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John Stewart

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“I’m thinking about seeing a chiropractor. Oh, but chiropractic isn’t covered by health insurance, right?” Wrong! I get this question all the time. When someone is making the decision to choose chiropractic to take care of their health issue, they have to go through several decision processes.

First, will chiropractic help my problem? Typically, they are dealing with pain and aren’t getting much help from other methods they’ve tried to resolve it. They may have tried over-the-counter pain medications, maybe even some stronger versions prescribed by their doctor. They may have bought a brace or support, changed their bed, or just tried to rest for awhile. Nothing’s working.

Next they consider the location of the chiropractor. Are they close? Can I get to the office during their office hours? If this all fits, the person will eventually start to realize their is a cost involved and will start considering whether or not their insurance will cover all or at least part of the cost of going to see a chiropractor.

Does insurance cover chiropractic? In most cases, it does. There is not going to be “unlimited treatment for an unlimited time,” but there will be some coverage. Most insurance will place two types of limitations on coverage; either they will limit the total dollar amount they will pay, or they will limit the total number of times you can visit the chiropractor in a given year.

Will the amount of insurance coverage be enough for all of your treatment? It really depends on what’s wrong. Most health insurance is not set up to handle “wellness care,” that is, treatment when you’re already feeling pretty good. Health insurance is usually there to help in time of crisis. You have a heart attack, you’ve been involved in a car accident, or you back is so painful you can’t get to work. That’s a crisis.

The best way to find out if your insurance covers chiropractic and to find out what limitations are present, is to contact the office you want to go see. Many offices will verify your insurance benefits before you even go into the office. This way, you’ll know what you’re in for before you set foot in the door. Choosing your chiropractor only by your out-of-pocket expense is not usually the best way to find a doctor (or any service for that matter), but it’s helpful to get as much information as possible.

Source by Philip V. Cordova

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So you’re out there to get disability insurance but you have no idea how much these plans normally cost. You can canvas through the insurance companies and compare which plans provide you with the best rate that go with your lifestyle and budget.

Normally, disability insurance cost is 1 to 3 percent of your annual salary. This is for a good disability plan. That means if you are earning $60,000 in a year, your disability insurance cost is $600 to $1800. If you think about it, it is a good price to pay for assurance that you can expect money in a period of your life when you are unable to work.

At least by paying the disability insurance cost, you can get the money that you need at the time when you need it the most.

Disability insurance cost provides income that will help you pay off your living expenses if you cannot work for a significant length of time due to illness or injury. The benefit payments can amount to 60 percent of your total salary.

That is why most employees stay with corporations that offer this benefit. One does not know what the future has in store. Like what they say, it’s better to have it and not need it that need it and not have it. Because of this more and more employees are investing in disability insurance.

But the disability insurance cost also has policies regarding the waiting period of when this will take effect. The pay benefits also depend on the longevity of the plan. This is for the short-term disability insurance cost.

As for the long term disability insurance cost, the waiting period is longer. It can even last for months. As for the benefits, it could be paid in a couple of years or for the rest of the borrower’s life.  The waiting period and the payment period really depend on the plan and as stated in the policy terms.

These also depend on the state. Different states have different policies and terms regarding the disability insurance cost, waiting period, and payment period.  For examples, New York, New Jersey,, Hawaii, and Rhode Island require their employers to give them disability benefits of 26 weeks maximum.

Some employers give their employees short term disability insurance even when the employees have paid the premiums.

But just like any bargain, there is a catch to disability insurance cost. The premiums are lower for plans that have longer waiting periods. If the employee can wait, then he can opt for these plans. He just has to make sure that nothing happens to his health before the plan takes effect.

Source by Ricky Lim

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Hey there, it’s Tripp, better known as the Life Insurance Whiz.

So I see you’re hunting for “life insurance high point”. Before you make another click, run over to http://www.LifeInsuranceSecretReport.com and snag my FREE, easy to read, 16pg report exposing “33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off”.

Because chances are, up until now, you’ve been overwhelmed with…

-Thousands of websites trying to entice you with cute family photos and unrealistic offers.

-Companies trying to duke it out with who’s got the lowest quotes…who’s been around for 800 years.

Your brain is probably shutting down from information overload. As a matter of fact…you may have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole dang thing!

Well, this report of Life Insurance Insider’s Secrets is going to make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.

You see…over the years I’ve learned that those things just don’t impress people anymore. When they’re searching for “life insurance high point”, what they’re really looking for is someone that’s REAL and relatable to give them the straight up facts, without just trying to make a quick buck off of them.

And unfortunately, I’ve witnessed first-hand just how rare that is to find.

That is until now.

Introducing my latest report: “33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off”

This Easy-to-Read 16pg FREE REPORT Uncovers:

What are the Different Types?
…Most people get these confused, which could cost you BIG

Things to Consider
…These will cause you to stop dead in your tracks and FACE THE FACTS

Yeah, But Do I Really Need It?
…A simple formula to prove whether you really need it or not

33 Secret Tips to Not Get RIPPED OFF
…Secrets tips agents don’t freely tell, that you must know

Who is Tripp?
…Who I am and why you should listen to me

In My “Not-So-Smart” Days
…What I use to do wrong and how it now benefits you

The Inside Scoop
…Some dirt on why insurance agents are so darn pushy

What Makes Me “The Whiz”
…10 Things that put me head and shoulders above the other guys

What Happens Next
…Okay so you’re strapped with knowledge on what to watch out for. NOW WHAT?

So ditch those thousands of boring company websites that are stealing your time and that you probably don’t even understand anyway, and head over to http://www.LifeInsuranceSecretReport.com to snag your copy of the real truth…free of charge.

Meet you there!


Source by The Life Insurance Whiz

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In New Jersey and around the US, flooding is one of the natural disasters that is not covered by homeowners insurance policies and yet they can be the most damaging to your home. New Jersey is known for its flooding potential. With every hurricane and tropical storm that the Northeast sees, New Jersey is bound to experience some amount of flooding from it. This is caused by a number of reasons, but most simply it is because the state’s drainage systems are overburdened and the large amount of water simply has nowhere else to go.

In New Jersey, floods and flash floods can occur at any time. Whenever there is a large amount of rainfall, there is typically flooding in some area of the state. There are several reasons for the flooding in New Jersey in addition to an overburdened drainage system. In the winter, ice blocks the drains and the water from the melting snow has nowhere else to go. With new homes being built every day, the lay of the land is constantly changing and so is the natural drainage paths of the land. When a new home is built, the new water drainage path could easily lead to your back door.

Just about everyone lives in a flood zone in New Jersey. Flood zones are mapped out geographic areas that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has created to define the various flood risk levels in the United States, including New Jersey. Unfortunately, the maps for New Jersey are often older than ten years, which means that they are actually changing everyday with the new construction and development that takes place in the state. Flood zones are depicted on these maps and each zone represents the likelihood and severity of flooding in a particular area. These maps can be vital in determining whether you should purchase NJ flood insurance.

A NJ flood insurance policy is offered under the National Flood Insurance Program service provided by the US government. In those communities who participate in this program, NJ flood insurance is available to every property owner and renter, whether a home or business. Even those areas that have a low to moderate risk are able to cover themselves with a NJ flood insurance policy. In those areas that are high risk, mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements apply to those zones.

The National Flood Insurance Program is your source with New Jersey flood insurance. New Jersey communities that participate in this program allow you to purchase NJ flood insurance from licensed private insurance companies as well as independent insurance agents. These agents are able to answer your questions related to these policies. There is typically a standard 30-day waiting period from the date you purchase your flood insurance to when it goes into effect if you do not live in a high-risk area. If you live in a home that is in a high-risk area, then flood insurance is mandatory when you receive your mortgage loan. At the time of purchase, it is required by law that the lender requires you purchase flood insurance and regularly renew your flood insurance in order to comply with the terms of your mortgage. If you do live in a high-risk area, your New Jersey flood insurance policy is immediately in affect.

Flood insurance not only covers the mechanical and structural aspects of your home, but with additional coverage, flood insurance can replace all of your belongings including clothing, furniture, décor and even the food that you may have lost in a New Jersey flood.

Source by Martin Van Nostrand

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Working with insurance companies after an auto accident can be a complicated and frustrating process. When a car is badly damaged, many insurance adjustors will consider it a “total loss” and begin the settlement process. Often times, adjustors will try to settle on a replacement vehicle that the accident victim feels is an unfair substitute.

If you have been in an accident and are working with your insurance company, it is important to have proper knowledge of the situation to avoid an unfair settlement. The following tips could help ensure you receive a proper settlement:

1.) Insurance papers can be extremely technical and confusing. Before you sign any papers, make sure you fully understand what you’re agreeing to. Research any terminology or phrases you do not understand. Also, do not be afraid to contact your insurance company and ask any all questions you may have pertaining to the documents they wish for you to sign.

2.) If your car is no longer drivable after the accident, your insurance company must provide you with a rental car. The insurance company may try to put you in a smaller rental car in an attempt to save money. However, they are obligated to provide a rental that is the same size as the vehicle you were driving at the time of the accident. In addition, if you do not use a rental car for a period of time after the accident, you are entitled to monetary compensation from your insurance company, ranging from $20 to $25 dollars each day.

3.) Research the value of your car at the time of the accident using your local classifieds or websites such as autotrader.com. Insurance companies tend to value your car by finding similar vehicles as close to your home as possible. Many times, this results in an unfair offer. You are not required to accept the adjustor’s first settlement offer if you think it is less valuable than your previous vehicle. If this happens, simply counter-offer with copies of vehicles you have found in your own research.

4.) Do not keep the rental car longer than the insurance company permits. You will be held responsible for additional charges. Your insurance company will provide a rental vehicle from the date of the accident until they make a “reasonable offer” for your replacement car. Return the rental the moment the adjustor tells you, even if your settlement check has not arrived.

Source by Kenneth Christensen

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United HealthCare has recently announced its partnership with the National Restaurant Association. They are joining forces to help an industry that has a higher prevalence of the uninsured: food service workers. Many of these employees work part time, which either leaves them ineligible for health insurance or unable to afford their employers’ offerings. Moreover, workers are highly transient in the industry, possibly switching jobs before any required waiting period lapses.

Due to these and several other factors, estimates state that there are up to six million restaurant employees who are uninsured. They are 10 percent of those currently without health insurance, often pointed to as an example of the necessity of comprehensive healthcare reform. Granted, those estimates do not detail how many restaurant employees are undocumented immigrants, who are not covered by the legislation regardless.

The majority of restaurants are run by small business owners. Like other small businesses, independent entities and franchisees alike have been squeezed by soaring group health insurance expenses. In many cases, they forgo offering coverage altogether. Next year, the industry’s premier lobbying group (the National Restaurant Association) looks to change that, with the assistance of United Health.

What are their proposals for making health insurance more affordable to their employees? First, United Health Care will soon launch a dedicated website with a list of health coverage options at a variety of levels. The Web portal will include both employee benefit options and discount individual choices; the latter in the event that a restaurant refuses to offer insurance. However, UnitedHealth is adamant that their small group options will include catastrophic coverage and preventative care for 10 to 20 percent less than standard offerings in the market.

There are several catches: United reserves the right to continue denying coverage to employees with pre-existing conditions until the federal healthcare reform law bans them from doing so in 2014. In addition, the Web portal is only a pilot program at the moment. It will launch in Colorado and Pennsylvania initially. Within the next year, several other states will follow suit.

If the program is successful, United HealthCare and the NRA plan to expand nationwide. They also hope to create specialized small group health insurance coverage options geared specifically towards restaurants and their employees in the future, which may further lower rates.

Source by Yamileth Medina

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People today are always in the search of making a quick buck. This shouldn’t be so condemnable, but the sad part about all of this is that these things often happen in detriment of others. There are lots of ways you can look at a problem like this, but it is dishonest.

Let’s say you have your own business. Things are going well, you make a little profit, enough pay the bills, have some fun and still put something aside for a rainy day. Have you ever thought about what kind of risks you are exposed to?

Business theft is something that occurs on a daily basis. Sure, robberies are unfortunately quite common, but these are not the only things your business is exposed to. Most of these unpleasant occurrences do not come from outsiders, but from inside your company.

There are lots of way you can fight business theft. For instance, security options are various when it involves maintaining the control of your business. Security guards and alarm systems offer great help when it comes to outsiders that are trying to steal from you. Security cameras can provide information about any inside and outside interference.

When it comes to employees, the best way to prevent business theft is to do a complete background check before the actual employment. You need to know all the details of these people so you can make the right decision. The most determinant factors are information from the resume, if it’s accurate or not, any criminal record, drug use, driving offenses, especially if the job involves driving a car, and many others.

Even if you have all the necessary precautionary measures taken, there may be some situations when they slip up. Because of this, business theft should be viewed from a different angle, and when all else fails, you need to turn to a back-up plan.

This back-up plan implies business theft insurance. You may have cameras and alarm systems, but these can be disabled. Security guards have the same problems. Even computers and their security can be broken, which may result in significant damages.

Business theft insurance is here to help you. In more than one ways, your business can be a victim of other people that are trying to make a profit out of ripping you off. There are lots of examples that can show you situations when people have lost entire projects on a simple mistake.

When it comes to business theft insurance, many people make the common mistake of thinking they already have one. If you want to know the exact terms of what your insurance has to offer you, then you should seek the advice of professionals.

One of the most reliable companies on today’s market can be found at businesstheft.com. Here you will find all the options you need to keep your company safe from thieves, villains and renegade employees. This is also the place where you will find much needed advice on business theft insurance, how much damage it can prevent and how good you will sleep at night from that point on.

Source by Alice Campbell

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Eulalia Raymundo started her prenatal care with a smile and an ultrasound showing the first signs of a baby girl she would call Selina.

Her joy has turned to worry as she learned she is among more than 6,000 pregnant women in Nebraska who suddenly might be without prenatal medical coverage as a result of a change in the state’s Medicaid system.

Like Raymundo, a Guatemala native having her fifth child, about 1,000 are undocumented immigrants.

But an additional 5,000 poor, pregnant women who were born in this country or who are legal residents also are caught up in a revision of state policy that has many health care and immigrant advocates outraged.The revision has some state lawmakers questioning why Gov. Dave Heineman and top Medicaid officials did not propose any answers or seek legislative action.

“Either the governor is not in fact concerned about it, or he has passed the buck to the Legislature,” said State Sen. Danielle Conrad of Lincoln.

The governor’s spokeswoman, Jen Rae Hein, said Friday that Heineman “is reviewing the issue.”

Several state senators have embarked on a frantic search for a solution.

“I think this is the biggest pro-life issue in the Legislature this year,” said Sen. Jeremy Nordquist of Omaha.

Nebraska has long provided Medicaid coverage of prenatal care based on an unborn child’s eligibility, not the pregnant woman’s.

The policy has allowed pregnant women to receive care even if they cannot qualify for Medicaid on their own. That includes undocumented immigrants, such as Raymundo, who are barred from getting federal benefits themselves.

Nebraska has provided them with prenatal care to give their children, who are expected to be born as U.S. citizens, the best start possible.

The policy also affects pregnant women whose incomes are near the cutoff for Medicaid. They qualify only if their unborn child is included as a family member.

But the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services notified the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services in early December that the Nebraska policy violates federal rules, which do not allow coverage for an unborn child.

In a letter dated Nov. 30, a regional CMS official offered a couple of options for the state to continue prenatal care for those women.

One would be through the state’s children’s health insurance program.

The Nebraska program, called Kids Connection, now covers children ineligible for Medicaid because their family income is too high. Under federal law, the program also could be used to cover unborn children.

The financial impact of going this route is unclear. The federal government provides a higher match for Kids Connection than for Medicaid, which would help the state’s bottom line.

But the income cutoff for Kids Connection is 200 percent of the federal poverty line. The cutoff for Medicaid prenatal care has been 185 percent.

That means additional women might qualify for coverage, increasing the cost to the state.

A family of two could make as much as $26,955 under the 185 percent cutoff. At 200 percent, a family of two could have an income as high as $29,140.

The second option would be a program funded 100 percent by the state.

So far, state officials have taken neither option.

Kerry Winterer, HHS chief executive officer, told a legislative committee this week that the department cannot act on its own to continue the coverage.

“We’ve looked at this in every way that we can,” he said. “Essentially, it becomes a legislative issue.”

Winterer acknowledged that the department did not offer legislation or seek sponsors.

A letter notifying senators about the issue was not sent until Jan. 15, near the end of the 10-day bill introduction period. The only option mentioned in the letter was a state-funded program.

Some senators said lawmakers share the responsibility for not offering legislation.

“I think it was probably the senators that dropped the ball,” said Sen. Tom Hansen of North Platte.

Some advocacy groups learned of the issue in December but said they did not realize legislation might be needed.

Jim Cunningham of the Nebraska Catholic Conference said he understood that HHS could make an administrative change in Kids Connection to continue the coverage.

Sen. Tim Gay of Papillion, chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, said a group of senators now is starting to collect information and work toward a solution.

If legislation is needed, lawmakers could suspend the rules to allow introduction of a new bill, or they could amend an existing bill dealing with Medicaid.

“Bills aren’t drafted in a day,” Gay said. “We’re still defining the problem, if you ask me.”

In the meantime, HHS is moving ahead to end coverage.

A notice sent to Medicaid providers Thursday said prenatal coverage for undocumented immigrants is to end immediately.

Medicaid will continue to pay for delivery and birthing services, which are considered emergency care.

HHS workers are reviewing cases of the 5,000 other women to see whether they can qualify for Medicaid through other means. If not, their coverage will end March 1.

Raymundo said she doesn’t know how she’ll cope with the loss of prenatal coverage.

She can get care on a sliding fee schedule at OneWorld Community Health Care Centers, a federally subsidized clinic.

But the sliding fee doesn’t apply to lab tests and services performed elsewhere. She is not sure how she would pay for those, as her husband’s packinghouse income already is stretched paying for four children ages 9 to 2. He has no medical insurance, she said.

“I hope God will help us,” she said.

Dr. Carl Smith of the University of Nebraska Medical Center said the fear is that without coverage, women will choose to forego certain procedures, endangering baby and mother.

At the least, experts say, it could lead to greater costs related to a sick child after delivery.

“It has the potential to make Nebraska look even worse than it looks already in terms of infant mortality and premature delivery rates,” Smith said.

Dr. Kris McVea, chief medical officer at OneWorld, said the clinic estimates that it will lose $650,000 annually if undocumented women are not covered by Medicaid.

Of the estimated 1,000 undocumented women who are likely to be affected, about 600 are treated through OneWorld.

McVea said she cannot understand why state officials and the governor don’t make the administrative change to cover the women affected.

“It is such an easy thing to do,” she said. “It will save lives, prevent birth defects. I can’t imagine why someone would ever oppose this.”

She said the babies are going to be the ones bearing the brunt of the changes.

“They’re American citizens.”

Source by chris walker

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Ladder safety begins with selecting the right ladder for the job and includes inspection, setup, proper climbing or standing, proper use, care, and storage. This combination of safe equipment and its safe use can eliminate most ladder accidents.

Always check a ladder before using it. Inspect wood ladders for cracks or splits. Inspect metal and fiberglass ladders for bends and breaks. Never use a damaged ladder. Tag it “Defective” and report it to your supervisor.

When setting up an extension ladder, make sure it’s straight and sitting firmly on the ground or floor. If one foot sits lower, build up the surface with firm material, don’t set it on boxes, bricks or other unstable bases. Lean the ladder against something solid, but not against a glass surface. Make sure the ladder is placed at a safe angle, with the base away from the wall or edge of the upper level about one foot for every four feet of vertical height. Keep ladders away from doorways or walkways, unless barriers can protect them.

Keep the steps and rungs of the ladder free of grease, paint, mud or slippery material. And remember to clean debris off your shoes before climbing. Always face the ladder when climbing up or down, using both hands to keep a good grip on the rails or rungs. Never carry heavy or bulky loads up the ladder. Climb up yourself first, and then pull up the material with a rope or bucket.

Many ladder accidents occur because of slipping or skidding. You can prevent these accidents by equipping the ladder with non-slip safety feet, blocking its base and tying it to a sound, permanent structure.

Overreaching is probably the most common cause of falls from ladders. A good rule is to always keep your belt buckle inside the rails of a ladder. Don’t try to move a ladder while you’re on it by rocking, jogging or pushing it away from the supporting wall.

When you’ve finished the job, properly store the ladder so it won’t be exposed to excessive heat or dampness and will be in good condition for the next time.

Source by Haig Artan

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Online iPhone 4g Insurance companies are the most challenging to find. The internet search engines have been crowded by a rising number of spammers. However GoTronics is an online company which is still in a very great position to provide you with reliable and quality services. iPhone 4g Insurance new customers come to our offices daily because of the reputation which we have built over time. References from our past iPhone 4g Insurance customers are accumulating with every turning day. Upon request, we can provide you with their contacts from our archive so you can be able to verify our status. Within the GoTronics iPhone 4g Insurance plans, you can always find a section which may benefit you at some particular time.

GoCare iPhone 4g Insurance ensures that all iPhone 4g Insurance clients are satisfied with the services which we provide to them. As a business, we understand how our future lie in the hands of our satisfied customers, settling for less may just kick us out of the field and we can never take such a risky move. We are a reliable, fast and very efficient iPhone 4g Insurance company which can always guarantee you quality iPhone 4g Insurance services. Our prices are competitive with the current iPhone 4g Insurance trends. In comparison with most online companies, you can never come across one that matches our iPhone 4g Insurance services. Your satisfaction is what we are always working hard to achieve.

Our desire is to offer iPhone 4g Insurance services which can profit us, therefore, the satisfaction which we offer our customers stays in first place. GoCare iPhone 4g Insurance works towards having all your iphone 4g problems promptly tacked and any technical issues adequately resolved. The duration for handling different problems with your iphone 4g may differ depending on complexity, however, the GoCare iPhone 4g Insurance technicians and staffs are ever dedicatedly working at having your iphone 4g restored as effectively as possible. If by any chance you are not satisfied with our services, such issues should be submitted for them to be followed up.

GoCare iPhone 4g Insurance is the number one online iPhone 4g Insurance company. This is attributed highly to the fact that we work with integrity, are quick, honest, reliable and efficient. Our customers concerns are amicably resolved leaving no stones unturned whenever an issue presents itself. For  GoCare iPhone 4g Insurance to be able to stay long in the field of iPhone 4g Insurance service provisions,  its customers have to be treated well, this is well understood by us and practiced every single minute. It is so satisfying to work with a company which understands your needs and respects them.

Source by WebinXs

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If you own a boat, then you need to consider obtaining marine insurance. Once you apply, your premium in relation to navigation, must always be met with full compliance. Navigation territory belongs to the limits they have in store for you. This means that you need to navigate your boat in the territory defined limit. Completely filling the requirements of your insurance company gives you the security of your policy. Do not, however, rejected an insurance company bond and may not reimburse you for your policy.

Navigation area has several categories. You can use this guide to choose the area of navigation.

There are several categories related to the port you may want to consider:

1. Inland waterways and coastal – This area extends up to 5 who are miles away from the coast. If ever you will go to an island 5 miles off the coast, you can still enjoy this area, provided they do not navigate away from 5 miles from the nearest land. Discuss this land navigation with your insurer so you can fully know the limits of this policy.
Puerto risk land As the name implies, you can choose to use this territory if the marine vessel is not in the water. If you decide to put your boat in the water, you should contact your insurance company or of another territorial coverage.
Puerto risk territorial board You can have this insurance if your boat is actually in the water and not going anywhere. Think of this as an area for navigation “parked” the boat. Any form of movement of the ship instantly nullify the claim that territory.
2. Navigating with a distance from the coast – this territory requires a large ship-type of discussion or negotiation. This means that some boats have different limits than other boats. If you have a boat fully equipped with professional team, you can have up to 250 miles. If you ever stray outside the limits, accidents (loss of equipment, for example) will not be covered.
3. Travel Navigation – This refers to the coverage of a long passage that leads to their ships beyond the usual limits. If you travel from one place to another, then you must have this policy area. If the boat is on a trip and do not have the correct shipping claim territory, something not lost refund. If insurance has paid trip and the trip did not happen due to their own reasons, keep in mind that the policy can not be refunded.
4. Navigation Canal – Navigating from any channel also has a bonus area navigation. Is not covered by any of the above policies. Like the trip shipping premium will be refunded if not for this use and not go into a travel channel.

Navigating his boat to safer territory must be met with full compliance. This ensures that you will always be reimbursed by any accident you might get into.

Source by Yvonne Corilla

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Dental Discount Plans have become increasing popular. You will see ads for them everywhere. But there are differences between the plans and you need to understand these differences before you buy one for yourself and your family.

The first and most important thing to know is that a dental plan is not dental insurance. A dental plan is a fee-for-service plan. You will pay for the services you receive from a dentist. However, you will pay a discounted fee for that service. You may not go to any dentist. In order to get the fee advertised, you will have to go to the dentists listed on the network of the plan you buy. Do not go to any dentist not on the list because as a non-participating provider they are not obligated to honor the discount fee and will charge you their regular fee for the service provided.

Just because it’s not insurance doesn’t mean it’s not a good option. For many people it is a much better option than traditional dental insurance. What are the advantages of a dental plan over dental insurance? There actually are many and the first and most important is price. On average dental insurance will cost about $40 per person per month. A family of 4 may pay as much as $150 per month. If part of that premium is paid by an employer, this may be worth it. But for individuals who do not have dental insurance through an employee, this cost may be prohibitive.

Dental plans charge consumers a membership fee which allows the consumer to get services from a participating dentist at significantly discounted rates. What do I mean by a participating provider? When you purchase a membership in a dental plan, you will get two things. First, a list of services showing the usual rate charged for this service and the rate a participating dentist will charge members of this plan. The discounts can be significant but be wary of plans that offer discounts that are too good. More about that in a moment.

The second list you will get is a list of dentists who are part of the plan network. These dentists are the participating providers. They have agreed to charge the members of a specific plan the amount listed on the fee schedule. When you visit a participating dentist be sure that you have a copy of the fee schedule that was listed by the plan when you purchased your membership. That will insure that you are charged the correct amount for the service provided.

The cost of a membership will vary by plan, location and the number of dentists in the network. However, the cost of a membership is significantly less than the cost of traditional dental insurance. For instance, membership in a good discount dental plan may cost an individual as little as $105 a year and a family of 4 as little as $150 a year to join. What is a good discount dental plan and how can you choose correctly?

It is very important to compare all the plans available in your area. Use a site like Prestige Dental Planners to locate the dental plans in your area and compare the benefits offered by each company. By entering a zip code, you will be shown all the plans in your area. Look carefully at the benefits and fee schedules offered. Look very closely at the list of participating dentists. It will not do you any good to buy a membership in a plan that has only a few dentists or only has dentists who are located many miles from your home.

Not all plans are offered in all areas. It is important to enter your zip code and then look at the available plans. Look at the fee schedule. Compare all of them. Some plans have been known to inflate the cost of a service to make it seem like the discount is better than it is. Check several fee schedules to get a true picture of what dental services in your area really cost.

The plan will tell you if it is a nationwide or regional plan. Think about how you will use the plan before you make a selection. A family that has children who are away at school may need a nationwide plan with participating dentists in many different locations.

One thing that has helped the reliability of dental plans in recent years is the participation of carriers who in the past only wrote traditional dental insurance. Aetna is a leader in this area, as it now offers several different dental plans, as well as continuing to offer traditional dental insurance to both individuals and employers. There may be an advantage to going with a well known carrier who offers both dental insurance and dental plans. These carriers already have networks of participating providers in their insurance networks. You may find that the number of participating dentists in their networks is very large. You may even find your own dentist is a participant. But don’t assume anything. Even if you recognize the name of the carrier, do your comparison of the plans in your area.

In addition to price, dental plans have other advantages over dental insurance. There are no waiting periods. Dental insurance, especially for what are called major services, require you to be on the plan for a specific number of months before they will pay a benefit. A crown, for instance, will not be paid for under a dental insurance plan until you have been on the insurance for 12 months. With a dental plan, you can buy a crown at the discounted rate immediately.

There is no annual maximum with a dental plan as there is with dental insurance. Your benefits will not be limited. As long as you can afford the fee listed on the schedule, you can use the services as often as needed.

Certain service like cosmetic dentistry are never available as part of a dental insurance plan. Some of the dental plans will offer services such as cosmetic procedures at a discounted rate.

Finally, a word about orthodontia. Braces, whether for children or adults, are rarely covered under dental insurance unless the plan is offered through an employer with more than 10 employees. Even if orthodontia is offered, it may be subject to the annual maximum for the plan. There is now a dental plan which if exclusively a nationwide orthodontic discount plan. This plan offers discounts of 15% to 20% but only from the orthodontists participating in their network. The plan also requires an additional yearly membership. However, considering the price of braces and other orthodontic appliances, it may be worth the fee. It may even be worth your while to join this plan if you have dental insurance with a low annual maximum or one that does not cover orthodontia. Make sure you can find an orthodontist in your area that you like and trust before committing to another plan.

Dental plans have come a long way since they were first introduced as discount cards. They are affordable and for the right consumers they can provide a significant savings and insure that you and your family members get the regular dental treatments you should have to protect your health and well being.

Source by Sheila Guilloton

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In a bid to encourage their customers to become healthier, Prudential Insurance, one of Britain’s biggest insurers, is to offer large discounts on holidays. The idea is to start ‘paying’ people to adopt lifestyle changes that will be beneficial to them, like going to the gym, stopping smoking or buying more fruit and vegetables. If customers take on these changes to their daily life, they will be eligible for some attractive rewards.

The move by Prudential comes after Brits topped the table for being Europe’s fattest nation, with almost 60 per cent of women in England and Scotland being overweight or obese, and around two thirds of men being declared as too heavy for their height.

The rewards on offer include a £10 return ticket on the Eurostar to Paris, Lille or Brussels, three times a year. Or a 40 per cent discount off unlimited breaks from travel company Mark Warner every year; and with their holidays costing an average of £2,000, Prudential’s healthy clients could make a saving of around £800.

Chief executive of PruHealth and PruProtect, Shaun Mattison said, “The most telling statistics show today’s children will have lower life expectancy than their parents. This is the first time that this has happened. One third of cancers can be avoidable due to lifestyle choices, mainly obesity and cutting out smoking. We all know what we should be doing to look after ourselves, but we need encouragement to make these changes.”

The scheme applies to customers who purchase the PruHealth private medical insurance product, or the life insurance policy PruProtect. All clients begin the plan on Bronze membership despite their weight and fitness and can earn ‘Vitality’ points to move up through the other levels, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

The points are gained in a number of ways from 10 points for going to the gym, to 200 points for stopping smoking.

The higher the membership level, the better the benefits customers can expect. An example of this is with the return tickets on Eurostar, with Bronze members paying £75, Silver members paying £50, Gold members £25 and Platinum members only having to pay £10.

Policy adviser Matt Morris of LifeSearch, a specialist financial advice company said, “If they are using these extras to flog a poor product then that would be a problem. But these products stack up on there own. From the company’s point of view, the healthier customers keep themselves, the less likely they are to have to pay out so it is a win both ways.”

The proposal is to be introduced by Prudential at a time when people have less disposable income, in a hope the incentives will be more appealing to people who are looking to make savings.

With firms also charging higher premiums for overweight or obese people, ‘fat tax’ has resulted in out of shape people struggling to afford the cost of life insurance.

A healthy 55 year old man, who is a non smoker and with no weight problems, would have to pay an average of £1,000 a year for a £150,000 life insurance policy. However, an obese man of the same age would find that their annual premium for a 25 year cover policy would cost them an extra £500.

Source by Phil

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The notion of public health insurance has become one of the most hotly debated topics in the last few years. With a new administration in office, as well as rapidly changing viewpoints from both liberal and conservative parties, it’s no wonder that there has been no clear solution to this issue thus far. While many people are in favor of implementing a public health plan that would do away with individual insurance coverage, there is also a large group of people on the other side of the coin who believe that this would be a terrible mistake. And while everyone has their reasons, it’s hard to tell who is right and who is wrong.

At this point, most of the country has seen at least one debate or piece of television news coverage regarding public health insurance, and many people have a concrete idea of where they stand, despite not knowing all of the facts necessary for making an educated decision. Many of the people who support public health insurance do so for a variety of reasons. For instance, public health insurance proponents say that if a public plan was implemented, everyone would become entitled to equal coverage and those without current benefits would no longer have to go through life knowing that they aren’t covered by insurance. The idea isn’t that only would everyone be insured, but rates would go down significantly, since the variables involved with determining rates for individual insurance plans would no longer apply. Obviously, these seem like good things for Americans, and it is hard to argue that.

The fact is, however, there are people out there debating public health insurance who believe that the loss of individual insurance plans would be detrimental to the country. These people have their own individual reasons for going against the idea of public health insurance, but many of them point to the loss of individuality and civil liberties. For instance, there are many Americans who pay a small fortune for private health insurance, and do so for a reason – they can get a $3000 MRI for a $20 co pay. When people seem concerned about implementing public health insurance, many times it is because they fear losing this ability. Of course, there is a whole host of people who view such acts as “abuse” of insurance and the medical system, but these people are indeed paying quite a bit of money for their plans, so their viewpoint tends to be “why not make use of what you’re paying for?” It is hard to tell who is right in this situation, as it basically comes down to individual worldviews.

In the end, it is safe to assume that, because of radically different views on both sides, integrating public health insurance into our medical system is not going to happen overnight, if at all. In order for a peaceful result, both sides must reconcile their differences and find a common factor that they can agree upon. While that day may seem far in the future, the Obama administration is working to change that.

For more information on health insurance, visit http://nopublichealthinsurance.org

Source by John Parks

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Almost immediately President Obama took control of the White House, the combined majorities in both chambers were used to enact the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA). As has become the norm, the Republican party opposed the law. So, now that we have one year of experience, it’s interesting to revisit the Act to see whether this allegedly socialist measure has worked for good or the evil predicted by the GOP. The purpose was to help the millions of children whose parents had fallen on hard times and could no longer afford private family health plans. In effect, the recession was creating an underclass of children who were potentially uninsured. By making an immediate transfer of funds to individual states, local governments were able to expand their own medical coverage programs to admit more families in need. The current estimate is that about 2.5 million children were allowed into either Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This was achieved by a simple change. All but two of the 50 US states have used the additional federal funding to cover a family of four where the parents earn up to $48,000. This is significantly more than the national poverty level and allows more people into the state schemes albeit, in all but nineteen states, the parents must pay a small monthly premium and some out-of-pocket expenses. Despite increasing the family income threshold, the extent of the coverage has actually reduced in fifteen states. The politics of entitlement is always a complicated affair. The CHIPRA process has required some states to dismantle some of their bureaucratic barriers. Fast track or express lane procedures have been put in place to avoid long waiting lists and delays. With streamlined enrollment, children have been added to the programs on the basis of immediate need, with the follow-up work of verifying family status and income being completed later. The President’s wish to make the children the main focus of attention has been respected. At an administrative level, there is an improved system for the exchange of information between states, and between states and the federal agencies. The intention is to create a full Electronic Health Record for every child so that, no matter where the child presents with symptoms, his or her records can be made available. If this system can be implemented, the expectation is that the quality of pediatric health care will improve and medical costs will be reduced as the flow of information will improve diagnosis without the need to go through detailed tests every time. There is a budget of $33 billion allocated to cover development of an improved health care delivery service for children. This is a good report card for the first year of additional and targeted funding. Even though some state governments have resisted the federal plan to increase accessibility to Medicaid and CHIP, the number of children newly admitted is encouraging. So, if none of the health insurance quotes you receive when you use this site’s search engine offer you affordable coverage, do not give up. Federal and state funding is available to ensure that your children get the medical treatment they need when it is needed. Of course, this is not going to help if your family earnings are too high. In such cases, you may have to get health insurance quotes for more limited coverage. Otherwise, shop around to find individual doctors or clinics who quote the lowest prices for different treatments. Money can be saved if you take the time to use the internet search engines.

Source by David Mayer

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Teens aged 16 are at an age that is exactly midway in the teens but also a sweet time, when they start thinking of getting part-time jobs, dates, and eager to drive cars. The gas and hit the legs, spastic boy is a girl, and the key to hand, and we look forward to freedom!

Of course, it’s not really free. In fact, even if you can agonizingly steep cost of insurance, driving a car that is statistically low risk and safe driving course teen driving appropriate. Your child often wonders why you keep your keys in your pocket, keep shouting, crying and sweating when you check to see what the price of insurance is.

Insurance rates for teens is higher because as a demographic group, teens usually put more demands on their insurance than other groups. That allows the company to break even on pay-out and operating costs, with a bit over as profit for the company and its stock holders and the way insurance works is by spreading risk over group of similar individuals, charging a price.

The insurance company is going to determine how likely the person being insured is going to need a payout and how much it would be, and then they use that amount to determine how much the premium would be.   This segment of math and science is grouped under the subject of “statistics.”

This is the spot where the preciseness of the numbers squeezes insurance buyers. Statistics show that teenage drivers are involved in more crashes than non teen drivers. A lot more : Not just a bit more. A 16-year-old driver is three times as likely to die in a car crash than any other driver, and that death rate improves very slowly over the next few years.

Teens require far more pay-out than other drivers and the teens have more wrecks, teens cause more wrecks. According to AAA estimates, Teenage accidents result in $34 billion in damage every year. What is yes, billion? To pay for that big, bad $34 billion and it should not surprise you that the insurance companies demand enough extra money.

And then your children claim that they will be carefully, since they are top-drivers, having followed the driving lessons step by step and trained for the case of an accident.

Special ed for emergencies, the statistics improve and the good news is that, first, if you child has taken driver’s ed lessons. They get even better when your teenager waits a year or more before beginning to drive. Certain safety features may save you money since many insurance companies take these factors into account when calculating insurance costs. To a properly educated young driver with extra training and a bit of extra age and it is not impossible to find a responsible company that will grant a lower rate.

first thing you find out who will cover your child for better price is to do your homework this is the best way Assess policies, meet with agents, and always be sure to obtain bids. In the beginning is to go online and search for quotes on driver’s insurance for teens and quotes can be gotten in a number of ways, but one of the quickest.

Then take a good, careful look at your homework and at your child and when you have done your homework, evaluated the plans. Keep at the forefront of your mind how important each of your children are to you and don’t let them take advantage of you.

The reality of your child, carefully, responsibly, it could drive the hour to pay a lot of money on insurance, think like a child … and then, safe driving and will be, hand over the keys.

Source by Ian Wright

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Hey there, it’s Tripp, better known as the Life Insurance Whiz.

So I see you’re hunting for “life insurance danville”. Before you make another click, run over to http://www.LifeInsuranceSecretReport.com and snag my FREE, easy to read, 16pg report exposing “33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off”.

Because chances are, up until now, you’ve been overwhelmed with…

-Thousands of websites trying to entice you with cute family photos and unrealistic offers.

-Companies trying to duke it out with who’s got the lowest quotes…who’s been around for 800 years.

Your brain is probably shutting down from information overload. As a matter of fact…you may have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole dang thing!

Well, this report of Life Insurance Insider’s Secrets is going to make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.

You see…over the years I’ve learned that those things just don’t impress people anymore. When they’re searching for “life insurance danville”, what they’re really looking for is someone that’s REAL and relatable to give them the straight up facts, without just trying to make a quick buck off of them.

And unfortunately, I’ve witnessed first-hand just how rare that is to find.

That is until now.

Introducing my latest report: “33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off”

This Easy-to-Read 16pg FREE REPORT Uncovers:

What are the Different Types?
…Most people get these confused, which could cost you BIG

Things to Consider
…These will cause you to stop dead in your tracks and FACE THE FACTS

Yeah, But Do I Really Need It?
…A simple formula to prove whether you really need it or not

33 Secret Tips to Not Get RIPPED OFF
…Secrets tips agents don’t freely tell, that you must know

Who is Tripp?
…Who I am and why you should listen to me

In My “Not-So-Smart” Days
…What I use to do wrong and how it now benefits you

The Inside Scoop
…Some dirt on why insurance agents are so darn pushy

What Makes Me “The Whiz”
…10 Things that put me head and shoulders above the other guys

What Happens Next
…Okay so you’re strapped with knowledge on what to watch out for. NOW WHAT?

So ditch those thousands of boring company websites that are stealing your time and that you probably don’t even understand anyway, and head over to http://www.LifeInsuranceSecretReport.com to snag your copy of the real truth…free of charge.

Meet you there!


Source by The Life Insurance Whiz

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Today we’ll continue to discuss about cargo insurance. As we mentioned in our previous article we’ll approach such important issues as clauses of the insurance agreement, term of validity of the insurance agreement and factors which influence the underwriting rate.

Personal experience

Financial Director of miracle movers, Toronto movers – we conclude insurance agreements with insurance cover, which depends on cargo types and conditions of delivery. For example, according to ordinary marine policy war risks and strike risks are excluded from the standard cover. That is why in order to extend the standard cover it is necessary to use additional clauses, namely Institute War Clauses and Institute Strikes Clauses, which cover these risks. It goes without saying that cost of insurance policy increases in this case with 0.03-0.05%.

Executive director of miracle movers, corporate moves – special clauses are often used in the insurance agreements. For example, in case of insurance of log or lumber transportation we bear responsibility for changes in cargo qualitative characteristics caused by humidity. In case of insurance of the cargo which needs special temperature conditions, standard agreement clauses, as a rule, do not provide compensation for temperature risks. Such compensations may be included in the agreement for additional charge.

Term of validity of the agreement

Insurance agreements differ according to the term of their validity. Standard for any insurance company is single insurance agreement, which is concluded for certain transportation and is valid from 30 up to 60 days from the day when money are transferred to the account of the insurance company. Within this term the insured party must forward to the insurance company documents, confirming that transportation has been completed (invoice, contract with shipping agent) or documents justifying why transportation has been postponed or impossible. In this case the insurance company will refund money paid as the insurance premium, retaining only a commission stipulated in the agreement. Otherwise the agreement is considered invalid and insurance premium is not refunded. That is why miracle movers, professional office movers advise you to be serious about the terms of delivery.

In case of periodical shipment of homogeneous lots it is more convenient to conclude general insurance agreement for all these shipments (usually it is concluded for a period of one year with possibility of renewal). Such agreements provide for cargo name, mode of transportation, insurance rate, terms of payment and other details of the agreement. General agreement sometimes may contain clause that insurance company apply multiplying or reduction factor to the amount of insurance compensation, in case when terms of shipment changed. Miracle movers, Toronto movers conclude such agreements for their regular corporate customers.

Insured person informs the insurance company about each shipment (the communication mode is stipulated in the agreement) in the day of cargo dispatch, and within 24 hours the insurance company issues policy for concrete dispatch and makes out the invoice for payment of the insurance premium. Periodical payment of the insurance premium is possible when money is transferred, for example, monthly. In this case such named "bordereau", which are drawn up for each payment, are attached to the agreement instead of policies. Insurance company may offer 30 % discount from the insurance cost to the clients concluding agreements for one year. Miracle movers, corporate moves negotiate maximum discount for their regular corporate clients.

Further miracle movers, professional office movers will describe factors which influence the underwriting rate (insurance premium).

The underwriting rate, which must be paid to the insurance company, depends mainly on cargo type, route and transportation mode. Basic index for calculation of the insurance premium is the cargo cost, stated in the agreement, invoice or price-list of the manufacturer.

Insurance company takes into consideration all possible risks during cargo transportation. It is considered that more times cargo is reloaded, higher is the risk and the insurance price. That is why in order to reduce the price of insurance client should submit documents confirming that cargo will be in safety and the risk of occurrence of the insurance event is very low. Documents must contain statement that cargo is packed qualitatively, is protected and is shipped using corresponding vehicle (for example for flowers transportation a special refrigerator is necessary). For more veridical estimation of cargo transportation safety underwriter may apply to surveyors.

It is possible to reduce the insurance price by the means of franchise agreement. It is reasonable to use franchise in case when insured person considers that collection of evidence will be much more expensive than the amount of compensation (i.e. in case of minimal losses it is senseless to obtain compensation). Such condition is often used, for example, for glass transportation insurance (small damages anyway appear, but it is not reasonable to prove them).

It is also possible to reduce the amount of insurance premium when cargo is insured for a sum smaller than its real cost. In this case insurance contribution also decreases, but if the insurance event occurs, the compensation amount reduces proportional to the insured cargo cost.

In our next article we’ll discuss how to obtain the insurance.

Source by Eugene Smith

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An individual having health insurance is protected against running up large an extensive medical expenses.  Health insurance coverage offers folks either partial or full coverage for certain medical procedures and treatments.  On the other hand, life insurance it is an insurance policy that pays what’s called the face value of the life insurance policy to a beneficiary if the person whose life is insured dies.  This value or what’s called the face value of the policy is paid out to the beneficiary in one lump sum payment.

When shopping for life insurance you will find two basic types: these types are what are called whole life and term life insurance.  Term life insurance is much less expensive than full life insurance because of the fact it offers nothing more than simply life insurance coverage in the event that the person who is insured dies.  Term life insurance can be purchased for durations as little as one year or as long as 30 years.  The beneficiary of the term life insurance policy receives the proceeds or the face value of the policy if the person that was insured dies some time during the term of this life insurance policy.  This might explain why so many people decide to wait until they get a little older before making a purchase of life insurance. Not always a wise idea though.

Whole life insurance combines the life insurance protection benefit along with an investment plan.  The premium or the amount of money a person pays every period (monthly, quarterly or yearly) for a whole life policy is split between the life insurance premium and the investment portion of the policy.  The investment vehicle portion of the whole life policy can be invested in mutual funds, money market, on the stock market and bonds and in some cases can be chosen by the person who is insured.  One of the benefits of a whole life insurance policy is that it forces the saving of money for retirement by the person who is insured.  This occurs by taking a portion of the premium and investing it in one of the investment vehicles listed above.  These policies are in reality though, typically loaded with commissions and fees. After taking these costs into consideration, you may decide that this is not the best use of your investment dollars.

As you may have already determined, a life insurance policy differs from that of a health insurance policy.  The price a person will pay for both a life insurance policy and a health insurance policy is determined by an individual’s age and physical well-being or health.  As a general rule, those folks who are healthy and young will pay less for each policy than those folks who are bit older and who may be in poorer general health.

Given the financial choice between the two, it is impossible in this article to advise folks on which is better, a health insurance policy or life insurance policy.  The two are designed to address different needs in a person’s life. A lot of folks find that their employer offers health insurance as well as the option to add on term life insurance coverage for a small or nominal fee.  If you find yourself in this situation by all means take advantage of it.  However when it comes to life insurance, be advised that if you lose your job you lose your life insurance coverage. It may be advisable to look into carrying term life insurance outside of your workplace.

If you find yourself on a budget and need to decide which insurance policy to purchase, this becomes of course determined by how much you can afford to pay each month and of course on your personal situation.  If you find yourself having to choose between a health insurance plan and a life insurance plan, you may want to be advised to choose the health insurance coverage.  Understanding that the health insurance coverage will be more expensive for you each month, bear in mind that it only takes one accident or medical illness to cause you to have enormous medical bills.  Also this is something else to consider.  If you find yourself with large medical bills as a result of not having health insurance, you may want to consider the idea of purchasing a term life insurance policy having a face value that is large enough to pay off your bills.  Your spouse can be designated as your beneficiary.  This way if something were to happen to you, your spouse would not be left with the debt.

If your plan at work does not include a health insurance benefit or you are self employed or simply looking to provide health insurance coverage for yourself and your family outside the workplace environment, a great place to start your research is Blue Cross Blue Shield (www dot BCBS dot com) or Aetna (www dot aetna dot com). This is not necessarily an endorsement but is a good place to start in understanding the types of health insurance plans available out there today. These two large providers operate in most of our 50 states so your likelyhood of learning about the types of health insurance plans available in your state from different insurers is high.

As always, seek the advice of a professional financial planner before deciding on a course of action that you do not fully understand.

Source by Debbie Parkinson

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Processing medical claims and insurance is a time-consuming and complex process. If you are unable to file the claims correctly or if some lapse occurs in maintaining and filing the accurate patient data, your claim may even get rejected. This is why outsourcing your medical and insurance claims processing requirements to a specialized vendor like Rely Services can help you take care of such challenges.

The HIPAA compliant medical claim processing and insurance claims processing services of Rely Services will help you irrespective of whether you are adoctor having your own independent practice or a healthcare provider. Partnering with us will not only save you precious operating costs but even help you focus on your core job, while our professionals take care of the routine work.

With our fast turn-around time and low cost quality work, we can improve your claims output. We have experienced professionals on our payrolls who process and analyze claims and health plans, and deal with matters related to claim validation and benefits assignments. With our expertise and credentials in areas of medical and insurance claim processing, you can now outsource your other jobs too like those pertaining to medical billing and coding, transcription and health insurance claims processing etc.

We at Rely Services can not only bringtransactional efficiency to your medical claim processing but even help you to achieve maximum automation of your claims resolution processes that were done manually earlier.

So, hire Rely Services today to give your existingsystem infrastructuresome leverage,  simplify your administrative processes and comply with the HIPAA mandated regulations.

Source by dataservices