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John Stewart

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Michigan car accident victims are entitled to receive “attendant care service benefits” under the Michigan No-Fault Insurance laws. These benefits provide payments to a person or agency for attending to the injured person during his or her period of recovery. These are often necessary to assist an injured person with activities of daily living, including bathing, toileting, feeding, and dispensing medications. In many situations, including traumatic brain injuries, the services are necessary for monitoring, supervision, and reporting to physicians.

As you might expect, insurance companies try to avoid payment of these benefits all together. In other circumstances, the insurance companies dispute the rate to be paid for attendant care services, especially when the services are performed by a family member. Rates can range from $8.00/hour to $30.00/hour depending on the level of service provided and the location that services are being provided. A staffing agency using an RN to change dressings and PICC lines would be toward the higher range and a family member essentially “babysitting” the injury victim could be toward the lower range.

Once the need for attendant care services is established, the insurer is obligated to pay for the attendant care regardless of the identity of the persons rendering the care. In determining what is a “reasonable charge” for family provided attendant care under Section 3107(1)(a), the Michigan appellate courts have stated that the rates charged by commercial agencies for providing in-home health care are relevant. In addition, the extent of the injured victim’s disability and the amount of supervision required are also relevant considerations.

Many times, the no-fault insurance company will pay attendant care service benefits, but will grossly underpay the proper amount of those benefits. For example, the insurance company will pay the rate of $8.00/hour for 12 hours a day, but should be paying $15.00/hour for 24 hours a day. In these situations, it will be necessary to file a lawsuit against the insurance company. The lawsuit will demand that the insurance company pay the proper rate in the future and pay a lump sum for all of the underpaid benefits for the last twelve months. The suit will also request payment of attorney’s fees and costs for the filing of the lawsuit.

There are strict time limitations for filing attendant care service claims and lawsuits against insurance companies for payment of these benefits. If a deadline is missed, even by one day, it may prevent the accident victim from receiving these benefits. As such, it is essential to contact an experienced Michigan No-Fault Insurance lawyer as soon as possible to preserve the right to benefits.

Source by Lawrence Buckfire

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When you buy a motorbike, it is mandatory for you to buy motorcycle insurance as per the government regulations.

Since motorcycle is a risky vehicle, insurers tend to charge a higher premium for it. The type of motorcycle and its horsepower will greatly affect the insurance premium. The motorcycle with high horsepower will be charged a higher premium. So if you want a fast, sporty bike, you will have to spend more on the premium. But do not worry. We give you some useful tips on how to reduce your motorcycle insurance premium without compromising on the performance.

Will the type of motorcycle affect my insurance premium?

Before purchasing a motorcycle, you need to find out the cost incurred in getting it insured. The motorcycles with higher horsepower would attract a higher premium. But you should note that there is a minor difference between the horsepower and performance. Get insurance quotes before buying a motorcycle as there are lots of bikes that are not insured by the larger insurance companies. This will force you to use smaller insurers who offer below par services. Besides, they will not allow you to combine the motorcycle insurance with the other products, making the deal very expensive.

Will installing any accessories affect my premium?

Fitting your bike with high-end accessories like disc locks, alarms, and satellite tracking will significantly affect your premium. Hence it is advisable to check with the insurance company about the accessories and security that can increase and decrease your insurance premium. Buying a device costing a couple of hundred dollars will have a significant impact on your premium. Find out this information beforehand to let you negotiate with the dealer who can give you a good bargain.

What are the things I should ensure before opting for motorcycle insurance?
Get many insurance quotes from various insurers for the motorcycle you want to buy. Find out if installing security instruments and add-on accessories will impact your insurance premium. Check if it is possible to reduce the insurance cost if you park your motorcycle in an area under surveillance.

Source by mark

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The cost of bike insurance is largely due to statistics. Knowing the different factors that affect how much you pay for your insurance premium can help you save money when renewing or taking out a new policy.

Many factors can play a role in determining your insurance costs. The elements that affect how much you pay for your premium can include: type and style of bike, age and sex of the rider, bike security and bike mileage – to name but a few.

Bike insurance providers take into account the potential for theft or damage to your bike. If you show evidence that you can protect your bike from getting stolen or damaged then you can lower the cost of your insurance. Therefore, consider where you store your bike – it’s best to keep your motorcycle in a locked garage at night. Also, ensure your bike is secure with an approved security device.

Speeding convictions can lead to higher insurance costs. Insurance savings can be gained by maintaining a good driving record and avoiding any points on your license. By driving safely and cautiously you can not only maintain the condition of your bike, but also benefit from a no claims bonus when renewing your bike insurance.

If you are an experienced or older rider then it is possible to achieve discounts on your insurance. Statistics show that older bike owners tend to make fewer claims, whilst younger bike owners are a higher risk for accidents. However, young riders don’t just need to wait for nature to take its course. Riders that have passed their Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) can see a reduction in insurance premiums if they achieve a full license. Further discounts may be achieved with some bike insurers if the rider passes the Institute of Advanced Motoring’s Advanced Motorcycling Test.

Bear in mind that more powerful bikes and older bikes pose a higher risk to insurers. The type, make, style and age of the bike you own will all have an impact on the cost of your premiums and should be taken into consideration prior to purchase. The older the bike and more miles it has driven will lead to wear and tear making it more likely to break down. Likewise, high mileage each year on a newer bike can also lead to maintenance problems.

The cost of bike insurance premiums can vary widely among insurance providers. You can find great deals on bike insurance by shopping around but it’s more important to compare policies with the type of cover that best suits your needs.

Source by Paul McIndoe

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The students have to pay many types of the studying expenses and one of the biggest items of expenses is the student`s insurance. In some countries the drawing up of the student`s health insurance is the necessary requirement for the students (for example, in Germany). To receive the student`s health insurance, you will have to get the insurance certificate. Such certificates can be received in any AOK Office.
The students have wide range of choice and each person can choose the insurance offer which will meet all individual wishes, requirements and needs. The student can be under the covering of the parent`s insurance policy. It is possible till the 25th birthday. But if the monthly income is more than 350 EUR, the student has to draw up own insurance policy.
In the case if the students have to pay their own insurance policy, they can choose the company which they like, as there are many insurance providers. The average sum of money, which the student has to pay for the health insurance during the month, is about 50 EUR. The students receive excellent medical treatment. The restrictions of the coverage are usually serious illnesses and birth of the child.
The students can receive such types of insurance if they are less than 30 years old. If the students are older or they have completed the 14 semesters in the university, they can apply for the receiving of the voluntary insurance of the AOK. The advisors and counselors of the AOK will help all the students to find the most appropriate offers of insurance.
If the members of you family, which are nor students, but live with you in Germany, they can be also under the coverage of the student`s insurance without additional charge. To receive all essential information, contact the advisors of the AOK.

Source by Denis

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Certainly it is the primary responsibility of employers to ensure the safety of their employees by taking adequate measures to provide an environment that is as hazard free as possible. It is also worthy of mention that most employers are very aware of the need and do install necessary precautions and safety features. However, needless to say, whatever the efforts taken to avoid disaster, accidents are sometimes unavoidable. Hence it becomes compulsory for employers worker compensation insurance.

When such an incident takes place, even though the entire fault may not lie with the employer, the repercussions have to be faced by him. A sensible idea would be for the employer to prepare for such awkward situations with some advance strategies. One of these strategies could be said to be the purchase of a worker insurance package of compensation.

Some of the benefits of purchasing such insurance are detailed below:

– The largest benefit to the recipient buying insurance is common to all types of insurance. This is the fact that financial aid is available at a moment of crisis. A medical insurance package could be drawn upon to cover hospital bills of the beneficiary. In the same manner, worker insurance could protect the employer from having to face a legal claim and paying a large amount of money.

– In more cases than not, the medical bills and expenses of an employee injured while on the job have to be taken care of by the employer. These are usually exorbitant charges in keeping with the current cost of health care in the United States which has sky rocketed to unmanageable proportions. A timely insurance package will in most cases extricate the employer from such a situation.

– In the case of an employee that receives an injury while at work which causes permanent damage, the employer is liable to pay him or her two thirds portion of their wages. An insurance package would cover such contingencies as well.

Leaving aside the monetary benefits of a worker insurance package, the primary plus point could be said to be the ease of mind an employer would enjoy with an insurance package purchased well in time. A factor that should be noted is that benefits of insurance, as well as the terms and conditions attached, will vary from State to State.

A comparison of the regulations pertaining to the worker compensation insurance package of West Virginia and that of Florida makes this clear. Florida requires the company employs a specified minimum number of staff to be eligible to take out insurance, while in West Virginia all employees must be covered by insurance regardless of their number.

Whatever the state by state difference, insurance is an essential commodity for all employees. While varying terms and rules may result in the total compensation being affected in some part, insurance nevertheless provides adequate cover to buffer contingencies in all situations. It is always therefore best to study these terms and regulations, as well before purchasing Employers’ worker compensation insurance schemes from your local provider.

Source by Bill Gatton

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Do I need health insurance?

This is a very important question to ask yourself because there are many who didn’t have health insurance and suffered serious financial hardships and even had to file bankruptcy due to an unexpected hospital visit.

Your health is the driving force of your life! If you became extremely ill for what ever reason, what would happen to you financially?

Unless you are one of those fortunate individuals who have set-up themselves nicely, I would imagine that your financial outlook could become quite grim.

Have you ever spent a few days lying in a hospital bed while the doctors ran tests? Well if you haven’t been fortunate enough to experience such a glorious and gratifying venture, let me inform you that just two days in a hospital can land you a $3,000 bill and higher in some cases!

Imagine paying $3.00-$5.00 for one Tylenol tablet. Where at Wal-Mart, you can get 30 for that amount! And by no means gash your head and have to get rushed to the emergency room for a few hours, you can be looking forward to a hefty $1,300 for that one! So again, the question is do I need health insurance?

A friend of mine, who established himself as an independent contractor, decided that it’s cheaper to pay for any medical expenses when needed rather than pay a monthly health insurance bill. His wife became pregnant and since he didn’t know anything about medical costs, he continued to go with his first thought of not buying health insurance.

A visit here and a visit there; $200 here and $400 there – no big deal because he made pretty good money and carrying health insurance would have cost him about $300-$500 a month for his entire family. Nine months later, his baby boy was born and he received a nice $18,000 hospital bill as a token of appreciation for bringing a new life into the world we live.

Yes, he learned the hard way as to the importance of health insurance. Luckily for him however, he’s fortunate to make a very good living so it didn’t destroy him financially, but there are many people and families that have been destroyed financially due to unexpected high medical bills.

If you are a heavy smoker or drinker, or someone who lives an adventurous life such as: rock climbing, jet skiing, sky diving, skateboarding, motocross or playing an extreme sport – make sure that you are carrying some type of health insurance or else you can be in for a serious financial hardship.

Source by Robert Anderson

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If you are a board member of a nonprofit organization, it’s possible that you’ve never heard of directors and officers insurance. Even organizations like community athletic associations are susceptible to lawsuits, but good directors and officers insurance will protect you in the case of litigation for decisions you made for the organization.

A Strange Trend

Most of the time, D&O insurance is used to protect the officers of major corporations. Nowadays, however, people are suing each other left and right. Let’s assume that you’re a parent serving on the board of your kid’s local soccer league. Did you know that if another child is injured during a game, YOU can be held liable?

Many folks are unaware that even nonprofit organizations need to protect themselves from these kinds of lawsuits.

The Liabilities of Leadership

Whenever anyone agrees to sit on the board of an association or organization, that person is assuming some responsibility for the organization.  The person is then held responsible for managing the affairs of the organization in a proper manner. This might seem vague, but all board members are held to this standard.

Board members, therefore, expose themselves to be the target of claims. D&O claims fall into the non-bodily injury category (this can include allegations of negligence, mismanagement, discrimination, etc.).

Now, let’s take our example from earlier. If a child were injured in a soccer game, then the general liability insurance would cover damages filed by the injured child’s parents regarding the injury. If, however, the parents decide to sue the association or any of its board members claiming that the board did not provide adequate safety measures, then the general liability insurance would not provide coverage for this accusation. Only D&O insurance would provide the necessary coverage for this accusation.

What Does D&O Insurance Cover?

D&O insurance provides coverage for wrongful acts committed by the board members or, using our example, the athletic officials. Wrongful acts on a D&O policy include misleading statements, negligent acts, or breach of duties.

Associations must send their by-laws, financial information, and a completed application to an insurance company in order to quote them with D&O coverage. The company will then usually return a proposal with coverage options and pricing. It is up to the association or nonprofit organization to determine the level of D&O coverage needed.

D&O policy holders should know the status of their claims-made coverage. Claims made coverage means the company will pay for a covered claim if a lawsuit is filed and occurs while the organization holds the policy. By contrast, an occurrence policy will pay a covered claim based on when the accident or occurrence happened.

Additional Information

Also, the organization might want to obtain an Extended Reporting Period, or Tail Coverage. Since claims-made policies will only insure the organization while the policy is in action, some organizations look for protection for events that are reported once the policy expires. Tail coverage will then provide insurance for these claims that occur during the policy period but are reported once the policy cancels.

All nonprofit organizations need to include D&O insurance into their structure. It is an absolute necessity nowadays, as more and more people are turning to litigation just to make a quick buck. It’s expensive even to defend a baseless claim. So, protect yourself and your organization by obtaining a D&O policy that will protect your leaders.

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Source by Russ Birch

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UnitedHealthcare kicked off the New Year with a new contract.

The Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) contracted with UnitedHealthcare—the nation’s largest managed healthcare company serving low-income individuals in the public sector—to manage the Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM)-administered Mississippi Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for four years, with an option by the state to renew for a fifth year.

On Jan. 1, some 67,000 children enrolled in the program transferred to UnitedHealthcare of Mississippi, which has a healthcare provider network of 133 hospitals and nearly 10,000 healthcare professionals, including Federally Qualified Health Centers and rural health clinics. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi had serviced the program for nearly a decade.

“We won the contract in an open bid process,” said Joseph W. Blackston, MD, JD, medical director for UnitedHealthcare of Mississippi. “We proposed a plan to the State with a proactive approach involving disease management programs for children with conditions such as asthma and diabetes, risk management, a large array of inpatient and outpatient services, and patient and physician outreach.”

UnitedHealthcare, a Minnesota-based company affiliated with AmeriChoice—serving nearly 3 million beneficiaries of government healthcare programs in 25 states, will also emphasize wellness and health promotion programs.

“We’re pleased to have been awarded the opportunity and responsibility to help enhance the health and well-being of Mississippi’s children,” said AmeriChoice CEO Rick Jelinek. “Our wellness programs in other states have not only enhanced individuals’ health, but also conserved public healthcare resources, a record we hope to duplicate in Mississippi.”

Jelinek pointed to UnitedHealth Group’s UnitedHealth HEROES, a grant program initiated in 2008 to address childhood obesity in schools and youth-focused community organizations. Mississippi is one of 34 states with programs that recently received grants for demonstrating a clear understanding of the health risks associated with childhood obesity; proposing creative solutions to combating obesity in their schools and communities; and easily implementing, scaling and measuring them.

“With UnitedHealth HEROES, we’re helping young people take action to improve their overall health and quality of life in a way that’s not only educational, but beneficial for their communities,” said Daniel Johnson, vice president of UnitedHealth Group. “We believe that as people become more aware of health issues through health literacy and advocacy initiatives, they’ll make positive changes to live better lives.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one of three young people is obese, and two of the three have at least one avoidable risk for heart disease.

“Childhood obesity is one of the greatest health issues facing children and youth in the U.S.,” said Steve Culbertson, CEO of Youth Services of America (YSA), which is collaborating with UnitedHealth HEROES for the grant program’s second year. “UnitedHealth HEROES provides young people the rare, but important, responsibility to seek solutions to this epidemic, and I’m thrilled to see the innovative ideas used to educate and engage their peers.”

The new contract came a year after the Legislature’s Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review (PEER) Committee suggested the DFA shop around for a less expensive plan. Depending on CHIP usage, the new contract may not cost less.

“The whole purpose is not necessarily to do things more cheaply, but to provide all the services needed,” said Blackston. “Through health education and case management, we believe we can promote the concept of a medical home and thereby reduce unnecessary emergency room and hospital use.” Blackston emphasized that Mississippi CHIP benefits haven’t changed. “It’s more about who’s administering the program, and what services might require prior authorization,” he said. “An example is that DME items under $500 no longer require prior authorization. If there will be more than six visits, prior authorization isn’t required for physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy.”  

Blackston was selected to lead the Mississippi program based on his deep roots in the state. An Oxford native, he graduated from Ole Miss and the University of Mississippi School of Medicine, and completed his internship at the Baptist Memorial Hospital-Memphis and residency at Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans. A board-certified internist on staff at Central Mississippi Medical Center in the Emergency Department, Blackston is also an attorney. He earned a law degree from the University of Mississippi, and teaches at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and the Mississippi College School of Law. He also serves on the Disability Appeals Committee of the Mississippi Public Employees Retirement System (PERS).

“Mississippians are handling every component of CHIP,” said Blackston, “plus we have the support of a large organization, technology at our fingertips, and Mississippians dedicated to our state’s CHIP members.”

Source by Health Insurance

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Recently, I learned just how difficult applying for private health insurance can be in the United States. I was going off my group health insurance and needed private coverage. Through the assistance of my insurance agent, I completed the initial online application in less than an hour.

That was the easy part.

A week after completing the application, I got a follow up call to my application from the “medical department” of the company. I was told this was to verify some of the information on my application.

And here’s where things got a bit rough.

The woman who interviewed me wanted VERY detailed information on medical claims. Since the specific details she wanted were in my doctor’s medical records, not at home, I was unprepared for her questions. I made every effort to be helpful, but the call rapidly became an unfriendly interrogation.

For almost an hour, I was asked the same questions over and over until I felt like shouting, “Asked and answered!” For most of them I simply replied “I don’t know.” Eventually I asked her to contact my doctors. When she finally did, they checked my records and answered her questions.

By the time I hung up the phone, I felt like I’d gone three rounds with Mike Tyson. I was both frustrated that I couldn’t answer her questions and emotionally exhausted. She treated me like a criminal instead of a person seeking private health insurance. It wasn’t a good experience!

Because of what happened to me, I did some research. It helped me to compile the following list of ten things I believe anyone applying for private health insurance in the United States should know. I hope this list will help you or someone you know to avoid what happened to me.


1. Do not let your policy expire prior to seeking new coverage.

If your policy is being cancelled you can go on the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). This act ensures continuation of group health coverage that otherwise might be terminated. For information, go to: http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_cobra.HTMl

2. Talk to your physicians about your medical records before you apply.

For private insurance, companies can review your medical history as far back as ten years. Therefore, ensure your records are up-to-date and talk with your physician(s) about any health issues that might be red flagged.

3. Obtain copies of your medical records.

You can also request a copy of your medical records under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). For more information on HIPAA, go to http://www.privacyrights.org/fs/fs8-med.htm

4. Find out what your state’s policies are in relation to private health insurance.

Each state may have certain exceptions or variations regarding coverage. Most will publish this information online. Visit your state’s governmental website and search for “private health insurance” or “health insurance policies.”

5. Check to see if you have a file with the Medical Information Bureau (MIB).

The MIB is a central database of medical information shared by major insurance companies. If the MIB has a file on you, a free copy can be obtained once a year by calling (866) 692-6901, or by visiting the company’s website at http://www.mib.com/html/request_your_record.html.%20

6. Consult with a qualified independent insurance agent.

An insurance agent will know the private insurance regulations for your state and can help you through the application process. To find an agent in your area go to: http://www.nahu.org/consumer/findagent.cfm

7. Obtain a copy of your application and REVIEW it before you send it in.

Some companies may refuse a claim or terminate the policy solely because the information in the application is inaccurate. If you leave something out accidentally, it could cause problems. Read over your application carefully to be sure you’ve answered all the questions accurately.


8. Answer only the questions asked. Do not volunteer any additional information.

Be courteous and remember the interviewer is not your friend or your medical doctor. In these types of interviews you have NO privacy protection. In addition, the interview will most likely be recorded so think before you respond.

9. If you don’t know the answer to a question, be honest about it.

I recommend you get comfortable with saying, “I do not have that information, please contact my doctor.” When asked specific questions about medical procedures don’t guess, refer them to your doctor(s) and your medical records.

10. Be honest and stick to the facts regarding your medical history.

The company you are applying to may have access to your MIB file, and already know certain aspects of your medical history. If you are caught lying, you can be denied. Most applications ask if you’ve ever been denied health insurance, and a denial can be an immediate “red flag” on any future applications.

I hope you find these suggestions helpful. Just remember that when applying for private health insurance in the United States, the best policy is to adopt the Boy Scout motto of “BE PREPARED!”

Source by Sara Healy

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Purchasing an insurance policy doesn’t mean that you need to continue it for a lifetime. You may cancel a policy if some other company is offering the required coverage at a comparatively lower rate or if you feel that you don’t require the coverage any more. Regardless of the reason for cancellation, you need to send an insurance cancellation letter to your insurance company to cancel the specific policy.

Purpose of an insurance calculation letter

By sending an ‘Insurance Cancellation Letter‘, you notify your insurer that you no longer wish to receive the coverage and you also ask the insurance company to cancel the policy from a particular date.

What information to include in the letter

You need to include the following information in your insurance cancellation letter.

  • Personal information

Your name as mentioned in the policy

Your complete residential address (may need to mention company address in case of a business insurance)

Your phone number

The policy number (of the insurance policy) that you want to cancel

Name and address of the insurance company

The date on which you want to stop insurance coverage

  • Additional information

You may also include some additional information that is given below.

Why you want to cancel your insurance policy (you may mention the reason if some other company is offering the same coverage at a reduced premium rate)

Effective dates of your insurance policy

If required, you can browse through internet to view sample insurance cancellation letters so that you can get an idea regarding how to write the letter.

Tips to write an insurance cancellation letter

Here are some tips to write an insurance cancellation letter.

  • Maintain clarity – Like any other business letter, you should write a cancellation letter in simple language such that a person without any specialized background can understand what you’re trying to say. You should avoid technical jargon as much as possible.
  • Write to the point – Just a few lines is sufficient to convey that you want to cancel your policy. However, you should communicate the message clearly along with providing the company with necessary details of your policy.
  • Be courteous – Be polite in your approach even if you’re canceling a policy because of its high premium rate.

It is advisable that you proofread your insurance cancellation letter before sending it to your insurer. You can either write or print your letter but never forget to put a handwritten signature before sending the cancellation letter to the insurance company. Above all, always send your letter by registered mail with a return receipt request so that you have a proof, which you can produce later if required.

Source by Marilyn

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Motor trade insurance policy is imperative for you if you are involved in a business that involves buying, selling or fixing cars. Motor trade insurance saves you from financial loss in cases of adverse situations. No matter if you are involved in a small or medium business, motor trade insurance policy is necessary for you.

As the nature of every business is different, there are different sorts of motor trade insurance policies. They involve different types of coverage, and premiums.

There are basically 5 main categories of Motor Trade Insurances:

1. The third-party only motor trade insurance policy
2. Fire and theft motor trade insurance policy
3. Comprehensive motor trade insurance policy
4. Liability motor trade insurance policy
5. A combined motor trade insurance policy

To select a policy, you need to determine the needs of your particular business. You may also get many different features of motor trade insurance policies like administrative benefits, social and personal use of vehicles to particular drivers.

A motor trade insurance policy that is the law for some traders is the third party only motor trade insurance policy. Buyers and sellers, mobile tuners, technicians, valier and fitters are legally required to hold this insurance policy. This motor trade insurance is very important if the insured is driving any car. Fire and theft motor trade insurance is another option with this policy. This kind of motor trade insurance policy includes the protection with the third party only policy, however, it also offers protection in case of fire or theft.

The comprehensive motor trade insurance policy includes similar coverage as the third party only policy, but it also has an inclusive aspect. Comprehensive coverage is motor trade insurance that covers the cost of repair or replaces the insured’s car if it is damaged in some situation other than an accident.

Liability motor trade insurance policy offers protection for your business, while giving service to the public. This motor insurance has an important role, as it covers your hired workers who work on the vehicles. There are 3 types of liability motor trade insurances:

1. Public motor trade insurances
2. Employers and product motor trade insurances
3. Sales and service indemnity motor trade insurances

Many Motor trade insurances overlap each other and only have slight differences. The best way to select one is to consult an expert motor trade insurance agent, who can tell you in detail about all the insurance options and present with you with various motor trade insurance quotes. Evaluating different motor trade insurance quotes will help you set your budget. If you purchase a motor trade insurance policy that is not suitable for your business, you will end up paying extra for your insurance policy – or you may find out later that the coverage you required for your business is not included in the motor trade insurance policy you bought.

Do remember to review motor trade insurance quotes from different insurance companies, so that you can go for the best deal and remain safe from fraudulent companies as well.

Source by Eric Token

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There is no doubt about it, home insurance is expensive today. Finding a cheap home insurance policy is crucial in maintaining the family budget, but what should you be aware of in finding your best deal? Here are some tips to help you.

Go with an independent insurance agent

In most all cases, with very few exceptions, you’ll find the cheapest home owner insurance through an independent agent.

Direct writing agents are limited to the one company they represent, whereas an independent agent can represent many different home insurers, consequently getting you a cheaper rate.

Secure your home

If you want a cheap home insurance policy you can find good discounts available when you have a home security system installed.

Insurance companies offer discounts on rates of between 5% – 15% in most cases for security systems.

Get the right amount of coverage

You don’t want to over insure your home or your contents. Some people mistakenly believe that they will get paid more than the value of their loss because they have more insurance on it. Of course, insurance companies won’t pay you more than the replacement value.

Always go through your home contents and get a current replacement value on them. Don’t pay for $100,000 in contents coverage when you only have $40,000 in contents.

Check out your policy

Finally, in finding a cheap home insurance policy, be sure to look over any options or endorsements and be sure you are not being asked to pay for something you don’t need.

By taking your time, being prepared, and getting several quotes, you will be guaranteed in finding a cheap home insurance policy.

Source by Terry Edwards

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Comprehensive car insurance is not a requirement in most States in North America. However, if you want to protect yourself from great financial risks, auto insurance comprehensive is the best. This is the type of insurance ideal for brand new cars as it covers damages for car accidents and other types of accidents.

This auto insurance policy protects you in case damage is done to another party, damage to property or injury to a person. It also covers your own vehicle and your medical expenses despite being at fault in a car accident.

The stipulations on your policy contract vary according to the insurance companies. Before you buy comprehensive car insurance, it is wise to read the terms, conditions and exclusions in your policy.

Among the types of car insurances, auto insurance comprehensive probably has the highest premiums. Besides the coverage for damages to your car and the other party’s car, comprehensive insurance covers damages resulting to other non-car collision incidents.

If your car is vandalized, violated or stolen, the damages are covered by the comprehensive insurance. If you bought a $75,000 car through a car loan and your insurance does not have comprehensive coverage, your losses are double in case your car is stolen. You are paying monthly for a car that you cannot drive because the police cannot locate it. Most banks car loans require that you this type of coverage.

You are also covered with your comprehensive car insurance if you get into a car accident because of an animal. If in case you are driving on a high speed road and a cow suddenly crosses, and you collide into the cow, the damages for the car and the animal loss are covered.

Natural disasters can be unpredictable. They can inflict damage to persons, real estate property and to your car. If you have auto insurance comprehensive, damages to your car caused by floods or hail are shouldered.

You will also enjoy transportation costs if your car is disabled for any covered reason. While waiting for your car to be repaired, your insurance company will provide for your alternative transportation expenses such as no-cost rental car.

Other incidents that are covered by your comprehensive car insurance are riots, explosions, objects falling from the sky, and driving over a high curve. In contrast, property damage auto insurance covers the damages done to the other party’s car.

It can also give you protection in case of lawsuit as a consequence of a car accident. Your real estate property, stocks and other valuable belongings are not put into a rush sale to pay for damages.

Bodily injury auto insurance is helpful in shouldering medical expenses for the other party. In case there is death from the car accident, death claims can be covered by this insurance. And just like the other type of liability insurance, bodily injury liability can be used as a protection in case of lawsuit filed against you.

Comprehensive car insurance can be expensive. However, there are several ways that you can employ to have huge savings or discounts on your premiums. If your car is financed or leases, the financing company may require you to have comprehensive insurance.

Source by Rudy Silva

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Universal Life Insurance – a more flexible version of Whole Life Insurance, also known as “Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance” is a type of permanent life insurance came in insurance market in the early 80s. Like the whole life, the Universal Life (UL) comprises an element of the saving which develops on a tax-deferred basis. A part of your premiums are invested by the insurance company in the bonds, the mortgages and investment trust on the money market. The return on the investments is endorsed to your policy tax-deferred. An assured minimum interest rate, usually approx. 4% applied to the policy, that means the insurance company guarantees a certain minimum return on your money, no matter how the investments perform. If the insurance company makes well with its investments, the return of interest rate on the money will increase. The universal life enables you to choose of two options of death benefit. The option one pays the death benefit out of the policy’s “cash value”. The option two pays the face amount acknowledged in the policy contract, plus any cash values you build up over the years. Many Universal Life insurance policies offer a no-lapse guarantee that means the policy will stay in force to age 100 or even to age 120 as long as you pay the minimum designated premium. However, paying the minimum guaranteed premium is seldom enough to accumulate significant cash values.


The universal life insurance provides you the flexibility to adjust the death benefit according to your needs. Moreover, it also gives you the flexibility to pay smaller or larger premiums depending on your financial conditions. It is often an important feature for the families who may have fluctuations in their financial conditions.


Your policy may lapse and leave you without insurance protection, if your premium payments are too small for longer time. Moreover, if the insurance company does poorly with its investments, the return of interest on the cash portion of the policy will decrease but by no means below the minimum interest rate guaranteed in the policy contract.

More information www.ratedetective.com.au/

Source by Rate Detective

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Disability insurance is one of the most important and complex types of coverage a person can obtain. Although the concept that Disability insurance protects your income is fairly simple to understand, there are so many provisions, definitions and optional riders available that it can make decision making very difficult when purchasing a policy.  The definition of disability, which describes the circumstances in which you are eligible for a claim, is one of the more important provisions to review and understand when purchasing your Disability coverage.

Without going to far into detail, there are three basic definitions of total disability that you will want to be aware of:  A True Own-Occupation definition of total disability which covers your specific occupation and will pay benefits regardless of you working in a different occupation; a Modified Own-Occupation definition which covers your specific occupation but will only pay benefits if you are not working; and an Any-Occupation definition of disability which will only pay benefits if you are unable to do any reasonable occupation for your education and experience.

For specialized, lower risk occupations a True Own-Occupation definition is usually what professionals will purchase.  With higher risk occupations however, not many companies will offer the better definitions of disability, and those that do will normally be priced too high.  Physical therapists, for example are highly educated, trained and specialized professionals, but are normally classified in a higher risk category.  This is a professional who should have Own-Occupation Disability insurance protection, but may not be able to afford it.

Unfortunately in most cases, the companies that offer affordable policies to these specialized, higher risk occupations will traditionally provide a modified Own-Occupation definition for the first 24-60 months of a disability claim, but then change to an Any-Occupation definition thereafter.  Many people give in to the mentality that if they are not able to work in their current occupation due to a disability, they will not be able to do any other occupation either.  The fact of the matter is that dealing with a disability is not that simple.  Most disabilities are caused by illnesses and most illnesses do not just appear from one day to the next or affect every occupation in the same way.  The reality is that if you can avoid having the Any-Occupation definition, you should do so because it may end up saving you a lot of trouble.

The decision you will most likely have to face is whether you want a less expensive policy that offers you an Own-Occupation definition for 2 years and then changes to an Any-Occupation definition, or a slightly more expensive policy that provides the Own-Occupation definition for 5 years before changing to an Any-Occupation definition.  Just because the insurance agent you are working with does not show you this second option does not mean that the insurance company does not offer it.  Some insurance companies allow you to purchase this extended Own-Occupation period with an optional rider.  Ask your agent to show you this option.

The average Long-Term disability claim lasts 2.5 years.  By accepting a policy that only provides you with a 2-year Own-Occupation definition of total disability, you are not even providing yourself with proper protection for the duration of an average claim.  Don’t cut yourself and/or your family short when protecting something as important as your paycheck.

Source by Michael Relvas

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If you have European van insurance, you may be looking for some great ways to get a great deal on your insurance. When you have your own business, every bit of money that you spend is important, so you want to keep your premium as low as possible. So, if you are looking for tips that you can significantly lower your premium on your European van insurance, the following are some excellent tips that will make it possible for you.

Tip #1 – Raise the Voluntary Excess – If you really think you’ll have the money when you need it, you can really lower your premium on European van insurance by raising the voluntary excess that you pay. When you have a higher voluntary excess you’ll find that you pay less out of pocket on your insurance, but remember when you make a claim, you’ll be paying more. But, if you want to keep your premium low, this is a great way to do it.

Tip #2 – Buy All Business Insurance from the Same Company – There are many companies that will offer you a break on your European van insurance when you purchase all of your insurances from their company. Consider signing up for their insurance plans so that they have your loyalty, which will result in premiums that are a lot lower for you.

Tip #3 – Loss Prevention Tips – Loss prevention tips like security measures on your van can also help you to lower your premium on your European van insurance as well. When companies see that you are taking measure to make sure that your van won’t be stolen, often they’ll give you a discount. So, try using loss prevention measures to lower what you’ll pay for van insurance.

So, if you are ready to get the best premiums on European van insurance, these tips can really help. You’ll be sure to get the best deals possible and you’ll save big time, which is great for your business.

Source by Robert

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Buying the right kind (and the right amount) of motorcycle insurance can appear complicated – but it doesn’t have to be! When shopping for insurance, there are three main types of policies to be considered:

Liability insurance is the least expensive policy you can buy, and for good reason. It’s basically designed to protect the other guy and his bike – not you or yours.

Collision insurance, on the other hand, will help pay for your bike’s repairs in the event of an accident.

Comprehensive is well, shall we say, the most comprehensive policy you can buy covering everything from, fire, theft and vandalism, as well as accidents.

When shopping around for motorcycle insurance, it’s important to understand every limitation of the policy you choose. For instance, a higher deductible will help lower your monthly premiums, but in the event of a claim, you will pay more out-of-pocket expenses. Another thing to consider is whether or not your policy will pay to replace your bike in the event it is totaled, or if the insurance company will pay your claim based on your bike’s depreciated value. This can make a huge difference between having enough money to buy the new bike and getting stuck taking whatever you can afford.

Of course, there are ways to get your premium down. Some of thing’s an insurance carrier will consider when setting your rate includes:

-The size of your motorcycle.
-What kind and brand it is.
-How old you are.
-Your driving record (have you had any previous accidents, claims or speeding tickets?).
-What you will use the bike for ex: to ride to work or for enjoyment.
-How many miles you’ll be wracking up on your bike every year.
-Where you live.

-What type od extras your bike has (face it, all the customized stuff that makes your bike great will also cost the insurance company more to replace should it be involved in an accident or stolen).

While every insurance carrier will consider these things when setting your individual insurance rate, there are ways to lower your premium – now and in the future. The first is to pay off any loans you have on your bike as soon as possible. When you finance your motorcycle, the bank requires a certain amount of insurance to cover the loan, but once it is paid in full, how much and what types of coverage you carry is totally up to you, leaving you to decide how much risk you want to take.

The second is to keep your driving record clean. Every claim you submit and every traffic violation you receive will add cost to your insurance premiums. Keep that in mind the next time you speed down the highway.

Make sure you tell your insurance agent if your bike is stored during the winter months (or any time of the year). The less it’s on the road, the less you will pay for insurance.

Also, keep up your credit score. It’s a little known fact among the general population, but more and more insurance companies are looking at a client’s credit score to determine how responsible they are. And how much they should charge them for their insurance. Statistics have shown that those with higher credit scores submit fewer claims – which is good business for insurers.

Buying motorcycle insurance is much like buying any other type of insurance. The key to getting a good deal is shopping around and making sure that you clearly understand the policy that you’ve chosen. Just because one company’s premiums are lower, doesn’t necessarily make it a better deal.

Source by Matthew Hick

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Insurance adjusters are not there to befriend you they have a job to do. They work for the insurance company, and they are 100% focused on paying you as little money as possible. The investigator or adjuster from the other side’s insurance company may be very pleasant, appear to be concerned about you, and even try to be your friend.

In actuality, he or she may be a wonderful person, but always remember his or her job is to protect the insurance company, or to find a reason NOT to pay you, or if they must, to make sure you receive as little as the insurance company can possibly get away with paying. Ideally, they want to try to “make the matter go away.” Most adjusters are taught that the best way to making cases go away is to control, you, the claimant. They do this by being friendly, or by being mean, depending on what they think will work best on a given individual.

The investigator or adjuster may tell you how difficult it would be to recover more for your injuries (“If I were you I’d accept this. You’ll never get more and the courts have a 3 year back-up”), and try to discourage you from hiring a attorney (“By the time you pay a lawyer you’ll end up with no more than if you just take this today…”). In addition, he or she may try to get you to minimize the nature and extent of the pain, the impact of any permanent injury, or to accept full or partial responsibility for the accident when it was not your fault (“I guess you should have paid more attention”). Those are classic insurance adjuster tricks that should be ignored.

The following are some additional references an adjuster may make to attempt to deny or reduce your claim:

  • Defects in your car caused the accident
  • You did not receive treatment until weeks after the accident
  • Medical records show that you exaggerated the injury
  • Minor damage was done to your vehicle
  • No complaint of pain at the scene of the accident
  • Some other person, or you, was partly responsible for the accident.
  • You weren’t wearing your seatbelt
  • Medical records show that you had the condition before the accident
  • No police report and no witnesses
  • No request for medical care at the scene of the accident
  • You missed a lot of work time before the accident

Just because an insurance adjuster calls and talks does not mean you have to talk. Do not get into a discussion, no matter how tempted you may be to do so. Use the occasion to listen and when it’s over say: “I will think about it and get back to you.” You should always contact an attorney who is experienced in negotiating settlements with insurance companies to evaluate your case prior to any communication with the insurance company.

Insurance companies’ claims adjusters are professional negotiators, with extensive experience in intimidation, “hassling,” and using every psychological technique to maneuver a claimant into settling for the lowest possible dollar. They will also try to dissuade people from using the professional services of a lawyer. Never give an oral statement to the other side’s insurance company. If you do, it can negatively impact your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. Claims adjusters are hired because they come across as personable and compassionate, and they are extremely well trained by company lawyers to ask questions in a manner designed to hurt you and help them. Claims adjusters know that if they can keep a claimant negotiating, there is a high probability of a successful settlement in favor of the insurance company. You cannot beat experts at their game it is better to hire an attorney who has experience dealing with these types of claims.

Source by geoffrey horace

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There is a scope for many types of accidents due to the nature of the job which is being done and the workers involved are more at risk. Since these workers belong to very low income group people, most of them do not get themselves insured and if any accident happens with them at work, it becomes the contractor’s liability to get them treated and make necessary arrangement for medicines and other facilities. Getting them insured against any injury or death at work is also the responsibility of the contractor and the Contractors Liability Insurance California helps them in this regard. This type of insurance plan covers the workers from the injuries or death at work due to accidents or any other calamities.

The business owner or contractor needs to ensure at least $1 million in order to get the insurance approved and accepted by the insurers. The contractor needs to discuss the insurance amount coverage for every worker with the insurance providing company. Contractors liability insurance companies of California provide all the required information related to this type of insurance. They help the clients in understanding the different rules which govern this type of insurance, the terms and conditions of insurance, the most suitable insurance policies which the firm can avail in order to cover the contract labors against any physical damage due to any type of accident at work etc.

The contractors are safeguarded against many types of compensations which are demanded from time to time by the help of Contractors Liability Insurance California. The policies which they offer to the contractors come at a nominal premium and are best suited for the contractors covering many aspects which relate to Workmans compensations.

The important thing which needs to be kept in mind while choosing the best suited contractors liability insurance provider California is to do a proper market research and take quotations from various firms and select the best suited one which offers maximum benefits at minimum premium.

Source by Scott Gonnerman

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The biggest concern for pregnant women who are not working is how to obtain health coverage. What are the solutions for them to get themselves protected financially during pregnancy? In fact, there are a few types of medical assistance they can get through the government as well as the private insurance providers.

First of all, let’s take a look at the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is the federal law that prevents insurance providers to take pregnancy as a pre-existing exclusion for the health insurance. This applies especially to women who are switching to new jobs or new health plans. This law also forbids the employers’ group health plans from imposing a pre-existing exclusion for new staff who are pregnant.

Medicaid is a federal funded program for low income women and families. It provides health coverage for women who are currently pregnant. On the other hand, Maternity Advantage is a discounted health program that helps individuals and families to save health care costs up to 60%. This program is offered by a National Provider Maternity Network which covers doctor visits, lab work, sonograms, hospitalization fee, etc. AmeriPlan is another type of discounted program which enables the individuals and families to get 50% discount on the cost for hospital stays, lab work, physician services and other types of ancillary services. All the pregnant women are allowed to enjoy the benefits.

Caring for the mothers and babies during pregnancy is essential. If you can’t afford for an expensive health care plan, don’t be upset. There are many affordable medical plans waiting for you.

Source by Jeslyn Jessy