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John Stewart

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Right now there are options available through Medicare for those that are of age to subscribe and are members of AARP, meaning the 40 million associates in the united states. Traditional supplement plans, Medicare advantage plans and Medicare prescription drug plans can be found through AARP in an array of offers. With all of the choices available you must have a comprehensive knowledge of the choices in order to make the best determination.

The best spot to begin would be with the total solution, the Medicare Advantage Program. MedicareComplete is the name for this method through AARP. This will be a replacement to your Medicare Part A coverage and will be provided by SecureHorizons, it integrates a drug program with supplement insurance. Your eligibility in this method depends on you being signed up in both Parts A and B of Medicare. In some ways this coverage will act as an extension of the conventional Medicare Part A and B. The classic choice may actually require more out-of-pocket expenses than this plan. People who choose the MedicareComplete option get the benefits of more than 60,000 pharmacies, low monthly premiums, predictable medical costs, coverage for over 1200 brands of name prescription drugs, and a large group of in-network physicians that accept the coverage.

AARP also offers Medigap or supplement insurance that is up after that on our list. Managed by United Healthcare, this program is to serve by addressing coinsurance costs that go unpaid by your primary coverage under Parts A and B. Your actual coverage will be affected by the area of the country where you reside. Competitive rates and multiple plan options, among others, are the benefits of this plan.

MedicareRX is the last AARP Medicare answer that could benefit you. Medicare Part D is covered under this plan. Popular advantages provided by this plan include free shipping, 90-day supply prescriptions and no annual deductibles. United Healthcare also manages this plan from AARP MedicareRX. This plan has been said to have saved over $15 billion for its members.

Source by John Jackson

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So you use your tax refund as a down payment on a new car, or at least one new to you. You get the new car; you get your new, affordable car insurance policy in writing; you’re good to go. Unfortunately, at some point down the road you may receive a notice that your policy will become ineffective in X number of days (it varies from state to state). It’s important to understand exactly why the policy is expiring because it means the difference between a mere inconvenience and payback for an event you can’t seem to live down.

Let’s start with the best-case scenario. If you’re lucky, the going rate for the coverage you have is still good, and your insurance company will offer a renewal at the same rate. On the other hand, the insurance company may change its mind. Sometimes an insurer will agree to renew your policy, but on different terms. In such cases, the carrier is required to mail you notification of the change in terms, usually received 60 or 90 days before your policy expires. Usually, if the rate is below 25 or 30 percent, state law does not require this type of notification.

On the other hand, the insurance company may choose to simply drop you from its client list. Don’t take it personallysometimes non-renewals are the result of an insurance company withdrawing its business from a whole state or area of insurance. Other reasons include lapses in payment or an increase in your license points or reported claims. The company must justify dropping you, as well as give you ample notice before the policy expires and repay you for services or coverage not rendered. Note that for some companies, merely calling to inquire about company policy counts as a claim, so for heaven’s sake, don’t give your name when making this type of call. Keep in mind that only some companies allow for a grace period between policy periods if you don’t pay by the expected deadline, so pay on time or risk being “dropped.”

But, just suppose, you fudged a little bit when you were filling out your policy application, and you knew it when you were doing it. There’s a difference between getting it wrong, and tweaking your application to your advantage. The latter can result in policy cancellation, which is when a carrier simply terminates your policy, even if it’s before your renewal date or the policy’s expiration. The good news is that the company still must repay you for the remainder of the policy you paid for; the bad news is that you might have a bit of a time finding another company to cover you. Here again, the company must give you notice, so that you can start working on finding new coverage before the policy actually expires. Unfortunately, the notice period is not usually as generous as that for non-renewal. Other reasons for cancellation include nonpayment, as well as undeclared crimes or egregious at-fault events (accidents), even in a no fault auto insurance state.

Remember, most state laws require insurance companies to provide policies to all drivers, even if it’s at the high price of high-risk auto insurance. So, chin upit’s not as bad as it could be.

Source by Ryan Patterson

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A deluge of uninsured patients may swamp the health care system in the wake of the end of federally subsidized benefits for the uninsured.

Robert Resendes, the director of Yavapai County Community Health Services, said the current recession already has stretched his organization’s programs.

“Ever since the economy started dropping, we’ve seen a huge increase in our numbers,” Resendes said. “We’d expect to see a continued increase. In the last three years, we’ve seen a doubling of patients in our clinics.”The county provides sliding scale fees for medical and dental service. Patients using the sliding scale clinics have increased from 15,270 for the fiscal year ending in June 2007 to 22,831 for 2008 to 27,379 for the year ending in June 2009.

Families USA, a national organization for health care consumers, said that unless lawmakers extend the subsidies, many Arizona workers who have lost their jobs also could lose the federal subsidy under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) on Dec. 1. The subsidies began in March under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and included those laid off beginning Sept. 1, 2008.

Eligible people pay 35 percent of their COBRA premiums and the remaining 65 percent goes to the insurance company through a tax credit, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Without continued help with COBRA payments, health insurance premiums would total 83 percent of the average unemployment check, putting health care coverage out of reach for many, Families USA contends.

But U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick said, via e-mail, that Congress may discuss proposals to extend the temporary assistance in December, although it has not worked out details.

“We need to be focused on doing all that we can to create and save jobs in our communities so that more people will be able to get and keep their insurance,” Kirkpatrick said. “That continues to be my top priority. This program has done some good, but it is still expensive for our working families – it is a stopgap.”

Robbie Nicol, spokesperson for Yavapai Regional Medical Center, was uncertain how much the change would affect the hospitals.

“It’s difficult to accurately project what impact this change in the COBRA laws will have on our ERs,” Nicol said. “It may certainly mean an increase in patients who are uninsured, but I don’t have data that would help me be more specific.”

“We want to reassure everyone in our communities that our emergency rooms in Prescott and Prescott Valley are available for them 24/7 when they need us,” Nicol added.

Meanwhile, the county has hired more doctors to meet the increased demand, Resendes said.

“We would anticipate an increase in patients,” Resendes said. “It’s kind of tough to be proactive. We’ve never done it or seen it before. We will be promptly reactive. We try to build in enough flexibility that we’ll be elastic. We’re the safety net.”

Source by Rick Lewis

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You don’t need to be a rocket science to understand a good catastrophic health insurance plan. These plans are now written in plain English and are available to anyone that is looking for a better health care option than simply their work. If you’re self employed or have recently lost your job, make sure you’re getting something great in the near future. You need to make sure that you’re not missing out on the coverage that you and your family needs. That’s an important thing to remember especially in these modern times. Seriously there are modern times that can provide tragedy at the drop of a hat, so make sure that you’re doing better with a good amount of coverage.

Yes, there are a lot of people out there that are promoting better good and allowing changes to be made to their health coverage, but don’t be a sucker and don’t let yourself be swindled. Read every word of your policy and make sure you understand what you’re paying for. If you’re not careful you could get swindled out of a lot of money.

Good catastrophic health insurance doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. Seriously, don’t let that be the thing that breaks the bank for you. You need to understand that there is greater good for you out there and you need to know that there is hope despite the uncertain future. Don’t be plagued by fear and doubt, get peace of mind, get coverage for you and your family and save money while doing it.

Source by Allen Jesson

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Abacus have been providing first class Army Kit Insurance for serving personnel for many years and we know what it takes to give the right kit insurance to each individual soldier.

 When you get your kit you will be responsible for it. You will have to make sure that it is never lost or damaged or you could be forced to pay thousands in costs. This is why you need an excellent deal on your Army Kit Insurance and why you can trust Abacus to provide it to you.

 Some of the key benefits that you will discover when you take out kit insurance with us are:

1)        1.         A great piece of mind as you will be able to concentrate on the job at hand and not worry about expenses. This can make you more focused and allow you to be safer and more secure in your daily activities when out in the field. This is one of the major benefits that choosing Abacus to provide your army kit insurance provides.

2)        2.         The coverage for our kit insurance policies means that you will be covered wherever you are in the world. No matter where you get deployed or when, the coverage of all your kit is taken care of.

3)        3.         You can get accidental coverage options to cover you if any accidents happen in your living quarters or other accommodation.  There is no need to worry if an accident occurs, your kit insurance will cover it. We can also provide cover for your household contents, so you are truly covered for all aspects of your living arrangements.

4)        4.         The option of 3rd party coverage means that under your army kit insurance policy, if anything happens to somebody else or their property then you will not have bills to face or liability claims to deal with. Abacus will be able to deal with all aspects of 3rd party coverage details.

5)        5.         Your kit insurance can include some specific items. These could be things like money, credit cards or your bicycle. We will provide coverage so that if anything happens you will be able to recover quickly.

6)        6.         We will pay to replace any item of your kit that is lost wherever you are in the world and we will also pay to replace each and every item that is damaged in your kit. Wherever you are in the world Abacus can provide excellent coverage for all your kit needs, all of which are covered under our army kit insurance policies.

7)        7.         The payment is monthly and there are no fees to set up. The army kit insurance works for you as and when you need it, and we will always be there to lend a helping hand.

There are many reasons why you should trust Abacus when it comes to buying kit insurance. We have dedicated professionals located near each and every base and they are always friendly and understanding to the needs of serving members of the armed forces. There are also 24/7 dedicated support help-lines, so you will be able to get advice when and as you need it. Choosing Abacus to provide your army kit insurance army kit insurance is one of the best decisions you can make, we look after all of our customers and we give the best level of service possible, so you can live your life and not worry about the expense of serving your country.

Source by Abacus David

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When it comes to dental health of children, parents would try to do their best in protecting and giving them the best care possible. Thus, it would not be a wonder whenever insurance agents approach parents to offer health insurance coverage; the first usual questions would be if the insurance has dental care for their kids. Dental care for kids would be an important part of parents need for insurance because they are aware of the soaring cost of dental care for children.

For parents who may not be able to afford insurance coverage but would just like to see to it that they can have the needed dental care for their kids, nearly all state has a free program that will insure your kids to be covered by a dental health insurance program. If you are interested to know more about this, you can visit your city dental health office and them about this free program.

However, this program will require you to submit pertinent information Since this program is designed by the government to help the low income group in making sure that the dental care of their children are protected by a free insurance coverage, it is needed that a proper presentation of your yearly income has to be submitted to make sure that only the low income families will receive these benefits.

In most cases, this free insurance coverage for dental care of kids will be in two levels; for the lowest income and the second to the lowest income group. For the lowest income level, the coverage will be complete while for the second to the lowest level, the coverage will be more than half of the total dental care will be covered. This program is carried by most if not all states for their residents.

A yearly budget is allotted to these programs which are annually bided upon by insurance companies. Aside from these free insurance dental coverage program for kids, there are also additional free dental check-up programs that individual cities and their municipalities gives out to their indigent adult population.

If your income do not fall in the category for free insurance dental coverage for your kids, you can also inquire from your city dental health personnel about other dental care benefits that are available for your children.

There are states that aside from the free dental insurance that they give outs to very low income group, they also have these reduce fee insurance coverage for children to families who might not be able to fall under the free insurance dental coverage. You have again to submit your records of income and other related information to be reviewed if you are available for this kind of governmental support.

To be more informed with regards to these government supported insurance assisted dental programs, you can always surf the internet for additional information. In fact, since each state has their own information about the public services that they provide to their citizens, you can try accessing their site and learn about the free dental insurance services to children and other free dental services that they offer to the public.

Note down those services that you think you can fall under the category since each free service have the needed information as to how much is your annual earnings to be considered for the government assisted programs. You can then visit your city dental health office to confirm the information from their website and apply for subject program.

Source by Jane A. Smith

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The effect of life insurance after the death of a breadwinner can be interesting to observe. I guess it would be best to first look at the situation without life insurance. A hypothetical example may also help.

Jim is age 42, married and has 2 children ages 14 and 16. Jim started a little late as he wanted to prepare for his upcoming family. His wife Alicia is age 38. Jim developed terminal cancer and was quite aware that he didn’t have much longer to live. Alicia Never worked because she felt she wanted to focus on raising the children.

Jim and Alicia were doing quite well. They had talked about buying life insurance but never seemed to get around to getting a program started. Jim is devastated because he is very aware of the problems the family will have after he is gone. They have a savings account with about $40,000. They were thinking of college education for the children when they started saving.

Upon Jim’s death that money will disappear very quickly if he has no life insurance.

Picking Up The Pieces

On the other hand let us suppose Jim and Alicia were smart people. They did plan ahead. They have a pension plan and, fortunately, they have life insurance. Jim has $2,800,000 20 year term insurance on his life and Alicia has $500,000 of the same type policy on her life. The policies on Jim’s life will first pay off the mortgage upon his death and in addition to that provide sufficient income for the family to live not only till the children graduate college but for as long as Alicia lives.

Alicia insisted on her policy because she felt that if she should die prematurely the funds could go to pay a qualified nanny to help raise the children. That is a good idea.

Upon Jim’s death everything will go smoothly. Alicia is quite capable of managing everything efficiently. The mortgage will be paid off within 6 months. The life insurance companies used a life income option with a 10 year certain payment period, just in case Alicia should die before the children graduate college. They will continue to live in the same house. The children will go to the same school and still have the same friends. Jim will be missed by his family but he will always have a special place in the hearts of his wife Alicia as well as their 2 children. They will know he cares.

This is an actual, real life, case. I just changed the names. Jim is terminal but is holding on.

Source by Donald Lusan

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Limited mileage insurance is like any other auto cover with the mileage being the criteria to decide the premium amount. In the case of mileage insurance, the premium may be less than the actual annual premium of the private car insurance. If the contract states that you pay a certain amount as premium for 5000 miles, you are eligible for  coverage up to that limit only. In the event of an accident or loss of the car within that limit, you will get compensation for the damage or loss from the insurance company. If you have crossed that mileage limit, then you  become ineligible for any insurance cover.

Insurance companies offers substantial discount in limited mileage insurance. It will cost you less than any ordinary car insurance. If you are driving  within city limits and not in the habit of traveling extensively, you will be benefited with limited mileage insurance. Buy limited mileage insurance and you will be covered for years at a stretch. You do not have to buy insurance for your vehicle every year. If you drive five cars, you will be benefited more in mileage-based insurance. In multiple car insurance, you will have to pay for all cars. If you drive 4000 miles a year with one car, you will drive the same in five cars. So you can save your premium amount by buying limited mileage insurance.

Do some research on the Internet, you will get  a lot of good deals in limited mileage insurance. There are scores of insurance companies offering insurance  at different rates. Compare the quotes of some insurers. You can contact the insurers over phone or via email for the quotes. The insurance rate of the car will depend on factors like the make and models of the car, the mileage,  and the condition of the car and whether you have  installed an anti-theft device  in the car. Also, the premium rate varies  from  company to company. If you read the terms and conditions and compare the quotes for general car insurance or any classic car insurance, you will  surely come across very good deals.

For buying limited mileage insurance, you should be the legal owner of the  vehicle that is to be insured. When you buy this insurance online, you may be asked to provide your name, address, the vehicle registration number, makes and models. After that they will give you the quotes. Before buying insurance, you should read all the terms and conditions. In case of any doubt  or if you do not understand any of the terms in the agreement, you should ask the insurer to clarify them. Log on to peterbestinsurance for more information on limited mileage insurance.

Source by Steve Ashby

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One of the most important things you can buy for your restaurant, cafe or fast food business is takeaway insurance. Takeaway insurance is insurance coverage that protects a business which sells food that is to be taken from the premises rather than eaten at the restaurant.

Buying takeaway insurance is not only a smart business decision; it is also a necessary one. It covers a variety of accidents and damages that can occur in a food service business, such as property damage, unexpected business interruption, loss of profits, assault on employer or employees, loss of stock, food quality, and even sanitary conditions.

Without takeaway insurance, your business is left unprotected and will be accountable to pay for damages whether they are the cause of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood, or whether the damages are the result of vandalism such as a fire that was deliberately set.

Your business can also be sued for food borne illnesses which are a result of food consumed by customers or employees, as well as accidents such as a customer slipping on a wet bathroom floor or an employee who gets severely burned by a deep fryer. Every day your business is open to the public, there is a chance that some kind of damage or accident will occur. And while you should do everything you can to ensure that your business is a safe place for customers and employees, and that your food is safe for consumption, you will never be able to fully guarantee that someone won’t get hurt or that some natural disaster won’t damage your property and put you out of business. Having takeaway insurance will protect your business, your product, and your profits in the event that something does happen.

How To Buy Takeaway Insurance

The first thing to consider before buying takeaway insurance is how much insurance you really need. You must consider your specific operation and how it is run. Do you have employees? Do customers come to your store to pick up food, does your business deliver, or both? If you have no employees and you are the sole proprietor and employee of your business, you won’t need to bother with insuring employees. Also, if you only deliver to customers and they don’t come to your store, you won’t need insurance that covers customer accidents at your place of business.

Next, you should obtain quotes from several insurance companies or at least two brokers. An insurance broker will obtain rates from several different companies for you, but you can call insurance companies directly if you wish. Each insurance company will have different rates and different options you can choose from in your insurance package. You will want to choose the company that offers the most affordable rate with the most options that apply to your business.

Many insurance agents and brokers will try to talk you into additional insurance coverage which you may not need. In order to avoid paying for unnecessary insurance coverage, make sure you understand exactly what you need to cover and what you don’t.

Source by Nasreen Haque

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As the nation struggles to recover from the unfortunate economic disaster, another problem continues to rear its ugly head. Thousands of people have to live without health insurance North Carolina. North Carolina residents who have lost their jobs are struggling to make do without the coverage they enjoyed while employed. Self employed people continue to look for affordable choices that will help them get the care they need. Both parties are just one accident away from financial ruin instigated by a mountain of medical bills. One option that may provide some relief is to purchase an individual health insurance plan.

Individual health insurance North Carolina residents can buy are private plans which have been purchased by individual consumers rather than a business. These plans offer a number of advantages over those provided by employers. The main benefit is that it is not tied to your current employer. Even if you become unemployed, you will continue to carry the same insurance plan for as long as you pay the premiums. This type of plan can certainly be a lifesaver if you are struggling with a chronic condition and need the coverage to assist with medical costs.

What makes individual health insurance a good fit for the unemployed is coverage can be increased or decreased depending on your circumstances. If you are unemployed and have your own coverage, you can make changes to your individual plan, such as increasing the annual deductible, which will lower your monthly premiums to a more manageable amount. You may find that by increasing the deductible your annual premium savings may be more than the amount you increased the deductible. In this instance, this would be a smart financial move regardless of the economy or your current economic situation.

Another option for health insurance unemployed persons may be able to take advantage of is COBRA. COBRA allows you to stay on your employer’s plan for 18 months. However, you must pay the full premiums unless you qualify for the government subsidy which covers 65% of your premium for up to 15 months (this subsidy is set to expire in 2010). There are risks involved with choosing COBRA over an individual plan.  For instance if you are on COBRA and are diagnosed with a serious condition you may find that you won’t qualify for individual coverage once your 18 months of COBRA is used up. You still have some options but they don’t come cheap. A knowledgeable health insurance North Carolina agent can provide you with all of the information you need as well as a free quote to help you make the best choice for your situation.

Source by Kent Kingsley

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Vehicles that weigh more that 4 tons are termed HGV, which stands for Heavy Goods Vehicles. Another term used for HGV is LGV. These vehicles are used to transport livestock, bulky goods and pallets to different parts of the world (or in the same country). As these vehicles are expensive and also carry large loads that are expensive, it is vital for them to have insurance coverage; this insurance is classified as HGV insurance. It is necessary also because it is a requirement of law that you should have insurance for the vehicle that you are driving on the road.

In the UK, there are about ten to twelve HGVs stolen every day – along with the goods that they carry. So HGV insurance is formulated to protect both the vehicle and the goods against theft or any other unforeseen accident. Along with protection for the owners’ investment in the form of the vehicle and the goods, the livelihood of the driver is also safeguarded within the HGV insurance policy.

In the market, the most important types of coverage that usually come with the insurance of the vehicle are goods in transit coverage, public liability coverage and employer’s liability coverage.

The goods in transit coverage is sometimes also known as haulage exchange, and it covers goods during their transportation against being stolen, damaged by fire and accidents, and vandalism. Public liability coverage protects the owner of the business from any damages done to the public. Employer’s liability provides protection against any damages that occur due to some accident other than road accidents.

It is important that the owner of the vehicle should gain knowledge of rates in the local as well as global markets. As a result of this you may be able to get very good rates, along with some promotional offers. Many companies also provide introductory discounts of a certain percentage for the coverage.

The type of lorry insurance that you purchase depends upon the nature of your business – that is, whether you are hauling goods for yourself or for some other customer. It also depends on your business needs and requirements and the budget that you possess. The cover that you get also depends upon the kinds of locations you visit and the driver you have and the experience he has.

Many reasonable packages are specifically devised with the intent of providing maximum coverage at an affordable cost. Almost all insurance policies, no matter how cheap, provide protection for all the entities mentioned above. The selection of a new vehicle and appointment of a qualified driver also help in keeping your insurance costs down.

Other than the legal obligation of having an HGV insured, there are also some other important reasons for having truck insurance. The knowledge of having the goods in transit insured gives a sense of safety to the customers and they feel comfortable in doing business with you. The greatest advantage of getting insurance is that you are saved from the legal hassle as the insurance company handles the vehicle related legal matters.

Source by Steven Hedley

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Homeowners insurance rates in The Big Apple are some of the highest in the nation. Here’s how to find the best homeowners insurance rates in New York City with the best companies.

Best Rates

Homeowners insurance protects more than just your home. Here’s a breakdown of what it covers:

* It pays to repair or rebuild your home when it’s been damaged by fire, plumbing leaks, vandalism, or acts of nature.

* It pays to replace your personal possessions when they’ve been stolen or when they’ve been damaged.

* It pays your court costs, legal fees, and court-awarded damages to anyone who hurts himself in your home and sues you.

* It pays for your extra living expenses when your home is damaged and you need to live somewhere else until it’s repaired.

In order to get the best rates on homeowners insurance you need to compare rates. There are insurance comparison websites that will give you rate quotes from different A-rated companies so you can compare them and choose the cheapest policy that best fits your needs. (See link below.)

To lower your rate even further, follow these guidelines:

1. Insure your home, not the appraised value of your home and land. To find out how much coverage you need, ask a local builder or real estate agent what the square-foot construction costs are in your area, then multiply that figure by your home’s square footage.

2. Get the highest deductible you can afford. The deductible is the amount you pay toward a claim before your insurer will pay. Raising your deductible from $500 to $1,000 will save you up to 25% on your premium.

Best Companies

When you purchase homeowners insurance you want to make sure you get it from a company that’s reliable, will give you good service, and will pay your claims on time. Here are two websites that rate insurance companies:

A.M. Best (ambest.com) rates companies based on their financial stability. These ratings give you a good idea of a company’s ability to pay its claims.

J.D. Power & Associates rates companies based reviews from customers who own policies with those companies. These ratings give you a good idea of how a company treats its customers and how well it pays its claims.

Visit http://www.LowerRateQuotes.com/homeowners-insurance.html or click on the following link to get New York City homeowners insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section, and get answers to your questions from an insurance expert by using their online chat service.

Source by ryan@thesatellitetvguide.com

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Obtaining a term life insurance quote generally isn’t that complicated. If you are in excellent physical condition, then your most difficult task will be deciding which term life insurance quote is worthy of pursuing.

However, if you’re looking for term life insurance but have pre-existing medical conditions, the process likely will be more involved.

Besides looking at how healthy you are, your term life insurance quote will vary based on two other important factors: the coverage you seek and the term.

While it might seem appropriate to arbitrarily select a figure for each of these categories, it’s advisable to put some thought into each. When filling in the term and the coverage on your term life insurance quote application, consider the following.

Understanding coverage

Coverage is the amount the life insurance policy will pay to beneficiaries as a death benefit. It will be paid as a one-time, lump sum payment and it should be enough to enable them to live as they are accustomed to living. Do you know how much coverage will be sufficient? Ten thousand sounds like a decent amount, but in reality, it isn’t.

Most life insurance agents will advise you to select an amount of coverage equivalent to your current income multiplied by the number of years until you retire. That provides a good baseline for your life insurance quote, but you might want to factor in a few other circumstances, beginning with the realization that your family’s expenses may change over time.

While your current salary is (hopefully) sufficient to cover your current expenses, it may not be enough in the future. End of life costs alone will set your family back thousands.

And how about this? What if your spouse had to return to school in order to get a better-paying job? College tuition right now is seeing double-digit increases every year and that’s not likely to change. Also consider how life will change if your spouse, who may not work now, has to return to the work force in your absence. Such a change likely will create many new expenses.

One thing many applicants don’t consider when requesting a term life insurance quote is the rate of inflation. It’s certain to have an impact on the cost of goods. You should also realize that the lives of your surviving beneficiaries will change.

You cannot predict how, but you need to consider there may be marriage, family additions, new cars or homes and other such changes later on.

Selecting the term

Figuring out an appropriate term is not as difficult, but will impact your life insurance quote. If you have children you might choose a 15-or 20-year term. That will protect them until they’re 18 or have completed college.

If you’re older with adult children, consider the average life expectancy of your family to help determine an appropriate term.

And remember, you can increase or decrease these two factors on your term life insurance quote until you get the most coverage you can afford.

Source by Darren Yates

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Perhaps the most simple, convenient and affordable form of insurance that exists for a specified tenure is Term life insurance. Term life insurance is insurance for a short period of time and is deemed to be pure protection, as it builds no cash value. If the insurer dies within the specified duration of the insurance, the death benefit goes to his or her beneficiary. As the term expires the insurer is not required to payout.

Term life insurance is an incredibly beneficial policy. The policy has proved its worth at the time of natural disasters and other calamities. For instance term life insurance was a great financial support and source of mental peace to the survivors of 9/11 and Katrina.

The popularity of term life insurance is witnessing a surge day by day. Term life insurance is cited as one of the hottest products in the latest Fitch ratings. As per the annual 2005 Review and 2006 Outlook for the US insurance industry, term life insurance is the hottest pick in the insurance industry today. In terms of Julie Burke, managing director, Fitch Ratings, “a product like term life insurance can create reserving and capital changes for insurers, which can be addressed by scale”.

The primary reason behind the booming popularity of term life insurance is a drop in the premium rates of the policy. Even though term life policy comes at very low interest rates yet a major drop in the premium rates of insurance is expected this year. According to Insurance Information Institute, the premium rates for insurance are expected to drop by 3 percent in 2006. The drop is a consequence of immense competition in the market and the diminishing mortality rate amongst human beings.

However the case is not the same in China. China Life Insurance Co. has increased the rates for term life product. China Life has increased the premium rate on the Kangning Term by 30%.

Lately Kanetix, Canada’s leading insurance marketplace and MetLife, renowned insurance company have made it to the news because of their new attempts in the field of term life insurance. Kanetix has launched a new term life insurance quote service, with standard and preferred rates highlighted for insurance shoppers. The quotes are in an easy-to-read and comparables format. The quotes are available for a coverage of $250,000 and above and the preferred rates can cause saving of up to 30% off the standard rate. According to the company nearly 50% of the people applying for life insurance coverage through the portal can benefit from some savings. The estimate so made is on behalf of the past study of the portal. The portal would permit the shoppers to review the price range offered and make an informed choice.

MetLife has come up with three term life insurance products for people who seek to have a non-permanent insurance. The three products are One Year Term Insurance, Scheduled Term Insurance and Level Term Insurance. These three forms are ideal for individuals who require a large insurance cover but have limited budgets.

Source by Mansi Gupta

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Pregnant women are tomorrow’s mothers. They receive advices about what they should do and again about what they should not, during their pregnancy period. It is important to keep in mind that they must have medical or health insurance.

Pregnant women may not be aware of the practices of the insurance companies. Insurance companies which sell insurance policies on health consider the case of pregnant women in a different way. Medical insurance companies do not want to sell new policies of health insurance for the women who are already pregnant. This is one of the common practices in the insurance market. The health insurance companies want the women must purchase health insurance policies before they are pregnant. They suggest women to acquire insurance on health well in advance.

The health insurance companies may have such consideration. This does not mean that women will not be able to secure health insurance policies once they are conceived. It is possible that they have no idea about the practices of the health insurance companies. It is possible that women could not buy a policy of medical insurance beforehand. What, then, the pregnant women will do if they want to secure health insurance policies? They must first learn what they should do if they want to purchase insurance policies on health.

The pregnant women can access in the web sites on the internet. Companies which provide health insurance for the pregnant women have created several web sites on the internet. The pregnant women should search those web sites with patience. Certainly they will find web sites of the insurance companies which provide insurance for the pregnant women. The pregnant women will find comparative facilities and quotes assured by the medical insurance companies. They will have to choose particular insurance schemes which can be befitting to their necessity and financial capacity.

The health insurance companies have made specific provisions for the pregnant women who belong with the economically backward community. These women can find these options and try to select a policy to purchase. They should visit the web sites and identify some of the companies and some options offered by them. It is an important task to contact the agents of those insurance companies. Women must learn terms and conditions of the policy in details. They must not forget that some of the insurance companies offer discounts also. They must learn what they should do to claim the assured amount after the policy is matured.

Source by Rosie Gravin

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Taking out motorhome insurance is a little different than taking out normal car insurance. In order to make the best decision about the insurance you choose for your motorhome, there are some factors you should first consider.

Obviously, the cost of your motorhome insurance is important, but that should be balanced against how extensive the insurance is. Many insurers won’t insure self built motorhomes at any cost. Others add a hefty extra price tag and expensive engineer’s reports. A few insurance companies, like Shield Motorhome Insurance, are happy to insure self built motorhomes. They will even insure them from the time the policy is taken out, so there are not complications, delays or expenses in converting a policy from a van to a motorhome policy.

If you are seeking to have Shield insurance for a self-built motorhome there are several criteria that must be met. These are all standard safety features such as a side or rear door and a fixed gas or electric hob. There are seven in all and they are all listed on the Shield Motorhome Insurance website.

When you are comparing motor home insurance policies, be sure to read the fine print.

are you allowed to travel outside the UK to Europe for an extended period? Shield allows up to 180 days in a single trip!

What if you break down in Europe? Are you stuck there or does the policy include full recovery service to your home in Britain?

What about personal belongings?  Can the policy you are considering match the £2000 for personal belongings that Shield offers?

You will probably be amazed to discover that Shield is not only fully comprehensive, but inexpensive as well! As long as you are over the age of 30, currently employed or retired and have had a UK driver’s license for at least a year, you will probably qualify for Shield Motor home Insurance. Should you Motorhome be worth over £40,000, it must have a GPS tracking device fitted.

Visit the Shield Insurance website today, for a free no hassle quotation.

Source by Stuart Craig

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What is a safe amount to drink and still be under the legal limit?

The simple answer is that there is no way in knowing for sure. There are so many factors that affect the amount someone can drink and still remain under the legal limit. The amount and type of drink consumed as well as age, sex, weight and metabolism all play a part in how well someone can cope with alcohol.

Knowing you are over the limit on the night you are drinking is one thing, but it’s far more difficult to know if you are safe to drive the next day. According to the Department for Transport (DfT), one in five drivers found to be over the limit are caught the morning after they consumed alcohol.

Because the amount of time that alcohol stays in the body will vary from person to person, it’s impossible to know for certain if you are safe to drive the following morning.

The Penalties of Drink Driving

• Driving whilst under the influence of alcohol carries a maximum of 6 months imprisonment, a fine of up to £5,000 and a 12 month driving ban. If you are caught re-offending within 10 years then you could face a mandatory 3 year driving disqualification.

• Causing a death whilst driving under the influence of drink or drugs carries a maximum penalty of 14 years imprisonment and a minimum 2 year driving ban.

• A drink driving offence will remain on your licence for 11 years

• If you have a drink driving conviction then expect to see a dramatic increase in the amount you pay for your car insurance. Finding competitive car insurance quotes will be difficult. Many car insurance companies will be unwilling to take the risk of insuring a driver with previous drink driving convictions.

Source by Nick C

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It is always advisable and thoughtful to have an insurance policy. It may be designed for particularly individual for the groups. You may log on to internet to find out various available insurance companies. Insurance companies that offer policies can be compared easily on the internet or at the particular website. It doesn’t require physical movement, while sitting at home you can browse through different relevant insurance service. However, most of us do not take the proper time or put in the proper effort when it comes to auto insurance and end up paying a lot more on average than they need to be. There are certain things that you can do in order to find inexpensive car insurance, here are some of the tips to buy inexpensive auto insurance.

First of all get quotes from insurance companies for auto insurance.
You should never choose the first company that you see to make it easier? Spend some time in comparing different services by insurance company.

We may think that getting cheap car insurance is not possible. It wrong notion people have. There are many companies available in market offering inexpensive auto insurance. Finding Inexpensive Car Insurance quotes is feasible for anyone owing a car. You have to actually compare and calculate lowest rate for insurance.

Again it depends on the number of miles that one drives his/her car in a given period of time say in a year will be one of the most important factors in deciding if one gets inexpensive auto insurance quotes or not. Those who drive just 4000-5000 miles in a year, their auto insurance quotes will be much lower as compared to someone who uses is freely every day.

The latter people are much more at a danger for getting into a calamity as compared to the people who drive their vehicle less. As a consequence, one needs to lessen the amount of driving if he/she wants to decrease his/her rates. This means those who drive less will gain more than those who drive more.

So if a person wants to acquire inexpensive auto insurance quotes, he/she needs to think about how much he/she is going to be driving the car. It is not difficult to find Inexpensive auto insurance quotes provided if one spends a little piece of time searching out what insurance corporation is going to provide him with the lowest possible auto insurance rates.

So, one should first look out for the best possible company and the best possible rates.

In total, one should make use of the internet to stagger on inexpensive car insurance since it really makes one’s work a child task.

Source by Henry Funk

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Large deductible medical insurance plans are often greater values when judged next to to no or small deductible health insurance policies.  This is not because lower deductible plans have lower benefits, but because the additional premium for the better benefits is too high.

You might find that when comparing a medical care insurance plan with a lesser deductible with a policy that has a moderate or large deductible, you will find that there is no scenario where the smaller deductible is the winner.  If you have no expenses the plan with the lower price is going to be better for you.  If you have medium or large expenses, the policy with the lower price tag can still be better if the price is small enough.  In many scenarios, the policy with lower monthly cost will offer the best value even in a scenario with catastrophic expenses.

In a world where it is more logical to buy a entire pizza at once when compared to buying an equivalent amount of pizza by the slice, it can be hard to accept that the less expensive insurance contract is the better contract.  This causes a lot of policyholders to pay too much for health insurance.

Finding the right medical care insurance contract requires that you do a little research.  Going with a gut feeling instead of using a calculator, will result in your selecting the wrong plan more often than not.  

To see whether the large deductible version of a contract is better for you than the lower deductible version you should compare the policies in three different situations.  The first scenario should be one where your family only needs only preventative care for a year.  The second situation should involve medium expenses.  The third scenario should involve catastrophic expenses.

Once you have come up with the scenarios, you should figure out what your combined  outlay would be with each policy.  Include the costs of the monthly premiums and the costs of the copays, coinsurance and deductibles you would have to pay.  When you sum these costs, you might be surprised at how well the big deductible policy does.  

If you can take the funds that you save by buying a bigger deductible contract and put it in the bank, you will probably have the funds to pay your deductible if you ever do have a big medical expense.

If you buy a plan that is health savings account compatible, you can put the cash away on a tax-deferred basis.  health savings accounts are the best type of contract for most consumers.

Contracts with small deductibles are attractive to a lot of smart people because they have never done the math to show which type of policy is better.  Now that you have a system for evaluating medical care insurance plans, you have a tool that will help keep you from spending too much on medical care.

Policies with medium and high deductibles tend to have lower rates.  Often the rates are low enough to more than make up for the fact that they cover less of the small stuff.  When you are comparing contracts, do the math so that you will know if a larger deductible healthcare insurance policy is best for you.

Source by Alston Balkcom

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Texas health insurance plans offer protection against sudden and unexpected costs for illnesses and injuries.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 3 out of every 4 Texans have some form of health insurance.  A Harvard Medical School study found that in 2001, out-of-pocket costs averaged nearly $12,000 per American, and although 75% had health insurance at the time of the injury or illness, 750,000 people filed for bankruptcy due to medical costs.  The most affordable health insurance in the individual and group market is managed care plans like PPO’s. Most employers don’t even offer Fee-For-Service type plans and this holds true in the individual market as only a few carriers have plans that don’t require usage of a provider network. 

Under a fee-for service or indemnity plan, a policy holder can go to any provider he wants and does not need a referral in order to consult a specialist.  Providers bill the insurance company directly and under Texas law, insurers must pay the claim promptly.  Fee-for-service plans include premiums for participation in the plan, deductibles or the amount the policy holder pays up front before coverage kicks in, and co-insurance rates, more commonly known as co-pays.  Texas health insurance plans must pay at least 50% of the cost of all covered services once the deductible of a fee-for-service plan has been met.

A managed care health plan has a network of preferred providers under contract, including doctors, clinics and hospitals.  Typically, Texas health insurance plans with managed care offer financial incentives for members to use in-network providers by offering lower co-pays.  In most managed-care plans, members can seek care from any doctor or clinic or other provider they wish, but will pay more out of pocket for out-of-network providers.  In-network providers are covered at a higher rate.  Most managed-care networks also have a list of covered prescriptions, called a formulary.   Coverage is limited to services and treatments the managed-care plan deems medically necessary.  

Managed-care plans include HMOs, PPOs and POS.  In an HMO, a member has a Primary Care Physician and cannot see a specialist without a referral from the PCP.   Texas health insurance plans called Preferred Provider Organizations are more flexible than HMOs as there is no PCP and no referrals are needed. Point-of-Service plans are a combination of the two.  Members will have a PCP but are not required to get a referral to see a specialist.  Managed-care plans typically have lower premiums and lower deductibles than fee-for-service plans, but have more limitations on covered expenses and providers, especially with an HMO.  

The monthly cost of a PPO plan will be substantially less than a Fee-For-Service plan due to the contracts the insurance companies have with the providers and doctors. These contracts better allow the insurance companies to better regulate cost and in turn lower premiums can be passed onto the consumer.

Source by Charles Peeler