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John Stewart

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Private placement life insurance is a pre-emptive IRS audit tax strategy that transforms taxable ordinary income and capital gains into tax-free income (with no income tax reporting required under current U.S. Law).  Please reference IRS Private Letter Ruling 200244001 (May 2, 2002).

For U.S. Persons with investment income, private placement life insurance provides for compliant, tax-free compounded earnings.

A private placement insurance policy is variable in nature, which allows the insurance company to invest the majority of the premium(s) in a legally separate, segregated account to be managed by either an investment manager of the client’s choosing or the insurance company itself. There are no guarantees when it comes to the investment performance (as it varies, so does the death benefit but with a fixed minimum).

The income tax benefits are:
1. Assets inside a life insurance policy grow and compound income tax free.
2. Death benefit paid income tax free.

Domestically in the U.S., investors have traditionally used the tax benefits of variable life insurance policies to invest in mutual funds.  In contrast, international private placement life insurance policies allow users to invest in a wider range of investments including hedge funds, private equity, derivatives, and real estate investment trusts (there are functionally no restrictions on the types of investments that can be held and managed inside the policy).

Other benefits include the following:

1. Short-term capital gains (41% Federal/California income tax): exempt from income tax.

2. Bond interest (taxed at 41% ordinary income rates Federal/California):  exempt from income tax.

3. Policies in certain jurisdictions (e.g., Cayman Islands): exempt from creditor attachment.

4. IRS audit risks are minimized since assets held under a qualifying life insurance policy are neither subject to income tax, nor is there any required income tax reporting (under IRC §72(e)(5)).  In addition to the substantive tax and reporting benefits, for audit purposes there would be no presumed IRS tax avoidance, due to the fact that life insurance has been granted an “angel exception” (i.e., is an IRS approved transaction) (IRS Revenue Procedure 2004-65, 2004-66, 2004-67, 2004-68).

5. Policy lifetime withdrawals may be tax-free and not subject to tax reporting (as either a return of premium/basis or a loan). The Modified Endowment Contract (“MEC”) rules may or may not apply depending on policy design.

Source by Gary S. Wolfe, Esq.

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Ensuring you get the right insurance cover for your pet depends upon how much time you are willing to invest in looking for the right deal – and also whether you ask the right questions.

Many insurers offer varying levels of cover for pet insurance and some even offer a choice between standard and enhanced cover. Premiums will of course vary too, so if you are thinking of buying pet insurance make sure you ask all the pertinent questions at the time of getting a quote; not only will you get the best policy for your pet, but you will personally receive the best financial deal.

Some important questions you may consider asking when you request a pet insurance quotation include:

  • Is your pet covered?
  • If you have a cat or dog you will find that most pet insurance policies will be available to you, but if you have a smaller or even an exotic pet, for example, you may need to find specialist pet insurance.

  • Does the cover come with a guarantee for the lifetime of the pet?
  • Some policies are reviewed annually and others are fixed for the lifetime of the pet. Make sure that you find out which is being offered before you commit to buying or you could find premiums escalate rapidly as your pet gets older.

  • What is the annual limit in the case of vets’ fees and does that annual limit apply to just one condition?
  • Find out what the absolute limit of vets’ fees per year applies for the policy and also whether that absolute limit covers a number of conditions or just one. They vary according to insurer, so make sure you opt for one that offers sufficient cover for any likely problems.

  • At what age does the coverage start?
  • Many pet insurance policies specify a minimum age before coverage commences. Make sure you are aware of this before agreeing to buy a policy for a new-born pet, as you may not be covered for any incidents or illnesses before the pet reaches that age.

  • Does the insurer offer a 24-hour vet helpline?
  • If you discover a problem with your pet late at night or on a weekend – or any other time when it is inconvenient for you to get to a vet – you will welcome access to a 24-hour vet helpline who can give you immediate advice relating to your pet’s condition. Some policies offer this as standard, for others you may have to pay an extra premium. For many pet owners having access to such a vet helpline is an essential part of their pet policy.

Of course, you may wish to ask other questions relevant to your particular pet, but those stated above will help you focus on exactly what you want from your pet insurance cover, and ensure that you get the most appropriate deal.

Source by Adam Singleton

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Before you finalize an annuity contract you need to understand annuity riders and whether in your unique situation a death benefit rider, living benefit rider or increased payment option makes sense.

Death Benefit Rider for Annuities Explained

Some annuities include a rider that acts like a life insurance benefit. Please note that annuity death benefits to heirs have a different tax status than life insurance benefits which pass to beneficiaries’ tax free. If you die before you collect the full value of the annuity, the rider pays your heirs the amount you invested plus interest or the market value of the funds minus whatever you have collected in payouts. While the goal of an annuity is often to supplement retirement income most deferred annuities include a death benefit option.

Typically, a death benefit payout is determined by your account balance when you die. You can protect your heirs from declines in the market by purchasing an enhanced death benefit rider, which locks in the account balance periodically. Some immediate annuities don’t continue payments to a beneficiary after your death. These annuities provide you with higher payouts while you are still alive.

Living Benefit Rider for Annuities Explained

Living benefit riders are optional and you must request them at the time you purchase your variable annuity. It is unusual for a company to allow you to add a living benefit rider after the annuity contract has been issued. These relatively new options decrease the risk to the variable annuity owner by providing payout guarantees or floors for the risk averse in exchange for a fee. A living benefit option will cost you a fee but will provide a guarantee to protect your variable annuity investment from market declines and provide a guaranteed minimum payout.

There are many types of living benefit riders and you should review these with a trusted financial advisor before determining which if any are appropriate in your situation. Three typical choices are:

• The guaranteed minimum income benefit guarantees a minimum future payout regardless of how the market performs and generally requires the annuity be kept in force a specified number of years before it takes effect.

• The guaranteed minimum accumulation benefit ensures that you retain the value of your purchase payments regardless of your investment earnings. This benefit also requires a waiting period after which if your investment is worth less than your purchase payments, the issuer will make up the difference.

• The guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit guarantees a return of your purchase payments through fixed annual withdrawals. The annual withdrawals are guaranteed until your principal is returned regardless of your investment earnings.

Increased Payout Option for Annuities Explained

Increased payout or escalating options allow you to purchase an annuity with a payout that will increase either in line with inflation each year or by a fixed percentage each year.

A level annuity payout is the same amount for as long as you live. If you are concerned about inflation an escalating annuity could provide an answer to your worries. With an increased payout option your payouts start off lower, but steadily increase over time. The downside to an increased payout option is that it may take several years for your payout under an escalating annuity to reach a level equivalent to the initial payout on a level annuity payout. You need to carefully consider if this option makes sense in your situation. It may not make sense for older individuals.

Source by Steven Parsley

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Work-related injuries can happen in an instant and can have lingering consequences. Here is an overview of the Florida workers’ compensation claims procedure so you know what to do in the event of a work-related injury:

Filing a Claim:

  • Under Florida law, you must give your employer notice of your injury (First Report of Injury) as soon as possible after the injury, but no later than thirty days after the injury occurs. If you wait longer than the maximum thirty days to tell your employer about your injury, your claim may be denied.
  • Your employer is required to report your injury to their insurance company within seven days after you notifiy them of your injury. If your employer refuses to report the injury to their insurance company, you have the right to report it yourself under Section 440.185 of the Florida Statutes.
  • Your employer should have the forms that are needed for filing Florida worker’s compensation claims, but you can also obtain the forms on your own from the Employee Assistance Office of the Florida Department of Worker’s Compensation. When filing a claim, you’ll need to include medical documentation of your injury.If your employer refuses to fill out and submit the First Report of Injury, you can do it yourself directly with the workers compensation insurance company.

Medical Care:

  • Workers comp has a list of authorized medical providers.  The workers compensation insurance company chooses the doctors for your treatment from its list.  Unfortunately, you do not get to choose your own doctors.
  • You can change your physician only once so exercise this right carefully.

Keep In Mind:

  • Under Florida law, you are not paid for the first seven days of disability. If your disability continues past 21 days, the insurance company is required to pay you for the first seven (7) days of disability.
  • Florida law does not require your employer to hold your job open for you until the doctor releases you to work again, however you may be protected under the Family Medical Leave Act.
  • If you can not return to the type of work you did before you were injured, you may be entitled to vocational counseling, transferable skills analysis, job-seeking skills, job placement, on-the-job training, and formal retraining at no cost to you.

Appealing a Denied Claim:

  • When Florida worker’s compensation claims are denied, a Petition for Benefits (PFB) needs to be filed.
  • Once a PFB is filed, the State automatically sends the claim to mediation and sets a final hearing date.
  • Mediation allows you to negotiate with the workers comp insurance company any issues which are in dispute in your claim.  This is also the time you may have an opportunity to discuss settling your claim for a lump sum of money.  However, keep in mind that if you settle your claim for medical benefits with the insurance company and your condition gets worse later, you are responsible for your future medical needs after your claim has been settled.
  • If you and the insurance company can’t reach an agreement during mediation, your case will be set for a final hearing.  A final hearing is similar to a trial and takes place in front of a judge who will decide whether you should get the benefits that have been denied.

Hiring An Attorney:

  • Don’t rely on your employer or their insurance company to be “on your side”. They will want to settle your claim for as little money as possible and will be looking out for themselves, not for you!
  • You have the right to hire an attorney to help look out for you. If you do hire a lawyer, make sure you hire one that has extensive experience with Florida workers’ compensation claims. They must be very familiar with the Florida workers compensation laws because these laws are complex and are amended by the Florida Legislature annually.

For more information about Florida workers compensation claims, contact Florida work accident compensation lawyer Joseph M. Maus at 1-866-556-5529, logon to his website at www.mauslawfirm.com, or email him today.

Source by Joseph M. Maus

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The Medicare program provides healthcare coverage to approximately 44 million Americans, making it America’s largest government-sponsored healthcare program. However, even though it provides coverage for many health-related issues, Medicare often does not cover the full cost of healthcare for participants. Participants, therefore, need to be aware of what is and is not covered by their particular plan in order to ensure that they purchase necessary Medicare Supplement insurance or enroll in additional coverage plans, if needed.

In order to determine what kind of Medicare Supplement insurance participants may need, they should first determine what type of Medicare plan they currently have. There are two types of coverage plans for participants: Medicare Part A and Part B.

Gaps in Medicare Part A

Part A is known as the Hospital Insurance plan because it covers inpatient hospital fees, inpatient skilled nursing facility fees, home health fees, and hospice services. However, Part A has a significant amount of gaps in coverage that you will not be reimbursed for.

– A hospital deductible for each unique illness. In 2009, this deductible was $1,068. – Coinsurance payments for the hospital. After the deductible has been met, Plan A will cover the first 60 days of fees in full. However, for days 61 to 90, the coinsurance payment is $267 in 2009. For days 91 to 150, the coinsurance payment is $534 in 2009. – Hospital fees if a patient needs to stay beyond 150 days in the hospital. – Some coinsurance payments in skilled nursing facilities; Part A pays for the first 20 days in full. However, for days 21 to 100, the daily coinsurance payment in 2009 is $133.50. – Coverage for home health aide services that are provided on more than a part-time or an intermittent basis. – Coverage for any home health nursing or aide services where there is no skilled care.

Gaps in Medicare Part B

Part B is also known as Supplementary Medicare Insurance because it provides healthcare coverage for many physician and outpatient services that participants may need. Part B also provides coverage for many types of durable medical equipment, prosthetic devices, supplies needed to perform physician services, and even ambulance transportation. Gaps in Part B include:

– The Part B deductible. An annual deductible needs to be met before Plan B will pay for covered services. This annual deductible for 2009 was $135. – The Part B coinsurance payment of 20 percent. Plan B will pay for 80 percent of an approved charge for services and items covered by Part B. This amount, of course, varies based on the services and items required. – Any portion of a bill that is not covered by Medicare. Participants need to keep in mind that many healthcare providers charge more than the fee that is approved by Plan B. Participants will need to pay the uncovered balance.

How to Fill Medicare Coverage Gaps

When a plan participant has a coverage gap, it is often wise for the participant to fill in the gap in order to ensure that he or she has more comprehensive healthcare coverage. There are several popular ways to fill these coverage gaps, including:

– Government programs, including Medicaid, Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program (QMB), Qualified Individual Program (QI), and Special Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary Program (SLMB). – Non-standardized group retirement policies. – Non-standardized individual Medigap plans that were issues before July 31, 1992. – Standardized individual Medigap plans that were issued after July 31, 1992.

Participants should be aware that those who are eligible to receive Medicaid will not need Medigap insurance because Medicaid will provide coverage for their healthcare expenses. However, if participants do not qualify for Medicaid but are within 100 percent of the federal poverty level, they can be covered by the QMB. QMB covers Medicare premiums, annual deductibles, and coinsurance payments.

If individuals do not qualify for Medicaid but make too much money to qualify for QMB, they may qualify for the SLMB or the QI. SLMB and QI pay for a portion of the Part B premium, so participants who receive SLMB or QI support may want to purchase Medigap insurance to help with additional costs.

All Medicare participants should be aware of the gaps in coverage that apply to them. By understanding what their coverage gaps are, they can make arrangements to enroll in programs that can help to fill all or some of these coverage gaps, which will help to ensure that they are adequately covered for their healthcare costs, no matter what happens in the future.

Source by Wiley Long

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You finally have the motorcycle which you really want. The subsequent practical tip is to buy insurance.

For anyone who is looking for the cheapest motorcycle insurance, then you will have to locate your directory listings and phone every insurance packages adviser you are able to find to know what their insurance firms offer. Following that, you may pick which one to obtain.

You will want to teach your self how the insurance firms work. Should you really want the most affordable motorcycle insurance plan, you will need to at the very least be certain that this will protect your motorcycle as well as your own protection when you are saving cash.

You might have to understand in addition how the insurance companies could rate you as their client. It’s not solely you spotting the potential partner.

For a start, insurance agencies can rate you based on your motorcycle. In case you have the coolest as well as newest model, it will be tough for you to acquire the cheapest motorcycle insurance due to the fact it will be more costly.

Give it a shot. Question your fellow motorcycle fanatics who possess the common and more mature motorcycles. You certainly will recognize that they have discounted motorbike insurance coverage.

Secondly, they also rate you with your age. The more aged you are, the less costly your motorcycle insurance coverage will likely be. For anybody who is new to the whole motorbike as a passion and all, you’ll end up in a grouping which has steeper costs.

Once you obtain the driving experience that you’ll need as a motorcycle driver, it is possible to ultimately have the most economical motorcycle insurance that you wish.

It might not be clear but insurance companies in addition rate you by way of your home address. The high coverage premiums are offered to people who are now living in regions with high accidents in addition to increased infractions rates, as opposed to areas which have lesser crime rates and accidents.

Your driving history is another factor for getting the cheapest motorcycle insurance. Irrespective you may be new to motorbikes or otherwise, the mishaps that you’ve gotten in your past riding experiences tend to be negative for you.

Make certain that you possess a clean riding record when you submit an application for insurance packages. If your standing is clear, then your prospects for getting bargain motorcycle insurance policies is also high.

As a final point, your work make a difference to to your motorcycle insurance cover prices. Insurance providers could examine where you’re traveling to as well as where you are parking your bike.

If you park your motorbike near a construction site, the insurance company will provide you with a greater quote due to the fact this will likely signify a higher possibility of your bike being put at risk.

Source by Ricky Lim

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To many, a year age difference doesn’t mean much. There isn’t much distinctness between a 12 and 13-years-old, just like there isn’t much of a contrast between a 21 and 22-years-old. Health insurance experts, however, disagree. A simple year in age can make the difference between someone having proper health insurance and someone going without any kind of medical coverage at all.

As well as age, an individual’s ethnic background plays a major role in obtaining health insurance. According to a study by the Center for Adolescent Health and Law, a startling amount of adolescents, older adolescents and young adults lack health insurance coverage. Most of the individuals are minorities. To change these statistics, start by comparing health insurance quotes online today!

Here are some startling statistics about ethnic youth lacking health insurance coverage:

  • Nearly 30 percent of Hispanic adolescents (ages 10-18) lack health insurance
  • 12 percent of black adolescents
  • Only 8.4 percent of white adolescents
  • Nearly 50 percent of Hispanic young adults (ages 19-23)
  • 3 out of every 10 high school graduates are uninsured at some time during the year following their high school graduation
  • Racial and ethnic minorities are more likely than whites to have incomes that are less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level; therefore, they are more likely than whites to enroll in Medicaid and/or to be uninsured

In the midst of a failing economy, more and more people are losing their health insurance coverage. As unfair as it is, minorities are even more likely to be affected and lose their coverage.

Plenty of Health Care Options to Choose From

In the “Land of Opportunity,” everyone should be able to own health insurance.  Just because a child is part of a minority group doesn’t mean parents should have to struggle to find them affordable health insurance. Fortunately, there are plenty of affordable health insurance coverage options for ethnic teens and young adults:

  1. Health insurance provided by employer. While it is unlikely that even an older adolescent will have a full-time job, especially one with health insurance benefits, this is the best option. Parents should be open to opportunities that may lead them to employer-sponsored health insurance benefits; it typically guarantees coverage for your spouse, children, and dependents, regardless of pre-existing condition and, most importantly, age and ethnicity.
  2. Medicaid. A federal health care program, Medicaid provides benefits to more than 50 million low-income children, working families, senior citizens, and people with disabilities. Many racial and ethnic minorities—who are disproportionately more likely to use the program than whites—depend on Medicaid, providing coverage to about one in five Latinos and African Americans.
  3. Contact your state legislator and federal officials. Sometimes, it’s better to get things done yourself. Writing, calling, and emailing your congressman about the key healthcare policy issues and demand they work to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities can raise awareness about a growing problem.
  4. Health insurance in college. Check with your college if it offers any health insurance options. Who knows? Maybe your college can offer you something other than an education.

staff contribution: Rafael Onak

Source by Tom Lustina

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As you try to obtain an auto insurance coverage for your teenager son or daughter, the decision about which company you should approach for that shouldn’t be based on the cost of their services. Yes, it is common knowledge for most of us that this particular insurance coverage is something that is very expensive wherever you go. As you ask around and try to look for the most affordable rates, you will surely find out that most companies charge teenager drivers expensively for their insurance since they are regarded as risky drivers due to their lack of driving experience.

Now you may be tempted to immediately purchase a cheap auto insurance for your children when you see one like that. However, we warn you that such things do not normally deliver the policies that they provide. Most of the time, these companies wouldn’t be able to provide them with adequate coverage just in case they are involved in a vehicular accident. You might be surprised to know that there are a lot of insurance providers that are being attacked by a lot of complaints from their clients because they fail to deliver as they offer. We are sure that you wouldn’t want your son or daughter to be involved in things like this.

If you will look at it, it will really be much better for you to go with the more expensive auto insurance rates. This way, you wouldn’t be able to go wrong and your children will be properly covered just in case an untoward incident happens.

Article Source: Auto Insurance Quote

Source by Kate Hudgens

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How Much Danger is Your Home or Business In?  It is all about location.

If you live in California, the US Geological Survey has said that Southern California will most likely be hit with a big earthquake within the next 30 years. They said that there is a 99% chance that we’ll experience a quake with a magnitude of at least 6.7. They also said there is 46% chance that we will have a 7.5 magnitude quake – or bigger.

So what does that mean for San Diego County residents?  Even though the “big one” is supposed to have an epicenter somewhere in Southern California, most San Diego residents are not highly at risk. Well, at least compared to Orange County and Los Angeles (LA) residents. One indicator is earthquake insurance rates. In San Diego versus LA, the average premium cost in San Diego is only $251 per year compared to Los Angeles and Orange Counties which is $693 per year.

According to a recent San Diego Union Tribune article, a ‘Big One’ in California would not be like the recent big quake in Chile. Because California’s seismic plate tectonics differ from Chile’s, our region is not subject to the large magnitude quakes that they experience down there. In California the plates slide sideways while in Chile they slide under each other. Additionally the crust is a lot thinner here than in Chile.  Because of those two factors, seismologists predict a maximum 8.1 quake at the worst for Southern California.

 The San Andreas Fault, which extends from the Salton Sea to the town of Parkfield in Monterrey County, provides the greatest seismic threat.  Luckily though, the Salton Sea area is a long distance away from most San Diego residents.  In addition, the San Andreas Fault is inland and would not result in a tsunami, which caused much of the recent damage in Chile. There are several off shore faults near San Diego but they are very small and do not present much risk.

If a big jolt did indeed hit the San Andreas Fault near the Salton Sea, San Diego City residents would definitely feel it, but most likely would not experience catastrophic damage or casualties. Despite that, we do have a few smaller local faults that have the potential to generate a pretty big jolt. The most worrisome San Diego County faults are the Rose Canyon Fault on the east side of Pacific Beach and La Jolla.  A little further south and inland, the La Nacion Fault runs through South San Diego, Chula Vista and National City.  In East County mountains and deserts, you need to be aware of the Elsinore, Aqua Caliente and San Jacinto Fault Zones.

So, depending on where you live, there is varying danger of fault movement and earthquake shaking. If you live close to a known fault, you should be aware of the possibility of a large jolt damaging your property. However, there are two other risk factors as well, they are landslide and liquefaction. During an earthquake, especially after wet weather, the violent earth shaking may trigger a landslide. However, of more importance is what your home or business is built upon.

Many San Diego homes and businesses are built on sand or on fill and are vulnerable to what is known as soil liquefaction. During a quake these kinds of soils can act like jello, amplifying a quake’s movement more than a home built on rock or settled land.  Because of liquefaction, a home that is close to a earthquake epicenter that is built on rock may experience less shaking and damage than a home that is much further away that is built on sand or fill.

How can you find out what is under your home and what danger is neighborhood is in?

Another great online resource to check out your specific neighborhood is this interactive map will help you find fault lines, landslide and liquefaction zones in your San Diego community http://files.sangis.org/interactive/viewer/Viewer.asp

It’s a little complicated to use this online map. Start by clicking on the “custom map” button.  On the right side scroll down and then click on Faults. Next click on Geologic Hazards. That will activate those map layers. Then hit Refresh at bottom of page on the right side. 

Now is the fun part – finding your neighborhood. Using the PAN and ZOOM IN controls, navigate around the map and zoom in to find your neighborhood and its geologic hazards for fault zones, liquefaction and landslides. You can zoom in to your specific block to get an idea of the earthquake related threats around your home or business.

If you are clear of all those, you probably don’t need Earthquake Insurance as much as someone whose home is in a liquefaction zone adjacent to an earthquake fault.

Online article with maps to find out if your home is in a danger zone – check for landslide, liquefaction and earthquake fault zones.


Source by Ron Reitz

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There is just one thing that may hold you back when you are just about to smile appreciating your car that is the fact that you have to purchase tow truck insurance policy if you wanted to drive it. Well it is not new to hear that the state law requires all car owners and drivers to have at least the minimum requirement. This minimum requirement depends upon the state and it’s not uniformly patterned at all.

Nothing is actually wrong in being asked to get some protection before one can go on the roads in fact being insured takes much of one’s worrying about meeting some accidents. But what is bothering people on getting one? A straight forward answer to this question would be the tow truck insurance policy rates are expensive.

It is the price that one has to pay, literally that makes purchasing of a tow truck insurance policy somewhat painful for our financial capabilities. It is a given fact that getting some coverage for your truck would cost you a lot nevertheless it is also a fact that there are ways on how to get low cost tow truck insurance.

You can actually do something about your premium rates. First understanding how tow truck insurance company assigns rates to premiums would give you all the idea you need on how to deserve a low cost insurance for your truck.

Your driving record is on the top of the list. Tow truck insurance companies assess your driving performance mostly for the past five years. This maybe relative depending on what specific period does your insurance company focus on. Either ways it would pay if you have been driving safely and responsibly. If you have no involvement in any accident whether it is at-fault or no-fault car accident, you are definitely in good standing. Couple this accident free record with filing no claims all throughout your driving history and you will definitely get the best rate.

Your credit record also affects your premium rates. Having a high credit score will set you a good reputation in the eyes of car insurance providers. If they see that you are good in handling your finances chances are you will be given a lower rate than an average person gets.

The truck model also is a factor. Driving expensive new models of trucks will not help you get lower rates. Oder car model will do on the contrary. Adding auto-theft protection devices then you will get discounted. The truck’s mileage also matters for the higher your annual mileage, you are likely to have higher premium as well.

Where you live also makes a difference in your tow truck insurance rate. Since most of the auto-theft related crimes happen in urban setting then policyholders will get to pay more if they are urban dwellers. So if your location is not a big deal for you then you might want to consider moving to a rural place. Low cost tow truck insurance is what everybody hopes to have. With the difficulties that we are experiencing right now with our financial obligations, having expensive tow truck insurance is the least thing that we would want in our lives.

Source by alannabettina12

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Are you on a look out for low cost dental insurance plans? Well, if your employer does not cover this, then there is a great place for you to get the low cost dental insurance plan that you are looking for?

You can just search the web and you’d be surprise because there are so many options available for you out there.

There are very basic dental plans and there are full coverage insurance plans. If you are specifically looking for low cost dental insurance plans, chances are you will find these.

But you have to ask yourself this question first. What exactly are you looking for in a low cost dental insurance plan?  Well, the plan you choose should allow you to pick the dentist you would like to have a consultation with.

Some plans do not allow you that liberty. You are restricted to the directory of dentists they have within their plan. It is very important to ask the insurance company if you have the freedom to choose because it is you who are visiting your dentist and it is your mouth that is being inspected.

It’s only fair that you are comfortable when you are sitting on that dental chair, right?

Also, going back to the dentist on a frequent basis establishes rapport between you and your dentist. If you are already have a dentist in mind, you can ask your dental insurance company if the low cost dental insurance plan you are thinking of signing up with allows you to visit your preferred dentist.

If yes, then you are lucky. If not, you can pay extra so that you can do so.

You should also decide on how you would approach your low cost dental insurance plans. Most plans require the dentists to follow the least expensive alternative treatment. However, with the low cost dental insurance plan, you still need to make sure that you are getting your money’s worth.

You must discuss with your dentist  about the options that are available for you regarding your condition. If the dentist requires a particular plan that can help you better with the operation on a financial aspect, then go for it.

But you should also remember that there are some procedures that you can still go with even if these are least costly. You just have to make sure that the operation you opt for (because it is within your low cost dental insurance plan) will give you the results that you want.

Another issue you have to concern yourself with is whether you low cost dental insurance plan covers  preventive, diagnostic, and emergency dental procedures. Find out to which extent is available for you. Common emergency dental procedures amount to $5000.

That would be such a price to pay just for not having dental insurance. You have to understand the policies of your plan and you also have to know how much will be covered by the insurance for each specific dental case.

Source by Ricky Lim

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The trucking industry is a vital component of the national economy. For this reason, a great deal of research goes into developing new accident prevention technologies. In the past, accident prevention usually meant the reduction of damages if an accident were to take place. Today, smart systems are being developed to keep drivers safe on the road.

The Next Generation in Stability Control

Electronic Stability Control (ESC) has become an integral part of trucking safety. ESC is the system that selectively applies brakes to one or more wheels when the truck begins to lose control. ESC II is currently being developed to further decrease loss of vehicle control. This is accomplished through a combination of slight steering input, as well as throttle and braking control. Tests are being conducted to expand these mechanisms to include rear wheel steering control through active multi-link suspension systems.

Pre-Collision Systems

Pre-Collision Systems have been installed in many of the more expensive car models and can be adapted for use in trucks. If a collision is imminent, the system senses the approaching cars and other obstacles and activates preventative measures to try to stop or minimize the collision and to protect the driver. Measures taken may be full activation of brakes and activation of safety devices. Some systems even include video cameras to act as a second pair of eyes for the driver.

Adaptive Cruise Control

In addition to regulating speed, this system uses radar to maintain safe traveling distances between vehicles. As the truck approaches another vehicle, brakes and throttle are adjusted accordingly.

Lane Departure Warning

Cameras are installed in the truck to detect the stripes denoting lanes or road margins. If the truck begins to cross these lines, a chime and warning light are activated. In testing, this system was very effective on highways in alerting drowsy drivers that they are not paying attention to the road.

Brake Assist

This is a mechanism that measures the pressure applied to the brakes. If a rapid hard thrust is applied, as when a driver is trying to avoid a collision, the maximum braking capability is increased adding greater braking power.

Blind Spot Detection

This system uses cameras to observe a trucks blind spots. If the driver attempts to change lanes while a vehicle is in the trucks blind spots, a warning is given to the driver.

Night Vision

Infrared technology can be applied to increase a drivers vision ability at night. Drivers have reported many night vision systems as being confusing, but better systems are being developed.

Rollover Mitigation

Sensors augment stability control in order to detect when the truck is beginning to tip. Stability control then applies brakes in an effort to prevent the rollover. If this fails safety systems, such as airbags, are activated.

Active Head Restraints

During a collision, head restraints move forward to brace the head in an effort to prevent whiplash.

Voice Recognition

As every driver knows, attempting to fumble with gear and gadgets can reduce the ability of a driver to control a truck. For this reason implementing voice recognition systems for control of radios, climate control, cell phones, etc. is seen as a way to greatly increase driver safety.

Intelligent Networks

Systems are being developed that allow vehicles to communicate with each other. This would operate in a similar fashion to drivers further down the road informing others of ice or accidents. All vehicles would report to each other a variety of factors including road conditions, weather, obstructions, and so on.

Source by Joe Trzepla

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If you were to call an insurance agent and ask about the savings on dental insurance plans today, they would probably tell you to save your money and get a discount dental plan. With all the limitations, deductibles, waiting periods and exclusions; a good discount dental plan can often leave more money in your pocketbook.

Discount dental services are not dental insurance. They are services provided to patients to make dental care much more feasible and affordable. Because they are not insurance plans, everyone is accepted, there are no referrals required to see a specialist, there are no waiting periods, no limits on use, no administrative forms to complete and the plans cover everyone in the household related or not.

Can a dental plan save you more than an insurance plan?

Dental insurance policies carry a monthly premium that can be as much as $30 per month for an individual and $100 or more a month for a family plan. In comparison, a discount dental plan typically has a low monthly fee of less than $20 for the entire household. With a dental insurance plan there is often a deductible that must be met. There are no deductibles with a discount dental plan. As soon as the client enrolls in a discount plan they are eligible for immediate discounted fees at the time work is completed. Many insurance plans require a waiting period of several months before you can use the plan.

With dental insurance there is a maximum limit covered annually per individual or family.  The average cost covered with most plans is a maximum of $300 to $1500 per year.  The patient is responsible for any fees over that amount.  Braces alone cost upwards of $4,000 to $5000, just to give you an idea.  And worst yet, braces are typically not covered by insurance.  With a discount plan, there are no limits, no maximum limits and patients can have as much work as they wish and can afford with the discounted fees. 

In addition to saving money with a dental plan, it also saves you time. There are no forms, claims or waiting periods that are typically required with an insurance plan. There are also pre-existing conditions exclusions with insurance plans. Another one of the benefits of discount dental services is that there are great discounts on procedures that are not covered by insurance such as orthodontics, mentioned above, as well as teeth whitening, porcelain veneers and other procedures that are considered cosmetic. 

I recently went to my dentist using our dental insurance benefits, as I needed a cleaning and a filling replaced. I walked out of the dentist office with an estimate of over $600 and my entire year’s maximum limit had been met. My husband could still get his teeth cleaned and checked, but everything else that he might need would be out of pocket. I was also told that due to my age that I would need to get my teeth cleaned every three months for an additional $160. With all of our premiums and cost of procedures using my dental insurance and comparing to the lower cost of the discount dental plan and deep discounts, we would have been about to get all of the procedures done and still saved money. I was surprised.

All in all, it may be more feasible for patients to use a discount dental plan to save even more on their dental care. When looking for a discount dental plan, look for a program that is a member of the National Association of Dental Plans. This Association promotes and advances the network-based dental plan industry in an effort to improve consumer access to affordable, quality dental care.

Source by Debbi Carroll

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As an attorney in Michigan I am often asked about Michigan’s Auto No-Fault Law. This is natural because people who have been injured in a motor vehicle accident need to know their rights. However, because of the specialized and technical language in the law, people can be overwhelmed with “information overload”. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers in plain english.

I was involved in a car accident and my insurance company keeps talking about first party and third party benefits. What do these terms mean?

The Michigan No-fault Act provides for two broad divisions of claims; “economic” and “non-economic.” “Non-economic” loss is commonly referred to as pain and suffering or “third party” damages because they are paid by someone other than the insurance company. Economic loss is called “first party” coverage, no-fault or “PIP” benefits. These benefits are paid by your insurance company.

What is required to bring a Non-Economic Damages claim ( also known as a “pain and suffering” claim)?

Another driver must be more than 50% at fault in the accident.

The victim must suffer a “serious impairment of a body function, or a serious and permanent disfigurement or death”.

A physician must indicate that the accident was, more likely than not, the cause of your injuries.

You must not have intentionally caused the accident.

Am I eligible for no-fault benefits?

Benefits are provided for any person involved in a motor vehicle accident, even if you were at-fault for causing the accident.  If you were injured while riding in a motor vehicle, or were hit by a motor vehicle while on a motorcycle, bike or as a pedestrian, you are entitled to no-fault benefits.  This is true even if you don’t have your own car insurance.  There is an exception to this rule for uninsured drivers however. If you were driving your own uninsured motor vehicle at the time of the accident, you may not be eligible.  Please consult with an attorney to determine your eligibility for benefits.

How do I make a no-fault claim?

Contact your insurance agent or the claim reporting center and let them know you have been involved in an accident. An adjuster should contact you within a few days and explain no-fault benefits to you. After this initial contact, you should receive an “Application for No-Fault Benefits” form. Complete this form and return it to the claims adjuster. This form must be submitted to your insurance company within one year of the accident in order for you to obtain benefits.

Are motorcycle accidents covered by no-fault?

Only if a motor vehicle is involved in the accident. Motorcycles and snowmobiles are not considered motor vehicles.  If a motorcycle collides with a tree or flips over, there is no no-fault coverage.  However, if a motorcycle is hit by a car or truck, then a motor vehicle is involved and there is no-fault coverage.

What if a pedestrian was hit by a motor vehicle?

Many people are under the impression that, in order to be entitled to no-fault benefits, an injury victim must have paid for these benefits in the form of purchasing a no-fault policy. The general rule should be understood: Everybody injured in a motor vehicle accident is covered by no-fault. Note the exception above to this rule for uninsured drivers.

I did not have insurance on my vehicle when I was involved in a motor vehicle accident. Am I still entitled to no-fault benefits?

An uninsured passenger or pedestrian is entitled to no-fault benefits. If you are the owner of the uninsured motor vehicle involved in the accident then you are not entitled to no-fault benefits.

What are the benefits that I am entitled to under no-fault?

Below is a basic summary of benefits no-fault benefits:

  • Wage loss up to three years, subject to a statutory maximum which changes every year.
  • Medical expenses, including hospital and doctor bills
  • Medically related mileage
  • Replacement Services up to $20.00 per day for three years
  • Attendant Care services (even if provided by family members)
  • Survivor’s Loss Benefits

(Please consult with an attorney for additional information regarding specific benefits)

What are the limits on medical expenses?

There is no dollar limit on the amount of money a no-fault insurer must pay for accident related treatment.  Medical expenses must only be reasonable and necessary for your care, recovery or rehabilitation.  This is a lifetime benefit.

What is the difference between Replacement Services and Attendant Care Services?

Replacement Services are available for up to three years from the accident date and are limited to $20/day. This benefit is for services that the injured person would have performed had he/she not  been injured. Replacement services would be available for mowing the lawn, doing laundry, dishes, taking out the garbage and other household chores and daily activities.

Attendant Care Benefits are not limited in duration or amount. Attendant Care Benefits are for personal care services, for example personal hygiene. Further, attendant care benefits are paid on an hourly basis and your doctor will help decide this.

How long do I have to wait for the insurance company to pay my claim?

Claims submitted with reasonable proof must be paid within 30 days. If the insurance carrier feels reasonable proof was not submitted, they must inform you in writing within 30 days of your submission. Properly submitted claims that remain unpaid after 30 days are considered overdue and bear simple interest at 12% as a penalty against the insurer. If the insurer unreasonably delays or refuses to pay, they may be subject to a penalty attorney fee as well.

Source by Eric Steinberg

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Internet leads are unlike leads from any other source, and they require a different sales strategy. An Internet insurance lead is better qualified than other leads because the prospect who originated the lead has shown himself or herself to be uniquely proactive. Unlike a person who has been called by a telemarketer or responded to a piece of direct mail, the consumer behind an Internet lead for health insurance, life insurance, or homeowner’s insurance initiated the contact, using a search engine to find a solution to a problem and completing an online form, requesting contact from a sales person. The Internet lead is primed to take action. Here is how to proceed:

1. Call all leads. Many sales people look over their Internet leads and cherry pick the ones they think are best. This is a mistake. Top closers realize that sales is a numbers game. They need several fresh leads each day. Besides, unless you are psychic, how will know which lead is good and which is bad? Never assume! Just as with an inbound call, you do not know which insurance lead will result in a sale. Remember, when you delete a lead you do not like, the only thing you guarantee is that you will not make a sale.

2. Contact is king. Now that the prospect has taken the first step, you have to be just as proactive in reaching him or her. Immediately call the consumer at work and home, (no matter the time frame they may have indicated on the lead). At the same time, or even before, send a personalized email introducing yourself, your company, and explaining why you should earn their business. Place at least six calls per day for the first 3 days after receipt of the insurance lead. Vary the times that you attempt over the initial three day period. Try the following times for better odds of reaching the consumer at work: 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., before regular office hours; 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., over the standard lunch break; 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., immediately after office hours. Leave a voice mail on the last call of the day. If you have not had a response after 24 hours, send a follow up email. Continue trying to contact the consumer on the weekends. Once contact is established remind the consumer that you are following up on their request.

3. Listen to the client. Ask questions, but spend most of the first call listening to the client. Never rely entirely on what the consumer has put on their lead. Find out what problems they have that you can solve. Are the problems real or just perceived? Do you have flexible and creative solutions to their particular needs? Remember that it is your job to educate first, and sell second. Communicate clearly the advantages of working with your company. Respect the consumer’s requests and wishes at all times.

4. Be persistent and courteous. After you’ve established contact do not assume that the business is yours. Aggressively move down the process. Constantly sell yourself and your company. Respect the consumer’s requests, and listen to their needs. Bridge the gap between their request and your company. Be the consumer’s advocate by focusing on solving their problem. Educate the consumer about comparing competitors’ fees and services. Why should the consumer be your client? Why should they stay with you? Answer both of these questions before leaving the first call.

5. Recycle your leads. Many consumers are turned off by the initial rush their online request unleashes. Others find that their needs have not been met. Maintain a regular call and email follow-up schedule for those leads that did not convert. Today’s insurance lead could be tomorrow’s client, if you persevere.

Source by Bradley Steffens

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At Top Insurance School one of the biggest questions we receive is “How do I pass a 2-20 Course and what’s the State application process.”

After enrolling in the property casualty class, you can work at your own pace. If you work every day you can get it done in 3 to 4 weeks. As you finish each chapter there are quizzes that you must score a 70% on to continue to the next chapter. But don’t worry you can retake the quizzes as many times as you wish.

When you finish the course there is a final which you must also score a 70% on to get your Certificate of Completion. After you finish, the school registers your Certificate with the State and now you can apply for your license. You can download the application from aals.fldfs.com. With your application you must submit appropriate fees and then your fingerprints. Goto fldfsprints.com for instructions.

After being processed you will receive a letter in the mail saying that you are now eligible for the state test. You can register for your test through pearonvue.com or cal (888) 274-2020. You will pick the testing center location and the date and time. When you score a 70% on the exam you are now licensed. Top Insurance School offers the online course for $400. It’s designed to prepare a student to become a general Lines agent without the loss of production income and time. Your instructor is available via email, fax, or telephone. Now if you like this video I’ve made for Frequently Asked Questions. Just visit insuranceschoolflorida.com

Source by kemwanna839

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Are you a single mother looking for a health insurance plan? Well, since these plans are added costs to your monthly budget as a single parent, you better do some researches first before getting one. There are many health insurance mother single options sold in the market today. That fact alone may make the process more confusing for first timers like you. The basic tip you should take note of is to compare health insurance plans. Here’s how you may be able to do that.

Know more about the different types of insurance plans. Compare one from that of the other and see which will suit your budget. There are managed, fee-for-service and major medical plans for health insurance mother single. You have to know how these plans work. This is your key to know about what these plans cover for as well. Compare health insurance plans. See which will be a better option for you.

Managed health care plans include POSs, PPOs and HMOs. These plans cover for doctor visits, prescription drugs and hospital expenses. Fee-for-service plans on the other hand, are those that have the same coverage as those of managed health care plans. The only difference is that the second option is more expensive than the first one since you are given the freedom to choose your own hospital or doctor. If you want to save on health insurance mother single, you may opt for the third one – the major medical plan. This covers for major illnesses only such as diabetes and cancer.

After you’ve looked into insurance covers for the above-mentioned plans, you may now ask yourself “where can I compare health insurance plans?” You have two options. The first one is through local insurance companies and the second one is through online venues. The first option is actually a popular choice for some of you looking for health insurance mother single. This is because you think that you can have your questions directly answered by the insurance company. In short, you want to get personal answers from experts.

But, using local insurance venues is quite time consuming. This is why insurance experts found it better to offer online venues for the purpose. The good thing about this is that you no longer have to leave home to be able to compare health insurance plans. All you need to do is browse through the net, provide some personal info and get your free quotes. Plus, you are not obliged to commit to the company just because you’ve gotten a free quote from them. You can use this venue, anytime, anywhere, that is, without sacrificing your time and money.

It is actually easy to compare health insurance plans for single mothers. You just have to do your homework and make some researches. Ask about health insurance mother single and what it covers. Compare one plan from that of another. If you’re using an online venue to compare quotes, make sure that you can raise all your concerns to the company. Don’t wait until you’ve signed the policy before you ask questions. After all, these venues have advisors who can lead you to the right track for your chosen insurance plan.

Source by Ann Pan

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Captive insurance company or insures are basically are subsidiary to a parent company. It is primarily a risk management technique that helps the person for re insurance from their subsidiaries. It is a risk financial tool that helps insurers to adjust their negative impact on the primary insurance. This is preventive measure for parent insurance company that prevents their loss by allowing captive insurance. Insurance company whether big or small has the problem and that is necessary to cover their coverage risk. Since the premiums are growing yearly the insurance coverage are becoming very difficult to the provider company. Many companies cannot provide their claim in time. There is four or five type of insurance for captive insurance. The single parent captive, association captive, group captive, agency captive and rent-a captive are basic captive insurance that are available for necessary requirement of people. Captive insurance is basically a re insurance which is provided by a subsidiary of the parent company. The premium in captive insurance is less because they manage with the parent company’s profit. The method is simple and quiet flexible and provide low premium deposit. However, their norm of flexibility depends on the prevailing market norms. However there are two types of captive insurance available that is the branch captive and the agency captive. The captive insurance companies are growing fast. The reason is that they are owned or affiliated to a parent and big insurance company. They have their particular tax benefits that are not provided to other company. Captive insurance company provides the amount of premium to the parent company and retains the incoming profits. However, it is essential to take the advice of tax lawyer before venturing into such scheme. The system is complex and need expert advice. The scheme may affect the income tax liability. The reason for floating captive insurance company by a parent company has basic reasons to protect business risk. However, the premium paid to such subsidiary are deductible as business expense as per the Internal Revenue Service. The investment return is received straight on the invested capital. Therefore, it is essential to take the guidance from the risk management advisor who will provide you with adequate knowledge about the system and its pros and cons. There are varieties of captive insurance available and from many providers in the internet. But the best and consistent provider is captiveadvisors.com. They will provide all the assistance necessary and the knowledge required for the captive insurers.

Source by jamiehanson

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Most people find it exciting when they are planning to buy a house. This can also be daunting at the same time as it requires concentration and sufficient knowledge. However, there are different kinds of loan options available to help people in obtaining a home loan. One option of home loan mortgage, that is gaining a tremendous popularity, is known as FHA loan.

What are FHA loans?

Indeed, the federal government insures Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages. However, you should know that these loans are not given out by FHA. Rather, FHA employees help borrowers in obtaining the loan.

What is the objective of the FHA mortgage?

The mission of FHA mortgage is to lend a helping hand to borrowers in order to help them to get the amount they are eligible for. If the borrowers are successful in meeting all mortgage insurance requirements, they will surely achieve their most coveted dream of buying a house.

Who is eligible for this type of financial help?

This is exclusively fabricated for low as well as middle income borrowers along with people who are buying a home for the first time. If the home credit of the borrowers is not sufficient, then it is the ideal home loan for them.

What should you provide to avail these loans?

In fact, borrowers are required to make a payment of mortgage insurance premiums. The amount of initial premium is determined both by the loan term, as well as, the amount of your down payment. However, it is usually equal to 2.25% of the total amount borrowed.

Here, it is worthwhile to mention that the mortgage insurance premium makes a variation from 0.25 percent to 0.50 percent yearly on the financed amount. This should be paid by the borrower as monthly mortgage loan payment.

What are the FHA loan requirements?

There are certain criteria put down by FHA, which needs to be fulfilled by the borrower. However, the first and foremost factor that makes you eligible for FHA mortgage is your credit history. In this manner, you should have a good credit history for the last 2 years. The lenders usually ensure to check that there are no bankruptcies on the borrower’s part for the previous two years.

The borrower should also enjoy a good employment history in order to prove a stable source of income, which is considered as a no or low risk factor to the lender. In case the borrower is working with the same employer or company for the past two years, then this fact will definitely be an asset.

Source by Asem Eltaher

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Final expense insurance, also referred to in some capacities as burial insurance, is designed to help families cover expenses resulting from the death of a loved one.

Funeral costs alone can be as high as $25,000 or possibly more, and unanticipated charges such as medical costs that are not covered by health insurance, as well as federal and state taxes and/or other bills in the deceased name can add up, taking a toll on families during what is already an extremely difficult and emotionally taxing time.

By choosing to purchase final expense insurance, you can spare your family much of these expenses, and, in addition, this type of policy also allows you to specify the details of your funeral and burial, including the type of service and casket that you prefer.

If this sounds morbid, consider the alternative: your grieving family scrambling to make important financial and emotional decisions during a difficult time made more difficult by a total lack of preplanning.

According to the national funeral directors association, consumer interest in preplanning of funerals has been rising steadily for the past 30 years, but it is only recently, perhaps as so many baby boomers find themselves approaching retirement age, that the industry has centered on the pre funding of these types of ceremonies.

How were funerals and related expenses funded in the past? Traditionally, funerals were funded with trusts, which were especially complicated to arrange, but do carry tax liabilities and can become complicated if the purchaser of a trust decides to move out of state.

To combat these problems, some consumers created what was termed final life expense insurance policies, i.e. supplementary policies beyond their basic life insurance policies with small coverage limits, sometimes known as face amounts typically of about $10,000 designed to cover the costs of funerals.

The american association of retired persons AARP reports that funerals and burials rank high among the most expensive purchases that older Americans make. For an adult funeral, the average cost is from $4,000 to $5,000, which does not include any funeral service extras or miscellaneous expenses.

In ground funerals can cost an additional $2,500 or more, depending on the state in which the burial takes place, and other factors.

What all of this means is that the traditional $10,000 amount reserved in trust for burial and funeral expenses may simply not be enough, and paying for a typical funeral may necessitate taking funds from the deceased’s life insurance policy. Unfortunately, this is becoming an all too frequent trend.

Final expense insurance policies are individualized, which means that typically anything can be included in them, unless your policy is capped at a specific dollar amount, the highest of which, are typically $25,000.

The types of services and products that you can select will vary by policy, as well as by state, but generally, you can expect to be able to pre purchase and pre pay for the following: cremation, casket or urn, grave marker, flowers, plot, hearses and other funeral vehicles, embalming this is not legally required unless there will be a public viewing, but many people opt for it, in any case burial marker or grave liner, and digging and filling of the grave.

What factors should I consider when purchasing final expense insurance? Your state’s laws and regulations concerning final expense, burial, preneed insurance. The wishes, concerns, and recommendations of your family, your financial planner, and your attorney. The amount of death benefits that you will actually receive from the policy. The verification of the funeral director, agent, or company.

Any free look laws that your state may have in place, which allows you to review your policy before committing. A written list from your funeral home of choice, detailing the types of products and services offered, as well as their costs.

Whether or not the funeral home that you choose elects to give a price guarantee. If the funeral home doesn’t, then your funeral costs will likely be higher than the amount that you pre pay for.
Bringing a trusted family member or friend along to help you shop for the casket and other related products.

Whether or not the funeral arrangements that you make can be moved to any funeral home at any time.
Whether your state requires that the money you prepay to funeral directors be made available to you at any time.

The location of the grave site should be spelled out by section, row and plot number. The policy should specify what type of outer burial container you have purchased e.g., grave liner vs. a vault, and what it is made of.

The policy should specify what kind of marker you have purchased, including size, material, and style, preferably with a sketch. Whether opening, closing, marker installation costs, etc are included. Keep in mind that the costs of digging and filling a grave are not typically included in the cost of the plot.

Whether there are extra fees included if you elect to buy a marker from a monument dealer instead of from the cemetery, as well as if you elect to buy a casket from your own supplier.

Find out what happens if the cemetery ownership changes hands. Know what recourse you have if the cemetery runs out of money and defaults on your arrangement. Ask what happens if your chosen cemetery runs out of burial space.

Survey your desired cemetery to see how well the upkeep is, particularly after a snowstorm.
Look at the contingencies plan if the items you have selected will no longer available at the time of the funeral. Make sure you receive your funeral policy in a timely manner.

Make sure you receive at least one statement each year detailing the status of your account.
Know what happens if you decide to cancel your policy.

How can I obtain final expense insurance? Your insurance broker can help you decide which type of final expense insurance policy is right for your budget and personal preferences. The good news is that most people aged 40 to 85 can afford these types of policies, and the premiums, which generally depend on your age, but are based on other factors as well, are typically low.

As with all financial decisions, be sure to also seek the advice of your certified financial planner before choosing a final expense insurance plan.

Source by Terry Parker