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John Stewart

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If you are a driver of any vehicle or any other road user for that matter then the chances are that you have been involved in traffic accidents in one way or another. There are only a few handful who are fortunate enough to have nver been involved in traffic accidents. The problem of being involved with traffic accidents is that the effects are twofold, the short term effects and the long term effects.

Let’s take look at the short term effects first of all. The immediate effect of traffic accidents is the injury to the people involved and how serious that injury might be. If you are involved in a traffic accident where some one is injured then your most immediate concern should be to provide first aid treatment to the victim and then get them any other treatment as may be required.If an ambulance is needed then you should call one as soon as posible and you will also need to makea decision as whether you need to call the police or not.

After dealing with any injured persons at the site of the traffic accidents, the next thing you have to deal with is any demage to property.If the trafffic accident was with another vehicle then the first thing you will need to do is to exchange your insurance details. You should also note down the names and addresses of any witnesses as these might be needed later on if there is a dispute about the resposibility of the traffic accident.One thing you need to remember is that you should never admit liability at the scene of these traffic accidents. Let the insurance companies deal with that because that is their job.

The next thing you have to deal with at the site of traffic accidents is decide whether your vehicle is any shape to drive or not.If it is not drivable or doing so might present a danger to other road users,then the best thing you can do is to call a recovery vehicle. These can be quite expensive and as we don’t know when you might be involved in traffic accidents, it is always a good idea to have some sort of breakdown insurance and all you will have to do is to give them a call and they will make arrangements to get you and your vehicle home as soon as possible.

As far as the long term effects of traffic accidents are concerned, the very first thing you will need to sort out is the transport issue, if your own vehicle has to go in for repairs. Believe me, it can be very uncomfortable and uneasy to use public transport if you havn’t done it before or if you havn’t used it for a long time. Can you imagine having to wait at the train or bus station, in rain or snow and in the freezing cold. That’s why I pray to God every day to keep me away from traffic accidents.

The far worse of the long term effects of traffic accidents is that your insurance premiums are likely to shoot up if you are deemed to be responsible for the accident. The worst long term effect is that your confidence as a driver may affected and if this happens to be the case then you will need professional help before you can pluck enough courage to get behind the wheel again.

I know it is out of our hands as to whether we are involved in traffic accidents or not but we can always minimise the risk by learning some defensive driving techniques and believe me anything is worth the effort if it means that you are able to avoid traffic accidents.

Source by Nim Aulakh

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Don’t Despair! Hire An Attorney Experienced In Handling Traffic Tickets In NJ To Get The Best Possible Results

Have you recently been issued one or more traffic tickets in NJ?

If you have been pulled over for speeding, reckless driving or any other traffic violation, you were undoubtedly asked to present proof of insurance. If you were unable to provide such proof, you may have received an additional ticket for failure to possess insurance coverage.

Although a “no insurance ticket” in NJ does not result in points on your driving record, there are a number of other consequences. When you receive traffic tickets in NJ, you might also get…

  • A fine of anywhere from $300 to $1,000
  • Community service as determined by the court
  • Loss of your license for one year from the date of conviction

If you are convicted of a no insurance ticket in NJ a second time, you may face the following penalties…

  • Up to $5,000 in fines
  • Imprisonment for 14 days
  • Community service for 30 days
  • Loss of driving privileges for two years from the date of conviction

To make matters worse for drivers without insurance, an insurance violation complaint may be brought against the driver at any time for up to six months following the date when the alleged offense took place. In addition, if the driver fails to produce evidence that insurance was in place at the time of the offense, the court will automatically presume there was no coverage in place.

Drivers who are facing a no insurance ticket in NJ should not take the situation lightly, as the penalties associated with these types of tickets can be quite harsh. Therefore, it is best for drivers to hire a knowledgeable lawyer who is experienced with defending against these types of traffic tickets in NJ. The best chance of getting a ticket overturned and avoiding stiff penalties is with experienced legal defense.

For example, an attorney may be able to get the no insurance ticket in NJ thrown out if…

  • The state fails to prove that a defendant’s auto insurance was lawfully cancelled
  • The state fails to prove that the defendant was driving another person’s car and did not know the coverage was no longer in place while operating the vehicle
  • The state fails to prove that the uninsured driver was actually operating the vehicle

Other unique situations may arise that could help release the driver from liability.

With a competent lawyer by your side, one who is experienced in handling traffic tickets in NJ, you can get the best possible outcome. So, take your time to explore all of your options carefully.

Source by Sam Sachs

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Many people mistakenly think that they will depend on Social Security to pay for their funerals but do not realize that Social Security only pays $255 towards their funeral. If you are a veteran VA will pay up to $1,500 towards your funeral.  With the average funeral costing $6,500 it is important to have a plan in place to pay for your funeral so that your family members are not burdened with this expense.

Many people depend on their savings to pay for their funerals but do not realize that usually the last six months of their lives are extremely expensive due to healthcare, medications, and other bills that they may incur. Unfortunately, their savings can sometimes be wiped out at this time. Final expense life insurance was designed to pay for your funeral expense during this time of need. In many cases these payments are paid to the beneficiary within 24 hours after the funeral services are performed. 

Even if someone has traditional life insurance, final expense insurance may come in handy because traditional life insurance will not pay the beneficiary until the death certificate and other important documents have been received. This can take several months to settle a claim and can cause unnecessary fees and charges on the unpaid funeral balances. It is important to have a plan in place because no one knows when it will be time for them to pass away. Plan for the future so that your family members are not financially burdened during their time of grief.

If you want to learn more about <   a  rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’, ‘/outgoing/article_exit_link/1161244’);” href=”http:// http://www.usa-lifequotes.com”>Massachusetts Medicare Supplement Insurance</a> visit our site at  www.usa-lifequotes.com

Source by Lakeisha Clayton

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All accidents leave the victims in a state of shock. Senses are numbed and you simply cannot think straight. But if you can keep your cool and follow some immediate action steps, you can be saved from a lot of legal and insurance related hassles in the future.

The first and most natural reaction after an automobile accident is to panic-DON’T!

Though it is difficult to keep a cool head when you are involved in a mishap, collecting your senses and acting wisely could save you lots of time, money and legal issues.

Try to remember the following action steps, so that you not only manage the situation better at that point in time, but are saved from additional stressors down the road.

– The first thing you ought to remember when involved in a road accident is not to flee from the accident site. Leaving the scene of an accident, even when you are innocent, can get you entangled in a lot of legal problems later.

– The next thing to remember is to not move your vehicle or change the accident scene until the authorities have arrived.

– Attend to other victims, but only after you have made sure that you are ok. However, take care not to move injured persons, unless there is fire (or some other type of emergent circumstance) or you are a qualified medical professional.

– Either contact the police yourself or get someone to call them. Police can play an important role, as they have to create and file accident reports, especially if someone is hurt or property damage to the vehicles exceeds $1000. All such official information will be helpful in the future as you deal with insurance companies and if you have to go to Court for a traffic charge (like failure to yield the right of way, disregarding a stop sign, speeding, etc.).

– After the accident try to collect as much information as possible about other drivers. Information like phone numbers, addresses, license plate numbers and insurance policy numbers can be of great assistance to you in future, as you file your claims for injuries and property damages. In cases where there are witnesses to the accident, try to gather their contact information as well.

– If you collided with a stationary vehicle or other property, the onus lies with you to locate the owner of the vehicle or other item into which you crashed. In case you are unable to find the owner, leave a note on the car, with your name, address, contact number, license plate number, time and date when the accident happened and the estimated damage. You may also notify the police regarding the accident within 24 hours. Finally, if you have a camera (digital, phone, Polaroid, etc.), then take pictures of the resulting damage to rebut any later inflated claim by the owner of the damaged property.

As you can see, there are lots of action steps after an automobile accident in Virginia which you can take, instead of just panicking. All the information and facts which you gather are for your own good and will help you in the future if you are entangled in any legal hassle or insurance claim.

So keep your cool and act wisely!

Source by James Parrish

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Whenever researching an Nissan Extended Warranty, keep these helpful tips on purchasing an auto warranty in mind:

– Always ask for the actual (or sample) copy of the service agreement that you will be purchasing. This allows for you to identify items that may or may not be covered under the product. 

– Always call your local ASE certified repair shop and Nissan dealership. Ask them if they accept or have had dealt with the Nissan Extended Warranty (a.k.a. extended service contract) you are considering. This will give you a good read on whether the company you are considering actually pays their claims.

– Have questions about what is covered and what is not? Call the claims number on the service agreement you requested earlier. This will allow you to see how quick and how knowledgeable the companies claim department is with its customers. Not just how quick their sales department is! If they have it, also ask for a complete list of components that are covered by the plan.

– Always check A.M. Best rating of the administrator of the product. This should be an A or better, if at all possible.

– Always check with the BBB for the rating on the seller and administrator of the product. Yes, these are often times different.

– Never purchase an Nissan extended warranty from a company that will not provide you with contact information (eg. address, phone number, etc).

Consumer Auto Warranty Quote:
I wouldn’t take a third party warranty if my life depended on it. There’s nothing but horror stories everywhere, about them. I’ve purchased Nissan factory plans on every vehicle I’ve owned over the years and I can say without a doubt factory plans are the best option, if you’re into purchasing these types of things” …. titanguy10

A factory-backed warranty is usually a better way to go, says Stacey Bradford an consumer action author at SmartMoney.com   There are numerous reasons for agreeing with Stacey’s statement here. Whether it be an independent shop or a dealer that would be working on your vehicle, they all have pre-conceived perceptions about working with an Nissan aftermarket warranty or a Nissan factory-backed plan.

Their perceptions are driven by the experience they have with the warranty companies handling of the mechanical breakdown claims. Talking with any of them would lead you to a stories about lengthy inspections, lack of full payment or lack of confidence in the ability for the consumers repair to be fully covered. Stacey further went on to say: “the factory-backed warranties come from the manufacturers themselves, [where] there’s more of an incentive to keep their customers happy.

Remember – eligibility for a Nissan factory backed extended warranty (a.k.a. service contract) is available while under Nissan factory warranty for Nissan Security+Plus Gold Preferred (the best vehicle coverage that Nissan offers). Plus you may still be eligible for a Nissan Security+Plus Pre-Owned plan if you are less than 5 years and 60k miles from original purchase date. As a Nissan owner, factory backed coverage is worth consideration.

 For an Nissan auto warranty quote specific to the Nissan vehicle you own please visit: http://www.VadenNissanWarranty.com

Source by Timothy Sanders

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Now that buses, subways, and trolleys are running again after a six-day transit strike, SEPTA riders can brace for the next unpleasantness: a fare hike.

SEPTA has been planning to increase fares in 2010 ever since it last boosted them in 2007. Regular smaller increases are better, SEPTA officials maintain, than infrequent big increases.

The day of reckoning is drawing closer. Raises likely would be scheduled to take effect around July 1, the start of the agency’s 2011 fiscal year.

SEPTA won’t say how much fares may go up. But the agency has budgeted for a 9.5 percent increase in passenger revenue in fiscal 2011.

A fare increase of that size could mean the cost of a token would go from the current $1.45 to about $1.60, and a weekly TransPass from the current $20.75 to about $22.75.

But nothing’s certain.

“If there is a fare increase, we don’t know how much it will be,” SEPTA spokeswoman Jerri Williams said yesterday. She said it would depend on inflation, ridership, the overall economy, and SEPTA’s effort at “fare simplification.”

A 10 percent hike could boost SEPTA’s base cash fare from the current $2 to $2.20. That would put it behind New York City, Chicago, and San Diego, which are at $2.25, and ahead of Boston ($2 subway/$1.50 bus), San Francisco ($1.75), and Washington ($1.65 subway/$1.35 bus).

SEPTA would have to hold hearings in the region’s five counties and get approval from its 15-member board before implementing any fare increase.

Williams was quick to say the new contract agreed to yesterday for bus drivers, subway and trolley operators, and mechanics was not to blame for a fare hike.

There was no wage increase for the first year of that contract, and the $1,250-per-worker ratification bonus is to be paid from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation budget, not SEPTA’s.

“It has nothing to do directly with the contract,” Williams said of a possible fare increase. She noted that a transportation funding and reform commission in 2006 recommended regular fare increases to keep up with rising costs.

Yesterday, SEPTA passengers generally were happy just to have a ride.

Buses, subways, and trolleys were back on their regular routes after a midnight contract settlement brokered by Rep. Bob Brady (D., Pa.) and Gov. Rendell.

The new five-year contract for the 5,100 members of Transport Workers Union Local 234 “is essentially the same” as the one rejected by the union leadership a week ago, Rendell said.

Two changes made the difference: an increase in dental insurance coverage – paid for by delaying part of one year’s raise – and an agreement to have a joint labor-management committee review any future impact on SEPTA’s costs created by national health-care legislation.

“We tried to get it done in time so there could be an announcement during the Eagles game, so people would know before they went to bed,” Brady said yesterday. “But we couldn’t quite make it in time.”

It was nearly 12:45 a.m. before Rendell, Brady, Mayor Nutter, and officials of the union and SEPTA gathered in the lobby of the Park Hyatt at the Bellevue to announce the settlement.

(They would have been there earlier, except their elevator got stuck when it reached the lobby at 12:40. It took three hotel employees about five minutes to pry the doors open and help the riders step a foot up to get out.)

TWU members will vote on the agreement in about a week and a half, said union president Willie Brown.

The provisions of the contract include the $1,250 bonus upon ratification, a 2.5 percent raise in the second year, and a 3 percent raise in each of the final three years.

Also, there is no increase in the workers’ health-insurance contributions, which is 1 percent of base pay. The workers’ contribution to the pension fund will increase from the current 2 percent of base pay to 3.5 percent over the life of the contract, and maximum pension payments will be increased from $27,000 a year to $30,000 a year.

Brady, who kept negotiations alive by driving back from Washington early Sunday to meet with union officials, said he thought it was crucial to try to settle the contract before the start of another commuting week.

“Once you get past the first week of a strike, you really have problems getting back to the table,” he said. “Things start to get bitter.”

Brady, a veteran labor leader who has been involved in many SEPTA negotiations, said long-standing ill will between the union and SEPTA management contributed to the difficult negotiations.

“There’s a lot of history there, all of it bad,” Brady said. “There’s not a trust factor there at all.”

Rendell had threatened to withdraw nearly $7 million in state funds he had offered to pay for the workers’ bonuses if an agreement was not reached by yesterday. The money is to come from a PennDot economic-development fund, he said.

Rendell and Nutter scolded union leaders earlier for rejecting what the governor called a “sensational” contract. And the weight of public opinion seemed to be against the union, with many people complaining the workers were asking for too much in tough economic times.

Early in the strike, Brown said he understood he was “the most hated man in Philadelphia.” Brady said that Brown tried to take the name-calling and scorn in stride, but that some epithets went too far.

“He got one call who said he hoped his [Brown’s] wife, daughter, and grandchild all got cancer and died on Christmas,” Brady said.

As riders returned to their regular transit routines yesterday, they said they were happy to have transit back but miffed that they’d had to endure a strike.

William Cartegena, 47, a social worker who travels daily by subway from Fern Rock to Center City, said he was glad the Broad Street Line was running again but still disappointed in SEPTA workers for the sudden onset of the strike.

“There was absolutely no consideration for commuters,” said Cartegena, a member of District Council 47 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. “I’m a member of a union, and I thought it was an embarrassment and a disgrace the way they did it.”

Source by Rick Lewis

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Obviously, losing a loved one in an accident is tragic and there is nothing that can be done to bring the person back. The last thing on your mind during a difficult time like this is the question, “How much should I be compensated for the loss of my loved one’s life?” To many, putting a dollar figure on someone’s life is both impossible and distasteful. Even so, Often times,, the only justice that can be achieved under the law for such a tragic loss is an award of compensation. In some cases, justice can come in the form of criminal charges filed by the state, but I see manywrongful death cases where the defendant’s conduct is fairly egregious and no criminal charges are ever filed for a variety of reasons. While the award that comes from a wrongful death suit will never bring the loved one back to life, in my work with families pursuing wrongful death claims, I often see that achieving a measure of justice helps families move forward in their grieving process.

Following a wrongful death in Washington, you may have been appointed as the personal representative to handle the estate. Your job may be to look out for the interests of the surviving children and/or the spouse. As the personal representative, you have a legal obligation to represent the best interests of the deceased person’s estate for the benefit of each beneficiary (e.g., child and spouse). This includes the obligation to pursue and/or file a wrongful death case if the facts support such a claim.

If a wrongful death claim does exist, then you are often dealing with the insurance claims process. More often than not, this is a minefield that is likely unfamiliar territory. In order to be successful at fulfilling your legal obligation as a PR, you must take this process very seriously on behalf of the deceased’s estate if you want to secure the family’s financial future.

Once a wrongful death occurs, the insurance claims process usually begins immediately. This means the personal representative and/or surviving family members must take immediate action. This action may include preserving all of the evidence from the accident, hiring experts to inspect any vehicles and/or the accident scene, and obtaining witness statements. Many times, important evidence will be lost if action is not taken immediately. For instance, vehicles may need to be preserved to ensure that important evidence can be examined by experts at a later time. If there is a dispute as to the facts of an accident you will need to make sure that the at-fault party does not destroy any critical evidence or information. The insurance company is looking out for its interest, which makes it very important for you to look out for the interests of the estate and surviving family members. Make no mistake – what the insurance company wants and what is best for the estate and family members are not the same thing.

Although the police may conduct an investigation into a fatal accident, like a motor vehicle accident that causes death, their investigation materials may not be available for a long period of time. The police investigation may not be thorough, or it may not address or include certain issues or questions that may be important or relevant in a subsequent wrongful death case brought by the deceased’s family. Sometimes, the police may not document critical evidence because it is not what they are looking for, or because they are focusing on a criminal prosecution and not a civil wrongful death action. The evidence that is important in a civil wrongful death case may not be the same evidence that is important or relevant in a criminal prosecution.

Every available piece of information should be gathered and kept so that it can be reviewed at a later time, either by an expert or an attorney. Experts know what evidence to collect, how to preserve it, and how to evaluate the importance or relevance of that evidence. Procrastination or lack of follow-through is usually the enemy in a wrongful death case because evidence can be lost or destroyed and this may impact the likelihood of a successful result.

Source by Christopher Davis

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Do You Have to Hire a Public Insurance Adjuster

Do YOU need an adjuster’s help?

Depending on who you talk to, you may or may not need a public insurance adjuster. One piece of advice is to is to seek a public insurance adjuster’s service right away. Often it’s nearly impossible for consumers to know what to expect from an insurance company after a loss. The consultation is free with no obligation and no high pressure sales techniques are used. Please call. It’s well worth your effort.  There is simply no substitute for knowledge when it comes to handling matters of such great importance as this. Knowledge is leverage. The more you know, the more power you have. Our staff of insurance adjusters are well trained to monitor the insurance company’s adjusters for thoroughness or errors, trying to save the insurance company money or looking for loopholes or ways to avoid paying claims. We look out for your interests only. The objective in adjusting
is to obtain the best possible settlement as quickly as possible and as trouble
free as possible.

No one knows the outcome of an adjustment beforehand. Therefore, it is impossible to anticipate to what extent either party will give in to the needs of the other. Bargaining power becomes the main ingredient in adjusting. It usually comes about naturally as facts come to the surface. Adjusting is a matter of give and take and, unless you are dealing from a position of strength and knowledge like a public insurance adjuster can offer, you may be forced to sacrifice too much.

Insurance companies facing a knowledgeable public insurance adjuster usually enter  negotiations on a more cooperative basis, and there is a strong likelihood that each will strive for common goals.

As the insured, you are having to deal with a claim at a time following a disaster.
Psychologically, most people are not up to the task under these circumstances.
It is very common to see people in a state of shock, confusion and helplessness.
A professional public insurance adjuster from Harris Insurance Services will be
your emotionally level and competent representative to see you through this type
of crisis.

The time of a personal disaster and it’s ensuing loss is not the time to be thinking of all this. You may take comfort in the knowledge that our staff of Public Insurance  Adjusters can be there to protect your interests if indeed the unthinkable has happened to you.

Source by Jason Harris

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Medicare home health billing is a complicated and very specialized process. There are frequent changes in billing regulations which makes home health reimbursements a real nightmare sometimes. Home health billing is a logical process with many checks and balances; however, errors are not uncommon and often result in denied claims and lost revenue amounting to billions of dollars every year for home health agencies. More often than not, duplicate entries cause compliance issues and considerably slow down the billing process.

Understanding the Medicare home health billing system is the key to getting proper reimbursement. Don’t let duplicate claims wreak havoc on your reimbursements. Follow these simple steps to avoid some common home health billing mistakes:

Incorrect Information: Conflicting information on the Request for Additional Payment (RAP) and final claim can compromise your reimbursement. The admission date and Health Insurance Prospective Payment System (HIPPS) code are two frequent culprits, or the Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) may have been corrected.

Cancels: If you submit incorrect information on a RAP, you must cancel the RAP and submit a new one.

Autocancels: If the claims system auto-cancelled your RAP because you took too long to submit a final claim, it isn’t entirely erased from the Common Working File (CWF).

Adjustments: When two final claims have been submitted, HHAs should submit an adjustment (type of bill 3X7) instead of a duplicate final claim to fix errors.

Hold Off: Submitting a second RAP will not help if your claim was rejected. Instead, send the relevant materials to the correct department at the Regional Home Health Intermediary (RHHI), and it will determine how to process the RAP.

Make yourself aware of the Medicare home health billing complexities and analyze your entire billing data for any opportunity that you can lay reimbursement claim upon.

Source by Angela Martin

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Tax credits for certain small employers that provide insurance. The new law provides small employers with a tax credit (i.e., a dollar-for-dollar reduction in tax) for non-elective contributions to purchase health insurance for their employees. The credit can offset an employer’s regular tax or its alternative minimum tax (AMT) liability.

Small business employers eligible for the credit. To qualify, a business must offer health insurance to its employees as part of their compensation and contribute at least half the total premium cost. The full amount of the credit is available to an employer with 10 or fewer full-time equivalent employees (“FTEs”) and whose employees have average annual full-time equivalent wages from the employer of less than $25,000.  The credit is completely phased-out if a business has more than 25 FTEs and those employees have annual full-time equivalent wages of more than $50,000.

Years the credit is available. The credit is initially available for any tax year beginning in 2010, 2011, 2012, or 2013. Qualifying health insurance for claiming the credit must be purchased from an insurance company licensed under state law. For tax years beginning after 2013, the credit is only available to an eligible small employer that purchases health insurance coverage for its employees through a state exchange and is only available for two years. The maximum two-year coverage period does not take into account any tax years beginning in years before 2014. Thus, an eligible small employer could potentially qualify for this credit for six tax years.

Calculating the amount of the credit. For tax years beginning in 2010, 2011, 2012, or 2013, the credit is generally 35% (50% for tax years beginning after 2013) of the employer’s non-elective contributions toward the employees’ health insurance premiums. The credit phases out as firm-size and average wages increase.

Special rules. The employer is entitled to an ordinary and necessary business expense deduction equal to the amount of the employer contribution minus the dollar amount of the credit. For example, if an eligible small employer pays 100% of the cost of its employees’ health insurance coverage and the amount of the tax credit is 50% of that cost (i.e., in tax years beginning after 2013), the employer can claim a deduction for the other 50% of the premium cost.

Self-employed individuals, including partners and sole proprietors, two percent shareholders of an S corporation, and five percent owners of the employer are not treated as employees for purposes of this credit. There is also a special rule to prevent sole proprietorships from receiving the credit for the owner and their family members. Thus, no credit is available for any contribution to the purchase of health insurance for these individuals and the individual is not taken into account in determining the number of full-time equivalent employees or average full-time equivalent wages.

Most small businesses exempted from penalties for not offering coverage to their employees.Although the new law imposes penalties on certain businesses for not providing coverage to their employees (so-called “pay or play”), most small businesses won’t have to worry about this provision because employers with fewer than 50 employees are not subject to the “pay or play” penalty. For businesses with at least 50 employees, the possible penalties vary depending on whether or not the employer offers health insurance to its employees. If it does not offer coverage and it has at least one full-time employee who receives a premium tax credit, the business will be assessed a fee of $2,000 per full-time employee, excluding the first 30 employees from the assessment. So, for example, an employer with 51 employees who doesn’t offer health insurance to his employees will be subject to a penalty of $42,000 ($2,000 multiplied by 21). Employers with at least 50 employees that offer coverage but have at least one full-time employee receiving a premium tax credit will pay $3,000 for each employee receiving a premium credit (capped at the amount of the penalty that the employer would have been assessed for a failure to provide coverage, or $2,000 multiplied by the number of its full-time employees in excess of 30). These provisions take effect Jan. 1, 2014.

The “Cadillac tax” on high-cost health plans. The new law places an excise tax on high-cost employer-sponsored health coverage (often referred to as “Cadillac” health plans). This is a 40% excise tax on insurance companies, based on premiums that exceed certain amounts. The tax is not on employers themselves unless they are self-funded (this typically occurs at larger firms). However, it is expected that employers and workers will ultimately bear this tax in the form of higher premiums passed on by insurers.

Here are the specifics: The new tax, which applies for tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2017, places a 40% nondeductible excise tax on insurance companies and plan administrators for any health coverage plan to the extent that the annual premium exceeds $10,200 for single coverage and $27,500 for family coverage. An additional threshold amount of $1,650 for single coverage and $3,450 for family coverage will apply for retired individuals age 55 and older and for plans that cover employees engaged in high risk professions. The tax will apply to self-insured plans and plans sold in the group market, but not to plans sold in the individual market (except for coverage eligible for the deduction for self-employed individuals). Stand-alone dental and vision plans will be disregarded in applying the tax. The dollar amount thresholds will be automatically increased if the inflation rate for group medical premiums between 2010 and 2018 is higher than projected. Employers with age and gender demographics that result in higher premiums could value the coverage provided to employees using the rates that would apply using a national risk pool. The excise tax will be levied at the insurer level. Employers will be required to aggregate the coverage subject to the limit and issue information returns for insurers indicating the amount subject to the excise tax.

For more information visit www.mcquadebrennan.com

Source by McQuade Brennan

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A very common question that car accident victims ask me, is whether or not the rear driver in a rear-end accident is always at fault. This question arises so often, because insurance companies that represent the rear driver in an accident like this will sometimes dispute fault. They will say that the front driver caused the accident and that their insured is actually the victim. This article is meant to explain why this is, and what can be done to combat this technique used so often by insurance companies.

Insurance companies are well aware of this, and use it to their advantage all the time. The rules switch from state to state, but in Washington, there is no such thing as automatic determination of fault. Every case must be determined on an individual basis, using the unique facts at hand. Statistically, almost every rear end accident is found to be the fault of the rear driver, but there is no guarantee that a jury or judge will always see it that way. Your lawyer cannot know whether or not your case is similar to a situation I outlined in this article if they do not know the full details, so be sure to take advantage of a free consultation and discuss the facts involved in your case. The common belief about rear-end accidents is that they are always the rear driver’s fault, however, this is not the case legally here in Washington. They do this for a number of reasons. Here are the top 3:

1) To try and intimidate the accident victim into taking a very low settlement. The insurance companies try to overwhelm people filing claims against them, and one way they do this is by giving the impression that they will fight fault. This gets into people’s heads when they do not know how to handle accident claims, and can convince them to take a settlement that is outrageously low for the damages they sustained.

2) The insurance company may use this tactic to delay the accident victim from filing a claim. If they dispute fault long enough and act as a nuisance that prevents the accident victim from actually pursuing their claim, they could get the statute of limitations to run out. If they succeed in this attempt, they won’t have to pay a dime. This is a common tactic that is oftentimes used against accident victims who do not have a lawyer to fight their claim on their behalf.

3) Insurance companies will use these same tactics in cases where the victim is represented by an attorney they know is afraid of taking a case to court. If they know the attorney is not willing to fight your case all the way through, the insurance companies will be able to get them to settle for much less than they should. If your lawyer does not have court experience or any desire to get some, the insurance company you are fighting will likely dispute fault even if the evidence is overwhelmingly in your favor.

In order to defend yourself against these sneaky insurance tactics, you should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. It is impossible for a lawyer to know whether this situation applies to your case without knowing the full details, so make sure you take advantage of a free consultation and discuss the merit of your case. Make sure to ask the attorney you meet with a lot of questions about their experience and whether or not they ever go to court so you will know if they are the right person to handle your case.

Source by Jason Epstein

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The federal Unemployment Insurance Program (UI) provides weekly benefit payments for workers who lose their job through no fault of their own and are attempting to re-enter the workforce. Eligibility for benefits requires that the claimant be able to work, be seeking work, and be willing to accept suitable work. In California, the UI program is managed by the Employment Development Department (EDD).

The benefit amount is calculated on wages paid during a 12-month period, called the “Base Period.”  The Base Period is defined as the first four of the last five calendar quarters the claimant-employee completed during their employment, prior to filing for benefits. The quarter with the highest amount of wages during the Base Period will determine the weekly benefit amount. In California, the minimum weekly benefit amount is $40 and the maximum is $450. Generally, benefits may be collected for a maximum of 26 weeks or 1/3 of the total base period wages, whichever is less.

So, how are unemployment insurance claims investigated and processed by the EDD? To determine whether a claimant-employee is eligible for benefits, the EDD engages in a fact gathering of sorts on whether the job loss was based on no fault of the claimant-employee. Documentation of performance issues is critical. If employment was terminated because of a vague “he/she did not perform their job satisfactorily,” the EDD will interpret that the claimant-employee did not possess the training or skills necessary to perform the job and they will be awarded UI benefits. Under this scenario, EDD will award benefits and provide supporting explanation to the charged employer of: “The reasons for discharge do not meet the definition of misconduct connected with the work.”  

In a nutshell the UI process is:

  • Employee is discharged;
  • Employee files a UI claim with the EDD;
  • EDD requests information and documentation from claimant and employer; and
  • Initial decision is made based solely on the information provided by both parties.

If the decision is objected to by either the claimant-employee or the employer:

  • An appeal is filed;
  • Appeal hearing is scheduled and both parties appear and present their position in person;
  • Initial appeal decision is made and a written decision is sent to each party;
  • Benefits are paid or denied;
  • Or Second Appeal is filed; and
  • Appeals Board reviews appellate decision for errors.  If there are no errors of law, the decision will stand. If there is an error of law, the Appeals Board will reverse the decision and award or withhold benefits.

In conclusion, employers do have a say in how claims are investigated and processed. Terminating employees must be managed through sufficient documentation.  Additionally, there is an often overlooked benefit to managing UI claims. Costs can be substantially minimized when claims are kept to a minimum.   The cost of UI is generally based on the number of claims that impact an employer’s tax account. Helpful tips for managing costs include answering all EDD claims in a timely manner, appealing all unfavorable rulings, and reviewing costs regularly and carefully to avoid errors.

Source by Michele O Donnell

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If you are currently awaiting a lawsuit settlement and considering a lawsuit cash advance begin by visiting LawLeaf today. Lawsuit settlement can take months or even years before a settlement is reached. The time it takes to receive compensation for your claim could be far out of reach at this point. Insurance companies are represented by some of the top defense attorney within the legal industry and readily willing to fight you every step of the way.

Lawsuit funding has become extremely popular over the last few years. More people are considering lawsuit cash advances because they are not in the financial position to pay for bills and expenses while waiting through long trials and intense negotiation. Years ago, plaintiffs going through a lawsuit settlement had no choice but to prematurely settle for less money if they were not in the financial position to wait for fair compensation.

When a plaintiff decides to file a lawsuit against a person or company it’s always recommended to hire legal representation to help negotiate and at all costs go to trial. A plaintiff has more leverage hiring an attorney and it tells the insurance company that you mean business. Awaiting for a lawsuit settlement can be an exhausting experience. When a person first file a claim the attorney will recommend their client to go through the necessary medical treatments until they are completed. This is to be sure that the claimant receives full compensation for all ongoing medical expenses. If there is no end to the medical treatments the attorney will use his/her judgement on exactly how much money these treatments may cost moving forward.

When an attorney evaluates a settlement he or she may consider out of pocket expenses, medical bills, loss of wages, pain and suffering, therapy expenses and other out of pocket expenses. If an insurance company makes an offer based upon damages oftentimes the first offer isn’t their best offer. The attorney may make a counter offer on behalf of the plaintiff. If the two can’t come to an agreement the case will go to trial.

Awaiting for a lawsuit to settlement can be a daunting experience and for people that may have lost their job or used their savings their only alternatives may be to settle their case for less money or secure a lawsuit cash advance giving the attorney more time to handle the claim.

If you are currently thinking about an early settlement or awaiting for a settlement to be reached a viable option could be a lawsuit cash advance.

For additional information on lawsuit cash advance, visit LawLeaf today.

Source by Jessica Deb

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Quality medical billing services for physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics ensure that medical practitioners and patients submit medical bills and claims on time and thereby get maximum reimbursement benefit. Utilizing the services of accredited medical billing service providers help healthcare professionals to concentrate on their core activities without being unduly concerned about the tedious tasks involved in processing and submission of medical bills and insurance claims.

Innovative Technologies enable Speedy Processing of Medical Bills

Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics treat patients with chronic disabilities and help them return to a comfortable, productive life despite their medical problem. Such clinics can maximize their collections by utilizing the services of an efficient medical billing company for the speedy processing of medical bills and claims.  Using state-of-the-art technology and software such as EMR, EPM, Inception, Lytec, Medisoft, Medic, Misys, NextGen, IDX and more, the experienced professionals in these firms process bills and claims accurately and efficiently. Important billing services offered for physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics include:

•    Patient demographic entry
•    Insurance enrollment
•    Insurance verification
•    ICD-9/CPT coding
•    Insurance authorization
•    Scheduling
•    Payment postings
•    AR follow-ups and collection

Quality Medical Billing Services increase Cash Flow

Hiring the services of a medical billing specialist would significantly improve the profitability of physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics. They can save on the investment needed for setting up the infrastructure and hiring the manpower necessary for in-house billing. Outsourcing medical billing tasks would save time and help the clinic to focus on its core business of treating patients. Quality medical billing services ensure the clinic:

•    Minimum paper work  
•    Easy to submit error-free bills and claims
•    Decreased claim denials and rejections
•    HIPAA compliance
•    Increased cash flow
•    Fast turnaround time
•    Greater data security and confidentiality
•    Round the clock technical support

Pick the Right Outsourcing Firms

Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics should outsource their medical billing tasks to the right firm. They should choose firms with HIPAA compliant medical billing services to get quality solutions to meet their requirements and budget.

Source by Rajeev Rajagopal

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America is in the midst of a healthcare crisis. Close to 48 million Americans do not have any health insurance and many are underinsured. Even more Americans lack good dental care. Statistics show that as many as 7 out of 10 Americans do not have an affordable dental plan. This is a serious situation because dental and gum disease can effect your general health. There is evidence that the bacteria from diseased gums and teeth may cause inflammation in the body which can eventually lead to heart and coronary artery disease. Preventive dental care can avoid these serious complications. In addition, a pleasant and healthy smile can help you feel confident and secure when you meet people, and can even help you perform better at a job interview.

While most families realize the importance of good dental care, the cost of dental treatment has become prohibitively expensive in the past few years as has the cost of dental insurance. If you work for a large company, you may be able to obtain a traditional dental insurance policy. This will help with some expenses; however, most dental insurance plans have limits on how much an individual can spend on dental treatment per year. Typical annual dental plan yearly maximums are as low as $1,000 per patient. Treatment to save just one tooth with a root canal and a porcelain crown to protect the devitalized tooth will easily top this limit. What if a family member needs more extensive work than this?

Another problem that patients have with dental insurance is that there will usually be a waiting period of up to one year for pre-existing dental conditions to be covered. If you have a serious dental problem, waiting a year before treatment can be initiated will only lead to a worsening of the condition meaning more costly treatment will be required in the future. Most dental insurance policies also have a missing tooth clause. This means that if a bridge or partial denture is needed for a tooth that was missing prior to treatment; the patient is not covered and must pay out of pocket.

Most traditional dental insurance plans offer very limited or no coverage for orthodontic treatment (braces) even though good tooth alignment can prevent more serious dental problems later on. In addition, cosmetic dentistry and dental implants are rarely covered.

Another problem with dental insurance is the long claim forms that must be submitted. This is a hassle for both the patient and dental office alike.

Clearly for many families, a dental discount plan offers an affordable alternative to costly dental insurance. These dental discount plans are readily available to individuals, the self employed, as well as businesses. For patients with ongoing conditions or who need extensive restorative work, a dental discount plan is clearly the better choice because they will save much more with the discount program.

Savings with a good dental discount plan typically range from 25% for specialist treatment (periodontists, oral surgeons, endodontists, etc.) to 80% for exams. Most major dental procedures such as fillings, root canals, crowns and bridges, dentures, and orthodontic treatment offer savings from 50% to 60% and even more when done by a general dentist–literally cutting a family’s dental bill by more than half. In addition, patients will enjoy instant savings, no limits on visits or services, no age limits, no waiting period, and no paperwork. As an added benefit, many discount dental plans also offer value added services such as a prescription card, and savings on chiropractic and vision care.

Source by Helene Zemel

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THE INSURANCE Regulatory Authority of India (IRDA) has said that separate guidelines to promote sustainable growth of the Health Insurance Plans would be announced soon. Alongside, the Authority is backing industry initiatives in standardizing health insurance documents to ensure better comprehension of policies by the customers.

Addressing a conference on ‘Sustainable Health Insurance – Need of the Hour’ organized by FICCI here today, C S Rao, chairman IRDA, said: “While the infrastructure of the health unit in IRDA is being beefed up to meet the growing needs and expectations of the health insurance business, the General Insurance Council, comprising all non-life insurers, was working towards a consensus on a uniform definition of ‘pre-existing diseases’ which is open to a lot of interpretations and grievances. Such standardization would help the insured by minimizing ambiguity and also by better comparability of health insurance products.”

Responding to the concerns expressed by Habil Khorakiwala, president, FICCI, R. R. Shah, member-secretary, Planning Commission, pointed out that the government was concerned at the mismatch between the low level of infrastructure with the private sector, which was today providing 80 per cent of health care needs of the people. Such infrastructure was mainly in the public domain, he said and foresaw a major role for the private sector in manning government referral and district hospitals for delivery of health care.

He said the business model and health care news that the private sector may have to follow would be one that is based on low margins and high volumes, as the paying capacity of people was extremely low, particularly in rural areas.

Shah said for determining health insurance premia to be paid by the well to do, “We would have to think and work out a price discovery mechanism”. As regards targeting the rural poor, the beneficiaries of government intervention could be the families covered by the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme, he pointed out.

Shivinder Mohan Singh, chairman, FICCI Health Services Committee and CEO & MD, Fortis Health Care Ltd. & Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre Ltd. and Shikha Sharma, chairperson, FICCI Insurance & Pensions Committee and MD & CEO, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company, shared their perspective on the ground realities impinging the health insurance business that is slated to grow from the current level of US$ 30 billion to $ 90 billion in less than a decade.

Source by Merinews India

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UK is considered to be among countries that have the best road safety conditions. In spite of all this, there are still many accidents that occur on daily basis. The number of these accidents prevails further in winters when the weather and road conditions become somewhat unfavorable. Many safety measures are taken by people to reduce the probability of a possible accident. However, it is not completely possible to avoid accidents at all.

As far as road safety measures are concerned, roads in the UK are known to be among the best.

The number of accidents in UK that are of serious and fatal nature is over forty thousand on yearly basis. The number of people killed each year in the accidents is more than thirty five hundred. In order to avoid accidents at maximum, you should limit your driving to such conditions where there is no other solution besides driving. Other than that, you should also avoid driving in bad weather conditions.

In case, you unfortunately encounter an accident, it is very important to take the right steps in order to save yourself from any further trouble. It is important that you remain calm after an accident so as to save yourself from any further damages than the ones already being done. As soon as the accident occurs, you should determine the extent of injuries to the people involved along with the damage done to the vehicle.

Getting panicked never helps, so you should think rationally and not do anything that might cause further problems afterwards. One thing you should be careful about is not to discuss the accident with anyone else other than the police. This is important because sometimes in panic you don’t realise what you’re saying. In addition, you should not admit your fault or admit anything in front of anyone. The only people you should talk to about the accident are the police officers and your insurance agent.

Even if the accident is a minor one, you should report to the police so that there is a legal report, and presence of evidence that the accident actually occurred. You should not leave the accident scene until the police have arrived and the accident has been reported. You should call your insurance company as soon as the accident occurs. It is always good if the insurance agent arrives when the police are present. This is because sometimes the police can report the incident to the insurance agent in a better way than you would do in a state of panic. This ultimately saves the time it takes in processing your claim.

Obtaining the facts is also very important. You should note down the facts about the people involved in the accident especially with whom the accident occurred. The information that should be noted includes name, license number, address, contact number, and the number plate of the other car. You should also get the insurance company, and the vehicle identification of the other driver. It is always preferable to note down the important details of the accident as well, because sometimes you’re not able to narrate the accident accurately in a state of tension and panic.

Source by Nicholas Tate

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Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, purchasing travel insurance can help save you money. It is the same principle that applies when you buy something of value like a car or a classic piece of jewelery. Should anything happen, you do not want to lose your investment in one day. Most likely, you would want that car or ring replaced at full purchase value. If you have purchased air tickets, you would want to protect that investment as well. Who wants to lose money especially in these dire economic times?

Ways that Travel Insurance Can Help You Save Money

There are at least three situations where purchasing travel insurance can help you save money:

• Cancellation of flights – If you or the airline decides to cancel the flights you are booked in, your airfare will be partially covered by travel insurance. Say if you spent $4,500.00 worth of air tickets for you and your family, and suddenly the airline closes down for business or cancels a flight for any reason, you do not lose all of the $4,500.00 because travel insurance will reimburse that amount. Of course the airline will probably refund you the money if it is their fault, but having travel insurance will compensate you for the inconvenience and trouble. Also, if you cancel the flight yourself, travel insurance will get you back your money.
• Loss of luggage – When you purchase travel insurance, make sure it covers lost luggage as well. Imagine landing in some foreign country with none of your luggage! While most airlines are efficient about recovering lost luggage and delivering them to your door, don’t rely on that efficiency. There have been instances where luggage was never recovered.
• Medical problems – You may be in perfect health when you leave for vacation but you increase the likelihood of getting exposed to viruses or bacteria either in the plane or in your country of destination. There’s also the chance that you could accidentally drink the local drinking water or eat contaminated food. Medical visits in some foreign countries can cost an arm and a leg so you wouldn’t want to spend all your vacation money on doctor’s visits! If you have travel insurance that covers expenses for brief hospitalizations, medicine and emergency situations, think about how much all these could add up if you didn’t have travel insurance.
Tips for Purchasing Travel Insurance

• Ask your insurance provider – If you have an insurance company that insures your car, house and other property, they may also offer travel insurance or they may work with a partner or affiliate who does. Because you are an established customer, they may offer you travel insurance at lower rates. It doesn’t hurt to ask. In fact, in some instances, you may be better off going with your existing insurer than purchase separate insurance from the travel agent who books your flight.
• Go for the whole nine yards – What this means is if you are traveling with the family, you might be better off buying family travel insurance instead of separate insurance policies. It also means that because traveling with children entails more risk than traveling alone, you may want to consider travel insurance that offers comprehensive coverage; that is, plane fares, luggage, and health and medical visits.
• Multi-trip travel insurance – If you make more than one trip every year, you might be better off purchasing an annual multi-trip travel insurance policy. This would save you the hassle of purchasing travel insurance several times during the year. Some travel insurance companies will usually sell you a 12-month package that is renewable yearly and this is a huge convenience if you travel a lot during any given 12-month period. The single biggest advantage of buying an annual policy is that you don’t need to worry about arranging for emergency medical coverage.
• Compare packages and prices – As for most major ticket items, it pays to shop around for insurance. If you know you will be travelling six months from now, don’t wait until the month before your travel date to do some bargain hunting. Start now so that you are not rushed about reading the fine print and you can make a more informed decision about the kind of travel insurance that is ideal for your situation.
Remember to do the cost analysis if you are ever tempted to skip travel insurance. Even if your ticket is discounted, say you paid $600.00 to go to the Caribbean. Travel insurance will cost about $85.00 to $100.00. If you are forced to cancel your trip, you lose $600.00 (restricted and discounted tickets are usually non-refundable or non-transferrable) versus the $100.00 you paid if you had purchased travel insurance. If you want to save money, put travel insurance on the top of your list.

Source by Josh Webber

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Rhode Island Governor Donald L. Carcieri established a new law by signing a bill for COBRA extension.  This will make the subsidy available for laid off small business workers.

Across the nation, the COBRA subsidy of 65 percent only applies to citizens who were employed by companies with 20 or more employees under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.  This was part of the federal bill included in the economic stimulus package.

Rhode Island workers from all companies who’ve been laid off now are eligible for COBRA as this new state law outlines.  But, workers laid off after Sept. 1. 2008 must hurry and sign up by May 1, 2009 to take advantage of the eligibility.

Rhode Island legislature discovered the small business employees were not included in the subsidy within days of the federal bill passage and moved quickly for a procedural change in the state law.  The reason they acted so quickly was there was a April 17 deadline imposed by the federal government to make changes, according to the Providence Journal.

Hundreds of Rhode Islanders will now be able to sign up for this program and it will be more affordable for everyone because of the federal subsidy. At the end of the day, this is just about giving more Rhode Islanders that are hurting right now ” who are out of work and struggling for health insurance ” the help they need to get the benefit and reduce expenses, said Governor Carcieri.

Source by Ethan Kalvin

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This article is a complete guide to learn all about the forex market, the process of trading and the efficiency of the forex software, available in the online website.

Forex is the short form of Foreign Exchange. The forex market is a place where foreign currency is used in trading, to gain profit. Before 1998, forex trading is a huge business sector that deals with foreign currency like a bank and the large multinational corporate. After the technological revolution of the internet, the forex trading is open to all around the world. And even now, 70 percent of the net volume is dealt with the so called major players on the internet.

The awareness of market structure and the rules governing the market has to be understood carefully, before commencing the trading. The currency value of every country depends on various sources like bank and government policies; and natural disasters. The changing trend in these sources will let you know how to proceed with.

Another substantial element that has to be decided, before jumping into the realm, is the term of trading. In other words, whether you want to make quick bucks in day to day trading or increase the profit constantly through long or short term trader. When you consider the trading terms, you need to take into account of the availability of funds for trading. Sketch out some plans for your strategy to gain promisingly. Get the success tricks through a good broker.

The latest advancement in the trading scenario is the application of software, available through various online websites. This automatic trading software makes the trading process smoother. However, ensure that it display the real time chart to analyze the market trends, fiscally. Check, whether the websites operate 24hrs a day, as the forex trading happens at various time-zones. The number of currency pair must be higher to fetch higher income. Try out the free demos accessible in the site. The mobile phone access to the site is also essential feature to be noted, if you travel a lot.

Source by Kang Wei Ang