Thursday, February 27, 2025
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John Stewart

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 Employee retention refers to policies and practices companies use to prevent valuable employees from leaving their jobs. How to retain valuable employees is one of the biggest problem that plague companies in the competitive marketplace. Not too long ago, companies accepted the “revolving door policy” as part of doing business and were quick to fill a vacant job with another eager candidate. Nowadays, businesses often find that they spend considerable time, effort, and money to train an employee only to have them develop into a valuable commodity and leave the company for greener pastures. In order to create a successful company, employers should consider as many options as possible when it comes to retaining employees, while at the same time securing their trust and loyalty so they have less of a desire to leave in the future.


Employee retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the organization for the maximum period of time. Corporate is facing a lo of problem in employee retention these days. Hiring knowledgeable people for the job is essential for an employer. But retention is even more important than hiring. There is no dearth of opportunities for talented person. There are many organizations which are looking for such employees. If a person is not satisfied by the job he’s doing, he may switch over to some other more suitable job. In today’s environment it becomes very important for organizations to retain their employees. 


According to Get Les Mckeown’s employee retention is define as ” effective employee retention is a systematic effort by employers to create and foster an environment that encourages current employees to remain employed by having policies and practices in place that address their divers needs. Also of concern are the costs of employee turnover (including hiring costs. productivity loss). Replacement costs usually are 2.5 times the salary of the individual. The costs associated with turnover may include lost customers, business and damaged morale. In addition there are the hard costs of time spent in screening, verifying credentials, references, interviewing, hiring, and training the new employee just to get back to where you started.”



Every company should understand that people are their best commodity. Without qualified people who are good at what they do, any company would be in serious trouble. In the long un, the retention of existing employees saves companies money. As Beverly Kaye and Sharon  Jordan- Evan stated in Training and Development: ” Studies have found that the cost of replacing lost talent is 70 o 200 percent of that employee’s annual salary. There are advertising and recruiting expenses, orientation and training of the new employee, decreased productivity until the new employee is up to speed, and loss of customers who were loyal to the departing employee. Finding, recruiting, and training the best employees represents a major investment. Once a company has captured talented people, the return-on-investment requires closing the back door to prevent them from walking out.”

            When an employee leaves a company for a direct competitor, there is always a chance that they will take important business strategies and secrets with them to be explained by the competition. This is yet another reason why the retention of employees is so crucial to some businesses. While this practice seems a bit unscrupulous, it skills happens quite frequently. As Bill Leonard stated in HR Magazine: ” Because employers know that the best-qualified applicants

will come directly from competitors, recruiting and hiring employees away from mother of inventive and sometimes controversial business practices. Recruiting and hiring from your competitors is probably as  old as business itself. But what is new—and a hot topic among employers – is how to attract and retain qualified candidates in a highly competitive labor market while also preventing their own intellectual capital from winding up in the hands of competitors.

One way for a company to prevent employees from giving valuable information to competitors is to make it a policy to enforce strict noncompete and confidentiality agreements amongst its employees. The existence of such agreements could in fact deter a competitor from hiring a valuable employ because they might not want to risk possible legal entanglements with the other company. Of course, all this could possibly lead to animosity with the employee who could feel that his or her options are being limited. Many employees don’t always remember signing such a document, so a copy of it should always be kept on file for the employee to refer to. This area could prove to be a highly sensitive one between employer and employee, so extreme caution is suggested in all instances.



Why is retention so important? Is it just to reduce the turnover costs? It’s not only the cost incurred by a company that emphasizes the need of retaining employees but also the need to retain talented employees from getting poached.

The process of employee retention  will benefit an organization in the following ways

1. The Cost of Turnover: The cost of employee turnover adds hundreds of thousands of money to a company’s expenses. While it is difficult to fully calculate the cost of turnover (including hiring costs, training costs and productivity loss), industry experts often quote 25% of the average employee salary as a conservative estimate.

  1. Loss of Company Knowledge: When an employee leaves, he takes with him valuable knowledge about the company, customers, current projects and past history (sometimes to competitors). Often much time and money has been spent on the employee in expectation of a future return. When the employee leaves, the investment is not realized.
  1. Interruption of Customer Service: Customers and clients do business with a company in part because of the people. Relationships are developed that encourage continued sponsorship of the business. When an employee leaves, the relationships that employee built for the company are severed, which could lead to potential customer loss.
  2. Turnover leads to more turnovers: When an employee terminates, the effect is felt throughout the organization. Co-workers are often required to pick up the slack. The unspoken negativity often intensifies for the remaining staff.
  3. Goodwill of the company: The goodwill of a company is maintained when the attrition rates are low. Higher retention rates motivate potential employees to join the organization.
  4. Regaining efficiency: If an employee resigns, then good amount of time is lost in hiring a new employee and then training him/her and this goes to the loss of the company directly which many a times goes unnoticed. And even after this you cannot assure us of the same efficiency from the new employee


            Hiring individuals who re truly fit to succeed in the position for hire will dramatically increase the chances of that employee being satisfied with his or her work and remaining with the company for extended period of time. By far, we have found this to be the biggest predictor of future employee retention.

communication: Communication has become so heavily stressed in the workplace that it almost seems cliché. However communication couldn’t be more important in the effort to retain employees. Be sure that team members know their rules, job description, and responsibilities within the organization. Communicate any new company policies or initiatives to all employees to be sure that everyone is on the same page. Nobody wants to feel that they are being left out of the loop.

Include employees in decision making: It is incredibly important to include team members in the   decision making process, especially when decision will effect an individual’s department or work  team. This can help  to create of employee involvement and will generate new ideas and perspectives that top management might never have thought of.

 Allow team members to share their knowledge with others:The highest percentage of information retention occurs when on shares that information with others. Having team members share when they have learned at a recent conference or training workshop will not only increase the amount is information they will retain, but also lets a team member know that he is a valuable member of the organization. Facilitating knowledge sharing through an employee mentoring program can be equally beneficial for the team member being mentored as well as mentor. 

Shorten the feedback loop:Do not wait for an annual performance evaluation to come due to  give feedback on how an employee is performing. Most team members enjoy frequent feedback about hoe they performing. Shortening  the feedback loop will help to keep performance level high and will reinforce positive behavior.  Feedback does not necessarily need to be

scheduled or highly structured;  simply stopping  by a team member’s desk and letting them know they are doing a good job a current project can do wonders for morale and help to increase retention.

Balance work and personal life:Family is incredibly important to team members. when work begins to put a significant strain on one’s family no amount of money will keep an employee around. stress the importance of balancing work and one’s personal life. Small gestures such as allowing a team member to take an extended lunch once a week to watch his son’s baseball game will likely be repaid with loyalty and extended employment with an organization.

Provide opportunities for growth and development:Offer opportunities for team members to acquire new skills and knowledge useful to the organization. If an employee appears to be bored or burned out in a current position offer to train this individual in another facet of the organization where he or she would be a good fit. Nobody wants to feel stuck in their position will no possibility for advancement or new opportunities.

Recognize team members for their hard work and let them know they are appreciated:This  can  be  one  of the single greatest factors  affecting employee retention. Everybody, in the all levels of an  organization, wants to know that their efforts are appreciated and recognized. This can be as simple or as extravagant as a supervisor may desire. Often time a short e-mail or quickly stopping by a team member’s desk and saying “thanks” can do wonder for morale. Other options might include a mention in the company newsletter for outstanding performance or gift certificates to a restaurant o movie theatre – the possibilities are endless.

Clearly define what is expected of team members:Nothing can be more frustrating or discouraging for an employee than the lack of a clear understanding of what is expected of him on the job. In a performance driven workplace a lack of clarity regarding job duties and expectations can cause fear and anxiety among employees who are unclear of what is expected of them. Even worse outright

anger can occur when a team member receives a negative performance evaluation based on expectations and job duties that he or she was unaware of or unclear about.

 The quality of supervision and mentorship:It has been said so often that it is almost cliché, but  people leave, not their jobs. Supervisors play the largest role in a team member’s development  and ultimate success within an organization. All employees want to have supervisors who are respectful, courteous, and friendly – that is a given. But more importantly team member want supervisors who se clear performance expectations, deliver timely feedback on performance, live up to their word and promises, and provide an environment where the  employee can grow and succeed. Failure by supervisors and management to provide this can cause an employee to start looking for greener pastures.

 Fair and equitable treatment of all employees:One of the surest ways to create animosity and resentment  in an organization is to allow favoritism and preferential treatment of individual team members. The so-called “good ole’ boys club” cancreate a noxious organization culture and foster resentment among team members. This culture will only get worse and can create a devastating exodus of valued team members. 

 Best employee reward programs:If these rewards are in terms of money, by dividing it into two parts and giving the first half parts with the initial month’s salary and the remaining after six months helps in retaining the   employee for six months.

 Career development program:Conditional assistance for certain courses should be provided within the company in which the company will bear the expenses only if he/she scores a certain aggregate of marks.

 Performance based bonus:To get more work out of the employees, remuneration in                  the form of bonus helps to retain individuals who are highly productive. It doesn’t add extra – pressure on the company’s budget. It can be arranged by cutting a part of the salary hikes.

 Employee referral plan:Introducing employee referral plans and giving referral bonus after six to nine months of continuous working of the new employee as well as existing employee reduces the hiring cost of new employee as well as helps retention of the existing ones for a longer period of time.

Loyalty bonus:After successful completion of a specified period of time in an organization rewarding employees with money or position gives recognition and satisfaction to them. It also gives encouragement to the fellow employees.

Giving voice to the knowledge banks:The important intellectual assets of the company is the workforce. The company should retain it through involving I in some of the important decisions

 Employee recreation:Involvement of top management along with the lower and middle level management in some recreational activities makes the employees feel that they are very close to the management and are treated equality.

Gifts on some occasions:Giving some gifts on festivals and special occasions to the employees makes them feel good and realize that the management is concerned about them.

 Accountability:Creation of an environment that demands accountability and transparency helps employees to feel that they are as superiors. This helps in emotional bonding of the employees.

Surveys:Conducting regular surveys, feedbacks from superiors as well as other issues like morale, development plans, etc. This make them feel important and understand that the company really cares for them

 Fun and laughter at workplace:Fun and laugher in a workplace lend a competitive advantage to an organization through its human recourses. The presence of humor in a workplace enables the employees to work with interest and enthusiasm that reduce the work pressure and attrition levels. It instills a sense of joy among the employees that can go a long way in creating a bond between the employees and the employer and thereby deceasing the rate of employee attrition. in a  nutshell, creating a fun and laughter – filled wok environment in an organization will pave the way for its success in the marketplace. such a company is sure to emerge as an ‘employer of choice’. 

 For every company, workforce is an intellectual capital which is the source of its competitive advantage and helps achieve the bottom line. Hence, retaining a well trained, skilled and contented workforce can lead a company to dizzy heights while the lack of it can hamper its growth badly. So, every resignation saved is every dollar earned.


 No doubt, soaring retention levels are proving to be a serious problem for organizations. Concerted efforts to keep retention on tight leash will definitely help. How retention level will lead to fewer operational problems, greater productivity and soaring morale and huge cost saving to the organization. In this context, attrition management has become the strategic focus and compelling necessity of businesses today. Thus, ignoring the problem of mounting attrition level can have devastating consequences for the business.  Organization can afford to ignore the problem at own peril.

            This work enables me to gain a practical explore along with my theoretical knowledge. I am sure that it will help me to pursuer my future studies.


  • Research methodology II  Edition, Wishwa Prakasan Publishers, New Delhi     

                 C.R. Kothari


  • Marketing Management

                  Phillip Kotler



·        www.




Source by S.Shiny Nair

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An ongoing contract standoff between Allegiance Health and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is worth public attention for two reasons: 1. It will affect health premiums for local Blue Cross customers, and 2. It may affect the independence of this Jackson-run hospital.

The price of insurance matters more today. The ability of Allegiance to survive on its own could matter more in the long run.

Allegiance officials are going unusually public in their negotiations with Blue Cross, by far the largest insurer of their patients. The hospital contends that Blue Cross has not paid a fair share for medical procedures for years — $10 millions annually, it says — and that the insurer is offering too small of an increase in payments.This month, the hospital asked local businesses to urge Blue Cross to compromise, to give Allegiance a better deal. In response, Blue Cross officials say they are being fair, that what they pay the Jackson hospital is comparable to others in the region.

Which side is right? We can’t say. No one can, unless they have access to financial documents for both organizations.

What is clear is that the stakes in this showdown are high. The worst case for patients is that Allegiance would stop accepting Blue Cross. More likely is that this will add to the decade-long climb in the cost of local health care. Any agreements to pay Allegiance more ultimately will translate into higher health-insurance premiums.

It is difficult to argue for any scenario in which employers pay more, but increasing Blue Cross payments to Allegiance presumably offers some real value. It could ensure the financial health of the hospital, which already operates on a slim profit margin.

Allegiance is more than a local institution. It is Jackson County’s largest employer, and it has shown a willingness to invest in this community. We do not imagine the same level of commitment from an outside organization.

We worry that Blue Cross is playing tougher with Allegiance because it is comparatively small. It holds much more leverage with this hospital than with, say, the University of Michigan Hospital. At the same time, Blue Cross must also protect its bottom line to compete in the private insurance market.

The best anyone can hope for in this stalemate is a solution that keeps Blue Cross and Allegiance working together in mutual self-interest. A new contract must provide the insurer with a reasonable reimbursement rate, and the hospital with the fair payment structure that it needs to survive Issue

Allegiance Health and Blue Cross Blue Shield engage in difficult contract talks.

Our Say

A resolution is important to the community, considering the cost of medical care and preserving a locally owned hospital.

Source by chris walker

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It’s just one of those things that comes with owning a motor vehicle. But try to make visit in short stay, to make comfortable and convenient. While engineers complete test the emissions car, you can watch favorite show on Netflix or just surf the mobile device to free Wi-Fi network. Waiting room is designed for comfort in mind.  Policy is to offer the best services at lower prices. Take to maximize Smog test San Josesavings and good deals. Here are some other reasons why you should choose Smog Season Star Hut.

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The Smog Check program in California was first introduced in 1984 to reduce air pollution in California to ensure that vehicles are repaired in accordance with federal and state regulations. The program vehicles every two years to check the compliance with the guidelines determined by the State. There is exceptions program Smog Check. Gasoline vehicles 6 years free of model program 4 years model for the change of ownership, unless the vehicle is coming from outside the state to California 1975 gasoline vehicles older are exempted from this program. 1998 and newer diesel vehicles over 14,000 GVWR require biennial smog inspection weighing good (no exemption 6 years) .

Policy is, check the best service and the best prices Pollution star San José offer. Mission is, with respect to satisfy to get a pleasant and smooth all of customers smog and fog. Clear ethical values ​​are fully in line with the approach of “unique experiment”, so are proud to measure the pollution, the best service. Smog Check technicians are experienced, friendly and professional. Star Hut smog season will do best to get you in and out in 15-20 minutes or less.

There is exceptions program Smog Check. Gasoline vehicles 6 years free of model program 4 years model for the change of ownership, unless the vehicle is coming from outside the state to California 1975 gasoline vehicles older are exempted from this program.

The most Smog Check Santa Claracommon problem that has with customers not inverted or a long delay before committed reverses. In some cases, transmission cannot be replaced or altered needs.

Source by Boris Martin

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X-rays can be used to diagnose or detect many conditions and disorders in dogs. Bone fractures, bladder stones and tumors can easily be detected through this technique. Sometimes dogs swallow the most ridiculous things that can become lodged in their gastric-intestinal tract such as nails, rocks, fishhooks, safety pins, bones, toys etc…all these things can cause serious damage if not detected soon enough. Some dogs may also suffer from hereditary dog illnesses like elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, mitral valve disease, cardiomyopathy and most of these diseases can be identified using dog x-rays.

Hip dysplasia results into severe arthritis in dogs. In this dog illness, the socket joining the demur to the pelvis is shallow. The caput i.e. the ball of the femur is not round and smooth but is misshapen. This causes a lot of friction within the joint as it moves. This results in severe arthritis in the dog. The dog’s natural repair system will repair itself by adding new cartilage. However, the cartilage repair is a relatively slow process because the cartilage lacks blood flow, which is necessary for rapid bodily repairs. The degraded joint may not be able to support the body weight as expected. The joint then becomes inflamed leading to a cycle of cartilage damage and inflammation. The bones of the joint may also develop osteoarthritis, which is visible on a dog x-ray as small outcrops of bone. Hence, the dog x-rays can help us to recognize these fractures so that we can treat them efficiently.

However, taking x-rays require dogs to remain still. Sometimes, the dog squirms and moves during the x-ray. This results in unclear and distorted images of the dog’s insides, which can lead to wrong diagnosis. Sometimes, it so happens that a dog having hip dysplasia is not diagnosed because the veterinary surgeon cannot make out the slight shift of the bone. The dog is already living in infinite pain. On top of this, even after the dog is x-rayed and found to have nothing wrong in his system, do not think the efforts have been wasted. X-rays should always be neatly filed up for future references. To determine the dog illnesses, the x-ray is important and so it is vital for the owner and the vet to position the dog properly on the table and take some measures to keep it still. Some dogs are naturally obedient and won’t move a muscle if his or her owner instructs so. Sometimes, a light anaesthetic is registered to keep the dog still. if the dog is being x-rayed for the muscles, anesthesia is unavoidable.

It happens more often than not, that the dog x-rays might not turn out to be conclusive. In such cases, one should reserve breeding until the x-rays show something definite. By the time the dog is fully-grown the dog x-rays will reveal the proper status of the dog’s bone development. The OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) will not classify hips in dogs until they are two years of age.

There are other dog diseases like blood clots, esophageal achalasia and bladder stones which x-rays can detect. People are having their dogs x-rayed these days to detect possible bone fractures that the dog might have.

X-rays, therefore, have become inevitable in the field of veterinary practice. In this way, dog x-rays can help to cure the dog illnesses that trouble our cuddly friends.Dog X-Ray

X-rays can be used to diagnose or detect many conditions and disorders in dogs. Bone fractures, bladder stones and tumors can easily be detected through this technique. Some times dogs swallow the most ridiculous things that can become lodged in their gastro intestinal tract such as nails, rocks, fishhooks, safety pins, bones, toys etc.; all these things can cause serious damage if not detected soon. Some dogs may also suffer from hereditary dog illnesses like elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, mitral valve disease, cardiomyopathy and most of these diseases can be identified using dog x-rays.

Hip dysplasia results into severe arthritis in dogs. In this dog illness, the socket joining the femur to the pelvis is shallow. The caput i.e. the ball of the femur is not round and smooth but is misshapen. This causes a lot of friction within the joint as it moves. This results in severe arthritis in the dog. The dog¡¦s natural repair system will repair itself by adding new cartilage. However, the cartilage repair is a relatively slow process because the cartilage lacks blood flow, which is necessary for rapid bodily repairs. The degraded joint may not be able to support the body weight as expected. The joint then becomes inflamed leading to a cycle of cartilage damage and inflammation. The bones of the joint may also develop osteoarthritis, which is visible on a dog x-ray as small outcrops of bone. Hence, the dog x-rays can help us to recognize these fractures so that we can treat them efficiently.

However, taking x-rays require dog to remain still. Sometimes, the dog squirms and moves during the x-ray. This results in unclear and distorted images of the dog¡¦s insides. This can lead to wrong diagnosis. Sometimes, it so happens that a dog having hip dysplasia is not diagnosed because the veterinary surgeon cannot make out the slight shift of the bone. The dog is already living in infinite pain. On top of this, even after you x-ray him, you do not find any thing wrong in his system; do not think that your efforts have been wasted. X-rays should always be neatly filed up for future references. To determine the dog illnesses, the x-ray is important and so it is vital for the owner and the vet to position the dog properly on the table and take some measures to keep it still. Some dogs are naturally obedient and wont move a muscle if his or her owner instructs so. Sometimes, a light anaesthetic is registered to keep the dog still. If the dog is being x-rayed for the muscles, anesthesia is unavoidable.

It happens more often than not, that the dog x-rays might not turn out to be conclusive. In such cases, one should reserve breeding until the x-rays show something definite. By the time, the dog is fully-grown the dog x-rays will reveal the proper status of the dog¡¦s bone development. The OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) will not classify hips in dogs until they are two years of age.

There are other dog diseases like blood clots, oesophageal achalasia and bladder stones which x-rays can detect. People are having their dogs x-rayed these days to detect possible bone fractures that he or she may have. X-rays therefore, have become inevitable in the field of veterinary practice. In this way, dog x-rays can help to cure the dog illnesses which trouble our cuddly dogs.

Source by Kang-pang Chan

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An exciting new green business (Pedicab) has sprung up on a global level. The most exciting part is that it’s affordable and still in it’s infancy. We’ll show you how to deal directly with the manufacturer for great savings. As unemployment rates soar there will be great demand for opportunities such as this. Starting your own Pedicab business is easier than you think.

Green Earth Cabs (Pedicabs) are a fun and environmentally friendly way of traveling around. You can make a positive impact by showing that there is an alternative to using cars. Green Earth Cabs provide a pleasant, safe, noiseless, and pollution free form of transportation. Designed for leisure, and relatively short distance trips, they also offer a unique, exciting and profitable opportunity in the Pedicab Taxi Business. Also called (cycle rickshaws, bicycle taxis, pedal cabs, bike taxis, and human powered taxis,) these 3-wheeled power-assisted vehicles are changing the face of urban transportation in a green earth way.

Cities such as Toronto, Portland and Boston have small fleets of Pedicabs already. These fleets may be incorporated in downtown areas, parks, boardwalks and other scenic tourist areas where the city would like to cut down on traffic congestion and emissions.

The demand for Pedicabs will continue to grow as city needs and public sentiment move to greener solutions. There are companies selling Pedicabs for up to 15k each. You’ll need to know where to find the supplier with the best price and product as well as what location to start your own Pedicab business in.

The company we exclusively deal with on our site stands behind their products and will deliver for about one-third the cost of more expensive European manufacturers. This of course translates into great savings in start up costs for the small business owner.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I can’t possibly start a Pedicab business in every location around the globe. Neither can anyone else. This is a special niche specific opportunity for interested individuals who wish to turn a great profit in a small business.

As I touched on above a Pedicab taxi service may be used for weddings, downtown areas, parks, conventioneers, special events, grocery delivery, and a hundred other things. You could probably think of a dozen other uses without much effort.

One of the benefits for your Pedicab business is that companies will pay you to advertise their products or services. Pedicabs generally fetch about $1k per month in advertising revenue if they are operating in areas of high public visibility.

There many ways to make money with the Pedicabs besides just what you charge in fares. You can also distribute small flyers to your customers advertising local businesses. Some Pedicab companies don’t even charge fares! (just tip the drivers)

There are many reasons to get excited about the new green Pedicab business. A wise entrepreneur would take a closer look at this opportunity.

Source by Leon Search

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There are a lot of people that believe that in order to start a handyman business all you need to do is slap some signs on a truck and you’re in business. Yes, you can do that, however if you want to be in business for longer than a few months then you need to follow these 9 steps to starting your business.

1. Start with yourself. Evaluate your likes and dislikes and then decide if being self employed is right for you. Not everyone is cut out to own their own business.

2. Decide what you will name your business and how you will operate your business. For example there are many forms of businesses, sole proprietor, LLC, corporation. You will want to get advice from qualified account and attorney. Have them help you decide which entity is best for you.

3. Next you need to look into what insurance you may need. In some instances your state may dictate that you have workers compensation insurance. You may also need general liability insurance and possibly commercial insurance for your truck. Some municipalities may require that you carrying insurance. Get in touch with a qualified insurance agent to help you. Make sure you know what you need before you start.

4. Licenses may also be required. The municipality you are working in may require a business license. You may need an electrical or plumbing license. Does your state require any type of license? It’s very important that you have these in place before your open your doors. If you do not, you may find yourself in some hot water if you are operating without the proper licenses.

5. Know thy customer. Research and see what is needed in your community. Do you have a lot of senior citizens that need help? What about landlords and real estate agents? Are their areas with older homes that will need repairs. It’s important that you know who you are targeting. This information will be used later to put a plan together.

6. Know thy competitor? Why? Because knowing what your competition does well, what they do not do well, and what services are not being offered will help you in deciding what to offer and possibly how much to charge.

7. Use your research. Take the research you did on your customers and competition and use this research to decide what services to offer and what prices to charge.

8. Get your tools in order. Make sure you have what you need to get started. You may need to purchase some basic supplies like nails, caulk, and screws. Small things that you will need to do the jobs you are offering.

9. Put this into a plan. Write out a business plan. This does not need to be complicated. Take what you did above and put it into writing along with what type of advertising you will be doing. Come up with a budget. Having a plan will go a long way toward keeping you on track and helping you become successful.

Follow these 9 steps before you open your doors and you will be way ahead of most people who attempt to start a handyman business.

Source by Denise Mense

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I have been totally surprised by the misinformation which has been spread after the passage of the new tort reform law. Since the law was passed by Missouri lawmakers in 2005, I have had numerous calls from injured workers who have been told that “work comp” doesn’t pay on carpal tunnel cases anymore. This simply isn’t true! There have been changes in the law and the bar has been raised, but carpal tunnel and other repetitive motion claims are still alive and well, despite what you may have heard. At one time, the law was more lax and a case was compensable if work simply “triggered” an injury .The bar was then raised so that a worker had to prove that work was a “substantial factor” in producing an injury. The standard now is that the injured worker must show that work was “the prevailing” or the “dominant factor” in producing an injury. While this is a more difficult standard, it is an exaggeration, or a misrepresentation, for your employer or an insurance adjuster to tell you that “workman’s comp” doesn’t provide compensation for “repetitive trauma injuries” anymore. This is also true of other repetitive trauma claims like “epicondylitis” (tennis elbow), “De Quervains Syndrome”, “tendonitis”, “ulnar nerve entrapment”, “cubital tunnel” ,”rotator cuff ” injuries, “shoulder impingement” syndrome “reflex sympathetic dystrophy”, “herniated disc” injuries and a host of other others. In conclusion, please spread the word that to your fellow workers so that they are not mislead. When in doubt, contact an experienced Missouri “work comp lawyer”.

The contents of this article are intended for educational use only in order to provide readers general information and a basic understanding of the law. If you are seeking legal advice, please consult a licensed professional attorney in your state. The information in this article should not be substituted for experienced legal advice.

Source by Jeff Swaney

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With offices in Dedham, the Commonwealth Advisory Group provides professional guidance to seniors and their families with regard to asset preservation for more than 16 years.

Attorney Philip Amaru and Executive Director Laureen Vaughn of the Commonwealth Advisory Group, who are specialists in asset protection for seniors, offer a Burial Trust or a Burial Insurance Policy to individuals who wish to plan ahead.

With a Burial Trust, monetary funds of an individual are placed in the name of a trust (which is essentially a bank account) and managed by that individual’s adult child.  When the individual passes away, the trust is available to the adult child to be used for funeral expenses.

“As opposed to pre-need funeral arrangements which are paid upfront to a funeral home, a burial trust allows you to hold on to your money.  It may be set up as a CD at a bank in your trust’s name so it is safe and insured,” explained Attorney Amaru.

The second option for those wishing to plan ahead is a Burial Insurance Policy.  Laureen Vaughn draws up a single pay term insurance policy for $10,000, which grows at three percent interest (with an interest rider).  When the individual passes away, funeral arrangements are made and the funeral home receives payment directly from the insurance company.  Any remaining money goes to the estate of the deceased. 

Amaru continued, “Other insurance policies are life insurance policies which are not flexible.  A Burial Insurance Policy enables an individual to put aside a certain amount of money for a luxurious funeral if that is what s/he desires and those funds are available for family members to utilize once the individual passes on.”


For more information contact Laureen Vaughn at 800-705-1415.

Asset Preservation Planning

For 16 years, the Commonwealth Advisory Group has helped over 1,500 clients save their assets (which includes property, gifted assets, retirement accounts, insurance policies, investments and savings) prior to and during an admission to a nursing home.  Unlike financial planners, Commonwealth Advisory Group specializes in asset preservation for elders and their families.

In addition to providing asset protection services to clients, Attorney Amaru and Executive Director Laureen Vaughn serve as educational speakers for hospitals, elder agencies and businesses throughout Southeastern Massachusetts.   Commonwealth Advisory Group has appeared with Jordan Rich of WBZ News Radio 1030 in variety of seminars on the topic of Senior Asset Protection.

Attorney Amaru is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; the National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys; the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys; the Massachusetts Bar Association and the American Bar Association.


Commonwealth Advisory Group is located just off Route 128 at 3 Allied Drive, Ste. 125, Dedham, MA.  For more information, contact 800-705-1415 or visit


Source by Steve Dubin

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Car accidents are a common occurrence all over the world and can happen at any time while on the road.  After a car accident, if there is damage, it is common to submit the claim to an insurance agency.  Sometimes though, insurance agencies will deny claims for small mistakes that have been made during the course of dealing with the accident.  The insurance company benefits by paying a smaller settlement, so it is important to know how to get the maximum amount of money for the damages a driver experiences.

To ensure that the victim receives the most money they can get out of the settlement, they must first be able to show that the accident was the fault of another, and that they are actually afflicted with injuries that require compensation.  The practice area of law that deals with these types of torts is called personal injury law, and an experienced New York personal injury lawyer is an asset.

There is a wide range in the amount of compensation that gets awarded to victims of an accident.  Those who are injured less severely injured will receive less compensation for their claim, and those who are more severely injured will receive more money.  Permanent disabilities and death receive the most compensation as usually compensate must compensate the victim for lifelong challenges such as lost wages or loss of companionship.

To submit a personal injury claim, the injured party must be able to prove their injuries.  This can take the form of medical documents recording injuries from the accident.  These documents include diagnoses, x-rays, prescriptions, and doctor’s bills that show the nature of the injury.  It would also be helpful to have a copy of the police report that is made whenever a person is injured in an accident.  If possible, drivers who are involved in collisions should take pictures of the scene of the accident to help prove their story and ensure fair compensation.

Another important element to ensuring maximum compensation after an accident is to secure eyewitness accounts of the collision.  Witnesses are especially powerful when the other party disputes their liability in the accident and the case needs to be negotiated further.

Source by injurylawyer1

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If you are in need of transportation in and out of London, you do not need to worry for anything since you not miss any of your flights as well as be stranded in the airport. It is because there are multitudes of cabs that can take you anywhere you want.

The taxis being designed for the tourists-The taxis in London are especially being designed for tourist who are about to roam about in the city. The taxi service is something that all and sundry is in want off, weather you are a tourist or a local, the need of taxi service is always there.

The taxis are always in demand especially around the airport premises. A lot of tourists from different countries around the oblate spheroid are arriving 24/7.

The holiday taxis are also in great demand during the off season because individuals want to visit friends along with relatives in distant places in London as it is being said by individuals providing services relating to airport transfers Heathrow

Listed below are bits of information about airport taxi services and how you can take get added advantages of their services:

Avoidance of hassle– It is a humongous hassle and waste of time if you are trying and asking for favours for a ride to the airport. Thereby it is best to book an airport taxi service. By hiring a taxi service company, you can be rest assured that you will be arriving earlier than your actual flight.

(1)  You can reach your destination to the airport without any such delay or any such pale-male.

(2)  Apart from getting to the airport, these services can also take you to your desired destination with safety.

(3)  They are sure to provide you with ultimate convenience. Remember that you are tired from travelling on the airplane and it is hassle if you will wait for longer hour’s right before you get a ride to your home as it has been suggested by individuals providing airport transfers Heathrow

Great option for parking– it is one of the great ways to save for any parking. When you use your own car for reaching the airport, you are forced to look for parking and this can cover most of your time and you might miss your flight because of this parking problem.

(1)  Aside from this, you need to pay for your parking.

(2)  Housing your own car in an airport can be very much expensive and it is very much safe to house it on your own garbage or driveway.

(3)  The very best advantage of getting an organization for your taxi services is the insurance policy.

(4)  What it does is, it would protect both you and the driver in case of any unexpected accident.

(5)  There is a need for you in understanding the insurance policy of a taxi company.

Summary- If you are in need of transportation in and out of London, you do not need to worry for anything since you not miss any of your flights as well as be stranded in the airport. Read on the article to learn more about the approaches of airport transfers Heathrow.

Source by Avik

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Dubai is seen as a “no-tax” emirate, with lots of connections to the rich in India. Dubai has a network of treaties with other country in that taxation is only done in the “contracting” country, not both countries, which make it an even more advantageous place to do business. This can get a little bit complicated as some countries also have provisions to allow double taxation with their dealings with Dubai. Dubai is one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and is a key location to do business with India and countries further east.

As usual, the tricks of the trade include setting up shell companies to conceal the ownership of offshore trusts and companies.
Dubai has one of the world’s largest free-trade zones and first-class infrastructure, much of it brand-new. It has no “Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties” or other information exchange agreements with the U.S. Further, Dubai has not yet agreed to the OECD’s “harmful tax competition” initiative.

Dubai is a good choice for companies setting up distribution channels in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. It’s worth considering for a bank account Residence permits are easy to acquire. The government of Dubai has assured the business community that it has no intention of instituting any taxes. This is despite the recent institution of income and other taxes in big brother country Saudi Arabia, after it joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). About the closest Dubai has gotten to taxing is an initiative to have sales tax on the purchase of tobacco products.

In addition, in September 2006, the Dubai government launched an initiative called the International Companies Registry that will let foreign investors to register offshore companies in the Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone (RAK FTZ) with only a virtual registered agent presence, not a physical office. The objective is to promote Dubai as a tax haven like the Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man, and other famous entities. The CEO of the free trade zone, Osama Al Omari hopes to register 5,000 companies in the zone over the next couple of years. Three international law firms will check that companies are following anti-money laundering laws.

Prices to start an offshore corporation in Dubai are quite reasonable, and the charge for incorporating is about $5,000 with no necessity to actually travel to Dubai. Annual fees to the government of Dubai to maintain the corporation are $2500 per year. Other documents necessary include power of attorney, bank references and curriculum vitae of members of the corporation’s board of directors.

Source by Adamheist

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The offshore call center companies are found adept at offering a seamless service all across the diverse industry verticals. Some of these industry verticals include insurance, banking, credit cards, pharmaceuticals, finance, dentists, telecom, surveys, market research and others. These customer care centers include all kinds of resources in the form of mind power and training to offer the streamlined operations and functions. Inbound call center being an important part of the offshore call center services offer a range of services ensuring great deal of utilities.

With the development of the concept of business process outsourcing (BPO), inbound call center set-ups are much in demand. The business owners and the decision makers have shown a great deal of interest towards this particular segment of the call center services. The managing abilities and the knowledge in making the operational procedures of a company make processes more seamless and streamlined. A company can also be in touch with the customers all time while having the tabs on the market updates.

After the so-called reality checks of the recession, offshore call center services have regained the admiration and the pace. The offshore customer service centers have developed to be an unparallel synonym of technical expertise, quality services and result-oriented method.

With the outsourcing inbound call center services, a business will be able to hire the expert techniques and the professional services as per the business specification. When you decide to outsource the contact center services, you are mostly required to pay for those services only. This is how you get to save efforts, costs and the time to set-up an entire infrastructure and team.

Call centers are broadly defined into two separate categories- outbound and the inbound call center services, best known as the essential telemarketing services. The inbound call center services cover a wide diversity of services like:

Chat Support: This is one service which the call center representatives and agents offer online to interact with the customers

Customer Support: This is a specialized service, which consists of the answering to the questions and queries by the customers. It also includes giving response to all complaints and to note the feedbacks of the consumers.

Lead Generation: By means of collecting information regarding the potential customers, the representatives try to build up business insights and good customer base

Tech Support backing: The tech support representatives assist the customers in solving the complicated product or service related technical problem

Appointment Setting: Appointment setting happens to be the marketing foundation of businesses like mortgage brokers, contractors, insurance agents, service-oriented business, financial planners and others

Help desk services: This is the service which consists of the answering all types of common inquiries regarding diverse services and products

Market Research: This incorporated and methodical approach is used to describe the given niche of a service or product properly defined as the market research

Market Surveys: Surveys are the best ways to learn about the future of any service or product. Surveys that are taken by the market experts help to shape out the prospects and future of any product. It also redefines its position in the market

Source by jems hug

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Ranchi University Result has not been declared for a while now. But the University is going to declare the results of various Undergraduate and Postgraduate Exams for the academic year 2015-16. The candidates will be able to check the Ranchi University Result through the direct link for each of the results which will be hosted on our website as soon as same is declared. The candidates are advised to read the following article to know the steps to check the result, the courses offered by the University etc.

Steps to check the Ranchi University Result

  • Click on the direct link that has been hosted on our website.
  • Choose the direct link in respect of which the result has to be tracked and click on the same.
  • The Ranchi University Result will be displayed on the computer screen in PDF format, which should be downloaded and a print out of the same should be taken.

Courses offered by Ranchi University

UG Courses: BA (Hon’s) in Hindi, History, Maths, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Urdu etc. B.Sc. in Nursing, Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Maths, Physics & Zoology etc., B.Sc. (Hon’s) in Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Maths, Physics, Zoology; B. Tech in Civil Engg., Comp. Science, Electrical Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg. etc., B.Com, B.Com (Hon’s), Bachelor of Voc. Studies, BCA, B.Ed., LLB and BBA.

PG Courses: MBBS, MA in Eco., English, Geography, Hindi, History, Maths etc.; M.Sc. in Medicinal Plants, Biotech., Botany, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Zoology etc.; M. Tech. (Various), M.Com (Various), MBA, MCA, LLM.

  • Doctorate and Ph.D. level courses: Doctorate of Medicine (M.D), Master of Surgery (M.S.), Ph.D., Master of Philosophy (M. Phil).
  • Diplomas: in Banking Management, Insurance, Business Management, Electronics, Computer Application and Yoga.
  • Advance Diploma: in Business Management, Banking and Insurance, Banking Services and Computer Application.
  • Certification: Computer Application, Insurance Services, Sales and Marketing, Banking etc.


About Ranchi University

Ranchi University is a teaching-cum-affiliating University which is situated in the Jharkhand state of India. The University was constituted in 1960 with just 10 Post Graduate Departments. Currently, the territorial jurisdiction of the University is sprawling over 5 districts of the Jharkhand, viz. Ranchi, Gumla, Khunti, Simdega and Lohardaga. Moreover, there are around 29 colleges that are affiliated to it, with a total student intake of around 1 lakh students. All the colleges that are under the Ranchi University offer academic programs in many disciplines that range from Management, Engineering, Arts, Medical, Law and Science. Ranchi University is ranked 36th among the top 50 Indian Universities and has received the affiliation to the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).To know more about the university visit official site.

Source by Chandan Singh

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In today’s time, a majority of medicines come directly from big pharmaceutical organizations. After the discovery of penicillin, this trend has started. With that, the modern marketing techniques pertaining to drug manufacturing has emerged. Also the controlling of production of drugs. Prior to the discovery of penicillin, compounding was the only option for the production of the drugs. Pharmacists used to make medicines based on the doctor’s prescription. Compounding is defined as the production of drugs in a small batch for small numbers of patients. Situations have been found that a traditional pharmacy. failed to provide a particular type of medicines prescribed by doctors and jeopardized the future of compounding pharmacies.

A situation of that kind provides medication for following conditions such as adrenal fatigue, autism, andropause, bio-identical hormones, dermatology, dentistry, pain management, pediatrics, palliative, prescription, podiatry, thyroid hormones, sports, veterinary and other wound care. With all these problems, the demand for compounding pharmacies is growing. Moreover, it would also be hard to give an accurate number of compounding pharmacies in the USA.

How to Find Compounding Pharmacies?

Many patients find really hard to locate a local pharmacy. Some patients also contact their health insurance providers to get the contact of the local pharmacy. Sometimes, doctors also refer patients to compounding pharmacies.

There are two major directories – one in the U.S. and the second one delivers information about compounding pharmacies across the world. These are –

  1. PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America)

  2. IACP (International Academy of Compounding Pharmacies)

Data revealed by IACP that only 1%-3% of all prescriptions dispensed in the USA are compounded. Due to the aging of baby boomers in the USA, the demand for compounding medicines is also growing at a rapid pace and also more patients are opting for compounding medicines in the present and going to opt for in near future.

There are many online directories with more compounding pharmacies listed on the online. These websites offer a plethora of information including online maps, websites and the type of medicine and contact phone numbers. These websites allow patients to contact the compounding pharmacies. Through this website, you can also send prescriptions online. Many directories come with mobile apps that indicate pharmacies location and allow patients to send prescriptions.

Compounding pharmacies are going to stay here. The market share is also getting bigger in each day. These pharmacies are doing exceptionally good in helping patients to get their required drugs or medicines.  

According to the IACP, in the USA, currently, there are over 56,000 community-based compounding pharmacies, of which a half of them directly offer their service to local patients and doctors. Around 7,500 pharmacies have the specialization in offering “Advanced Compounding Services” ( the term coined by the IACP). Approximately, 3,000 compounding pharmacies are into making sterile products.

Who Regulates Compounding Pharmacies?

The drugs produced by compounding pharmacies are regulated by FDA. But there are some states in the USA that also regulate many compounding pharmacies. The role of the FDA is to check the “integrity of drugs”. However, as the compounding pharmacies are getting bigger and better, some pharmacies start to act like small drug manufacturers. The role and responsibility of an organization like FDA are to tackle this type of situations. Along with the compounding pharmacies spread all across the USA, the onus is also on the patients’ and relatives of patients’ shoulders to have a clear idea about the functioning of compounding pharmacies before visiting one.

Source by Steven Blake

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Couriers are usually regarded as “high risk” for motor insurers. Van drivers statistically have a higher accident rate than private vehicles, their exposure on the roads is far greater than that of a private motor car, therefore dramatically increasing the chances of a road traffic incident. The vehicles are more often than not owned by a company or fleet and drivers are less likely to worry about the damage they may cause to the vehicle.

Courier van drivers, also referred to as the ‘White van man’ are notoriously  known for being involved in road traffic accidents. Couriers can be up against tight pick up and delivery time slots, and some are even incentivized on the amount of collections and deliveries they make. This can encourage the drivers to race around town and hence are prone to more incidents.  Insurers take this into consideration when quoting this type of risk and the premiums quoted are a reflection of the claim statistics.

Some of the common accidents that van couriers typically experience include:

  • Scrapes & Scratches – which commonly occur to the paintwork of the car or van.
  • Chips & Breaks – from broken lights to chips in the windscreen
  • Wear and tear –  the durability of the van to wear and tear that occurs within the courier industry. One can typically expect:
    • The replacement of tyres
    • The replacement of brake discs/pads

Maintenance – as they are on the road a lot of the time, the vans will become more prone to maintenance. This will include:

    • General servicing
    • Auto electrical replacements
    • Mechanical replacements

(note: these factors can contribute to the accidental and safety risk of the van, increasing it’s insurance premium.)

  • Dents – courier van drivers will find that they will be exposed to getting more damage to the framework of the van. This can be due to a series of things.
  1. Potentially due to the experience of the driver at the wheel.
  2. The maneuverability and safety of the van
  3. The driving environment the van will typically be exposed to.

Due to the common accidents that couriers are usually exposed to, obtaining a cheap van insurance rate will be difficult to come across due to the nature of high premiums that are charged by the underwriters of the insurance companies. However, VanQuoteDirect can help courier van drivers find a policy that will be tailored to suit their needs that will be cost effective and simple to find.

To find a suitable policy, visit courier van insurance at VanQuoteDirect.

Source by Kev Taylor

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The following is an expert answer given by Florida Personal Injury Lawyer, Joseph M. Maus, and taken from, a free Q & A service on the internet:

I fell in the parking lot at Wal-mart. I was crossing over the median of the parking lot. As I stepped down off the curb, I fell. It was raining that night and there were puddles. I didn’t notice the pavement near the curb was cracked and sunken as the puddle covered it. I felt something snap in my left foot and some minor burning in my right knee. I tried to get up and I couldn’t put any weight on my left foot. My boyfriend and a person driving by stopped and helped me up and back to my car. My boyfriend went in to the service desk to notify the manager of the incident. One employee came out at first, then the manager came out and helped me into a wheel chair. He took me in to the store to sign some papers and told me to call the number at the bottom of the page the next day. The manager also stated he was going to take pictures of my foot, but didn’t. By time I got into the store, it was purple and pretty swollen. I took pictures of my foot at the hospital. I was told at the hospital that I needed to go see a specialist and was to make an appointment on that following Monday. Also I was not to put any weight on my left foot.

I tried calling the number the store Manager told me to call, but to no avail – they were out until Monday morning. I called back on Monday. I was asked for the claim number and store number that was supposed to be on the paper the store manager had given me, but there was no claim # or store #, so I had to call the store to get the store number. I was told they needed my statement for them to investigate, but the lady I spoke to told me that someone else would be contacting me back to take my statement. I asked about what I needed to do about the hospital bill and the specialist I’m suppose to go see. I was told to take from my pocket or my insurance and they would reimburse me when they were done investigating if they sided with me. I have no insurance and the cost of the doctor that the hospital referred me to is too costly for me to pay out of pocket.

What can I do about this?

My foot is still swollen, I can’t bend my big toe, and pain is shooting up the back of my leg. I’m on crutches and have a brace on my shin to the bottom of my foot. Since being on crutches, my hip is hurting and so is my back.

I can try to provide you with some helpful information about your fall, but please consult with an attorney in your area to determine whether you have a valid claim.  Your email does not indicate where you live.  I am a Florida personal injury lawyer specializing in serious accidents such as car accident, trip and falls, and work accidents.  Laws vary from state to state so the law in your area may be different that in Florida.

What happened to you is a fairly common occurrence – tripping over uneven, sunken or broken pavement in a paved parking lot.  I currently represent several people that have similar claims, either in a parking lot or on a sidewalk.  Keep in mind that in Florida, a person or company is not automatically responsible for your injuries and medical bills just because you tripped and fell on on their property.  A property owner in Florida owes two duties to persons legally on the property – 1. to maintain the property in a reasonably safe condition, and 2. to warn people of dangerous conditions that are not obvious or apparent.

Wal Mart, or the person or entity that owns and/or maintains the parking lot may be responsible to you for your injuries and medical bills if the condition that caused you to fall was one that they knew about, or existed for a long enough period of time that they should have known about it. Uneven, sunken or cracked pavement is a condition that usually occurs over time, either due to erosion, tree roots growing nearby, or just wear and tear, so it is more than likely that Wal Mart knew or should have known about this dangerous condition.

The best advice I can give you is to speak with an attorney specializing in trip and fall injury accidents in your area to see whether you should pursue a claim.  An experienced trip and fall lawyer is going to know the laws in your area and how best to proceed.  Most slip and fall lawyers handle cases on a contingent basis which means if the lawyer does not recover any money for your claim, there is no charge for costs or attorney’s fees.  Most Florida personal injury lawyers will also offer a free, no-obligation consultation, so you have nothing to lose by meeting to discuss your claim.

Walmart’s reaction to your claim is not unusual.  Keep in mind that Walmart has hundreds of very large stores in which thousands of shoppers go in and out of every day.  Walmart’s employees deal with accidents like your every day.  Walmart has a very detailed and specific employee handbook on how to deal with claims like yours.  It is a pretty routine procedure for their employees. However, you should speak with an accident injury lawyer before you give a statement to Wal Mart.

Most attorneys that do these type of accident injury cases have handled cases against Wal Mart before.  Experienced accident injury lawyers know that Wal Mart claims are handled out of Bentonville, AK by inhouse adjusters.  As I mentioned above, Wal Mart has a very lengthy employee handbook for how their employees are to handle incidents such as yours.  If you want to contact Wal Mart yourself, you need to call them in Arkansas and find the claim #, and the name of the adjustor assigned to handling the case. BUT – if you’re considering getting an attorney, I would do it before you speak to Wal Mart.

For more information, call Florida personal injury lawyer Joseph M. Maus at 1-866-556-5529, visit his website at or email him today.

Source by Joseph M. Maus

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One of the steps in getting the taxes done is getting the tax.  It is dependent on the help required but the first step to begin with is having your financial situation arranged and making all the required info available to you.  Primarily, you need to be well informed of the simplest way to file income taxes.

Are you looking for information related to calculate income tax or another information anyhow related to recordkeeping, or income tax explained? If you agree, this article will provide you helpful tips related to fiduciary income tax and even somehow related to software and dutch income tax that you might not have been know about.

One must make use of tax subsidies, as tax subsidies are much better than deductions.  The tax breaks often lower the quantity of money one owes to the IRS.  For instance, if your child is studying in varsity then you can easily claim for the education tax credit.  As an interesting point, you can open an education saving account.

If you’ve got a SOHO office you can subtract a proportion of your home loan interest as well as your resources and other stuff you could have not considered as business costs.

Many people forget that they can get more information about any subject matter, be it canadian income tax information or any other on any of the major search engines like Google. If you need more information about federal income taxes calculation, head on to Google and be more informed.

While paying out the tax, one should utilize the tax credits as they sometimes lower the tax amounts to be paid particularly tax duration to the IRS.  For example, if your kid is in a varsity, then you need to claim for an education tax allowance.  The tax savings you make ; here can be used to open education saving accounts for your kid.

hospital bills – Keep records ( including invoices and statements ) of hospital bills, which are not covered by your medical help, in order to get a deduction for those costs on assessment.  Depending on your earnings, certain medical expenses including healthcare insurance and dental insurance premiums might be deductible.  This reduction is limited to costs over 7.5 of your revenue.  Pursue turning your non-deductible private hospital bills into a legit business expense.

Many people looking for information about income tax preparation also looked online for income tax on line, finances, and even income tax tables.

finally, one can make use of their tax standing to pay less taxes.  For instance, if you’re married you can choose to file your tax jointly thus reducing the standard tax amount.  In truth, an individual filling status determines the sort of tax exemptions they will get.  If you file as a single person the tax will be more than is the argument for a married person.

Source by Avinash

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Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Ohio announced today it has maintained the accreditation status of Excellent from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). NCQA is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to assessing and reporting on the quality of managed care plans, managed behavioral healthcare organizations, preferred provider organizations, new health plans, physician organizations, credentials verification organizations, disease management programs and other health-related programs Anthem’s Accreditation status – the highest possible level – is based on a voluntary review of how a health plan ensures that its members are receiving high quality care.

“NCQA’s Excellent Accreditation status is reserved for the best health plans in the nation,” said Margaret E. O’Kane, president of NCQA. “It is only awarded to those plans that meet or exceed NCQA’s rigorous requirements for consumer protection and quality improvement and deliver excellent clinical care.”

The Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Ohio first received an excellent accreditation in 2001. The initial NCQA Accreditation survey process includes on- and off-site evaluations of more than 60 standards and selected HEDIS® performance measures conducted by a team of physicians and managed care experts. Maintenance of status is based on 2009 HEDIS results. HEDIS is a tool used by more than 90 percent of America’s health plans to measure performance on important dimensions of care and service.

“We are an organization committed to continuous quality improvement, and I believe that has again been validated by NCQA,” said Erin Hoeflinger, president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Ohio. “Anthem is proud to have improved both its CAHPS® member satisfaction and HEDIS® effectiveness of care scores in the 2009 collection of these measures. We have a long and proud tradition of ensuring that our members receive high-quality service. Receiving objective recognition of that is rewarding for all of us.”

*CAHPS(R) is a registered trademark of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

*HEDIS(R) is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

Source by chris walker

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You have been figured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.  But after recuperating from the hospital and you stayed inside your house, you are sore and ready to put the accident behind you but you should wait on throwing out the idea of hiring a personal injury lawyer. That accident may have far lasting consequences on your body and wallet then you initially thought. The bruises will heal but what if there is permanent damage that limits your ability to perform work tasks? You may find that you do need personal injury litigation and perhaps, a personal injury settlement with the help of a personal injury lawyer.

There are times when an injury may take days or weeks to begin to affect your health and performance. There is little doubt that there will be sore muscles and bruising after an accident but what if the soreness does not leave and it begins to affect your ability to perform your job or your ability to go about with your business as you normally would do?  What if, for instance, have specifically lost an arm or both because of that accident? Who will find some means of income for your family, huh?  So, it’s really best that you should hire a personal injury lawyer to help you with a personal injury settlement.

A personal injury attorney knows that these conditions can arise. He or she can make sure that you are getting the medical attention you need and will make sure that everything is documented. If the other person was at fault for the accident, then his or her insurance company may want to give you a flat personal injury settlement. However, if your medical bills are higher than the amount his insurance company would like to settle for, then, prepare yourself to pay the remaining amount out from your own pocket and that’s aside from the loss of wages or income from your business because of the time that you need to take off from work or your daily business transactions. Personal injury and accident attorneys specialize in the laws surrounding personal injury due to negligence or auto accidents and they can decide if a personal injury settlement out of court is necessary or not.

You see, most accident victims pursue claims for the injuries and damages incurred from an accident. The negligent party would have to pay the damages to the victim which is supposed to alleviate their suffering. Usually, people involved in litigations similar to this would agree to have a personal injury settlement so that they would not be involved in lengthy proceedings that could take up much of their time and financial resources. But remember, if the insurance company of a person who will settle for the damages like hospital bills and so forth, they might settle for something lesser than what you think and you have to pay for the remaining balance, if ever there was one.

To conclude, it’s much better that you have to weigh the problem first and see if a personal injury settlement out of court is needed but if you think things can get worse for the rest of your life, and you know what that means, then, you do need the services of a personal injury lawyer.

Source by Marlon Dirk

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You may have seen people carrying out large heavy cooler sized jugs of water out of your local big box super store, drug store, pharmacy or health food store. A marvel attesting to the power of modern marketing. This marvel of advertising to influence consumers rivals that of big screen TVs and S.U.V.’s for city dwellers. Not only do these people pay for water, often carry these heavy, bulky, cooler sized jugs up flights of stairs. On top of that all they have to do in most cases in America to get as much clean, cool water as they would ever want in their lifetimes – only by turning on the water tap.

Demineralised water is not always good for you. Health conscious consumers should and need to be aware that while some water types are good for you – demineralised may not and indeed may be “demineralizing ” your body and bones.

First of all – what is demineralised water? Demineralised water is water that is said to be completely or almost completely free of minerals. This demineralised water is produced any of a number of way including – boiling (distillation), deionization, filtered through a thin membrane (many of the “pure” water machines that you see in retail outlets along with the large cooler type jugs) or electrodyalisis.

Health experts have also reported that the longer that you drink this “demineralised” water, the more likely are of flushing out vital minerals in your body and as well placing your body into an acid state.

It has been known almost to the beginning of time that minerals in drinking water are good for your health. The beneficial aspects and properties of the minerals and constituents of drinking water (nowadays we refer to it simply as “tap water”) were mentioned in the Vedas of ancient India. In the book Rig Veda, the properties of good drinking water were described as follows “Sheetham( told to touch) , Sushihi ( clean) , Sivam ( should have nutritive value, requisite minerals and trace elements) , Istham ( transparent) , Vimalam lahu Shadgunam ( its acid balance should be within normal limits )

Not only can demineralised body have long term health concerns for your body including leaching away the calcium in your bones, but generally the taste is poor, being described as flat. On top of that demineralised water will often not quench your thirst – especially in comparison to regular untreated water.

If you think that demineralized water can play havoc with your and your family’s health – both in the short term and long term look at what it can do to regular household pipes and plumbing. Demineralised water is harsh and very very aggressive. If put into pipes and storage tanks the demineralised water is very aggressive and will attack these metal pipes – leaching the metal and other materials from the pipes and other plumbing materials used in water plumbing. This is the reason why homes can never have plumbing for this safe product “demineralised water”.

If that is what demineralized water can do to metal pipes and plumbing imagine what it can do to your sensitive insides of your body.

Source by Margaret S. Mathews