Monday, September 23, 2024
Home Authors Posts by John Stewart

John Stewart

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Italy has seen its credit rating cut by ratings agency Standard & Poor’s from ‘A+’ to ‘A’, with a negative outlook.

The move is the rating agency’s first downgrade of the Eurozone’s third-largest economy since 2006. As for the reasons behind yesterday’s decision, S&P noted Italy’s “weakening economic prospects” and the difficulty of the “fragile governing coalition” being able to respond decisively to the debt crisis.

Moody’s also stated it would continue to review Italy’s finances, although ultimately we expect them to follow S&P’s lead and assign a lower credit rating to the country.

Though we remain very cautious across the fixed income markets of Europe’s southern periphery, especially Greece, Portugal and Ireland, we view the fundamental story for Italy as a little more constructive.

Compared to these peripheral countries, Italy’s fiscal position is more favourable, with relatively low levels of private indebtedness, and if the government successfully follows through on its plans for fiscal reform including, in full, the €60bn austerity programme which has recently been agreed by parliament, then this could go some way to achieving a balanced budget by 2013.

However, the task ahead for the Italian Government ought not to be underestimated. Current plans require measures of institutional reform, revenue expansion and cost cutting to an extent never before executed within this economy – there are sure to be both successes and failures along the way and the prospect remains for a period of heightened volatility across all Italian risk assets.

We do take some comfort from the European Central Bank continuing its buying programme of Italian (and Spanish) bonds though believe this is only a temporary measure ahead of the full ratification of the enlarged powers of the European Financial Stability Facility possibly in mid-October.

Source : S&P

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Risk Management Solutions (RMS) has issued a final Paradex index value of $2.82 billion for Hurricane Irene, of which 85% is attributed to residential losses. The value is based on Paradex U.S. Hurricane, an index used to approximate insured industry losses from wind and storm surge for U.S. hurricanes, and includes automobile, commercial, and residential modeled lines of business. Losses from rainfall-driven flood are excluded. Paradex estimates are used to support the objective and transparent placement of catastrophe risk in the insurance linked securities market.

The index incorporates observational data for Hurricane Irene from the WeatherFlow Hurricane Network, hardened weather stations specially designed to survive and record hurricane force winds. These stations captured the highest wind speed at 92.2 mph at the Fort Macon, North Carolina location. A total of 95 stations (around a quarter of which were WeatherFlow locations) recorded wind speeds of more than 50mph, and successfully gathered data along the path of Irene.

Last week, RMS released a U.S. insured industry loss estimate of between $2 and 4.5 billion for Hurricane Irene, excluding inland flood losses from heavy rainfall and all National Flood Insurance Program losses from surge and rain (with a further $0.5 – 1 billion for the Caribbean). RMS’ industry loss estimate takes into account additional drivers of loss not captured by the Paradex index, such as power outages and tree-fall damage, as well as an evaluation of observed damage from the event.

Source : RMS Press Release

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Rating agency Standard & Poor’s has revised D.A.S. Legal Expenses Insurance Co.’s outlook from negative to stable.  At the same time, the ‘A’ long term counterparty credit and insurer financial strength has been affirmed.

S&P expects DAS UK to report a net profit for 2011 in excess of £4 million. This is supported by improved underwriting performances and continued steady investment income from its highly conservative investment portfolio. Also, the revised outlook to stable from negative reflects S&P’s view that DAS UK will remain strategically important to its mother company Munich Re.

Standard & Poor’s report :

The ratings on DAS UK reflect its strategically important status to Munich Reinsurance group (Munich Re; main entities are rated AA-/Stable/–). Under Standard & Poor’s group rating methodology criteria, we factor three notches of parental support into our ratings on DAS UK for being a strategically important subsidiary. The ratings also reflect DAS UK’s good competitive position in the niche U.K. legal expenses insurance (LEI) market. These strengths are partially offset by the moderate level of capital held at the company, and the moderate but improving earnings track record.

DAS UK is wholly owned by D.A.S. Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-AG (DASG; A+/Stable/–), the European leader in legal expenses insurance. DAS UK’s strong working relationship with DASG provides expertise in key areas of the LEI business. In addition, the company has received capital injections from the parent, most recently in the first quarter of 2010, and has increased the significant reinsurance protection it receives from the group. In return, DAS UK provides DASG with a leading position in the U.K. LEI market, and DAS UK management has been selected to spearhead the group’s international expansion into Anglophone countries, such as Canada.

DAS UK is a leader in the LEI market with an estimated market share of approximately 20% in before-the-event (BTE) products. The robustness of the company’s competitive position in its key lines is highlighted by the success with which it has pushed through significant rate increases while maintaining high client retention, as well as sourcing a number of new programs. As a monoline and predominantly U.K.-dependent insurer, DAS UK lacks diversification and remains susceptible to changing regulation. The strength of DAS UK’s distribution and relationship with clients gives it a defendable position.

Capitalization remains a relative weakness for DAS UK in our view. Capital adequacy deteriorated for 2009 as a result of the operating loss. At the beginning of 2010, DASG injected extra capital of £3 million into DAS UK. An improvement in DAS UK’s capitalization is likely over the next two years in our view; however, due to its capital strategy, any unexpected losses could result in capital adequacy pressures.

DAS UK has reported an underwriting loss every year from 2003 onward, but a net profit for each year except 2009 and 2010. Dividends have not been paid since 2008. The difficulties faced by the company and its competitors in 2009 reflected an increase in claims frequency due to the deterioration in the economic environment, especially unemployment. We understand that the implementation of significant price increases and actions to reduce claims costs are having a positive effect, and the underwriting result is already much improved (in the first half of 2011, the underwriting loss decreased by £4.5 million).

The stable outlook reflects our view that DAS UK will remain strategically important to its ultimate parent, Munich Reinsurance Co. (AA-/Stable/–). Any change in this view could lead us to change the ratings on DAS UK. In addition, we expect the company to report a net profit for 2011 in excess of £4 million (which should increase in 2012), driven by an improved, break-even underwriting performance and continued steady investment income from its highly conservative investment portfolio. This, in turn, should result in a steady increase in its capital adequacy over the next two years. However, without a significant improvement in its pension fund deficit (held on the balance sheet of a related service company), the ratio is likely to remain a relative rating weakness.

We do not expect to raise the rating over the rating horizon. However, a downgrade could occur if DAS UK’s underwriting performance does not recover sufficiently, or if investment strategies become significantly less risk-averse, both of which would likely impede improvement in its capital adequacy.

Source : S&P

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Funds held in secret Swiss bank accounts will be subject to taxation as per an agreement signed by Switzerland and Germany.

Swiss Finance Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf and her German counterpart Wolfgang Schaeuble will present the agreement, which could provide the basis for similar deals with other European countries, at a press conference in Berlin, it said.

The deal, the framework of which was reached in August, is expected to require Swiss banks to pay the German fiscal authorities a withholding tax of between 19% and 34% on the funds they hold, in exchange for an amnesty for the account holders.

The terms of the agreement are still to be published and approved by both countries’ parliaments.

Zurich, September 19, 2011 (Dow Jones)

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Cinven, the private equity house, could be mulling over the sale of one of its insurance divisions, Partnership Assurance, after receiving several offers for the firm.

Partnership provides a range of insurance products, including life cover, long-term care plans and pensions and was purchased three years ago by Cinven for £174.79 million. Cinven has now reportedly received some offers for the firm and a deal could go ahead in 2013, according to reports.

The private equity firm is thought to be looking at a number of banks, including Lexicon Partners, Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley for appointment as adviser on the possible sale of the insurer, which reported a £35.39 million pre-tax profit lat year. This was up 27 per cent from the year before. The firm attributes its recent success to its increased retirement sales and equity release business.

As the population continues to age, more people are looking into ways to pay for their care in later life, and Partnership therefore claims the equity release market will expand.

Cinven has bought several other insurers in recent times, including Netherlands-based Aegon’s UK arm, Guardian Life, for £275 million.

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Tim Coles, Chief Executive of Howden Broker Group, has been appointed new Chairman of BIBA’s London Market Region Committee (LMRC) with immediate effect.

Tim succeeds Ken Davidson, Chairman of Crispin Speers & Partners Ltd, and will lead the committee which represents the interests of BIBA’s London market membership.  Ken, who was instrumental in leading the LMRC through its first two years, will remain on the committee.

Tim Coles, Howden’s Chief Executive, said: “I’m delighted to take up the reins of the LMRC. We will continue to represent BIBA’s London market members and influence BIBA’s industry and lobbying initiatives.

“As an industry we face myriad issues and changes arising from the current economic and regulatory environment.  As Chairman of the LMRC my priority will be to seek engagement from the BIBA membership and wider broking community in order that, together, we ensure the best possible outcomes for the industry.”

Eric Galbraith, BIBA Chief Executive, said: “It has been a pleasure working with Ken and I would like to thank him for leading LMRC and for his guidance over the last two years. I am delighted Tim has accepted the chairmanship position and I look forward to working with him.”

Ken Davidson, outgoing Chairman of the LMRC, said: “I am delighted to have been involved from the very beginning of LMRC and to see it prosper. I am confident in handing over to Tim who is a well respected market practitioner.”

Tim joined Howden, part of the Hyperion Insurance Group in February 2002 as Director of Marketing.  He soon established and became Managing Director of Howden Risk Partners, a division specialising in the provision of management liability products to the investment industry.  Tim became CEO of Howden Insurance Brokers with responsibility for the UK retail business and the global wholesale and reinsurance operations in 2006. He took the reins as CEO of Howden Broking Group in January 2010.

Source : BIBA


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According to new research provided by comparison website, one in four people are using more than 40 per cent their wages to pay off mortgage each month. In other words, Brits only have little left to face rising bills and cost of life.

The research showed the average amount of monthly debt per person is £322, a whopping 25 per cent of the average monthly income for a UK adult, which stands at £1,288. The research also found eight per cent of people said they spent over 80 per cent of their wages repaying debt, highlighting how stretched the nation’s finances are at the moment. Men hold a greater proportion of personal debt (excluding mortgage) of £7,944 on average, when compared to women who owe over one thousand pounds less at £6,739, fifteen per cent less than their male counterparts.

Tim Moss, head of loans and debt at  said: “With the cost of living continuing to rise, consumers are feeling the squeeze on their wallets more than ever. It’s therefore worrying to see such a high number of people needing to use so much of their income just to service existing debt. However, making the most of every pound really does count when it comes to the end of the month, and it’s vital that those needing to repay debt are doing so using the best method.

“For someone with credit card debt, it is vital regular monthly payments are maintained, as a late or missing a payment could result in being charged fees or losing any promotional rates. Setting up a direct debit helps consumers avoid missing payments and forking out significantly more than expected in interest payments and fees.”

The research found that Londoners have the highest amount of personal debt in the UK, owing £8,478 on average, compared to those in Yorks & Humber, who owe £5,796. However, those in London only use 22 per cent of their wages on average in paying off this debt, while Yorks & Humber dip into 28 per cent of their wages to repay debt.

Tim Moss continued: “Consolidating debt payments can be a useful process for stretched consumers, either through a credit card or a personal loan, depending on their situation. Interest free balance transfer cards work well for those transferring borrowing smaller amounts, and are confident they can pay back the balance within the promotional period. Barclaycard for example offers 22 months interest free on balance transfers on its Platinum Credit Card – great for those looking for some financial flexibility and reduce their outgoings.

“Personal loans are also good alternative option as they offer a fixed monthly repayment amount over a fixed term. There are plenty of competitive options available at the moment, including Alliance & Leicester and Sainsbury’s Finance personal loans, which have a current headline rate of 6.3 per cent for borrowing over £7,500, over a period of five years. However, the best credit card and loan deals are generally reserved for those customers with a good credit rating so it is worth checking your credit file before you apply.

“The golden rule for consumers is not to borrow money unless it is absolutely necessary. Anyone feeling the pinch needs to go through their finances making sure monthly outgoings are covered by what’s coming in each month. For those seriously struggling to keep up with payments, I would advise seeking debt advice from one of the free debt advice charities who can help them get their finances back on track. “

Source :

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The region of Sikkim in India was struck by a magnitude 6.9 (moment magnitude) earthquake on Sunday. The USGS have released a depth estimate of 12.2 miles (and an epicentral location approximately 42 miles northwest of Gangtok, Sikkim, India; 169 miles east of Kathmandu, Nepal; and 355 miles north of Calcutta, West Bengal, India. The earthquake was felt as far away as New Delhi, India, where thousands of people evacuated their homes.

According to the USGS ShakeMap, the maximum intensity ground shaking near the epicenter was VII (‘strong ‘) on the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale, which has the potential to cause moderate to heavy damage to vulnerable structures. According to the USGS PAGER, over 200,000 people were exposed to such shaking, with a further 1.6 million people exposed to intensity VI shaking, including the cities of Shiliguri and Gangtok, India.

The earthquake occurred near the border of Nepal and the Tibetan region, and at least 38 fatalities and over 100 injuries have been reported: 26 of the fatalities have been reported from India, 5 in Nepal and 7 in Tibet. Several buildings are reported to have partially or fully collapsed contributing to the death toll, with large cracks reported in several other buildings. Roads in the region have also reportedly suffered varying degrees of damage. Heavy rainfall and landslides are hampering rescue efforts in the region.

Source : RMS


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Fitch Ratings has affirmed short term and long term issuer default ratings (IRDs) for ING Group on Rating Watch Negative.

ING Group, the group holding company, has two main subsidiaries: ING Bank N.V., which operates most of the group’s banking business and INGV, which runs most of the insurance activities. ING Bank N.V.’s ratings are unaffected by today’s rating action. A full rating breakdown is at the end of this comment.

Fitch also upgraded ING Group’s USD1bn variable rate callable subordinated perpetual preference shares (ISIN US456837AC74) to ‘BB+’ from ‘BB’ to reflect the improved performance of the bank and the insurance company and hence the reduced likelihood of coupon deferral. The restructuring plan agreed with the European Commission (EC) in Q409 does not require ING Group to defer coupons on hybrid instruments or to seek approval from the EC for the payment of coupons on its hybrids. Nonetheless, the rating takes into account the relatively high double leverage at the holding company level, which would indicate higher risk than had they been issued by the bank.

ING Group’s IDRs, senior debt ratings, Support Rating and Support Rating Floor continue to reflect potential support from the Dutch state. Support for the group during the financial crisis has been provided via ING Group. Nonetheless, ING Group’s IDR is one notch lower than ING Bank N.V’s IDR (also support driven) to acknowledge the possibility that future support – should it ever be needed – could be provided directly to ING Bank N.V., rather than via the group.

The rating actions on INGV and its subsidiaries continue to reflect the uncertainty on its prospective ownership structure following ING Group’s announcement that it intends to dispose its insurance operations by end-2013. The RWN also reflects the uncertainties that the sale will generate with respect to the franchise and business position of ING’s insurance operations. Following the sale, the insurance operations will no longer benefit from being part of a large bank-insurance organisation and, as such, will see reduced diversification of risk and business as well as less financial flexibility.

Fitch will resolve the RWN once the disposal is finalised and INGV’s new shareholding structure has been put in place.

INGV’s ratings continue to reflect its strong business positions and geographic diversification. Capital adequacy is in line with the current ratings and Fitch expects debt leverage to reduce in the near future due to accumulated earnings and the proceeds from the disposal of Latin American insurance operations which should both be retained by INGV.

Fitch has also upgraded INGV’s hybrid capital to ‘BB+’ from ‘B+’ to reflect the improved performance of insurance operations and the progress made by the group in paying back the financial support received from the Dutch government. As in the case of the holding company, INGV’s hybrids rating reflects the remaining execution risk related to the restructuring plan filed with the EC.

Once the insurance companies have been divested, ING Group is expected to reduce the double leverage held at the holding company level and will become progressively more of a pure bank holding company rather than a bank-insurance holding company.

Source : Fitch Ratings

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Join Fitch Ratings at its annual Insurance Roadshow to hear about the opportunities and challenges facing the European and US Insurance sectors. Fitch’s senior analysts will be joined by leading figures from the Insurance market to discuss the key issues.

This event will take place in Amsterdam on Thursday 6th October. This event is free of charge to attend but pre-registration is required. Please use the button below to register.


Paris Tuesday October 4, 2011 :  Register / View event page

– Venue : Salons Hoche : 9, avenue Hoche, Paris 75008 France (08:30 am – 11:50 am)

Frankfurt Wednesday October 5, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Fitch Ratings Office Frankfurt : Taunusanlage 17 Frankfurt D-60325 Germany (9:00 am – 1.00 pm)

Amsterdam Thursday Octobre 6, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Hilton Amsterdam : Apollolaan 138, Amsterdam 1077 BG Netherlands (8.30 am – 12.00 am)

London Friday October 7, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Willis Building, 51 Lime Street, London (8.30 am- 12.30 am)

Milan Wednesday October 26, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Four Seasons Hotel, Via Gesù, 6/8, Milan 20121 Italy

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Join Fitch Ratings at its annual Insurance Roadshow to hear about the opportunities and challenges facing the European and US Insurance sectors. Fitch’s senior analysts will be joined by leading figures from the Insurance market to discuss the key issues.

This event is free of charge to attend but pre-registration is required. Please use the button below to register.


Key speakers London :

– Chris Waterman, Managing Director & Head of EMEA Insurance

– Clara Hughes, Director

– David Prowse, Senior Director

– Keith M. Buckley, Group Managing Director

– Martyn Street, Director

– Harish Gohil, Managing Director

– David Gittings, CEO, LMA Lloyds

– John Muir, Senior Partner, Willis

– Chris Hitchings, Senior VP, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Ltd

– David Harris, Chief Operating Officer, Amlin Underwriting Ltd

– Federico Faccio, Senior Director


Paris Tuesday October 4, 2011 :  Register / View event page

– Venue : Salons Hoche : 9, avenue Hoche, Paris 75008 France (08:30 am – 11:50 am)

Frankfurt Wednesday October 5, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Fitch Ratings Office Frankfurt : Taunusanlage 17 Frankfurt D-60325 Germany (9:00 am – 1.00 pm)

Amsterdam Thursday Octobre 6, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Hilton Amsterdam : Apollolaan 138, Amsterdam 1077 BG Netherlands (8.30 am – 12.00 am)

London Friday October 7, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Willis Building, 51 Lime Street, London (8.30 am- 12.30 am)

Milan Wednesday October 26, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Four Seasons Hotel, Via Gesù, 6/8, Milan 20121 Italy


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Join Fitch Ratings at its annual Insurance Roadshow to hear about the opportunities and challenges facing the European and US Insurance sectors. Fitch’s senior analysts will be joined by leading figures from the Insurance market to discuss the key issues.

This event will take place in Amsterdam on Thursday 6th October. This event is free of charge to attend but pre-registration is required. Please use the button below to register.

Key speakers Amsterdam :

– Chris Waterman, Managing Director & Head of EMEA Insurance

– Clara Hughes, Director

– David Prowse, Senior Director

– Keith M. Buckley, Group Managing Director

– Martyn Street, Director


Paris Tuesday October 4, 2011 :  Register / View event page

– Venue : Salons Hoche : 9, avenue Hoche, Paris 75008 France (08:30 am – 11:50 am)

Frankfurt Wednesday October 5, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Fitch Ratings Office Frankfurt : Taunusanlage 17 Frankfurt D-60325 Germany (9:00 am – 1.00 pm)

Amsterdam Thursday Octobre 6, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Hilton Amsterdam : Apollolaan 138, Amsterdam 1077 BG Netherlands (8.30 am – 12.00 am)

London Friday October 7, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Willis Building, 51 Lime Street, London (8.30 am- 12.30 am)

Milan Wednesday October 26, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Four Seasons Hotel, Via Gesù, 6/8, Milan 20121 Italy


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Fitch Ratings is hosting a series of road shows in Europe on the opportunities and challenges facing the European and US insurance sectors.

Fitch’s senior analysts will be joined by leading figures from the Insurance market to discuss the key issues.

Featured Topics in Frankfurt :

– German Life Insurance

– German Non Life Insurance

– Reinsurance

– Solvency II

– Insurance Hybrid Debt

– Insurance-Linked Securities

Speakers in Frankfurt :

– Dr. Stephan Kalb, Senior Director

– Dr. Christoph Schmitt, Director

– Keith M. Buckley, Group Managing Director

– Martyn Street, Director

– Clara Hughes, Director


Paris Tuesday October 4, 2011 :  Register / View event page

– Venue : Salons Hoche : 9, avenue Hoche, Paris 75008 France (08:30 am – 11:50 am)

Frankfurt Wednesday October 5, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Fitch Ratings Office Frankfurt : Taunusanlage 17 Frankfurt D-60325 Germany (9:00 am – 1.00 pm)

Amsterdam Thursday Octobre 6, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Hilton Amsterdam : Apollolaan 138, Amsterdam 1077 BG Netherlands (8.30 am – 12.00 am)

London Friday October 7, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Willis Building, 51 Lime Street, London (8.30 am- 12.30 am)

Milan Wednesday October 26, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Four Seasons Hotel, Via Gesù, 6/8, Milan 20121 Italy

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Fitch Ratings is hosting a series of road shows in Europe on the opportunities and challenges facing the European and US insurance sectors.

Fitch’s senior analysts will be joined by leading figures from the Insurance market to discuss the key issues.

Featured Topics in Paris :

– Solvency II

– French Life Insurance

– French Non-Life Insurance

– US Insurance

– Insurance Hybrid Debt

– Reinsurance

Key speakers in Paris :

– Keith M. Buckley, Group Managing Director

– Chris Waterman, Managing Director & Head of EMEA Insurance

– Marc-Philippe Juilliard, Senior Director

– Clara Hughes, Director

– Martyn Street, Director


Paris Tuesday October 4, 2011 :  Register / View event page

– Venue : Salons Hoche : 9, avenue Hoche, Paris 75008 France (08:30 am – 11:50 am)

Frankfurt Wednesday October 5, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Fitch Ratings Office Frankfurt : Taunusanlage 17 Frankfurt D-60325 Germany
(9:00 am – 1.00 pm)

Amsterdam Thursday Octobre 6, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Hilton Amsterdam : Apollolaan 138, Amsterdam 1077 BG Netherlands (8.30 am – 12.00 am)

London Friday October 7, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Willis Building, 51 Lime Street, London EC3M 7DQ UK (8.30 am- 12.30 am)

Milan Wednesday October 26, 2011 : Register / View event page

– Venue : Four Seasons Hotel, Via Gesù, 6/8, Milan 20121 Italy




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Singapore based Whittington Group has reached a definitive agreement to sell its London businesses to a  consortium, comprising Tawa Plc, Skuld, and Paraline Group, Ltd.

The consortium will acquire Whittington Insurance Markets Limited (WIM) and its subsidiaries, including Whittington Capital Management Limited. The transaction is subject to the approvals of Lloyd’s and the FSA and is expected to close before the end of the year.

Anthony Hobrow, Chief Executive of Whittington Group, said today :  “ I am delighted that this sale has been successfully concluded and that Whittington Insurance Markets is being acquired by professional insurance  investors that have the finance, resources and knowledge to offer our staff and clients a secure future in an expanding  business .”

He added : “Our group’s focus has, for some time, been on developing our businesses in Asia and the sale of WIM in London will enable us to accelerate our ambitions in the region and focus our energies on the Asian insurance markets.  This marks the end of eighteen years in the London Market for Whittington Group and we thank our dedicated people and loyal clients for making WIM the attractive business that has it has become.”

Singapore became Whittington Group’s headquarters in 2006. Its largest project to date was the launch in June 2010 of in Singapore, an online personal lines insurer.

 “There are plans to expand the brand into other markets in the region and the sale of our London business will certainly give our Asia operations an added impetus” Mr Hobrow added.

Source : Whittington Group

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The emergence of bacteria resistant to antibiotics and efforts by scientists trying to cope with the problem top the agenda at a medical convention in Chicago.

“The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria worldwide is clearly the hot topic because one can observe bacteria becoming more resistant everywhere,” and more frequently outside of hospitals, said Doctor Laurent Poirel, a specialist in infectious diseases at Kremlin-Bicetre Hospital near Paris.

Many studies of such bacteria are presented to the 51st convention of the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), which brought together 9,000 participants, including 6,000 researchers from around the world.

“If we do not do something soon, we will lose the war against microbial resistance, which would pave the way to the next pandemic,” warned Doctor Jean Cardet, consultant to the World Health Organization, which in April launched an initiative against it, advocating moderate use of antibiotics.   Cardet cited the E.coli bacteria responsible for the deaths of 51 people this year in Europe, especially in Germany, where it displayed super-resistance.

It was similar to the super-bacteria that last year came from India and was named NDM-1.

In fact, the bacteria had a gene that produces an enzyme capable of destroying antibiotics, a mechanism that is now observed in other microbes. Speaking to AFP in Chicago, Doctor Cardet cautioned that it was important to make a distinction between bacteria known as Gram-positive such as golden staphylococcus and Gram-negative, such as E.coli, salmonella and pseudomonas. The latter account for 60 percent of all infections and have been the pathogens against which the “current arsenal of antibiotics has had the greatest difficulty coping.”

They are responsible for most hospital-acquired lung infections as well as  those of blood and the urinary tract.

Efforts to make hospitals cleaner and the use of special new antibiotics against Gram-positive bacteria such as golden staphylococcus have helped reduce the number of cases involving drug-resistant bacteria, particularly in France, noted Cardet.

Gram was the name of a Danish scientist who developed this bacteria-fighting technique in the late 19th century. It refers to a process of membrane staining in bacteria to distinguish them. Gram-negative bacteria have a thicker membrane and are therefore more resistant.

“Gram-negative bacteria are becoming highly resistant, resistant to multiple antibiotic classes,” Doctor Karen Bush from the University of Indiana at Bloomington told a news conference.  But she also noted that scientists had found “many newer types of compounds … targeting the novel anti-bacterial enzymes.”

Bush also pointed out that pharmaceutical companies were becoming “more interested in early stage drug discovery.”

“There is also cooperation between academic scientists and government scientists,” she said.

The company Cubist Pharmaceuticals in Boston has been at the forefront of the fight against Gram-negative bacteria in contrast to other major laboratories that believe this area of science has low profit margins.

In August, the firm conducted its final test of the antibiotic CXA-201 that targets Gram-negative bacteria.

Chicago, Sept 18, 2011 (AFP)

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Martin Campbell has been appointed Head of Channel Syndicate LLP’s Financial Lines Division.

Martin has worked in the London Market for over 20 years and has built a Financial Lines  account at previous stages of his career. Martin will be joined during September by Roger Millgate, an experienced Professional Indemnity Underwiter,  and further members  will be joining the team shortly.

Tom Corfield, Active Underwriter of The Channel Syndicate said “We are  pleased to welcome Martin and Roger to the Syndicate to set up the Financial Lines Division.  Both  have a wealth of experience which will be extremely valuable as we build up our portfolio”.  The syndicate will be underwriting the full suite of Financial Institutions, Professional Indemnity and Management Liability products.

Source : The Channel Syndicat

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Aon Risk Solutions announced its first in-depth piracy report for ship owners worldwide. Using piracy data from 2009 to 2011, Aon Risk Solutions announces its first in depth piracy report for ship owners. This report, collated by Aon’s specialist Kidnap and Ransom Practice, allows to better manage the exposure to piracy by clarifying the trends in regional and seasonal Somali piracy activity.

Nearing the end of the monsoon season, a time when an increase of seasonal piracy activity is often seen, the update gives both commercial and private ship owners comprehensive insight into piracy risk and insurance and, in addition to a review of emerging piracy threats on the west coast, it also provides an analysis of piracy activity in four key risk zones off the east coast of Africa.

Aon’s analysis confirms an increase in overall piracy activity while it reveals a general decline in successful attacks on vessels over the last year. The update explains a shift in regional activity, which has been attributed to an increase in anti-piracy measures. The most notable shift has been seen in the Gulf of Aden, historically a piracy hotspot, to the Arabian Sea, which has experienced a 267 percent increase of attacks year on year.

“This report has been produced to support ship owners in understanding the risks of piracy and how they can best mitigate and transfer those risks. Our team has many years of experience dealing with kidnap and ransom risks and, more recently, experience with the risks of piracy. While there has been no shortage of anecdotal accounts in recent years, access to fact-based data removes the speculation and supposition associated with activity in high-risk areas,” Clive Stoddart, Aon Risk Solutions’ global head of Kidnap and Ransom said. “Our clients benefit from the use of this data as we give credence to insurers’ requests to verify their statistical analysis. The report is also designed to clarify key elements of cover and key issues in Marine K&R policies.”

Source : Aon Risk Solutions

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To help employers prepare for the new regulation which will come into effect in October 2012, Friends Life has launched a ten-point automatic enrolment checklist.

Martin Palmer, head of corporate benefits marketing at Friends Life, said:

“It’s important that employers start thinking about how they will manage auto-enrolment well in advance of when it goes live. Making sure there is a qualifying scheme in place and ensuring reporting and compliance regulations are met will require careful planning and preparation, but by starting early the new obligations can be smoothly managed.

“By getting on the front foot with preparations businesses can set themselves apart when it comes to pension provision and ensure their scheme is a real badge of honour. Having a workforce that is positive about saving for the future can only be a good thing when it comes to employee engagement and this is an exciting time to show employees how much they are valued.

“We know that such a big change can prove daunting but by breaking it down into simple steps and starting early there is absolutely no need for employers to feel panicked or overwhelmed. We hope that our ten point plan shows how straightforward it is to get started.”

Friends Life’s top ten steps to getting ready for reform:

  1. Set the stage. Each employer will be given a staging date at which point their auto-enrolment obligations begin. This could be from 1 October 2012 to 1 February 2016 depending on the size of the PAYE scheme. Employers who don’t know what their staging date is should find this out as a first step
  2. Get familiar. The reforms are far reaching and detailed. Employers should take some time to get themselves up to speed, and keep up to date with the latest developments as more changes are introduced.
  3. Know your workforce. Workers fall into three categories: eligible jobholders – who are enrolled automatically; non eligible jobholders – who can chose to opt into the automatic enrolment process and entitled workers – who have a right to join a company pension scheme, although not to receive an employer contribution. Knowing how employees fit into these categories is essential to gauge the impact on the business.
  4. Calculate the cost. Contribution levels, which are being staggered to smooth the financial implications on employers are not the only costs associated with auto-enrolment. The cost of resource, time and implementing systems and procedures also need to be taken into consideration.
  5. Set up a scheme. Companies which already have a pension scheme in place will need to check that it meets the qualifying criteria. Where a company doesn’t have an existing scheme they’ll need to set up a private occupational or personal pension scheme or sign up to the government system, the National Employment Savings Trust.
  6. Build a team. The size of a company will affect the human resources required, but it’s important to ensure there is someone in place to cover all bases, including administering the scheme, arranging contributions, automatically enrolling staff, implementing systems and meeting legal and compliance duties.
  7. Communicate change. Most people will be unaware of the upcoming changes and there are strict guidelines around communications to employees that need to be met. Keeping staff informed and up to date is essential.
  8. Prepare systems and procedures. Putting efficient and effective systems into place will help smooth the transition to auto-enrolment. It will simplify processes and provide ready access to information for compliance and reporting.
  9. Don’t go it alone. The scale of reform and tight deadlines can be overwhelming so seek professional advice (i.e. from your provider and/or adviser) to ease the pressure of organising a qualifying scheme and to ensure all requirements are met.
  10. Think differently. Whilst these reforms mean a lot of change there are a huge range of benefits that come from having a positive workforce which is engaged with saving and better prepared for their future. Employers can use this as an opportunity to set their scheme apart and pension provision can become a badge of honour and testament to the quality of the business.

Source : Friends Life

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Fitch Ratings has placed Irish Life Assurance’s ratings on Rating Watch Evolving. These include the company’s IFS, IDR and subordinated debt rating.

The rating action reflects the pending disposal of the insurance company, which is the main insurance subsidiary of bancassurer Irish Life & Permanent Plc (ILP; Support Rating ‘2’, Viability Rating ‘ccc’, Individual Rating ‘E’).

Following a review by the Irish regulatory authorities of ILP’s capital position, which required it to raise EUR4bn in additional capital, a high court order ruled that the bank commence disposal of its insurance subsidiaries by 31 October 2011. Irish Life is due to be sold through an initial public offering (IPO) or sale to a private entity.

Fitch expects to resolve the RWE when an agreement for the sale of Irish Life is announced. If Irish Life is sold to a stronger parent, most likely to be located outside Ireland, then the rating is likely to be upgraded. If the sale is to a weaker parent or weakens the insurance company, Fitch would expect to downgrade the rating. If the company is sold by means of an IPO, the rating is unlikely to be affected.

Irish Life’s ratings continue to reflect the positive rating factors of its strong standalone capitalisation (regulatory solvency ratio of 175% at end-2010), comparatively low-risk business (94% of Irish Life’s products are unit-linked, where the investment risk is borne by the policyholder) and strong market position (c. 30% share of the Irish life insurance market). It reported a net profit of EUR4m for H111 and EUR143m for 2010 and has a total embedded value of EUR1.6bn. However, in view of Irish Life’s weak operating environment, Fitch expects profit margins and earnings to remain under pressure for several years.

Irish Life’s ratings reflect the strong link between its business and the Irish economy. The Irish sovereign’s rating is ‘BBB+’/Negative. Irish Life’s ratings could be downgraded if the macro-economic environment has a greater than expected impact on persistency or new business, or if the company does not remain profitable. The impact of the Irish government’s austerity package, high unemployment, reduced consumer confidence and lower than expected GDP could trigger higher policyholder lapse rates and lower sales volumes, threatening Irish Life’s profitability.

Irish Life is exposed to the Irish sovereign through material shareholder exposure (relative to regulatory capital) to Irish government debt. Any further downgrade to the sovereign rating may result in a downgrade of Irish Life. However, Fitch notes that sovereign exposure is unlikely to directly decrease security for policyholders of unit-linked policies, which form 94% of the business measured by reserves.

Source : Fitch Ratings