Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Home Authors Posts by John Stewart

John Stewart

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This is where a proper and comprehensive Breakdown Cover becomes necessary and important. It is during winter that most car breakdowns occur. A combination of heavy car usage and the wet, cold weather results in most car breakdowns. Just consider a situation where you are raring to get to work or a holiday and your vehicle will not start. How will you get to work or get going on your holiday? Breakdown Insurance is the answer to your dilemma. You never can know in advance when, where, and how your car or vehicle will breakdown. A Car Breakdown can happen anywhere and anytime, and it does not have to be an old car. Even a new car bought from the showroom a few months ago can breakdown due to improper maintenance and servicing. Unfortunately, there is no way to foretell or predict when and where your car will breakdown, or even if it will ever breakdown. But it is better to be safe than sorry and buy Breakdown Cover in case a car breakdown does occur.

There are many big and small Breakdown Cover service providers and you must analyze and consider the services offered by each of these companies, along with the costs involved. You should not only analyze the services of the large branded service providers, but you should also look at the smaller ones to get a proper perspective of the services provided and costs involved. You can visit their websites or write to them for more information if required. Most of the big names in the Breakdown Cover services industry provide many services like providing roadside recovery, visiting your home for repairs if the car breaks down and does not start in the morning, hi-tech faultfinding technology, car maintenance advice, stocking spare parts, etc.

If you do not travel much and require breakdown cover services only in your local area, you can check out the smaller, more localized service providers. But if you travel extensively and regularly, then the bigger and countrywide or global Breakdown Cover service providers are a better option. The bigger, branded service providers have a better reach and capabilities for providing service even in a situation where you are stuck with a breakdown in a sparsely populated area with no means of reaching a garage for repairs.

Most of the bigger Breakdown Cover service providers have options for the type of Breakdown Cover required, including national and international breakdown covers. Some of these options include:

  • Providing assistance for roadside breakdowns
  • Transportation for the vehicle and passengers in case of incapability to handle roadside repairs or arrange for a local garage for repairs.
  • Providing Home visits if your car breaks down at home
  • Providing alternative travel options in case they cant repair your car.
  • National and International breakdown assistance

Whatever the case or situation may be, it is better to be safe and have Breakdown Cover, rather than be sorry and be stuck with a Car Breakdown situation.

Source by Sunil Punjabi

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Those in the insurance claims adjusting business and those who may be interested in becoming an insurance adjuster will inevitably encounter the concept of reciprocity in their licensing procedures. However, the concept is largely misunderstood or misrepresented and knowing the real ins and outs of state licensing reciprocity can save adjusters significant time, money, and aggravation. So what is reciprocity and what should an insurance adjuster know about it?

First, its important to understand what adjuster reciprocity doesn’t mean. There is a common misconception that once you have obtained a license in a state – say Texas – you can waltz into any other state at any time and begin working claims. This simply isn’t the case. Occasionally, a state’s insurance commissioner will declared a state of emergency and granted open doors to licensed adjusters from other states, but this has less to do with reciprocity and more to do with the demands of a catastrophe. Under normal conditions, even if you hold an adjuster license in one state you will still need to go through the application procedure in other states where you enjoy reciprocity.

Thus, adjuster license reciprocity refers to a mutual agreement between states whereby an adjuster holding a license in one state can successfully apply for a license in another state and vice-versa. This is important to adjusters because it means that in many cases you can apply for a license in another state without having to first pass that state’s exam or pre-licensing course – requirements that can mean significant investments of time and money.

It is also commonly held that every state has specific states with which they have a reciprocal agreement. Texas, for instance, is purported to have the greatest adjuster license reciprocity in the country. This is a little misleading. The fact of the matter is most states have an arrangement such that if you have a license in your own state of residence you can obtain a license in their state. For example, lets say you live in and have an adjuster license in Oklahoma. You are applying for a North Carolina license. North Carolina doesn’t specify that Oklahoma must recognize North Carolina’s license before granting you the license. So this isn’t exactly reciprocity, just a recognition of an adjuster’s due diligence in his/her home state. The crux of the matter is this: if you are licensed in your home state you will be able to obtain adjuster licenses in most other states. The Texas adjuster license really should be prized for the relative ease by which it is obtained rather than its high reciprocity.

Some states do not grant any kind of reciprocal agreement or observance. Arizona, California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New York require that all adjusters take their own particular adjuster exam or pre-licensing course. Nevada does not grant an adjuster license to anyone except residents of Nevada.

The primary pitfall adjusters encounter with adjuster reciprocity is when they attempt to bypass their own state’s licensing requirements by obtaining another state’s license. This happens rather frequently. For instance, many residents of Florida who wish to become adjusters get the impression that they can avoid taking Florida’s exam by obtaining a Texas adjuster license. This is just not true. Holding a Texas adjuster license will be valuable to non-residents of Florida in obtaining a Florida 5-20 license, but will do absolutely no good for residents of Florida. Again, the lesson here is to first obtain your home state’s adjuster license and work from there.

In the event that your home state does not require an adjuster license, you should strongly consider obtaining another state’s license where adjuster pre-licensing courses are readily available. Texas has the greatest availability of pre-licensing programs which can be found virtually across the country or even taken online.

If you are beginning your insurance adjuster career, be sure to check your state’s licensing rules and procedures When properly understood, reciprocity can work greatly in an adjusters favor when he or she is looking to diversify the geographic range of operating.

Source by Dan Kerr

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It is law in this country, as specified by the Road Traffic Act, that all road users are covered by a certain minimum level of insurance. If there is an incident involving you, another person if they were driving your vehicle or the registered owner of the vehicle, third party car insurance will give you cover for any claim that may be made against your insurance. Third party cover or a higher level does actually provide more protection than the law requires and this can be as basic as third party only, third party, fire and theft or comprehensive.

If an incident occurs and you are at fault and have to admit blame then your insurance cover will pay out any sums of money that are granted to the people who are the ‘third party’ that may have died or been hurt or their property has been written off, damaged or similar. Also included in this would be the injured party’s and your own legal fees.

However, there can be confusion and the matter does become more complicated if you happen to be a passenger in your own car being driven by somebody else. If the person driving your car has your permission to do so, then they are protected by your policy instead of you. Those who are insured to drive on your policy will be listed, for example, passengers, employees, named drivers. If you were to be injured because the person you have allowed to drive your car has driven badly and caused an accident then you are well within the law to be able to make a claim for compensation from this driver. Your third party insurance would, in this case, reimburse the driver of your vehicle and not you, but in turn, you would be able to make a claim and more than likely be successful, in winning damages on your third party cover against the driver of your car. Remember though that this does work both ways if in the case above the driver was injured, or worse, killed then your insurance company would not be liable.

Unfortunately, it is insignificant who was actually driving because, under this clause of the cover, you cannot claim for any damage caused to the car.

If as does often happen, a thief steals your vehicle and goes on to crash your car causing damage to it and possibly others then under this part of the policy you will be protected as the owner of the vehicle against any claims of injury or damage caused by the thief. On the down-side, the owner of the vehicle, even though it is very unfair, will lose their no claims bonus due to a scenario which is completely out of their control and can never be expected before it happens.

We have to remember that these guidelines are set out and are the law and at the end of the day, the objective is to protect the innocent party who may bear the brunt of physical injury or damage to their property which may well be caused by a stolen car. The chances of any car thief being able to pay for any such damage is remote, which therefore, does actually justify, the innocent party being able to claim on your car insurance policy.

Source by Michael Challiner

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Homeowners insurance can be confusing, to say the least. Here’s a quick rundown on what homeowners insurance covers in simple terms.

What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Homeowner insurance covers the following:

1. The structure of your home and other structures on your land

2. Your personal property – furniture, clothing, electronics, appliances, etc

3. Your additional living expenses when your home is damaged and you need to live elsewhere

3. You, when someone is hurt and you’re found to be at fault

What is home structure coverage?

Home structure coverage pays to rebuild or repair your home after it’s been destroyed or damaged by vandalism, fire, plumbing leaks, or storms. The amount of home structure coverage you need should be enough to rebuild your home.

To figure out how much coverage you need, call a local real estate agent or builder to find out the square-foot building costs in your area. Then multiply that figure by the square footage of your home.

What is personal property coverage?

Personal property coverage pays to replace your personal possessions after they’ve been stolen, or damaged by fire, vandalism, plumbing leaks, or storms.

The amount of coverage you need should be enough to replace all your personal property. Standard policies provide coverage equal to 50% to 70% of the amount of your home structure coverage. To determine if this is enough, take an inventory and total up the value of everything you own.

What is additional living expenses coverage?

Additional living expenses coverage pays your expenses when your home has been damaged by fire, vandalism, plumbing leaks, or storms, and you need to live elsewhere. It covers your hotel and restaurant bills plus other living expenses.

Standard policies provide additional living expense coverage equal to 20% to 25% of your home structure coverage.

What is personal liability coverage?

Personal liability coverage protects you from lawsuits when you, your family, or your pets injure someone or damage their property. It pays for the other person’s medical expenses and property damage expenses, plus your court costs and legal fees.

Standard policies provide a minimum of $100,000 worth of coverage, but if you have a lot of assets to protect you can purchase additional coverage.

Where can I get cheap homeowners insurance?

The easiest way to get cheap homeowners insurance is to comparison shop online, and the best way to do that is to visit an insurance comparison website where you can get rate quotes from a number of insurance companies all in one place. Some of these sites even let you talk with insurance experts who can answer all your questions and give you money-saving advice. (see link below).

Visit or click on the following link to get homeowners insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more insurance tips in their Articles section.

Source by

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Have you though about all the risks that can be involved with auto accidents? What about if you have the right coverage or enough coverage during an accident? Having the right California Auto Insurance and knowing the importance of having the right insurance coverage can make the difference between being financially protected or going bankrupt in case of a catastrophic loss. You might get persuade into buying an insurance policy from a brand named company that you hear about 24/7, but have you thought about the coverage you’re getting? You may be overpaying for auto insurance because you’re buying the insurance policy for the wrong reasons. Don’t purchase a policy from a company because of its name reputation or because you have heard of the name so many times that you think that they’re the only company out there, there is a good saying that says “If something is good, you don’t need to advertise it so much”. What if you can get a lot more coverage for what you pay on your insurance premium?

When you buy auto insurance you are probably don’t understand what coverage you need or want. There is nothing wrong with not understanding your insurance coverage, what is wrong is not asking and being educated on your coverage and then regretting it after being involved in an accident and having to pay out of your pocket or having a lien put on your house or property because months ago when you were purchasing your insurance all you cared about was the company name and getting the state minimum coverage.

What you don’t know or don’t want to realize is that you can contact an independent insurance agent and obtain several quotes within several minutes and have a professional agent find the right coverage at the right price on all your insurance needs. For example, put yourself in this situation. You own a house and drive a 2008 Toyota Camry. You bought an insurance policy a few years ago and wanted whatever coverage the state requires by law because you wanted to pay the minimum possible. Now one day, you’re driving down the road and there is a 2009 Mercedes S550 in front of you (very common vehicle to see on the road now days) this vehicle costs close to $100,000. As you’re driving, you’re not paying attention to the road and end up rear ending the Mercedes. What happens now? Remember you only got insurance because the law requires you to and you called a reputable company because you fell for the name and they sold you a policy that covers you at the state minimum which is $15,000 per person, $30,000 per occurrence and only $5000 property damage. What this means is your insurance policy covers the Mercedes you just rear ended only up to $5000. Do you think that is enough to cover the damages? So now, the owner of the Mercedes can come after your house because that is one of your assets to collect the damages for his car and I am not even starting on the bodily injury coverage.

Do you really want to end up in this situation? All you need to do is take insurance more seriously. Let agents educate you on getting the right coverage and not always the cheapest. Do a little research on your own, shop for California Auto Insurance and read about the coverage you’re purchasing. Believe me it is better to understand your coverage before an accident rather than being involved in a situation like this and losing everything you built all these years because you were negligent and took insurance for granted.

Source by California Auto Insurance

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It’s an unfortunate fact of life that at some point in our lives some of us may become ill or injure ourselves, whether it is the result of an accident, lifestyle choice or natural causes. It is not until we are faced with this situation that we begin to take real notice of the health care system and demand the very best treatment or service possible.

Receiving treatment on the NHS can take time and for many people this is one of the reasons they take out private health insurance. Private healthcare ensures that policy holders can be seen and treated quickly at a time and place convenient to them.

For some the cost of private health insurance is regarded as too expensive however, by choosing a flexible plan with a menu of cover options you may be pleasantly surprised at how affordable cover can be.

There are many ways to adjust your premium to suit your budget, such as opting for a voluntary excess or choosing a co-payment option. By selecting an excess and agreeing to pay a set figure towards the cost of your treatment per person each year, you’ll receive a discount off your premium. A co-payment option shares the cost of treatment between you and your insurer, up to an agreed financial limit.

Private health insurance is also about choice, with many insurance providers giving you the opportunity to choose where and when you want to be treated. However, this will depend on the type of healthcare policy you choose. The premium you pay for your health insurance will depend entirely upon your circumstances as premiums can vary across age groups, the number of people covered and the health of those concerned.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive health insurance then you would expect to pay a higher premium in the same way that you would pay more for a first class train ticket. It is also worth considering that the amount you pay for your premium is likely to rise each year due to age related increases and rises in medical cost inflation.

When thinking about health insurance, it is not just about the costs but about whether or not you want to receive the very best care for you and your loved ones. The NHS is a wonderful institution however, waiting times can be unpredictable. There are healthcare plans available which offers flexible and comprehensive levels of cover with low-cost premiums.

Source by Phil Young

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You have been in a traffic accident. Your vehicle was damaged. Hopefully, you were not seriously injured. Now you are looking at a claim against the driver at fault, so you send a demand letter with all the details of the loss and damage suffered to the other driver’s insurance company. This is the start of a sometimes stressful process of trying to negotiate a settlement with a claims adjuster. This person may be employed directly by the insurer or may be a freelance negotiator brought in to deal with your claim. Either way, this is your main point of contact during the first part of the process. If you are not confident to do this yourself, you will need to find an attorney to do it for you. The problem is knowing how much to claim. Only experienced attorneys know the guideline figures laid down by your state’s courts for personal injuries and can put a general number on the value of your claim for pain and suffering. However, if there are no more than minor injuries and almost all the expenses and losses can be quantified, you can deal with this yourself and avoid giving up a share of the claim to an attorney. Just put together a package of the medical bills, receipts for all the other expenses, details of lost pay, and so on. If you want to be slightly more passive, send off comprehensive information and wait for the claims adjuster to make an offer. Everyone who works as a claims adjuster is given a settlement range by the insurer. Human nature being what it is, adjusters always start off at the lowest possible number. As you negotiate, the adjuster will slowly move up but, as and when the maximum number is reached, there will be no more offers. If you feel this “final” offer is still too low, you now need to move up through the chain of command in the insurance company. The adjuster does not have the authority to increase the offer. You have to find the person who can improve the offer. If you have kept back some of the evidence, now is the time to bring it out in support of your claim. Otherwise it’s down to your powers of persuasion. Should this fail to produce results, you have reached the big decisions. This is when the gloves come off and the real fight begins. You can go find an attorney to deal with it for you or you can take on the auto insurance company yourself. There are two options for self-help. The first is to file a complaint with your state’s Department of Insurance. If the Department finds the insurer at fault in not offering more, the majority of states have the power to order the insurer to increase the settlement offer. The fact of a valid complaint is also logged against the insurer. Some states name and shame the auto insurance companies. Alternatively, many policies contain terms allowing mediation or arbitration. You can pursue the company yourself. If the mediator or arbitrator agrees with you, the settlement increases. Should all fail, an attorney can sue if his or her professional opinion supports pursuing the claim.

Source by David Mayer

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A litigation attorney is most simply an attorney who specializes in litigation. Litigation is basically just a fancy legal term for the practice of carrying a lawsuit through the court process. While some attorneys prefer to handle settlements and some lawyers practice criminal law, for the most part, litigation attorneys focus exclusively on lawsuits. After all, lawsuits are what litigation is all about.

The Different Types Of Litigation Practices Are Practically Unlimited.

Just as the different types of injuries, remedies, and legal issues cover an immensely endless variety of situations, the same goes for litigation – the different kinds of legal cases where litigation is practiced are practically unlimited. While one litigation attorney might focus on one specialty or niche type of litigation, other litigation attorneys will practice more generalized litigation, covering all kinds of lawsuits.

Litigation Attorneys Usually Cover Personal Injury Cases.

Because major personal or toxic injury cases, such as those involving benzene exposure or other workplace hazards, are so incredibly complex, a litigation attorney or even a team of litigation attorneys usually cover such large lawsuits. A general practice attorney, like the one you might turn to in order to update a will or fight a traffic ticket, just doesn’t have the experience or level of specialization needed when it comes to major lawsuits like an expert litigation attorney will. Practicing law is not a one size fits all endeavor – there are simply different attorneys for different situations.

Litigation Is Often Very Detail Oriented.

It’s not unusual for a litigation attorney to file suit against dozens of companies or parties just as a part of one single legal case. Litigation is often extremely detail oriented. Because of this, it’s normal for litigation attorneys to have a team of co-attorneys and many qualified non-attorney staff members too, especially when trying a large scale lawsuit. Because of the sheer complexity and expense involved, this type of litigation is most often reserved for only the biggest legal cases. It’s not unusual for the smaller legal cases to be settled out of court.

Litigation Takes A Long Period Of Time.

Very rarely does the litigation process go quickly. It’s not that litigation attorneys don’t want to expedite the process as much as possible – it’s just that there are an unbelievable number of details and legal procedures that have to be followed in any type of litigation. Court systems and their rules also introduce their own level of bureaucracy that only extends the amount of time needed for litigation attorneys to cover all the bases necessary.

Again, litigation is a very complicated process. While it might sound simple to simply carry a lawsuit through the court process, every experienced litigation attorney knows that this is just not the case at all!

Source by Shane Hester

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What To Do About Your Car Insurance Renewal

As regular as clockwork, once a year your car insurance renewal notice lands on your doorstep. Like a bolt out of the blue, there’s an additional expense you can’t simply forget about. Although searching for car insurance isn’t many peoples’ idea of fun, that doesn’t mean you can be lazy and simply allow your current insurer to renew your policy – unless you want to lose a ton of money.

The Automatic Car Insurance Renewal Method

Most don’t realise that if you do nothing when you receive your renewal notice, your current insurer will automatically take money from your account and continue your policy for another term when the renewal date passes – even if you buy a policy from another insurer. This is a precautionary measure to ensure you’re never driving without any car insurance cover and allows you to maintain your legal obligations.

As your car insurance renewal date begins to appear on the horizon, you’re likely to receive a letter in the post from your current insurer. This will not only remind you of your renewal date but the insurer will also take the opportunity to sell you another policy – by automatically generating a quote for the next term and issuing your policy documents and a new certificate of motor insurance.

If you do not want to renew your policy with the same insurer, you must get in touch with them. They will set out what you need to do in your renewal notice letter. If you don’t, you’ll automatically be in for another term and you’ll be charged for the privilege.

Do I Renew Or Do Nothing?

It’s tempting to do nothing at this time. Sit back in the smug satisfaction that everything is being handled for you. If, on the other hand, you don’t want to be ripped off, you should do something about it. Your easiest way to find out if you’ve got the best price and the best policy with your current car insurer is to use a car insurance comparison website to find out if anyone can offer you a better deal. If you take this route, all you need to do is make sure that you’re comparing like-for-like policies – going solely on price could leave you under-covered.

It’s common to see your insurance renewal quote go up, even though you could have had another claim free year. This is done on the basis that laziness usually prevails and customers simply allow their policy to renew. It allows the insurer to recoup some of their costs to attract you to them in the first place – namely their advertising and marketing budgets. Just goes to show that loyalty isn’t always repaid!

Source by Harvey McEwan

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Aetna Health Insurance has many different types of plans available. Some people may think that health insurance applies only to an individual or that they can only get it through an employer. In reality though, both families and people who are self-employed can apply for Aetna Health Insurance.

Most people who look into Aetna Health Insurance do so because they are looking for some kind of individual health insurance policy. People cannot always get health insurance through their work and need some kind of coverage. Aetna Health insurance has many different policies available to people looking for individual plans. Some people do not anticipate getting all that sick but want to have something lined up just in case of emergencies. Other people may need more expensive plans because of the nature of their job or recreational activities. A person that plays in an amateur hockey league for instance may choose to get a more expensive plan because of the high likely hood that they will need lots of treatment.

Aetna Health Insurance can cover more than just a single weekend warrior. It can also cover an entire family. People are always concerned about the health and well being of their children, and all children really do need health insurance. Children are in fact more prone to getting sick and injured than adults. Children lead more active lives than most adults. They also have the unfortunate condition of not being fully grown into their bodies yet. Adding another inch onto a person’s height can do a lot to throw off his or her balance. In this state it can be very easy to fall and break a bone. Parents need to be aware of how vulnerable their children are and need to get health insurance for their children. Because of this important need, Aetna Health insurance has many policies that also include families.

Another common misconception, some people think that they need to be part of a company in order to take advantage of an individual plan from Aetna Health Insurance. This is not true however because Aetna Health Insurance also has many policies available to people who are self-employed. People who are self-employed are always very aware of the bottom line. In this economy most people who are self-employed are doing whatever they can to cut costs. Unfortunately that often means people decide to not have health insurance. This is not a solution however. If you get sick or injured then you save no money at all. Health insurance is important to a person that can only rely on him or herself for work so that if there is an accident it does not also cost that person his or her livelihood.

Source by Ronnie Hamilton

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“Cheap Health Insurance” Is there really such a thing? If you’re looking for coverage against major medical bills, then yes, there is a form of cheap health insurance available for you. Forget about the high priced conventional insurance plans and start exploring the new types of low cost, self employed health insurance available today.

Self Employed Individual and Family Health Insurance Plans

HDHPs or High Deductible Health Plans can offer you significant savings over other types of health insurance if you’re self employed. The reason they can do this is simple. More of the responsibility for your health care costs is placed on you, the insured. In short, you choose a deductible amount for which you are responsible to pay before the insurance company is responsible to pay.

Deductible amounts for a high deductible health plan range from $500 to a high of $10,000. Each insurance company has it’s own list of deductible amounts to choose from. With many of these new plans you can start with a very basic policy and add on individual riders for other types of coverage. A popular choice is the routine doctor visits and exams rider. For about $20 per month, you can have this rider added to your plan.

Researching the various high deductible health plans, will help you to find the cheapest health insurance available for the self employed. Don’t let false information about health insurance stop you from getting the serious injury and illness medical coverage you need.

High Deductible Health Insurance Quotes

Because almost all major insurance companies have made their medical plans available online, you can go shopping for health insurance any time, night or day, and find low cost individual and family health insurance quotes in a matter of minutes. By filling out a simple request form, you can get low cost quotes from insurance agents and companies in your area.

Source by Jim Westin

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Being considered a high risk driver is no fun. However, don’t give up hope that you will always pay out the nose for coverage. High risk auto insurance offers insurance solutions for those people who are unable to get any insurance in standard markets. Coverage rates for risky drivers may not be very tempting but solace is that you can at least receive insurance. Normally, insurance premiums for high risk auto insurance are on the higher side.

What makes me a high risk driver?

Several factors classify you as high risk driver prompting insurance companies to impose high risk auto insurance on your car. If your auto insurance coverage in recent past has been irregular and insufficient, if you have been into many accidents even though it was not your fault, or you enter high risk category for reckless driving and driving without adequate coverage. Insurance companies consider men, urban population, and teenagers highly risky in comparison to women, rural people, and adults. Again, your poor credit projects a negative picture to insurance company.

High risk drivers risk cancellation and/or non-renewal of their existing auto insurance. Insurance companies can take such necessary action within three years and they observe your driving behavior during such time. Thereafter, you have to take high risk auto insurance coverage for your vehicle.

How can I reduce my insurance rates?

Although you cannot expect instant drop in high risk auto insurance rates, you can try to better your driver ratings by driving carefully and safely, without committing or getting into any accidents. Old and four door car models lower insurance rates. Besides, you can lower or do away with comprehensive and collision coverage. This provides basic insurance coverage for your car at slightly lesser rates. Additionally, try to improve your credit ratings too y paying pending bills on time.

Where can I get my auto insurance?

If different insurance companies refuse you normal insurance, you can shop around for high risk auto insurance through the Internet. Scouting through various websites of insurance companies helps you avail different quotes and compare them to receive the best and lowest rate for high risk insurance. Again, if you are trying to improve your driving record and have perfect credit, you receive still lower insurance quotes.

Its important to keep in mind that not only does car insurance provide protection to the vehicle but to the driver of that vehicle as well, You need to make sure that you are insured as the driver of that vehicle because you run the risk of not being covered for benefits jut incase your in an accident. This is even more important if you are not driving your own car but consequently someone else’s car. When looking for low cost auto insurance, make sure that you have policy coverage as a driver of another vehicle.

Source by Laura Buckley

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There is nothing like the thrill for a 16 year old to be able to drive a car. While the teens can’t wait though, parents cringe at the thought of purchasing auto insurance for a teenage driver. The rates for teens are among the highest for any group of people in the country and that is because teen drivers have one of the highest accident rates.

How much is car insurance for teens in Pennsylvania? Rates vary from county to county but you can expect to pay about $2,000 more per year when you add a teenager onto your policy and that is assuming that they have a perfect driving record. The best way to control the cost of the premium is by making it clear to your child that they must operate the vehicle safely to be able to continue to afford insurance. Even one speeding ticket can drive up the cost of auto insurance for teens dramatically.

Pennsylvania has very strict laws that require extensive training for teenage drivers before they can drive on their own. Make sure that the young driver takes these classes seriously and understands the importance of operating a vehicle in a safe manner. The Commonwealth begins by giving the teen a junior learners permit during which time the teen must drive for at least 50 hours under the supervision of a licensed adult driver. This is when the parent can instill in the teen many responsible driving habits. Getting a ticket at this time could lead to the learners permit being suspended and will result in higher insurance rates.

Make sure that the child is knowledgeable of all traffic laws in Pennsylvania especially the new laws regulating the use of a cell phone while behind the wheel. It is illegal to send a text message by phone while driving and it is even illegal for a teen to be talking on a cell phone at all. It is also important that the teen know that they cannot have any alcohol in their system whatsoever when driving. Adults are permitted to have a drink or two before driving but there is zero tolerance for teens in Pennsylvania.

Violating these rules will affect how much is car insurance for teens in Pennsylvania.

Source by Dan Williams

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Just as Congress works to pass health reform that would give insurance companies tax dollars to help consumers pay for coverage, the nation’s largest medical insurer said it would exit the Illinois market, leaving behind more than 180,000 customers.

WellPoint Inc., which operates locally as UniCare, said it will exit Illinois and Texas, where it has about 400,000 members, in an effort to focus on its other U.S. operations. WellPoint said the subsidiary is profitable, but “there are competitive pressures in Illinois and Texas that have made it increasingly difficult for UniCare to offer quality products that are competitively priced.”

The health bill “is a moving target, and this decision is a strategic one that was made independent of any health reform legislation,” WellPoint spokesman Tony Felts said. “It is a small plan competing against much larger plans and, therefore, it was increasingly difficult for us to compete in that market.”

WellPoint said its Illinois UniCare customers would be guaranteed coverage if they transition to Health Care Service Corp., parent of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, the state’s largest insurer, with more than 7 million members.

WellPoint also plans to reduce its 680-person UniCare work force in Chicago next year, but could not say how many would be let go.

There is no guarantee that UniCare members will get medical coverage at the same price after the transition. Customers will have until Dec. 1 to decide whether to accept the Blue Cross coverage — a proposition that worries some UniCare subscribers.

“I am a UniCare customer and I’ve been turned down for coverage by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois before, so I’m concerned that Blue Cross will use this as an opportunity to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions,” said Ray Valek, 52, of La Grange, a writer and public relations consultant who has coverage for himself, his wife and his two daughters.

Illinois Department of Insurance Director Michael McRaith said his office took steps to address concerns, approving language in letters outlining UniCare member protections from being denied coverage. UniCare members in Illinois must choose Blue Cross under terms of its agreement to offer “replacement coverage.”

“UniCare policyholders will be able to enroll in Blue Cross and pre-existing conditions will not be applied,” McRaith said. “The law requires they be offered … similar, if not identical, coverage.”

There may be price differences that could cost Illinois UniCare members more should they choose Blue Cross, the state and the health plans said. They could not say what these price increases might be.

“We know these groups and individuals have a choice to accept our offer,” said Pat Hemingway Hall, chief executive of Chicago-based Health Care Service. “Our goal is to make the transition as seamless as possible for UniCare policyholders. We want to earn and keep their business.”

Source by Rick Lewis

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A police officer is charged with ensuring the safety of his community.  He or she must remain vigilant at all times and must maintain law and order, and, as A. Harrison Barnes, founder of, explains, police officers shoulder heavy responsibilities to their communities they’ve chosen to serve.  Duties, although they vary from one municipality to another, include providing protection to residents, some of who are the officer’s neighbors and possibly his own family.  A typical shift is as unpredictable and can change quickly, says the founder.

A collective job description for this position includes pursuing and apprehending individuals suspected of breaking the law, ensuring those in custody have received every lawful advantage, including his Miranda rights, and any other number of duties as determined by the city, county or state he works for.  An officer of the law is also responsible for policing motorists and issuing citations for those who have broken the law by speeding, failing to yield, running traffic lights or failing to produce required documentation such as driver’s licenses and insurance documents when asked.  He might also find himself gathering clues, securing crime scenes and collecting evidence at these scenes.  He must possess the ability to write clearly and provide detailed written documentation of any number of events and often, a police officer will be required to provide testimony in a courtroom.  A. Harrison Barnes says even the most carefully planned schedule can undergo changes at the last minute.  While he may be waiting to be called to testify in a case, he can quickly be reassigned.

Educational requirements will vary from state to state and city to city.  Those with college degrees will be offered the best opportunities.  Police sciences such as forensics as well as those with military policing experience are two examples of highly-sought after individuals.  There are police departments across the country that only require a high school diploma and a successful civil service test score.  Civil Service exams are mandatory for law enforcement agencies and will include a written test.

A benefits package will most likely be offered and will include vacation time, medical insurance, life insurance and paid holidays. Although one can expect holidays to be paid, there will be many times a police officer must work during holidays such as Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving.  Overtime is common in many police departments.  Candidates must successfully pass background investigations and as a rule, if there are any criminal convictions, a candidate is immediately disqualified.  A felony is certainly grounds for disqualification due to the firearms police officers are issued.  Further, they must undergo strict training for proper use, storage and cleaning of their state issued weapons and are accountable for it all times.

Finally, the successful candidate will be punctual, reliable and level-headed.  He or she will be able to deal with the stresses in a healthy manner and will be physically fit.  The candidate will approach each challenge and dangerous situation with the goal of a successful resolution with as little force as the situation requires.  He will strive to be a community leader his fellow citizens can trust and look to and he will successfully be able to maintain peace and will strive to ensure the best possible outcome, regardless of the situation.

Source by Elizabeth Martinez

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It is a known fact that the more experienced a person is the better is his judgment. Teenaged drivers are not known to have better judgment capacity till they teach their late teens (and that’s the main reason why finding cheap car insurance for young drivers can be a challenge).

The traffic rules might allow them to start driving vehicles once they reach the age of 16 but it is worth noting that their brains are not completely ready for the act of actual driving till they grow older by 3 to 4 years. There are a number of ways that will help you get cheap car insurance for young drivers. You could search for insurance websites on the Internet. If you submit one application a number of insurance companies will send you their quotes and parents or guardians could select the plan they feel would meet the requirements of their child.

Reputable insurance sites will provide you information detail about minimum coverage your child would require depending on state he/she lives in.They will also give you proper advice on the various options available that would be helpful in bringing down insurance rates for them.

Some of the options would be: if your teenager is good in studies many insurance companies would be ready to give him/her a student discount. If your child has succeeded in a driving test he/she would be eligible for a discount. The model as well as the make of the car your teenager drives decides his/her eligibility for cheap car insurance for young drivers. If the model of the car is old the impact of cheap insurance would be greater. The reason for this is that young people who drive older cars with greater ratings of security are more qualified for insurance rates that are cheap than those who drive latest sports car models.

Parents could have the choice of adding their teenager’s insurance to their policy or getting a separate one for him/her. To decide on this you will have to research the Internet for car insurance as you will find a number of options there and it will help you to make your decision easily.

Other ways to get cheap car insurance for young drivers would be to see to it that your teenager attends driving classes held by insurance companies in order to learn the various aspects of safe driving. They instruct you on how to identify conditions of the road and ways to avoid faulty ones. They teach you basic rules of safe driving during rush hours as well as precautions to be taken by the driver when he/she is driving at night. Youngsters will also learn manners on how to react in case they face unfavorable situations. Parents should involve their teenaged children when they are looking for car insurance for their youngsters.

Source by Joe Pahl

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Acquire Orthodontic Insurance Plans for dental treatment
Different companies offer different health insurance facilities to the people but among maximum there is only few that cover the dental treatment expenses in their respected offerings. No any doubt that teeth are the one of the important body part of living being so its proper treatment at correct time is necessary. Lot of people doesn’t concern seriously about the treatment of their dental problem because of expenses required in it. They also hesitate to go good qualified dentition due to lot of treatment charges demanded by dentition. But it is very important for you to take your dental care properly at accurate time so that no any major or serious problem can arise in your teeth.

Are you looking for some one who can take care of your dental care properly together with saving of your huge expenses which required in it? No problem here some one is now available who will care your dental problem correctly at quite affordable rate by the way of Orthodontic Insurance facilities. Nowadays different insurance companies are offering you the facilities of Orthodontic Insurance Plans so that people can get easily outcome with the sudden future dental problem.

These Orthodontic Insurance Plans offer by different companies just similar to other insurance plans in which you have to pay easy monthly premium. Although orthodontic insurance plans offer by various companies are little more differ in their feature and facilities but their target is almost common. These insurance companies try to facilitate their customers as much as they can so that they can earn customer satisfaction completely.

However when you are going to choose any insurance Companies who are providing Orthodontic Insurance Plans offer then it is very important for you to take close review of their facilities and amount of covering. After satisfying with the term and condition of it you can choose your desire orthodontic insurance claimer so that you can complete mental peace and satisfaction with regard to right protection of your dental care.

Source by padrick

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The first thing you need to do if you are or a family member is involved in a car or vehicle accident is reach the hospital or look for First Aid. The next obvious step is to claim your insurance cover from the insurance company. You need a competent Vehicle Accident Lawyer Minneapolis MN who should be a good fit for your case (look for an experienced lawyer). For example, if you are a resident of Minneapolis, Browse through the profiles of several lawyers that are presented in the results page before making your final decision.

Tips for choosing a Vehicle Accident Lawyer Minneapolis MN

Have a face to face meeting
Before choosing or hiring the services of a vehicle accident lawyer Minneapolis MN, take all the time you need to meet several lawyers so that you can assess for yourself whether the lawyer would be a right fit for your case or not. There are many things you can judge in a face-to-face meeting which are not clear in a phone conversation. You will probably have to spend a lot of time with your lawyer; therefore it is important that you trust your attorney and can work well with him or her.

Be prepared during meetings
Even during the initial consultation stage, you should be ready with all the documents related to your vehicle or auto accident, your medical expenses evidence, and other helpful information. Your preparation can save some valuable research time for your Car accident lawyer Minneapolis MN who can then quickly come up with relevant advice for your situation.

Prepare the questions as well
You should be ready to get the maximum out of your first consultation with the motor vehicle accident lawyer, by preparing your questions well in advance. Make sure you keep a notebook and pen handy so that you can note down important points. Some of the probable questions might be: –
13. How long do you think the trial will take?
14. Tell me something about your best settlement.
15. Which law schools have you graduated from?
16. Will you delegate the primary work to somebody else?
17. Tell me something about your support staff.
18. How much actual trial experience do you have?

Take your time
Once you have had several meetings with the selected Car Accident Lawyer Minneapolis MN, compare your notes, follow your instincts and never feel pressurized by any of the lawyers while making your decisions. There are many auto accident claims lawyers who belong to a select group who have had a successful track record in handling such cases, and you can easily choose such lawyers if they are available. Your vehicle accident lawyer Minneapolis MN should be able to provide straight answers to your queries regarding your personal injury claim.

Time is extremely important during personal injury claim trials related to motor vehicle accidents. The lawyer should be able to investigate the incident properly, protect evidence, and document your personally injury claims. Law is an extremely complicated area where proficiency comes only after years of training and experience. Your injury might be a result of negligence of someone else who is liable and you don’t even know this, but your Vehicle Accident Lawyer Minneapolis MN should know this and act accordingly. In a Minneapolis personal injury case, you are entitled to be compensated for your emotional distress, vehicle damages, medical bills and the pain you have suffered.

Your Car Accident Lawyer Minneapolis MN should be in regular touch with medical experts and life care planners, besides financial planners, who will be able to quantify the financial loses suffered by you as a result of the auto accident.

Minneapolis residents in a Car or other vehicle accident can always depend on a Car Accident Lawyer Minneapolis MN to assist them in filing and settling claims for compensation. Hiring the services of competent and experienced Vehicle Accident Lawyer Minneapolis MN is important to winning claims and proper compensation.

Source by Sunil Punjabi

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Most residents stay away from medical insurance Florida due to lack of information, assistance or due to the inability to pay. But the Affordable Care Act will soon make it compulsory for residents to own health plans and none of these excuses can save the residents for being penalized if they do not have coverage.

The best place to find out all the details about medical insurance Florida is the state Insurance Department.  The insurance department gives all the information about health insurance in Florida. It gives the list of insurance companies that have the license to operate in the state, the various health plans available, the government sponsored plans for people of the lower income, the insurance regulations in the state and the like.

To know about cheap and affordable medical insurance plans Florida, residents should compare quotes of various policies. One can find the quotes from each insurance company separately and then compare. The alternate way is to log onto an independent portal. An independent portal will give wider options and a more comprehensive comparison. Residents should compare not only the prices, but other factors as well like coverage, exclusion, added benefits on the health plan, network of healthcare service providers, emergency provisions, etc.

For those in Florida seeking private medical insurance, there are two options that are available – indemnity health plans and managed healthcare plans.

Indemnity health insurance in Florida is an expensive way to get coverage. Though the coverage is flexible and there is no restriction on the network of doctors that one can consult, the premiums are usually costly. Also in indemnity health insurance, the beneficiary has to pay for his medical bills and then get it reimbursed from the insurance company.

Managed healthcare plans, on the other hand, are quite cheap in Florida. The Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) offers basic healthcare services at a reasonable premium. Here, the drawback however, is that there is a network of healthcare service providers and one has to stick to it.

A slightly costlier managed healthcare plan is the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan. Here though there is a network provided, beneficiaries can consult beyond the network by paying higher co-pay.  PPO oscillates from being a HMO to an indemnity depending on the need of the patient every time he visits the doctor.  PPO also gives the liberty to consult a specialist without getting the approval of a primary care provider.

Medical insurance Florida has a wide variety of options catering to residents with different health needs and diverse financial positions. Citizens need to opt for their plans carefully and not get confused with the variety of options, but should instead use the completion to get medical insurance at the lowest possible price.

Source by Shaun Mike

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Indiana can’t afford a proposed expansion of Medicaid, even if the federal government picks up most of the cost, Gov. Mitch Daniels said today.                         The expansion is included in health care overhaul legislation moving through Congress.

“If that bill passes in anything like its current form, it is a disaster for taxpayers in this state,” Daniels, a Republican, said. “I think it would be terrible for the health care system of America, and certainly whoever has responsibility ought to look to see if there is a better way for Indiana.”

Not every governor sees the bill the same way. A spokesman for Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat whose state is in worse financial shape than Indiana, has said the Medicaid expansion wouldn’t overburden the state’s budget, and doing nothing would be worse.

Expanding Medicaid, the federal-state health insurance program for the poor and disabled, is a primary way lawmakers aim to shrink the number of uninsured Americans.

The Senate health care reform bill would expand Medicaid coverage to people earning up to 133 percent of the poverty level, or $29,327 for a family of four.

States have to cover certain groups, including children and pregnant women, but don’t have to cover parents earning above the poverty level.

Indiana’s main Medicaid program covers parents earning up to 26 percent of poverty, or $5,733 for a family of four. Healthy Indiana, the state’s subsidized health insurance plan covering about 56,000 lower-income adults, covers people earning up to 200 percent of poverty.

Daniels said the state’s actuary estimates the proposed Medicaid expansion would add 500,000 people to Indiana’s Medicaid rolls.

The federal government would pick up the additional costs for three years and would cover about 95 percent of additional costs after that.

But Daniels said Indiana’s share, and the impact of other provisions in the bill, would cost the state more than $2.3 billion over 10 years.

Daniels said he shared that information with Sens. Richard Lugar and Evan Bayh “and I am sure they are going to receive it with the same sense of grimness as I did.”Lugar, a Republican, opposes the health care legislation while Bayh, a Democrat, has said he is waiting to see the final version before deciding how to vote.

Bayh said that, as a former governor, he sympathizes with Daniels’ concerns regarding the proposed Medicaid expansion. But he said the federal government’s share of the expansion would be a significant improvement over the approximately 70 percent it now pays for Medicaid.

“The alternative is to have individual Hoosiers and Indiana businesses continue to indirectly pay the costs of treating the uninsured, something that is both costly and inefficient,” Bayh said.

Edwin Park, a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which focuses on programs affecting low- and moderate-income Americans, questioned some of the costs included in the state’s estimate.

For example, he said the estimate of 500,000 new Medicaid enrollees seems high, because only about 200,000 uninsured Hoosier adults earn less than 133 percent of the poverty level.

The state’s biggest projected expense is a $1 billion increase in the amount the state would pay Medicaid providers. State officials said they would have to pay providers more to make sure there are enough doctors willing to see the new Medicaid patients.

The House version of the bill, but not the Senate version, would require an increase in provider rates but would pick up most of that new cost.

Park said that even if no changes are made, Medicaid rolls are still expected to increase and states would not get additional assistance from the federal government

Source by Health Insurance