With all of the upcoming changes happening in health care, health insurance companies must stay competitive. Aetna Health Insurance will need to pay close attention to all of the changes in order to compete with government health care. There have been many rumors along the lines of health insurance companies being obsolete when the health system is socialized. This of course is false. Other factors might even increase the business of health insurance companies. None is sure what will happen with abortion coverage and Medicare changes. A company can take advantage of the uncertainty around those issues and offer what the government cannot.
Aetna Health Insurance is in absolutely no danger of the United States choosing socialized medicine. This is a terrible rumor that has been spread recently in the upcoming debates on health care. The government does need to step in and help the country with the current system however. There are many hospitals that are not as good as other hospitals. There are also people who because of preexisting illness cannot get health insurance at all. These are huge issues that must be addressed. What is actually being proposed is that the government is going to heavily regulate the health care system. It is exactly the same way that the government regulates the airlines. Aetna Health Insurance under the new plan would just need to follow the new regulations, and would not be threatened in any way.
Another worry that people have is around abortion rights. Conservatives are worried that taxpayer money will go towards abortions and feminists are worried that the government will be deciding things about a woman’s body. This issue however has not been decided on at all yet. Aetna Health Insurance though can decide a lot easier as to what the company’s policies are. If they want more of the conservative market then they can refuse to cover any abortions. If they want a more liberal market, then they can choose to cover all abortions. They could even have some plans with abortion coverage and some plans without. Aetna Health Insurance will have a much easier time deciding policy than the government ever will on abortion.
Another hot issue right now is around what will happen with Medicare. There is a rumor that Medicare will be cut in the new bill. This is completely wrong. What is happening is that it is being reviewed. It has been found that certain programs that Medicare offers are worthless and expensive. These are the things that are being cut. People are worried also that maybe something they absolutely need, will be cut. This is where an insurance company, like Aetna Health Insurance, can come in. Aetna Health Insurance can then offer those programs that were cut.