self insured.

However, times have changed. For one thing, Americans are living longer, and life insurance rates reflect that increae. Insurance rates are one thing that may cost less than they did 10 years ago! Americans are also working longer, and many of us do not expect to retire at 65. Our kids do not always follow our financial schedule, and sometimes they still need help past the age we had planned on them being independent. And setbacks, like layoffs and home equity loans, may have kept home mortgages from getting paid off on that 15 or 30 year schedule we had planned on. Furthermore, many people reach retirement, and they realize the money that they worked so hard to save will not go as far as they had planned.

So just because a term life insurance policy expired, our need for life insurance may not have expired at all. Baby boomers, and even senior citizens are still looking for life insurance policies. In fact, even though coverage is usually cheaper for younger people, it is when we reach middle age that we really start to realize the need for good coverage.

However, top rated insurers keep track of all of these trends too, and they do offer affordable plans for people over 50, and I have even seen policies that accept people up to age 85. Elderly people may need to apply for whole life insurance, but there are term policies that accept applicants at 70 years of age.

A 70 year old cannot expect to find a 30 year term policy, but a reasonably healthy retiree can find affordable 10 year policies. If 10 years is not enough, or a person suffers from some serious health conditions, a whole life insurance policy should be considered.

Sometimes older people purchase their own policies because they want to plan for final expenses and estate transfers. However, many times the children of senior citizens purchase a policy on their parents. They do it as an affordable way to plan for funeral expenses. The purchase relieves the parents and children from having to worry about allocating thousands of dollars for a funeral and settling final debts.

Whole life policies do not expire, but provide coverage as long as the policy is kept in force. In general, the policy will be in force as long as it is paid for or paid up. In addition, simplified and guaranteed issue whole life insurance policies, that accept senior citizens, are very common. Sometimes these policies are called final expense or burial policies.

Source by Marilyn Katz