Friday, September 20, 2024
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John Stewart

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With parts of Cornwall affected by major flooding this morning, Aviva already has claims experts on the ground, in the St Austell area, ready to help those who might be affected by the heavy rainfall.

Building contractors, surveyors and drying companies are also on standby poised to get into people’s homes and assess the damage once the waters have subsided.

“As soon as it is safe to do so our claims teams will start visiting customers’ homes and assessing the damage first hand” said Dominic Clayden, director of claims at Aviva.

“Flooding is one of the most traumatic events that a homeowner can suffer and for many people it will be the first time they have had to deal with an insurance company. So we know it is important to explain to people how it all works, what they can expect and what it means for their home and their family.

“Once we have assessed any damage we will be arranging drying equipment for those properties that need it and for those people who can’t remain in their homes we will be sorting out alternative accommodation as soon as possible.

“And where necessary we will be making emergency payments to customers to ensure they have enough money to pay for the essentials like baby food, cleaning products and emergency clothing.”

What to do if you have been flooded:

– Safety is paramount, but contact your insurer as soon as possible.

– Don’t touch any of your electrics – they could have been damaged by water and  become live.

– Start identifying items that have been damaged, make a list and take pictures if you can – this will make it easier to assess the damage and speed up your claim.

– If you can try and lift any items out of standing water – EG, if your carpets are saturated, try and raise any furniture off them on to wooden blocks this will prevent more water soaking into your belongings and help reduce further damage.

– Listen in to local weather reports in case further rainfall is forecast.

Your home insurance cover:
Flooding is covered as standard in home insurance policies. This means that any damaged caused to your property and belongings, as a result of the heavy rainfall, will be covered and if you have to move out of your home the cost of alternative accommodation is also paid for. We can also make separate arrangements for your pets too!

For motorists:

– If the flood water is above the bottom seal on the car door, do not open the doors as the water may well have not seeped fully into the car and the damage may be limited. Wait till the water has subsided before you attempt to open the car doors.

– If the flood water has got into the car, or even reached the underside of the car, do not start the vehicle as water in the engine would cause further serious damage.

– If the car wheels have been in water, but the water level did not reach the underside of the car, it should be safe to drive once much of the water has subsided.

– If water has seeped into your vehicle, call your insurer. They will inspect the vehicle as soon as they can and decide the most appropriate action.

Drivers in the area whose cars have not been affected by floods should still take care when driving in the affected areas. Debris and deep flood water can both seriously damage your car.

Source : Aviva Press Release

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Allianz Insurance has today launched its new online-only car insurance offering, Your Cover insurance, on comparison website,

To celebrate the launch, Allianz is giving users the chance to win a MINI One, plus 2,000 pounds Sterling to customise the vehicle as they choose. The company will also be giving away an Apple iPad every week for one month starting on the day of the launch.

The new offering has been developed following research with over 4,000 consumers. The product will provide customers with the flexibility to build their own bespoke policy and choose the level of cover to suit their individual lifestyle and needs.

Customers can purchase a basic level of comprehensive cover and then add up to 14 optional insurance covers such as Breakdown, Foreign Travel and Roofbox and Trailer Cover.

Policyholders can also select the level of excess that is right for them and, does not have administrative fees for changes made to policies.

Andy James, head of direct customer marketing for Allianz Retail, says: “Allianz is always looking to meet consumer demand and recognises that comparison sites present a popular way to buy insurance products. receives millions of visitors each year and is an excellent platform for Allianz Your Cover insurance.”

Source : PR Newswire

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Cold winter weather can sneak up on us, so Amica Insurance reminds you it’s time to make sure your home heating system can run safely and efficiently.

“Proper installation and maintenance of your heating system can prevent fires and carbon monoxide poisoning,” said Sean Welch, a senior assistant vice president with Amica Insurance. “It doesn’t matter what type of fuel you use to heat your home, your heating system should be inspected to protect your home and family – and to save on heating bills.”

Here are a few tips to keep you safe and warm:

– Clean and inspect vents and chimneys.

– Arrange for a professional to inspect your heating system.

– Check ventilation around heating system.

– Change and clean furnace filters.

– Make sure ductwork is insulated.

– Remove flammable material around your heating source.

– Make sure there is a carbon monoxide alarm and a fire alarm near your heating system.

– Keep a fire extinguisher in an easily accessible area around your heating system.

“It’s also important to use extra caution with space heaters, which are a leading cause of house fires,” Welch said. “While you are keeping your family warm remember to keep them safe.”

Source : Amica Press Release

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As the temperatures fall outside, it’s time to start preparing the inside of your home for winter.

“It’s important to make sure your home is weather tight,” said Sean Welch, a senior assistant vice president with Amica Mutual Insurance Co. “This can save you money on heating bills and help prevent costly repairs, such as repairing frozen water pipes.”

Here are a few tips to keep out the cold:

– Remove screens and install storm windows.

– Apply weather stripping around doors and windows.

– Insulate all pipes and plumbing near exterior walls.

– Caulk windows and cracks to prevent cold air from entering.

– Add insulation to your attic or crawl space.

– Seal around dryer vents and cable outlets.

“More time is spent indoors in the winter months, so it is important to make sure your home is safe and warm,” Welch said. “Taking a few steps now will make your winter a lot more comfortable.”

Source : Amica Press Release

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Old Man Winter is almost here. It’s time to hunker down and prepare for the winter season.

“Now is a great time to get ready for winter before the cold and snow arrives,” said Sean Welch, a senior assistant vice president with Amica Mutual Insurance Co. “By taking a few small steps to protect your house now, you can save a lot of time and prevent damage later.”

The best place to start is outside, before it gets too cold.

– Clean gutters and downspouts.

– Inspect and replace any damaged roof shingles.

– Remove broken tree limbs and branches.

– Store lawn furniture away.

– Remove garden hoses and shut off water supply to outside faucets.

– Clean and inspect chimneys.

– Remove screens and install storm windows.

It’s also important to remember to store firewood a safe distance from your home and to be proactive and stock up on rock salt and sand so you’re prepared for snow and ice.

The Institute for Business and Home Safety also offers information on how to protect your home. Check it out at

Source : Amica Press Release

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Medicare insurance cuts on doctor’s services could affect acceptance of new Medicare patients. Doctors are getting ready for possible Medicare pay cuts for their services that could affect availability of health care services to 46 million Americans.

The Medicare cuts are not related to recent health care reform, but are the result of a 1990s law designed to balance the budget and one which Congress has postponed implementing.

Back in the 1990s, Congress created a formula to initiate automatic cuts in an effort to keep Medicare costs from spiraling out of control. But Congress continued to override the cuts which continue to add up and now exceed $280 billion.

If Congress fails to take action by Dec. 1 Medicare insurance payments to doctors for the medical services they provide will take a 23 percent cut. This could result in many doctors refusing to take Medicare patients.

Although neither Republicans nor Democrats want the cuts, there is no clear plan to stop them from taking effect.

Doctors have dealt with Medicare cuts for years. But if the new cuts go into effect estimates are that up to two-thirds of all doctors will stop accepting new Medicare patients. This means that 46 million Americans, mostly older and the disabled, could find themselves without medical services.

The cuts would also take effect at a time when many Baby Boomers are reaching retirement age and will be seeking to use their Medicare Insurance.

Gail Wilensky, a former Medicare administrator, urged lawmakers to take action on the looming crisis saying, “We simply cannot let physicians take a 23 percent reduction in payment and think that we are not going to seriously disrupt access for beneficiaries.”

It is possible a reprieve could be granted until Congress can come up with a permanent fix. Granting a reprieve would cost $1 billion a month. Democrats want to add it to the deficit but Republicans want it paid for by cuts in other areas.

The AMA wants a 13-month moratorium on the cuts so Congress has time to come up with a new payment plan.

Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Health and Human Services says a permanent fix to the problem is needed, “but in the meantime, we don’t want any doctor to be stuck in a limbo where they don’t know week to week how much they’ll be paid.”

Source : Rapid Daily

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Women with stressful jobs face a 40 percent higher risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke or need surgery to open a blocked artery, a new study has found.

In addition, job insecurity, or fear of losing a job, was associated with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, increased cholesterol and excess body weight, said the study unveiled Sunday at an American Heart Association meeting in Chicago.

However, these anxieties were not directly associated with heart attacks, stroke, invasive heart procedures or cardiovascular death, researchers said.

“Our study indicates that there are both immediate and long-term clinically documented cardiovascular health effects of job strain in women,” said Michelle Albert, the study’s senior author and associate physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston, Massachusetts.

“Your job can positively and negatively affect health, making it important to pay attention to the stresses of your job as part of your total health package.” she added.

The study analyzed job strain in 17,415 healthy women who were primarily Caucasian health professionals aged 57. They were followed for more than 10 years to track the development of cardiovascular disease.

The 40 percent higher risks for women who reported high job strain included heart attacks, ischemic strokes, coronary artery bypass surgery or balloon angioplasty and death, the report said.

The increased risk of heart attack was about 88 percent, while the risk of bypass surgery or invasive procedure was about 43 percent.

Washington, Nov 15, 2010 (AFP)

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Trade Representative Ron Kirk urged Japan to open its markets to U.S. beef and insurance during a meeting with Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara on Sunday.

His remarks suggested that the elimination of non-tariff barriers will become a prerequisite for Japan joining the negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, or TPP.

Tokyo and Washington have long been working on a bilateral free trade agreement, but little progress has been made due to Japan’s reluctance to open the farming sector and allow the entry of foreign firms into the postal services market.

Japan must overcome these impediments, otherwise its ambitious goal of achieving economic growth through the TPP could fall through. These long-unresolved issues have come into the spotlight again with the new TPP framework.

Ahead of his meeting with Maehara, Kirk also met with Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Akihiro Ohata, who called for close cooperation with the U.S. in discussing the TPP. Kirk expressed a positive stance on forging close ties on this matter.

Source : Nikkei

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Royal Bank of Scotland Insurance could offshore more than 300 back office roles to India after launching a consultation with more than a thousand staff last week.

The banking giant, which owns insurance brands Churchill, Direct Line and NIG, has outlined proposals to move 325.5 roles to India as a part of plans to exit 14 of its 27 UK offices by the end of 2013.

The move, first mooted in May when it originally announced 2000 cuts across the business, will affect back office sales and claims staff in Bromley, Croydon, Romford, Ipswich, Peterborough and Glasgow Atlantic Court. While the Bromley office will remain open, each of the other offices will close by September 2012.

According to sources, if the offshoring is approved, the contract will be picked up by US outsourcing firm EXL.

Source : Post Online

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Robin Smith Lankford, 32, of Oak Ridge, Tenn. was sentenced Wednesday to serve 6 months in prison, followed by 6 months of home confinement, and 3 years of supervised release. Lankford was also ordered to forfeit the proceeds of her crime and to pay restitution of $100,000 to Loyal American Life Insurance Company.

The sentence followed Lankford’s guilty plea to mail fraud charges on April 15, 2010.

Lankford was charged for use of the mail to defraud Loyal American Life Insurance Company by submitting a fake claim that she had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She also falsified supporting documents, and the insurance company ultimately paid her $100,000 in benefits.

Source : News Channel 9

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Having to hear countless tales of destruction and devastation to peoples’ homes can probably get pretty depressing for insurance claims handlers. But every once in a while a claim comes along that no doubt raises a smile. Here, we reveal some of the more bizarre home insurance claims.

Hot pants
Any claim involving underwear is bound to leave the policy holder red-faced – and this claim from the AA is no exception.

One man hung his boxer shorts to dry on a rail in front of a gas fire. In the meantime, he popped out to buy a newspaper locking the door behind him.

When he returned, he realised he had forgotten his keys and after some time elapsed he began to smell burning. When he finally managed to get back inside, he discovered his boxers had caught fire and caused significant smoke damage to the property.

Luckily for the man in question, the AA paid out for his claim.

It wasn’t the season to be jolly
For many of us, putting up the tree is one of the highlights of Christmas. But this tale of festive woe from the AA proves that it can go horribly wrong.

Going into the loft to retrieve the tree, one man put his foot between two joists and fell through the ceiling.

In a panic, he grabbed the nearest object to steady himself. Unfortunately, this turned out to be the pipe connected to the water tank, which unleashed hundreds of gallons of water onto the property and caused thousands of pounds in damage.

Christmas catastrophe
Another Christmas nightmare, this time from a family insured by the Co-operative.

Getting up on Christmas morning to get the dinner started, they lit the centrepiece which then burst into flames and set fire to the dining table.

Losing your mind
Moving across the pond, editors at MSN Money in the US have an amusing anecdote about a policy holder who made a claim for a human brain.

The grey matter was apparently a family heirloom that the person kept in a jar. Amazingly, the brain was then stolen in a burglary.

As it’s illegal to purchase a human brain, the claimant settled for a plastic replacement instead.

Pot policy
Another great example from our US counterpart is the man who made a claim for his stolen marijuana plants.

That might seem a daft thing to do, but it turns out he was legally allowed to light up in order to alleviate the pain suffered as a result of a chronic disease.

The claimant wanted to be paid the street value for his five stolen plants. However, the insurer said it would not pay out more than $1,000 (£620) as his policy stated this was the maximum coverage for damaged or stolen plants.

The world’s most expensive rubbish?
Throwing money away is never a good idea, but it still happens – as this claim received by Co-operative Insurance shows: “I gave my son £400 for Christmas who then accidentally threw it out with the rest of the rubbish!”

Explosive TV
TVs are expensive to fix, so it’s perhaps not a good idea to put a bullet through one. Yet that’s exactly what one man did.

No, it wasn’t an expression of outrage at the poor shows on offer. Instead, it turns out the claimant refurbishes old guns and didn’t realise the one he was working on was actually loaded.

A serious note
However humorous these claims may be, a number of them still resulted in hundreds or even thousands of pounds worth of damage.

Without contents insurance, these unlucky claimants would have had to pay out to replace or repair the damage themselves.

Source : MSN Money

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With gales of over 45mph predicted across much of the UK on Thursday and Friday, Aviva is advising homeowners to take basic precautions to protect themselves and their property.

The UK’s largest insurer has its network of contractors, claims teams and call centre staff on standby to help those who might be affected by the stormy weather.

“Like floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and freeze, storms and gales are covered as standard by your home insurance policy,” said Rob Townend, director of property claims at Aviva.

“There is no such thing as an “Act of God” exclusion – this is exactly what your insurance covers you for!

“So any damage caused to your property as a direct result of storm force wind and rain is covered and if you are forced to move out of your home the cost of alternative accommodation is also paid for. We can make separate arrangements for your pets too!”

What to do before the storm

– Park the car in a garage, or away from large trees.

– Secure or lock- away loose objects such as garden furniture and ornaments, bikes, children’s toys and ladders.

– Fasten all doors and windows.

– With electrical storms, remove the aerial from the TV set.

If you have time:

– Check for loose tiles on the roof

– Secure any weak fences and posts – to minimise the risk of causing damage to other parts of your property

– Check aerials or satellite dishes are securely fixed

What to do after the storm

If your property suffers damage, ring your insurer immediately. Aviva has dedicated teams of experts who will be able to give you advice on how to prevent further damage and to assist you in sorting out your claim.

The most common types of storm claims

– Roof tiles blown off, often in conjunction with damage to gutters, fascias etc.

– TV/radio aerials damaged.

– Breakage of glass – most often greenhouse glass.

– Lifting of roofing felt, particularly on sheds.

– Damage to chimneys.

– Trees falling down and damaging buildings

– Boundary walls blown down.

But do bear in mind an insurance policy is not a maintenance policy – most companies expect your home to be in reasonable condition, wear and tear isn’t covered. Fences, gates and hedges that have blown down as a direct result of high winds are also generally excluded.

Source : Aviva Press Release

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British insurance giant Prudential said on Wednesday that sales soared in the third quarter, boosted by activity in Asia, and promised to deliver “strong growth and generate strong returns” this year.

Sales rocketed by more than 17 percent to 809 million pounds in the three months to September, compared with 689 million in the same part of 2009, Prudential said in a trading update.

The impressive result beat market expectations of 773 million pounds and was delivered despite Prudential’s high-profile, audacious but unsuccessful bid for AIG’s Asian division AIA.

“The group’s performance in the third quarter has been strong,” said chief executive Tidjane Thiam, who had faced criticism from some shareholders over the 35.5-billion-dollar (27.5-billion-euro) AIA bid that collapsed in June.

“Prudential continues to grow fast and profitably,” he added in the statement which made no mention of the failed AIA transaction.

Thiam added that the group was poised to deliver more strong results this year.

“We remain well positioned to deliver strong growth and generate strong returns for our shareholders, based on the group’s proven strategy, our brand and market position in the countries where we choose to operate, the power of our distribution and the quality of our teams,” he said.

Following the failure of the AIA deal, Prudential has promised to focus on organic growth — particularly at its own Asian business.

“South east Asia, with its high rates of GDP growth, saving habits and low penetration of insurance products, remains the most attractive long-term opportunity in our industry and the primary focus for our growth and investment,” added Thiam.

“This opportunity, supported by our strong position in the US, our focused business in the UK and market leading asset management businesses, means we view our future with confidence and believe that we will continue to outperform our competitors in our chosen markets.”

London, Nov 10, 2010 (AFP)

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Hannover Re reported robust premium growth and better-than-expected Group net income as at 30 September 2010. This was driven by strong demand in non-life and life/health reinsurance, healthy investment income and a positive tax effect.

“In view of the highly gratifying development of business in the third quarter and the additional income deriving from the tax effect on which we reported in our ad hoc announcement dated 20 October 2010, we are raising our profit forecast for the full financial year from around EUR 600 million to more than EUR 700 million”, Chief Executive Officer Ulrich Wallin confirmed.

To read Hannover Re’s full report click here

Source : Hannover Re Press Release

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With heavy rain and potential flooding forecast, home and contents insurer Hiscox urges home owners to take some practical steps to prevent flood damage to their properties. The Met Office has put out flash warnings of severe or extreme weather for London and South East England.

Austyn Tusler, home insurance expert at Hiscox, comments: “The heavy rain could cause severe damage to homes but taking some basic steps can reduce the risk and help you in the case of a flood.”

Preparation is important to help minimise damage, follow the below tips and help to protect your property:

– Move anything of value including furniture, electrical equipment and valuables (including photographs and sentimental items) as you can to higher areas of your home.

– Prepare an emergency kit in case you are trapped or need to evacuate – this should include blankets, torches, waterproof clothing, food, water and a first aid kit.

– Make sure you know how to turn off the electricity and gas supply (in the dark if necessary)

– Prepare a list of important emergency phone numbers, including emergency helplines for your local water company and insurance company.

– Make copies of all your important documents and store them in a dry safe place which is easily accessible. Some good locations are on a second floor or on the top of a kitchen cupboard.

– Consider sandbags around the perimeter of your house, especially doorways and places where water can easily seep in.

Source : Hiscox Press Release

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Top ways to change your present car insurance rates:

– Buy theft devices: Most brand new cars have theft devices. Some are automatic and a few have to be started with the touch of a control button, although all usually get discounts on car insurance.

– Ask for a multiple car discount: Here’s a fact, often insuring 2 cars could possibly be the same cost as insuring one? If not the same cost, insuring one more car usually does not cost nearly much as you could think. For those who have 2 cars, it is very a good idea to check with your insurance broker, or while obtaining your on-line insurance policy quote, to make sure you will get this reduction for your car insurance. Also, if you’re planning to sell a second car, a budget car insurance trick would be to retain that car on simply liability to get your multi car discount. Occasionally people are surprised when they call their car insurance company to take a car off their insurance policy, only to find that the price didn’t drop but possibly increased.

– Stick to annual policies: Selecting a yearly policy can lengthen your cost savings on your car insurance. Getting a yearly policy rather than a six month policy will give you the rate which can not be altered for one year vs. changing every six months.

– Look into Comprehensive Storage Coverage: If you are planning to store your vehicle for any period of time, you can save on your car insurance through only preserving comprehensive protection during the storage time. Since the car would be stored, it is very less likely it’ll get in any collision or need the liability coverage.

– Re-check your mileage: This is a terrific way to get cheap car insurance: If you’re really close to the “miles to the office” break-off, you might want to check your miles closely. When your car insurance company or even insurance broker questions you “Precisely how many miles do you commute to work one way?” this is a vital question that will designate you into a particular class. Each class may have considerable differences in rates.

– Search for a group reduction: A lot of companies offer a discount on car insurance for being linked with specific organizations. These range from credit unions, college or university sororities, or simply possessing a particular credit card.

– Reduce liability, comprehensive, collision, or even medical payment coverage: Of course, you can decrease your basic coverage but it might give you the cheap insurance policy you need right now. Comprehensive and collision are probably the first to take a look at lowering by increasing your deductibles on your car insurance.

The majority of vehicles that are on bank loans can have up to and including £1000 deductible. Next, cutting your liability and healthcare payments might assist, but only if you are having a hard time purchasing your premium and is not recommended for general savings.

Source : Article Base

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Delegates at the recent Aon Risk Symposium held in Madrid heard that Aon Corporation, global provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage, and human capital consulting, has seen increased demand and enquiries for business interruption (BI) insurance, yet a decreasing appetite of insurers to pay claims for this type of insurance.

Although the global economic downturn of the past few years has seen companies have greater levels of awareness of the risks they face, insurers have become increasingly reluctant to expand BI insurance coverage. Insurers are making it more difficult to make a claim under BI insurance by tightening policy wording, reducing the amount they are liable for at policy renewal and employing various tactics to lower the amount paid in claims and delay paying claims.

While BI insurance remains vitally important for firms looking to safeguard against loss of profits, such as those from risks in their supply chain or property damage, this coverage should be a part of a wider enterprise risk management  programme.

In order to maximise the success of a BI policy, Aon Risk Solutions’ Global Risk Consulting Practice directed companies to:

– develop an ERM programme that minimises risks throughout the business in order to reduce the costs of insurance and additional risk financing measures;

– ensure the values covered by existing insurance policies are at accurate levels;

– broaden the wordings in a BI policy to increase the chance of an insurer to pay a claim;

– ensure the structure of a BI policy is customised for their organisation and is not an ‘off the shelf’ solution.

Paul Johnson, regional managing director for Aon’s Asia Pacific risk consulting team commented: “As companies have more ‘I wish I had BI cover’ moments, such as the Christchurch and Chile earthquakes, hurricanes in the US and volcanic ash from Iceland, BI insurance is increasingly recognised as a key form of protection for their bottom line.

“BI reviews are continuing to rise, but we are not seeing a similar correlation with claim payments. It is essential for firms to work with their broker and risk consultant to decrease any wriggle room an insurer may have to decline a claim.

“Many firms are increasingly retaining risk on their balance sheets to lower insurance costs due to financial pressures, rather than transferring them to the insurance market. In this case, a firm must have an ERM programme in place to ensure they have reduced their exposure to losses and are are prepared to deal with any issue they may face.”

Source : Aon Corporation Press Release

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Leading reinsurance group Munich Re reported strong quarterly results on Tuesday and raised its forecast for net profit for the year to 2.4 billion euros. But it warned that it might not be able to maintain this performance next year.

In the third quarter the giant insurance firm, which takes on part of the risks underwritten by front-line insurers, made a net profit of 764 million euros, an increase of 19.0 percent from the equivalent figure last year.

This was well above the figure forecast by analysts polled by Dow Jones Newswires who had expected 612 million euros.

Until now, the company had forecast that profits for the whole of 2010 would exceed 2.0 billion euros (3.3 billion dollars), but these results led it to raise that target to 2.4 billion euros.

The target for gross premium income, the equivalent of sales for an insurance company, was held at 44.0-46.0 billion euros.

Munich Re manages a big portfolio of investments in addition to managing direct reinsurance. This portfolio comprises mainly fixed-interest instruments. Only 2.6 percent of the investments are in shares.

Since the group expects rates and bond yields to stay low next year, it sees interest income possibly falling and affecting the overall net profit figure for 2011.

The company said that the outcome next year could be slightly below the figure this year, on the basis that 2011 would be an average year in terms of insurance claims for damage and that insurance premiums were little changed.

Berlin, Nov 9, 2010 (AFP)

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Aegis Media announced today the appointment of Jean Lin as CEO, Isobar Asia Pacific. This new role is in addition to Jean’s current role as Global Chief Strategy Officer of Isobar, and is effective immediately.

Lin was a key member behind Isobar’s new global strategy and restructuring in May this year, bringing together Aegis’ digital agencies in 30 markets to create a coherent global communications agency with digital at its heart. Soon after the restructure the agency won Sprite globally, and was also appointed to handle the SK-II global digital assignment, led out of Isobar Asia Pacific.

Commenting on Lin’s expanded role, Mark Cranmer, Global CEO of Isobar, said, “Jean is taking on this regional leadership role in addition to her global duties because we believe much of our future as a pioneering global agency will be defined by success in the Asia Pacific region. Jean is a true visionary and pioneer of our dynamic industry. She has played a pivotal role in defining the global vision and ambition for our Isobar agency network and there is no one better in the world to ensure that the inherent vitality of the APAC region helps Isobar fulfill its global vision. We have an exceptional base of talent to build upon in the region, and I am delighted that Jean has agreed to take on this exciting leadership role.”

Isobar Asia Pacific to date has created successful brand stories for a number of blue chip clients including Coca-Cola, adidas, Procter & Gamble, Anheuser-Busch InBev and The Peninsula Hotels. Carat/Isobar was named Network of the Year 2009 in Asia Pacific, and Isobar was the runner-up for Digital Agency of the Year at the 2009 Agency of the Year Awards.

“The APAC region represents an exciting opportunity for Isobar to demonstrate its true global nature to the market and has a key competitive differentiation for the Aegis Group,” said Aegis Media Asia Pacific Chief Executive Nick Waters. “We have 500-plus talented digital experts in this region and one of the first pioneers in the industry complete with a global view, to support our clients and people. We are tremendously fortunate to have someone of Jean’s qualities lead our Isobar business.”

Lin founded wwwins in 1999 and wwwins Isobar today has become a powerhouse agency in the region. The Greater China agency has been recognized in numerous industry and creative awards and ranked No.1 in R3’s China Digital Agency Report 2009. Lin was also named in the Advertising Age 2009 “Women to Watch” and was recently featured by Campaign Magazine as one of Asia’s top female talents.

Source : Aegis Press Release

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– 67 is when we think we will retire… but we want to retire five years earlier
– 32% of Brits don’t have a pension

A new report by Friends Provident has revealed that people in the UK expect to work beyond the new default retirement age of 66, with 40% saying they plan to work past the age of 70.

The report, Visions of Britain 2020: Ageing and Retirement, polled 1,200 individuals across the UK to take the temperature of the nation and gauge its views towards retirement.

When asked at what age they think they will retire, it was found that the average worker expected to retire at 67 years of age. Conversely, when asked what age they would like to retire, the average response was 62.2 – meaning a 4.8 year gap between the age at which people would like to retire and the age they think they will actually retire.

The findings also demonstrate varied expectations when it comes to the length of working life across the country, with people in Nottingham expecting to retire the latest (aged 68.4). People in Birmingham and Wales expect to retire at 65.6, before the new default retirement age, whilst people in Leeds say 66.8 and Scots say 66.4.

Trevor Matthews, CEO Friends Provident Holdings (UK) said:
“It is interesting to compare the various levels of awareness about later life across the country, and it is clear that people are more accepting of the fact that they will have to work longer. As individuals we now have more choices, but coupled with this comes increased responsibility and the need to plan adequately for retirement. It is crucial that we do this planning early enough in life whilst we have more options available to us rather than waiting until we reach our mid 60s when the only stark choices might be to keep working into our 70s or accept a lower than expected standard of living in retirement.”

Moreover, the research shows that for many, working longer is a positive decision. 24% of respondents fear that they will get bored when they stop working with 52% stating that they enjoy the social contact that comes from being in a working environment.

The report uncovered regional disparities in current levels of pensions saving with nearly a third (32%) of those across the UK failing to have a pension. People in London and Birmingham are the worst offenders, where 37% of people do not have a pension.

Source : Friends Provident Press Release