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John Stewart

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The Company announces that Andy Briggs will become CEO of Friends and that Trevor Matthews will assume a new role of Vice Chairman. Andy is expected to join within the next six months from Lloyds Banking Group where he is currently CEO of General Insurance, having previously been CEO of Scottish Widows. This follows a nineteen year career at Prudential, in the UK Life business, where he was most recently Chief Executive of Retirement Income.

Trevor has concluded that, in view of his personal intention to return with his family to Australia within the next three years and the substantial agenda of work ahead, a new CEO should be appointed to lead the business through an anticipated return to direct public market ownership while he focuses on furthering Friends’s presence and reputation in the marketplace.

As the Company prepares Friends for a return to independent ownership over the next two to three years these changes underscore its focus on:

– integrating acquired businesses

– the realisation of cost synergies

– creating sustainable and cash generative propositions for both new and existing customers including in annuities

– positioning the distribution mix of the business to succeed post the retail distribution review

– building a capital and cost efficient business model

The combination of Trevor’s outstanding skills and reputation in the marketplace with Andy’s extensive experience of integrating large life assurance businesses, building and managing a leading UK annuity business and running the UK’s largest bancassurance business will bring a very powerful force to the Board of Friends.

Trevor will initially work with Andy to help him achieve a smooth transition to his new role and will then focus on enhancing and promoting Friends role with major clients, key business partners, and other stakeholders including the financial and investment community, government, regulators and the public.

Commenting on Andy’s appointment Sir Malcolm Williamson, Chairman of Friends said:

“There are a number of huge challenges and opportunities facing the UK life assurance industry and a significant agenda of work in creating value from Resolution’s life consolidation project. The project is making strong progress and I am looking forward to continuing to work with Trevor as Vice Chairman and with Andy as the CEO who will take the business through to a successful realisation of value for Resolution’s shareholders”.

John Tiner, CEO of Resolution Operations LLP, said: “We are immensely grateful to Trevor for the work he has done at Friends and are pleased that he will continue with the Group. We are also fortunate to have found someone with the skills Andy brings to Friends as we move from the acquisition phase to integration and maximising the value from the assets Resolution Limited has acquired.”

Trevor Matthews said:

“I am thoroughly enjoying my time at Friends and am excited about my continuing role. I think Andy will be a tremendous asset to the Group and I am looking forward to working with him and promoting Friends to all our stakeholders.”

Andy Briggs said:

“I have watched the role Resolution has played in consolidating the UK life sector with interest and am excited about leading the executive team of Friends. We have a fantastic opportunity to create a major player that delivers real value for customers and shareholders. I am looking forward to joining a group of hard working, enthusiastic people.”

Source : Friends Provident Press Release

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A subsidiary of the French nuclear giant Areva said Monday it had received US clearance to begin a clinical trial of an isotope that targets cancer cells.

“Lead-212 is a rare radioactive isotope that lies at the heart of promising nuclear medical research to develop new cancer treatments,” Areva Med said in a statement.

“This innovative approach, known as alpha radio-immunotherapy, specifically pinpoints and destroys cancer cells while limiting toxicity to healthy cells.”

The phase one trial, which assesses safety, will begin in 2011 and take about two years. The treatment’s primary target will be pancreatic cancer, a company spokesman said.

“This landmark FDA authorization is a very important step that could lead to a potential treatment for very aggressive and lethal cancers,” said Jacques Besnainou, CEO of Areva North America.

A Food and Drug Administration spokeswoman declined to elaborate on the authorization, saying the agency does not comment on clinical trials that are under way or about to begin.

Areva announced last year the construction of a facility to produce lead-212 in the Limousin region of France.

Washington, Jan 24, 2011 (AFP)

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Merlin Professional Claims Services (Merlin) is delighted to announce the appointment of Chris Lewis as Head of its Liability Division, with effect from today.

Chris has over 20 years of experience as a liability adjuster and joins Merlin from Garwyn Ltd where he held the position of Liability Business Development Manager and latterly UK Service Delivery Director. Chris has also held senior roles within Questgates Ltd, Royal & Sun Alliance Ltd (RSA Group) and Property & Casualty Services Ltd.

Based in Merlin’s Cannock office, Chris will take on responsibility for the overall development and management of the Liability product and team, as well as the ongoing development of relationships with existing and potential liability clients.

Chris will report to Merlin Chief Technical Officer, Kevin Wood, who comments: “We are pleased to welcome Chris to the team. His vast knowledge and experience will be a huge asset to the company and will serve to strengthen Merlin’s offering to the market. We feel the appointment will further strengthen our commitment to delivering excellence as standard and further exceed our client’s expectations at every level.”

Chris comments: “Merlin has an in depth understanding of the market dynamics and I am excited to join this forward thinking and innovative team. Merlin’s flexible menu of services, will offer the ability to broaden my experience further and I look forward to the opportunities the role will present.”

Source : Merlin Press Release

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Specialist underwriting agency DUAL Corporate Risks has launched a new standalone product for Public Offering of Securities Insurance (POSI).

The product covers directors, officers and other assureds from claims arising out of any listing documentation relating to a Public Offering, with Limits of Indemnity up to £10m. Capacity is being provided by Arch and Hiscox in line with the company’s other primary D&O and financial lines products.

With the recovery of the financial markets and the associated increase in the number of listings for 2011, DUAL expects this to be a significant and popular product. The product is available to UK & Irish listings only.

Jennifer Martin, Underwriting Director (Financial Lines) at DUAL, said: “This is yet another development in our overall proposition for our clients and brokers. We are confident this product will be welcomed in view of our exceptional service levels and positive approach to underwriting.”

The product complements the company’s D&O Executive product as they are often purchased in tandem enabling the Insured to benefit from two separate towers of indemnity. DUAL’s management liability insurance products now consist of D&O, POSI, Charity Trustees and PTL, Crime and EPL insurances.

Source : DUAL Press Release

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Real estate agents were shocked to receive calls as early as Thursday, January 13 – the day the Brisbane River peaked at 4.46 metres, leaving 25,000 homes flooded – from buyers ready to snap up a bargain.

Several homes that were inundated around Brisbane were on the market at the time of the floods, many in highly desirable streets in Chelmer, Graceville, Fairfield and Fig Tree Pocket.

Some of the calls were from potential buyers hoping to swoop in and secure multimillion-dollar residences at a fraction of the price.

Steve Sutliff from Ray White Graceville said he “couldn’t believe” the phone calls he was getting from people ready to take advantage of those whose homes had been flooded only hours earlier.

“I could use another word for these people but I’ll be diplomatic and call them opportunistic,” he said.

“They rang, expressing interest in buying some of these affected properties at a cut price, ready to take advantage of the fact that some very expensive properties had been flooded.

“I was not very polite to them. I told them don’t even ask, basically.

“How people could even contemplate looking to make themselves a buck out of property at the height of other people’s misery is beyond me.”

Mr Sutliff said he and his Ray White staff were out in the following days helping their clients clean up.

“What we can’t quantify is the human element, the emotional element, at a time like this. Some house prices in the area will be affected for a while I’d say, but each case will be different,” he said.

“I would urge people not to panic about house prices. Do not panic sell as that’s what these sorts of buyers are hoping for.”

Martin Hood of Belle Property Graceville said he had received similar calls.

“Yes, I got some of those, too. It’s awful, although one I spoke to probably didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings; he was just naive about it I think,” he said.

“It just goes to show how different some people are when you see their first reaction to a disaster like this – some see the heartache, others see a way into the property market.”

The impact of the flood can already be seen in the housing market, with many listings on updated to include “not affected during 2011 floods”.

Mr Hood had one property for sale which went under, located at Graceville, and its internet listing was one of the first to be updated to include its flood status.

The listing now reads: “Flood affected, owners have cleaned-up and are motivated to sell.”

“I haven’t had a chance to sit down with the owners of this property and discuss price with them yet but yes, there’s no doubt the price will be affected by what’s happened,” Mr Hood said.

“I agree that buyers are probably going to expect to see discounts on these properties now, what percentage discount I don’t know – but I don’t think the market is likely to fall in these areas as much as the bargain hunters would like.

“The fact is, people are always going to like these areas for their beautiful homes, their access to the CBD, their cafes, schools, leafy streets and lovely community atmosphere – which has never been more apparent than in the past week.”

Prestige agent John Johnston, who lives in the flood-affected suburb of Chelmer himself – said he would not take kindly to calls from any “property vultures”.

“No I haven’t had any calls like that yet – they wouldn’t dare,” he said.

He said the buyers lingering on the sidelines ready to buy homes from under distressed flood victims were likely to be disappointed.

“Most people who can afford to live on the river got to that position in life, I believe, because they have stood the test of time commercially and are not the types to panic sell.”

Queensland’s army of volunteers may have inadvertently saved insurance companies millions of dollars in payment for the removal of debris after the floods.

Suncorp Insurance and the Insurance Council of Australia both confirmed the removal of debris after floods was included in a policy.

Last weekend, 22,000 registered volunteers and possibly triple that amount who were unregistered, rolled up their sleeves to clean Brisbane’s flooded homes, businesses and sporting clubs.

Thousands, including Premier Anna Bligh, were out in force yesterday, continuing the mop up.

For those who were fortunate enough to be insured, they would have been covered for the cost of the clean-up and removal of the debris.

”No two policies are the same but we believe [the clean-up of debris] is covered,” Insurance Council of Australia said.

Suncorp Insurance spokesman Mike Sopinksi said in an email that Suncorp home building policy provided for the removal of debris from the site but did not put a figure on the average clean-up price.

”The cost of removal of debris from individual sites will vary from site to site,” he wrote. ”Suncorp Insurance has received over 10,000 claims from across Queensland since Christmas,” he said.

Source : The Sydney Morning Herald

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    British car insurance prices rose at a record pace last year as providers sought to protect themselves against rising personal injury claims, insurer and roadside recovery group AA said on Friday.

    Comprehensive motor insurance premiums rose 33.2 percent during 2010 to an average of 843 pounds (USD 1,340), the biggest increase since the AA began monitoring the market in 1994, it said.

    The rise reflects efforts by motor insurers to recoup a sharp rise in payouts as the growing influence of “no win, no fee” lawyers encourages a rash of personal injury claims.

    “A sharp growth in the number of accident management and personal injury claims firms has helped to develop a hard-sell system in Britain that encourages people to claim, even if they have not suffered an injury,” said Simon Douglas, Director of AA’s insurance arm.

    British motor premiums began climbing in late 2009, when insurers, squeezed by soaring claims and slumping investment income, hiked their prices, having cut or frozen them for the best part of a decade because of intense competition.

    Insurance executives and analysts have said the increase could allow the industry, dominated by the likes of Royal Bank of Scotland, Aviva, RSA and Admiral, to return to underwriting profitability this year, having paid out more in claims than it received in premiums for each of the last 15 years.

    Source : Reuters

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    New data from Legal & General reveals that over two-thirds of insurance industry intermediaries (69%) think that fraud is getting worse. The FraudStoppers Report found that many brokers and advisers feel that little is being done to deter fraudsters, with more than half (57%) confident that a customer could get away with an inflated claim.

    Yet at the same time nearly three-quarters (73%) confess that they have no processes in place to help identify and prevent home insurance fraud. Many of those surveyed who did have processes in place mentioned that these included checking previous insurance cover records and claims history, as well as stressing the importance of educating their clients on what constitutes home insurance fraud and  the implications of making a fraudulent claim.

    The overwhelming majority of insurance intermediaries are not aware how much the cost of fraud adds to the average home insurance premium. According to the research, fewer than one in ten insurance intermediaries correctly identified how much fraud adds to the average home insurance premium, with 84% underestimating the impact.

    These worrying findings are compounded by consumer data that shows a significant section of the British public think that it is acceptable to commit insurance fraud.  Consumer research also conducted for the FraudStoppers Report found that nearly a third of Brits (29%) think it is acceptable to exaggerate a home insurance claim, for example adding extra items or increasing the value of the amount being claimed.

    Insurance fraud adds an extra £44 to the average UK household’s annual insurance bill. Last year, over 2,000 dishonest insurance claims worth more than £16 million were detected every week across the insurance industry.  The value of these claims, at £840 million, rose by 14% on the previous year.

    Steve Phillips, Head of Fraud Services at Legal & General’s general insurance business, said: “Intermediaries have a vital role in helping to reduce home insurance fraud. Given the direct contact they have with their customers, brokers and advisers can contribute to improving customers’ general understanding of what constitutes insurance fraud, the implications of how it impacts them and the serious consequence for their clients if they should commit fraud.

    “More people need to appreciate that fraud at any level is not a victimless crime and means additional cost to everyone’s premiums. Intermediaries can really help to reduce the level of exaggerated claims received by explaining to their customers that adding items to their claim or inflating a claim’s value is fraud.

    “Legal & General has a zero-tolerance policy on fraud and our success at detecting fraud has helped to maintain premiums for customers.  The FraudStoppers Report highlights how serious the problem is. We pay all valid claims as quickly as possible but we’re totally dedicated to tackling fraud, and catching the cheats. So to prevent their clients from being added to the insurance industry’s fraud databases we need to work together to stop it happening in the first place.”

    Source : Legal and General Press Release

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    RSA announces the impact of the adverse weather in November and December 2010 to be around £142m more than normal levels and for the full year to be around £255m, or 3.5 points on the COR, more than normal. Compared with the prior year, the total impact of weather across the Group is expected to be around £175m worse or approximately 2.4 points on the COR.

    RSA expects its full year 2010 results to show net written premium growth of 11%, a COR of between 96.5% and 97.0% and an operating profit in the range of £600m to £630m. Given the extreme weather in 2010, this is a strong result and reflects the diversity of the portfolio and the resilience of the Group’s underlying profitability.

    RSA remains committed to sustainable profitable performance and in 2011, as it stands today and assuming a return to more normalised weather, expects to deliver continued premium growth, a combined operating ratio of better than 95%, investment income of around £550m and total investment gains of around £50m.

    The Group’s dividend policy is to increase the dividend at least in line with inflation and the adverse weather in 2010 will not impact this policy.

    Andy Haste, Group CEO of RSA, commented:

    “This is a strong result in what has been an extremely tough year for the industry, including the European freeze and Chilean earthquake in the first quarter and the coldest December in the UK for 100 years. To deliver a COR of between 96.5% and 97% in these conditions underlines the strength and resilience of our portfolio. We look forward to 2011 with confidence and, as our guidance today shows, expect to deliver continued premium growth and strong profitability.”

    Winter Weather Update

    Across the Group, the impact of adverse weather in November and December 2010 is around £142m more than normal levels, of which £110m is in the UK, £17m across Scandinavia, £7m from Ireland, £6m in Emerging Markets, mainly due to Hurricane Tomas and £2m in Italy.

    In the UK, around £72m of the adverse experience relates to Household, where we have a market share of around 6%, with a further £26m in Commercial Property and £12m across Motor and other classes.

    In Household, we have experienced a significant increase in claims relating to burst water pipes with around 8,000 claims at an average cost of approximately £6,700 received since 1 November, with volumes peaking in the weeks around Christmas, as well as an increase in claims from Household schemes. In addition, we have received almost 19,000 home emergency claims, around 5,500 snow claims and almost 5,700 other weather related claims. Our UK call centres handled around 90% more calls than normal in December and to date, we have received over 82,000 more calls than usual.

    In Commercial Property, we have experienced over 2,300 claims, with around 15 claims accounting for approximately 23% of the adverse impact and the remainder being smaller losses.

    Across the Motor book, in the period from 26th November to 24th December we experienced around a 70% increase in single vehicle accidents and around 20% more accidental damage claims compared with early November.

    In Scandinavia, December was reported to be the second coldest ever recorded in Denmark and the coldest since 1915 in Stockholm. The impact of this freeze is around £17m more than normal levels, with the cost spread evenly across Personal and Commercial lines driven by an increase in burst water pipes and motor claims.

    The impact from Ireland is around £7m more than normal levels, with the cost again driven by burst water pipes as the country experienced the coldest December on record.

    Across the Group, our customers remain our key focus and we mobilised additional resources to ensure they received a prompt response, with claims dealt with as quickly as possible.

    Source : RSA Press Release

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    Bank of America, the biggest US bank, reported Friday a net loss of $1.2 billion for the fourth quarter, citing a hefty charge in its home loans and insurance segment.

    Excluding the $2.0 billion charge for goodwill impairment amid the housing foreclosure, Bank of America said it would have earned a profit of $756 million.

    The $1.2 billion loss compared with a $194 million loss in the 2009 fourth quarter.

    For the 2010 full-year, the big bank reported a net loss of $2.2 billion, weighed down by a $12.4 billion charge.

    New York, Jan 21, 2011 (AFP)

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    Indians prove to have better financial management skills and are confident of facing any financial challenges in future, as against consumers from 9 other countries. India stands as the second best to have financial literacy level of 55 percent compared to 10 other countries, behind Japanese who holds the first position in the survey conducted by ING Consumer Resourcefulness Survey.

    Survey shows whopping 84 percent of Indians wanting to buy Life Insurance policies as compared to 54 percent worldwide. Similar percentage of Indian customers showed interest in maintaining household budget of the month focusing on savings. Majority of the Indians are prepared for different stages in life especially retirement, old age and health problems. Indians are much risk averse in borrowing money.

    While average Indians manage their finances in a much organized manner, they borrow money in case of needs such as buying a home (50 percent) and purchase of a car (43 percent). 87 percent of Indian households have an emergency fund compared to 33 percent globally. While this leads to the feel of less despair for the Indians as compared to their global counterparts who get emotional being buried under debt. It shows a correlation between people’s financial literacy. More financial literate they are, the happier they are.

    Asians are far more financially literate and are keen on learning more. While going for any savings scheme or Life Insurance products, they acquire full knowledge about the product and its benefits.

    The survey was carried out amongst 5000 consumers across ten major nations, including India, USA, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Korea and Japan.

    Source : SiliconIndia

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    Friends Provident today announces it will relocate its head office to the landmark One New Change development in the City of London. The iconic new site on London’s Cheapside is set to provide a relevant and fitting home for the enlarged organisation, following the acquisition of the majority of AXA’s UK life business by the company’s owner Resolution Ltd in September 2010.

    The move is expected to take place in April 2011, when Friends Provident will leave its current site in nearby Wood Street. Around 200 staff will initially be based in the new office, including the Group’s executive directors and corporate teams, occupying 48,000 sq. ft. of space. The site will become the Group’s headquarters.

    Friends Provident, which has been looking to relocate following the acquisition of the AXA business, will be one of the first companies to occupy the new offices. The company’s new home comes ahead of its planned launch of the combined business as Friends Life.

    David Hynam, Executive Director, Operations at Friends Provident said:
    “There is a real synergy between the flexible, contemporary office space at One New Change and our ambition for Friends Provident to be a progressive, industry-leading financial services company.

    “We are excited about the move which will give us the space to bring our recently expanded business together under one roof, while still remaining right at the heart of the city.”

    Designed by award-winning architect Jean Nouvel, One New Change is Land Securities’ latest development; the £540m retail and office complex opened in October 2010.

    Source : Friends Provident Press Release

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    Swiss Life has bought the life insurance business from rival Nationale Suisse for an undisclosed sum, a deal that further expands the offering of Switzerland’s biggest dedicated life insurer.

    The takeover allows Swiss Life to lower its cost base via synergies in the single-digit millions, it said, adding it would take on 32 employees of Nationale Suisse.

    “The group life portfolio of Nationale Suisse fits well with our strategy of profitable growth,” Ivo Furrer, Swiss Life’s Chief Executive for Switzerland, said in a statement.

    The deal is retroactively effective from January 1, 2011 and will be completed in the first half of the year, pending regulatory approval, it said.

    According to the agreement, Swiss Life will also offer its customers select non-life insurance products from Nationale Suisse, which will offer Swiss Life’s life insurance policies.

    In 2009, gross premiums from the Nationale Suisse portfolio came to 223 million Swiss francs ($231.2 million), whereas at Swiss Life they came to 5.88 billion francs.

    Source : Reuters

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    Groupama Insurances has appointed Lynsey Mills as its new Commercial Motor Technical Manager. A highly skilled fleet underwriter bringing over 17 years’ experience with Groupama Insurances, Lynsey will report to Dawn Dillaway, Head of Commercial Underwriting. She moves into the role from the position of Senior Fleet Underwriter.

    As Commercial Motor Technical Manager, Lynsey will be based in Groupama’s Manchester Operations Centre and will work closely with the commercial underwriting teams to develop Groupama’s highly successful Fleet and Delegated Schemes business. This will require a constant focus on sophisticated pricing models and technical policy wordings to ensure they continue to reflect the needs of the business, reinsurers and partner brokers serving the SME market.

    Dawn Dillaway comments; “It really says a lot about the expertise within our business to be able to make this appointment from within. Lynsey brings really valuable knowledge of the fleet market together with an in-depth understanding of Groupama’s commercial proposition. This experience will help us to ensure that our fleet offering stays right at the forefront of the SME end of the Fleet market.”

    Lynsey Mills adds: “Groupama Insurances has already developed a very compelling Fleet proposition for SMEs and my job is to ensure that we stay one step ahead. I am really looking forward to working with our underwriting teams and our partner brokers to drive our fleet business to new levels of success.”

    Source : Groupama Press Release

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    Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan has flagged changes to the insurance industry in the wake of Queensland’s devastating floods.

    Mr Swan says there appear to be grey areas, amid concerns over insurance companies refusing to compensate people who thought they were covered for flood damage.

    “I don’t think there’s any doubt that there is a need for reform in this area, but at the moment we’re concentrating on dealing with the practical realities of what people are facing today,” he told the ABC.

    “What’s very important (is) those with insurance get their claims submitted.”

    Brisbane meanwhile is facing a homelessness crisis.

    Queensland Premier Anna Bligh said Brisbane was facing “a massive relocation task” after 11,900 homes and 2500 businesses were flooded.

    She said many flood victims were staying with family and friends while others had insurance policies that would cover the cost of alternative accommodation.

    But, she warned: “There will be a very large number of people who might not have any of those options”.

    “We are currently looking at how we can provide temporary accommodation. It may be necessary in some places to have, effectively, a temporary work-camp set up,” she told the ABC.

    “We have a large homelessness task ahead of us and we’re looking at every option.” Ms Bligh will convene a special cabinet meeting at 11am (AEDT) today to formulate a detailed recovery plan for the flood-devastated state.

    She said it was clear many people would be homeless for an extended period of time.

    Lord Mayor Campbell Newman has warned there could be bodies lying undiscovered in Brisbane homes.

    “We are concerned, sadly, about the potential for people to be found who may have died,” he told reporters today, urging people to check homes where there’d been no activity for days.

    “We’re concerned, as well, that there may be elderly people or other people who have literally had a nervous breakdown. They may be sitting in their homes in a dark room and need help now.”

    Queensland’s floods death toll still stands at 18, most in valley communities. Police say grave fears are held for 14 others who remain missing from the Toowoomba/Lockyer Valley area.

    As Brisbane gets back on its feet, the premier has suggested some properties in flood-prone areas may not be rebuilt.

    “We have some very old homes that are in places that are clearly flood-prone and we’re going to have to give some consideration in the rebuilding task to where they should be located,” Ms Bligh told the ABC.

    As Brisbane’s CBD returned to life on Monday, workers were being urged to use free public transport, car pool, and to stagger their arrivals to ease pressure on damaged road networks.

    Source : News Nine MSN

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    The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) today announced it is preparing to launch the second Europe-wide stress test for the insurance sector. The test will be conducted in cooperation with the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) and the respective national supervisory authorities including the Swiss FINMA and is expected to be launched at the beginning of the second quarter of 2011.

    The goal of the stress test is to identify and quantify the impact of the different stress scenarios on an insurer’s financial position in an adverse and very severe economic environment. Insurance companies play an important role in the social and economic cycle. Managing financial resources and providing a sound financial foundation is vital for policyholders to manage their own personal risk. The stress test is one of a range of supervisory tools for assessing the strength of individual institutions and to evaluate if the current structure supports the stability of financial markets. It helps EIOPA to understand capital positions of insurers and insurance groups in adverse situations.

    To conduct the stress test, EIOPA is seeking the cooperation of the European insurance industry. The test is targeted towards the European insurance sector and will include a minimum of 50% of insurance companies per country measured by gross premium income. Currently, EIOPA is preparing a stress test proposal including the scope of the exercise, framework and economic scenarios under which the financial positions will be tested. Before finalising the framework of the stress test, EIOPA will consult national supervisors and insurance associations.

    The initiative is based on a request of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) and is being coordinated with the stress test being undertaken by the European Banking Authority (EBA) within the European System of Financial Supervisors (ESFS).

    Source : EIOPA Press Release

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    Economic factors could lead at least a fifth of people to forgo an overseas holiday this year while of those who do, half say they will economise, according to new research from AA Travel Insurance.

    A fifth (21%) have already decided not to holiday abroad, 40% of them saying that they can’t afford to go this year or that the economy has discouraged them from booking an overseas trip. Another third (31%) have yet to decide.

    And of those who are planning a holiday, 47% say that the economic situation has affected their travel plans, by far most of them (82%) saying they are carefully thinking about their budget by cutting back on how much they spend.

    Mark Huggins, director of AA Financial Services, points out that foreign holidays are often the first major casualty when families struggle to make their money go further.

    “Our research suggests that a large number of people who normally take an overseas holiday are having second thoughts while those who are continuing with their holiday plans a holiday are counting their pennies.

    “I’m particularly concerned that a quarter (26%) of those cutting corners say they won’t take out travel insurance which is an entirely false economy.”

    The AA’s findings suggest that over a fifth (22%) don’t buy travel insurance on grounds of cost while a further third (33%) feel that it isn’t really necessary.   Some (11%), believe their EHIC* is a travel insurance substitute.  Others (9%) believed that because they are healthy, insurance just isn’t necessary.

    Mr Huggins points out that a single trip policy for a family of four travelling for 14 days in Europe, could cost less than 64p per person per day*: – a tiny proportion of the cost of even the cheapest budget holiday.

    “There still seems to be a lot of misconceptions about travel insurance,” Mr Huggins says.

    “It is vital.  An accident or illness that lands you in a European hospital could easily cost you £2,000 over and above what European reciprocal arrangements may include using your EHIC card; and over £10,000 if you are holidaying in the USA.

    “Figures like that clearly show that a few pence per day spent on decent travel insurance is money very well spent.

    “You might be exceptionally healthy – but that won’t stop you from needing treatment if for example, you have a bad bout of food poisoning; get sunburned; stung by a jellyfish; have a fall or be involved in a car collision.

    “That’s when you really would regret not being covered.”

    Key findings

    – holiday plans

    Definitely not taking a holiday overseas this year 21%
    May not take a holiday overseas this year 31%
    Can’t afford a holiday overseas this year 31%
    Skipping a holiday because of the economy 9%
    Decided to take a UK holiday instead 22%
    Other (family, work, aversion to travel overseas, ‘don’t know’) 34%

    – economy

    Economic situation has affected our travel plans this year 47%
    It has made us think about our holiday budget 42%
    Cutting back a little / a lot on what we spend 21% / 19%
    Completely rethinking our holiday plans 8%
    Other reasons 10%

    – insurance

    Not taking out travel insurance 24%
    Too expensive 22%
    Not really necessary 33%
    Have an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) 11%
    Healthy so don’t need it 9%
    Other 24%

    Research by One Poll, who interviewed 3,000 people between 19th and 23rd December 2010 for The AA.

    Source : The AA Press Release

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    Robert West, 52, leapt from the balcony of the Axa Centre, in Stoke Gifford, where he worked as an administrator, on 2 September last year. Many of his colleagues were on their lunch break and witnessed his fall.

    Dr Simon Fox, assistant deputy coroner for Avon, heard Mr West, of Henleaze, had a history of stress and depression. He recorded a verdict of suicide. Avon Coroner’s Court, in Flax Bourton, heard Mr West died of multiple injuries.

    Mr West had worked at Axa Sun Life since he was 18 but in 2009 he transferred to the outsourcing company Capita when it took over 3.2 million Axa life assurance and pension policies.

    At the time of his death he was working in Capita’s pensions servicing department. Jon Saunders, regional director for Capita, said a number of employees had been affected by Mr West’s death and counsellors had been brought in to meet staff.

    He said: “It was a very public event, unfortunately. The building is a bit like a shopping mall and it took place during the lunch period.

    “Many still remember Bob and their thoughts are very much with his family.”

    At the time of Mr West’s death it had been suggested that he was worried about the possibility of redundancy.

    The previous March, Capita announced it was making up to 100 redundancies from its 900-strong workforce at the Stoke Gifford site. However, Mr Saunders said the redundancy programme was something in the past and would not have worried Mr West at the time of his death.

    Source : BBC News

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    The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) has today welcomed the news that the new Continuous Insurance Enforcement regulations have been laid in Parliament.

    Under the new powers it will be an offence to keep an uninsured vehicle, rather than just to drive when uninsured.

    Graeme Trudgill,  BIBA’s Head of Corporate Affairs, explains: “A new system will be launched this spring that compares records on the Motor Insurance Database (MID) with those held on the DVLA Vehicle Database to indentify keepers of uninsured vehicles. “

    If vehicle keepers fail to insure, or submit a Statutory Off Road Notice (SORN), they could be liable to a fixed penalty of £100, prosecution with a fine of up to £1,000, and/or wheel clamping which could result in the seizure of their vehicle with the attendant costs.

    BIBA has been lobbying for the introduction of CIE since 2004 so is delighted that this new system will be introduced. It will create a fairer system for responsible motorists who pay an average £30 each year within their premiums to cover the costs of uninsured driving. It is estimated that uninsured and untraced drivers kill 160 people and injure 23,000 in the UK every year.

    Graeme concludes: “Motorists can check if they are insured at or should speak to their insurance broker for further guidance.”

    Source : BIBA Press Release

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    The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) has called on the Government to implement an eight point plan to reduce the spiralling cost of motor insurance.

    BIBA has submitted an eight point plan to the Transport Minister ahead of today’s Transport Select Committee inquiry second evidence session.  BIBA’s Head of Corporate Affairs, Graeme Trudgill, said: “There is no market failure. We believe that signposting customers, particularly young drivers, to a source of help is a vital part of the solution to access affordable insurance.”

    He added: “We think the key priorities for the Government should be to introduce Continuous Insurance Enforcement, implement changes to reduce the cost of bodily injury claims and importantly signpost customers to a source of help.

    “Signposting is an important solution at no cost to Government. There are key benefits to consumers, particularly those in the more vulnerable age groups. This will help more people find insurance, meaning fewer are left uninsured and unprotected.”

    BIBA submitted an eight point plan in writing to the committee and gave evidence at the first session of the Transport Select Committee inquiry in November.  BIBA believes its plan will help to tackle the increasing cost of insurance and recommends:

    1. Government must introduce Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE);
    2. Signpost people to a relevant broker where they can find competitive cover (particularly young or non-standard drivers);
    3. Regulate comparison sites to the appropriate standard;
    4. Review Pass Plus;
    5. Review the driving test;
    6. Engage with Lord Justice Jackson’s review of civil litigation costs;
    7. Refrain from any further increase in insurance premium tax; and
    8. Provide access to driving licence records.

    In BIBA’s formal written response, it outlined the reasons for the recent increases in the cost of motor insurance as claims inflation, reduced investment income of insurers, competition, commoditisation, insurer withdrawals, uninsured driving and fraudulent claims.

    Source : BIBA Press Release